My story takes place during season 5, episode 10. I've used several of the lines from that episode in this chapter, but the rest of the story is only my imagination.

I've just found it on my laptop yestarday. I intended to organised my folders and I found this too. Hope you like it.

The kindness of strangers

Merlin was wounded, but Finna helped him to go to the tower. It hadn't been an easy fight, Morgana was looking for them and one of her men had succeeded to hurt him.

"How do you know this tower?" He enquired.

"When you've spent a lifetime running, you know all the places to hide." The answer made him feel guilty, but he spoke up his fears.

"Running from... Arthur?"

"And from his father before him.'' it was the answer he received.

The pain was horrible and Merlin couldn't hold back a groan.

"It won't always be like this. Things will be better.'' Merlin promised, but he wasn't ready for her answer

"That's why I was sent. To help you make it so."

They heard dogs barking in the distance. Morgana was close. Finna helps Merlin to a room and bolted the door. They were safe there, at least for the moment.

"Why are you doing this for me?'' Merlin wanted to know.

"Without you, Emrys, Arthur cannot build the new world we all long for."

''I don't understand.''

"For hundreds of years the Catha have guarded their ancient knowledge. But now the time has come to pass it on to you, Emrys. For only you can carry their hopes into the great battle itself."

''How can I do that?''

Finna passes Merlin a small wooden box as she said.

" Here. Guard it carefully. It will help you in the dark days to come."

Merlin thanked her, but he could hear Morgana approached.

Morgana and her men approach the watchtower

"I want her taken alive. Do you understand? Alive!" she shouted.

"There's something else. Something Alator himself wanted me to tell you. Do not make the same mistake as Arthur. Do not trust the Druid boy.'' Finna went on.

They heard crashing outside the room they were hiding in. Finna helped Merlin up more steps to the room at the top of the tower.

''You must go on.'' She demanded.

"There is nowhere else to go.''

''There is a roof. You will be safe there.''


''They think I am alone. Once they have me they will go.''

''I won't leave you Finna. We'll fight them together.''

''No. If Morgana sees us together she will know who you are. That must never happen.''

''Finna please...'' he begged

''It is my destiny, Emrys to serve you until the end. I could wish for nothing more. Grant me one favour.''


''Leave me your sword.'' as he went away she bowed to Merlin and told him ''It has been a privilege to know you, Emrys." He went away, crawling to the top.

Morgana entered the room followed by Beroun and his men.

"Finna, at last. I'm impressed. At your age, it's very spirited."

''Stay away!'' she demanded, but the high priestess didn't seemed intimidated.

'But with age comes wisdom. It's over. Tell me who Emrys is.''

"Never.'' Finna answered confident. She was ready to stab herself when she saw the guard falling to the ground." Emrys" she muttered.

"Emrys'' Morgana shouted "Show yourself.''She cried trying to conceal her fear. It wasn't supposed to happen like that. She had never foreseen that he would wait for her. Every nerve cried ,he is your doom″, but the witch ignored that bad feeling. She was the High Priestess, after all, she was afraid of none. Morgana raised her hand in order to attack him, but her hand fell down like a petty rag. It was like she needed strength she did not posses and the witch could not control it. She couldn't say or do was no more air in her lungs and Morgana struggled to breath. Finally, her sight went blur and she passed out.

"Not yet, Morgana." He stepped forward. His voice rang out, strong and alarming, his eyes widen and harden till they turned into two burning globes. It was like his fury had surpassed the pain his former wound had caused and gave him the strength he did not know he possessed. But she could not distinguish the form that stood in front of her. she gasped desperately, struggling desperately to get some air and then she fell down at his feet.

Once again, she had threatened someone he cared about. Well he didn't know Fina well enough, but her motherly figure had conquered his heart from the start. Fina had helped, she trusted him, she was willing to die for him. He couldn't have left her to sacrifice herself. Too many had had to sacrifice their lives. It had to stop. Merlin felt responsible for the confidence all those people had shown him, he felt that it was his duty to protect them. He regretted that it was too late for Alator.

"Do you think he is still alive?" he asked. Finna looked at him confused, but she did not need toasked as he went on "Alator. Do you think he is still alive?" She could distinguish pain in his voice.

"It was his duty to save you, My Lord" she said solemnly. He threw her a faint smile and then his face darkened.

"I wished" he stated "I wish he had seen the world he dreamt about. The world Arthur will build one day. I wish he had known what peace means."

"He had seen it." Merlin couldn't understand. The sadness did not disappear completely, but his features lit at the thought of it. "Now it's time to make it real"

"I will" he swore and his words fell like a solemn oath. Then he turned his eyes towards the form that lay at his feet. The fury burst out more powerfully now and the warlock felt it was his duty to revenge Alator's death.

He raised his hand, decided to put an end to all that bloodshed, but his lips refused to mutter the words. He felt paralyzed. Deep down he knew that she was fighting for the same ideal as him, they wanted the same thing, just they had chosen different paths and it seemed like none of them had made the right choice so far. Long before he had sworn he would never be like her, but in that instant he was just like her: revengeful, full of hatred and bitterness.

He dropped his hand while his eyes studied the room. Finally he found what he had been looking for and his eyes stopped on a rope hanging on the wall. In less than a second it was at his feet, but as his fury diminished the pain grew and he felt that his strength would leave him soon.

"Will you help me?" he asked Finna. "This wound is horrible'' He added. ''She will awake pretty soon and I can't let her escape, not this time.'' They fastened Morgana's arms and legs with that rope which he enchanted not to break.

"I thought you're gone."

"I never listen. I'm sorry, Finna, but I don't do that." She watched him proudly. He was more that she expected to find. "Too many people have died. I'm sorry for your master.''

"What you're going to do with her?'' she enquired while securing her fastening.

"I don't know. " He could hardly move. "I know someone that could help me. Will you handle with her?" she nodded. '' The others are dead, don't worry about them. I will come as fast as I can, but I need to recover my strength. I can take off her powers for a while, but I can't do it in my state. Just keep her asleep until I come back."

"Don't worry, Emrys. I knew a spell that might work. Be careful.''

He summoned the dragon as he had used to do before. He was happy that he hadn't let Finna alone. Morgana was dangerous, he knew that, but his magic was strong too. He had to take off her power. As he was thinking of that he noticed the Great Dragon approaching, but he was too weak and he passed out.

When he awoke, the pain was gone.

"Thank you.'' He said to his old friend. He noticed that they were far from the tower. ''Can you carry me back? Morgana is…" As soon the dragon heard the name of the high priestess his face darkened. "She's my prisoner, if I take off her powers she would be vulnerable.''

"And then what, young warlock. What you're going to do?''

"Well… What should I?'' the dragon smirked "Don't look at me like that. I'm not going to kill her.''

"I've warned you before about her and you're still so stubborn, Merlin. Stop protecting her.'' Kilgarrah ordered.

"I'm not protecting her… It's just…I don't think she deserved to die. Fine'' he said as he noticed the way the dragon looked at him "I can't kill her. Every time I try I recall the old herself. I can't believe she's gone. And I knew what made her like that. You have no right to accuse her. I showed you mercy when you had killed hundreds of innocent people, why wouldn't she deserve the same clemency?''

"I guess it's not worth trying to change your mind, but be careful, you can't control her.''

"That's why I want to make her vulnerable.''

''Merlin, prison is worse than death. If you really care, you shouldn't force her to such a life.''

"I'm going to find a way. There must be a better way, I just need time. Please, Kilgarrah."

"You're wiser than that, Merlin. Don't let your feelings speak for you.''

"I've learnt my lesson. I've really had.''

"I trust you, young warlock, I trust you more than you think. If you need me all you need is to ask.''

"Thank you, Kilgarrah.''

Without her power, she wasn't a problem anymore, but he knew that he had to find a better plan and he had to do it fast. He couldn't ask Finna for watching her forever. Even without her powers, Morgana was still dangerous, and as it wasn't bad enough, Finna had to hide from Arthur's men, too. That thought pained him. He was doing his daily chores, but Kilgarrah's words ran through his head.

Would it be better to kill her?