A/N: Hey all you readers! I've got another chapter ready for you! Sorry it took me so long, been a little busy! My updating will be very irregular, though, so I hope you can be patient with me. I have finals coming up soon and then I'll be working during the summer so we'll see how it goes. This story moves very fast because I know that when I read stories, I like to just get to the good parts. That's just kind of how I write too.
Katniss POV
It's been three weeks. Three weeks since I started purging, started cutting and all I've done is prove myself right. No one cares about me.
Nobody has noticed the change in me. Not Joanna, not Annie, Finnick, Thresh, Gale, Peeta...no one cares. I feel tears drip down my cheeks at the thought. I don't know why I even hoped for something different. There was nothing to love about me. I was ugly and fat and stupid. A waste of space.
Glimmer was right. I stare down at my arms and admire the smooth skin of my forearms. I stopped cutting my arms after the first day because I realized just how easily they could be seen. Most of the cuts on my body were on the inside of my thighs and under the line of my panties on my hips.
"Katniss, dinner!" I hear my mother call from downstairs. My mother doesn't sense anything different about me either, but I expected that. She wouldn't really know that it was any different anyway with how rarely she's around.
I get up from my place on the bed and pull up my now sagging pants. My clothes have begun to be more baggy around my frame now because of how infrequently I'm eating. Good. At least I'm doing something right.
I wash my face in the bathroom quickly before running down the stairs and grabbing a plate. I barely glance at the dishes in front of me, just serving myself the smallest possible portions of each part of dinner then sitting at the table. I take tiny bites of my food. A couple grains of rice, a miniscule piece of chicken, a green bean.
I don't think I can really eat too much more at this point either. I have been eating so little recently that my stomach has shrunk and I'm never really hungry because of it. I just don't eat lunch anymore. I always eat a granola bar for breakfast because it starts up my metabolism, but eat very little for dinner.
A couple bites in, the door bursts open. In walks my brother, seemingly covered with sweat, probably from basketball. When I see who's behind him, my eyes light up for a minute before my expression drops. After Peeta, in walks Glimmer.
Dressed in an embarrassingly short skirt and low-cut top. I gag a little bit as I see her hanging all over Peeta. Touching his arms, his back his chest. My throat closes up a little bit.
"Hey Mom," Gale says, walking past me and ignoring me, "can Peet and Glim stay for dinner?" I don't wait to hear her response because I already know what it'll be. The bitch will be here all night. I get up and set my still half-full plate of food next to the sink, knowing that my mother would box it up later. She thinks that I take it for lunch the next day. And take it I do. I don't eat it, though. I drop it off to one of the many homeless people I pass on my way to school.
I wordlessly leave the kitchen, catching Glimmer's smug look as I pass by her. She smiles devilishly at me as she leans up to whisper in Peeta's ear. Unable to watch them interact anymore, I book it out of the kitchen and up to my room.
I shut the door and lock it. I can't take any chances of someone coming in. I enter my bathroom, closing that door as well. I throw myself to my knees and force my finger down my throat and force my dinner out of my stomach. I look into the toilet at the half-digested food that I had eaten only minutes ago.
I cover my mouth as a sob escapes me. I press my fist against my mouth as silent tears streak down my face. My shoulders shake violently in my crying fit. I'm such a waste of space. I don't deserve to live. I don't matter. No one would even care. And they wouldn't. If I die...no one will care. It'll hurt so much less, too.
Death. It would take me away from here. From her. From my pain. Well then there's really no other choice, is there?
But when could I do it? After school perhaps, before practice. I could jump off the Panem bridge. It was high enough. I'd just be gone.
A small, mournful smile settles on my lips as I work out the logistics of my death. Maybe tomorrow...tomorrow I could be at peace.
I flush the toilet and exit the bathroom. I leave my bedroom door locked, though. I can hear the conversation and laughter from downstairs and a part of me mourns for the fact that I'll never be able to just have easy conversations with the people I love again. Even if they don't love me back.
I sit down at my desk and pull out some paper from a drawer. As much as I feel neglected by my friends, I want them to know how much I still love them. After I'm gone. I write a letter to everyone. I tell them how grateful I am for them, how much I love them, and what of my things they can have when I'm gone. Madge, Joanna, Annie, Gale, Thresh, Finn, Gale, my mother, Peeta.
By the time I'm done writing, it's 2am and Peeta and Glimmer have left, my mother and Gale asleep. I pull out an empty shoe box from under my bed and place each letter inside carefully. After closing the lid, I take a fat black sharpie and write the words: "Katniss Sage Everdeen: to those whom I love".
I then take the box and wrap it in a blanket, tucking it into the corner under my bed, where it can't be found until I want it to be. I get ready for bed before falling into the soft sheets. I lay on my back and stare out the window next to my headboard. I look out at the sky, the stars glimmering in the cloudless expanse of blue. It's so beautiful. I'll be up there by tomorrow. In Heaven.
I allow myself a small, almost imperceptible smile, before drifting off into a dreamless sleep.
Peeta POV
I walk through the halls of the school, through the bustling crowds of teenagers. I stop at my locker to grab my books before beginning my walk over to my usual meeting spot with Glimmer.
I sigh. Glimmer. I know that I'm, the one dating her, but I just don't know why I stay with her. Sure she's hot and all, but she's just so fake and stuck-up.
Okay, I lied. I do know why I'm still with her. It's because I can't have the real girl I've been in love with since we were kids. Katniss. I've loved her since we were in elementary school. But I could never have her. Not without losing my best friend, her big brother.
Speaking of Katniss. She's been...off these past couple weeks. Quiet. Withdrawn. I can see the way her clothes have gotten looser. Her collar bones sticking out more. I want to ask her, but every time she even sees me, she turns and books it in the other direction.
Lost in my thoughts about Katniss, I don't realize I am almost to the large tree that I usually find my girlfriend under. It's not until I hear the conversation that I stop myself.
"...god, she's such an ugly little bitch." The unmistakable squeak of my girlfriend says. "I mean, have you seen the clothes she wears? And she thinks she's even worthy to touch Peeta the way she used to."
Then, her best friend, Clove, speaks. "Ugh, I know, and have you seen her recently? She looks like shit, even worse than before. She has not tits and the way she's trying to make her fat ass thinner is only making it worse. Katniss Everdeen, the girl who can't look good no matter how hard she tries." I see red as I hear them laughing.
I'm about to reveal myself when Glimmer makes one last remark. "Why is she still even here? She should just take my advice and kill herself, save us all the torture of looking at her."
I finally step out. Glimmer and Clove are still snickering when I walk up behind them. "Glimmer." I say in a low, angry voice. Both girls freeze and their conversation comes to a halt.
Glimmer quickly plasters a fake smile on her face and gets up. "Peety! I'm sooooo glad you're here, I was just-"
"Save your shit, Gina," I spit out using her real name, "I heard what you said. You're nothing but a cold, heartless bitch and I'm done." Her shocker face doesn't deter me. "You're fake and I've never liked you, but what you just said about one of my best friends. One of the most beautiful girls I know...it just make you evil."
With that I turn and walk away. The reality of what I've just learned hits me all at once. Glimmer has been bullying Katniss. But for how long? Guilt floods my body as I realize that every time I've brought Glimmer around, I've just been giving her the opportunity to torture Katniss even more.
And I never noticed. She must hate me so much right now.
Hearing the five minute warning bell, I make my way through the halls to my first period. In the hall, I pass by Katniss. She's wearing jeans and a three-quarter sleeve shirt. As I look, I can't help but notice how much more prominent her wrist bones are. How loose her jeans are on her hips. I think back to the the way Clove had called her fat before.
Was she starving herself? My heart clenches at the thought that she's been hurting her body. And it's all my fault. I don't even know why Glimmer and Clove are saying that. Katniss is in amazing shape and she's one of the most athletic girls at our school. She's beautiful.
I decide that I need to find her after school. I need to talk to her and apologize to her for not seeing it before. Has anyone seen it? I need to talk to Gale.
I don't listen to anything in any classes, too consumed in my thoughts to give a damn about what we're learning. After the bell rings to signal lunch, I immediately grab my bag and rush out of the room.
I make a beeline for Gale's locker and I see him standing there with Finn and Thresh. They stand in a circle, talking about sports and other random shit, but I push my way into the center. "All of you, come with me now." They look at me like I've grown three heads, but I don't care. I begin walking out to the parking lot and I know that they're following behind me.
We arrive at my truck and I Iean against it. They all stop a couple feet in front of me. "Well?" Gale says. "What's going on?"
I let out a sigh and run my hand over my face. "Have any of you been paying attention to Katniss lately?"