Okay so picture this..

Beth never got shot but she and Noah successfully escaped Grady.

Daryl and Beth are already kind of in a relationship by the time they get to Hilltop (that will change) and Beth decides to adopt baby Gracie. Daryl supports her decision but Maggie has some issue's with it.

Did you picture it? Yes? Me too lol

Anyway, here's my very short first chapter. I am keeping this story light but with some humor mixed in, because there's really not enough stories like that. If it should change I'll be sure to warn everyone before :D

There were a lot of things missing from Beth's life. A Mother, Father, an older brother, a boyfriend. All of these things were lost somewhere in the afterlife, watching over her and Maggie, making sure they made it. It was becoming harder and harder each day, especially with the threat of war looming over their heads. But they managed the best way they could.

It seemed like they never had a moments peace, as they were always worried about their next move and Negan's. Beth tried to separate herself from those meetings, always using the excuse that she had to check on Judith.

When their latest point of interest wasn't a success, they were left with a reminder of why they shouldn't always shoot first. A baby girl of maybe five months, named Gracie. Aaron brought her back to Hilltop and gave her to Maggie, quickly explaining what happened.

Maggie and Beth made up a room for Gracie in the main house, then gave Jerry and a few others a list of things they needed for the new baby. Like clothes, formula, binkies, blankets, a crib and bottles. They had some of Judith's old clothes, but they'd only last so long. They would've had more, but most of her things were left at the prison when they fled.

It never hit Beth until Judith was born that she would never get to have a baby. After what happened to Lori, it seemed silly to even think about it. Dangerous, even. However, she never stopped dreaming. Before the outbreak happened, Beth planned to marry and have children, live on a farm as she did growing up, and work at her Fathers veterinary clinic. That was her plan until one day it wasn't, and her only plan was to make it just one more day without dying.

Everyone started talking about rebuilding their lives, trying to make a community in this hell. They talked about children playing and animals grazing, people smiling and enjoying life. It reminded her of what everyone said Heaven was like, but it wouldn't happen as long as the fighting continued. Everyone knew it.

One evening after dinner, Maggie, Daryl and a few others were holding a meeting. Beth couldn't sleep due to the heat, so she snuck downstairs to the den. She pressed her ear against the cool wood and closed her eyes, listening to them speak about Gracie as if she were just an option.

"She's just another mouth to feed."

"She's already here, we're not discussing this!" Maggie snapped.

Beth slowly twisted the door knob and entered the room, everyone stopped talking and turned to her. She folded her arms as she poked her head around the many bodies, until she saw her sister sitting behind the desk.

"I thought you went to bed?" Maggie questioned, re-positioning Gracie in her lap.

"I can't sleep." She walked up to the desk."I've been thinkin' about Gracie and...I want her."

Maggie raised her brows."Beth-"

"No! She doesn't have anybody, and people are fighting over what to do with her like she's not even here. So I decided that I want to keep her for myself."

Everyone grew quiet in the room, except for Gracie's coos. Beth walked around the desk and held out her arms for Gracie, Maggie stood and placed the sleeping babe in her arms. She stood there watching as Beth positioned Gracie in her arms, before reaching out and touching her warm skin.

"It's a lot of work, Beth."

"I think you forget that I took care of Judith at the prison."

Maggie sighed."Beth, that was different. You had me, Carol, Daddy...And she wasn't even yours. Gracie will be your baby, and you will be responsible for her."

"I know." Beth replied calmly."I'm ready for it. I don't know when I'll ever have a chance to be a mom, so I'm doing what I know is best."

Maggie reached up and brushed a fallen strand of hair from Beth's face."You'll have plenty of chances for this-"

"I'm doin' this whether you like it or not. And who cares if I want to raise her, I'm a good mom - look at Judith." She waved her hand around.

"What if a guy comes along-"

"Then he'll have to accept that I have a child, Maggie, just like Daddy accepted Shawn!"

Maggie grew quiet.

Beth turned around to face the others, who were just as quiet. She knew they were probably thinking she was nuts, and maybe she was, but she wasn't going to let a little baby be motherless. She walked to the door and it was opened by Daryl, who touched her shoulder as she crossed over the threshold. She turned and he gave a reassuring nod.

"I'll slide the crib in your room."

She gave a faint smile and walked to the staircase, with Daryl following close behind her. She went down the hall to the left and Daryl went to the right, he came back moments later with the pack n' play. She laid Gracie down on her bed and helped set it up, and after a slew of curses from Daryl and continuous shushes from Beth, they finally got the play pen up and moved it to the foot of the bed.

"Thank you." Beth huffed, wiping the sweat off her forehead.

"Mhm." Daryl walked to the window and peered out.

Beth sat on the bed."Penny for your thoughts?"

He glanced over and shook his head."M'nothing."

"You think I'm crazy, don't you?"

He snorted."Why would I think that?"

Beth shrugged."Well, I'm 19 and I have a baby, but no husband or boyfriend."

"So...She needs a momma." He pointed to Gracie."Ain't nobody better for the job than you."

Beth blushed and looked away.

"I saw you with Lil' ass kicker at the prison, you were the mom she never had. Still are."

"She has Michonne now."

"Yeah but, you were there from day one. Not many people would do that. Ain't nobody gonna forget that."

Beth scooted closer to Daryl and wrapped her arms around him, he wrapped his arm around her waist. She could feel how wet the underside of his hair was from the sweat, and how his shirt was clinging to his skin. She pulled away equally as sweaty. They both shared a quiet laugh.

"Thank you for not thinking I'm crazy."

He snickered.

She playfully shoved his arm."Now say you're welcome."

He rolled his eyes."You're welcome. But ya didn't need me to tell you that, you already knew ya weren't."

Beth turned and looked at Gracie sleeping, her blonde hair sticking to her forehead. She gently ran her fingers over the baby's head and smiled. She turned back to Daryl when she felt him leave the bed.

"Plan on sticking around a while?"

He folded his arms with a shrug."Hm, I'unno."

"I have a new deck of cards, maybe we can play some strip poker." She wiggled her brows.

He snorted."Nu-uh, you ain't gettin' me in my undies."

"Wanna get me in mine?"

He raised a brow."Careful..."

She giggled and stood up."Regular poker then, eh?"

"Get some sleep." He leaned in and kissed her."Gonna be a long day tomorrow."

She pouted and grabbed his arm."It'll be an even longer night with this heat." She stuck out her bottom lip."Please stay?"

He heaved a sigh and took a seat on the bed."Gonna be the death of me, girl."

"Oh stop." She smirked, as she picked up Gracie."If the walkers haven't killed you yet, I certainly won't."