• Chapter Eleven •
Monkey Business
NANCY WHEELER woke up because someone shook her awake. She never liked it when that happened and as a result wanted to slap whoever had done it.
Her resolve weakened a little, however, when she realised it was Jonathan.
"Hey." She smiled, ruffling the boy's hair. He rolled his eyes in irritation.
"My mum is gonna kill me if she finds out you're here." Was his reply. "I don't want you to leave, but you have to leave, OK? I'm sorry."
The girl stood up in response, digging around for her coat. When she'd finally found it, she put it on, kissed him briefly and then promised to visit again before exiting the bungalow.
She knew it wasn't far home and that the walk would be brief, so she set off down the road. However, she didn't expect to run into someone she knew on the way.
It was a coincidence, she supposed, to encounter her ex-boyfriend so early on a Saturday morning. Nancy knew she probably would've ignored him, if it weren't for the fact that he was hanging from the branches of a tree by his legs like some sort of monkey, dangling enough to almost touch the ground.
The sight made her laugh.
"Hey, Nance. What are you up to?" He spoke.
"I think I should be asking you the same question." She replied, curving her body to see him the right way up.
The boy with the most famous hair in Hawkins grinned, realising how difficult it was to shrug when he was upside down. Instead, he opted to reply with words.
"I dunno really. I think hanging around with kids 27/7 has turned me into one."
"Careful there, people are going to call you creepy."
"How could someone with my face ever be creepy?" Steve smiled.
Nancy rolled her eyes, realising that a year ago, her heart would've fluttered a little at a statement like that.
When he realised he wasn't going to get a reply, the boy pulled himself up and sat on the tree branch, now much higher above the ground. "Where are you heading?"
"Home." She smiled, recalling the previous night. "Gotta go make sure my brother isn't yelling into the Walkie-Talkie again."
"Ah, the kids of Hawkins." Steve expressed in a terrible trying-to-sound-posh accent. "What troubled specimens they are."
The girl suppressed a laugh. "Yeah. Hey, listen, I've got to go. But thanks!" She started walking away.
"For what?" Steve yelled from the branch.
Nancy grinned and turned around. "For hanging out."
• • • • • •
Steve watched her go. It was difficult, trying not to tell her what he had seen the previous night, but he knew he couldn't. After all, it would've ruined their conversation, and he didn't want to dig up any harsh feelings from her.
He wondered if her mother's secret would be kept for long - but in a small town like Hawkins, it was close to impossible to not know other people's business. It was difficult to determine what her reaction might be like.. would she be disgusted? Relieved? Confused? Steve didn't have a clue.
Maybe she'd shut down. Nancy was a girl that he found puzzling to wrap his head around; when on the surface she had seemed so girly and weak, in reality she was the bravest person Steve had ever met. However, that didn't stop her emotions from going on complete lockdown from time to time, leaving him desperately trying to understand what she was feeling. When she fought for the younger kids, when she came to terms with Barb's death, and now this..
He had to do everything he could to stop her from finding out, even though he knew she had a right to know. But Steve saw what he was doing like how someone might decide to tell a white lie - it may be deceiving, but done with the person's wellbeing in mind.
The branches of the tree were sturdy and reliable, just what an experienced tree-climber looked for. Steve hauled his body through the different layers of the tree, leaves brushing his face as he went, until he could climb no further. Since he wasn't completely at the top, his view was somewhat clouded by foliage - but nonetheless Hawkins sat before him, carrying on its busy little suburban life as usual. Steve wasn't sure what he expected - despite the ridiculousness the town had experienced, it bizarrely remained the same squat, quiet little place. Perhaps it always would.
He shut his eyes and opened his mouth, taking in the fresh air from the nature around him. Sometimes, in all the madness, he had to remind himself to breathe.