
Beyond Forgetting


A Fruits Basket Fanfiction by Jo-chan

Disclaimers: I pray every night that someday, Fruits Basket and all its wonderful characters would belong to me-- but alas, Takaya Natsuki is the rightful creator of it all. ^_^

Chapter 1- Deep in My Mind


They were young, both at 18 years of age and they had the world seemingly at their feet because high school graduation was but a month away. But fate seemed to have other plans for the two of them...

"Stay out of my business," the boy said, his low tone of voice betrayed by the anger that made it shake. His silvery hair shone in the darkness as he sat in the car, driving tensely, his hands gripping the steering wheel tightly in tension.

"No! I can't let him continue hurting you-- I--" the girl cried out, her long brown hair flying in the open window of the passenger seat.

"I just need to stay over there so that I could go to college. They're not hurting me," the boy lied, the fear gripping his heart taking his concentration off the road.

The girl unbuckled her seat-belt to turn to the guy more fully, her small hand reaching out to touch his taut face gently. "I can't let Akito-san hurt you-- I know he will Yuki... I can't live with myself if I let you go to him tonight..." the girl whispered, her blue eyes shining with tears.

"Honda-san..." the boy murmured, his eyes leaving the road completely.

"I-- I--lo--" the girl began to say but her eyes suddenly widened in fear when a speeding car coming from the left side of the street drove straight at them in full speed.

"YUKI!" she screamed, throwing her arms around him, making Yuki transform into a mouse as Tohru tried to shield his smaller form with her body.

There was a sickening crunch of metal, an impact that made the night shudder in pain and disbelief. The car Yuki and Tohru rode, after the violent collision, spun around and rolled over twice.

There was a brief flash of memory-- a small yellow car, with the picture of Tohru's mother flashed and then the rooftop scene where Yuki was telling Tohru how cute he found her... And then, there was only darkness.

A small white mouse, its purple eyes still dazed from the crash looked up and saw blood everywhere, on the seat, on the steering wheel, and then--



For a moment, I thought I could forget you.

For a moment, I thought I could still the

restlessness of my heart. I thought the past

could no loner haunt me-- nor hurt me.

How wrong I was!


"Earth to Tohru, Earth to Tohru! Where in the seven holy high hells have you been?" irritably said Uo, her blond hair hanging over her shoulder as she held up a huge carton box filled with stuff.

"HOE!" cried Tohru, jumping up from her messy bed as she gazed at Uo who looked disgruntled.

"I've been knocking at your door for 10 minutes, carrying some of the stuff you left at my apartment, are you all right?" asked Uo as she unceremoniously dumped the box she was carrying at Tohru's feet. There were huge changes in both girls, changes only time can bring. Uo had filled out, making the former gangster a potential seductress. Tohru had filled out as well, although not as immensely as Uo had but maturity added a warm glow to her flawless features, making her look less as a waif and more of a woman.

A huge sweat-drop decorated Tohru's head. She laughed nervously, trying to think of an excuse. "Well- I, ah..." began Tohru as she scratched her head at the same time. Uo, her face turning serious, sat down beside her friend. Their contrast couldn't have been more pronounced-- Uo was wearing a leather mini-skirt with a silver belt and pink-beaded top while Tohru was dressed in fit denims and a yellow T-shirt.

"Ano-- I'm really sorry I can't be your dorm mate here at Tokyo U," said Uo, looking embarrassed.

Tohru smiled widely. "Don't worry about it Uo-chan! I was informed that a late enrollee here at the University will be taking your slot here at the all female dormitory," assured Tohru her smile growing wider as she reached for a small piece of paper somewhere in the clutter of her bed. She pulled out the scrap of paper with a flourish. "And guess what-- your boyfriend is one of the Sohma's right?"

Warily, Uo nodded. "Is this about me moving in with him? Don't worry, you don't have to watch over me you know-- I can take care of myself."

"Iie, iie. What I meant is that, my new roommate is a Sohma!" clarified Tohru, her eyes curving into a smile. She grinned at the look of astonishment on Uo's face.

"Realllly.... A Sohma? The only Sohma's I know who is on the same batch as us is Sohma Kyou and the Prince. I can't think of any other Sohma's who might also be a freshman here at Tokyo U," remarked Uo.

Tohru tapped her finger against her chin. She never really got to know Sohma Kyou although he was her classmate until graduation. Although the red-head would often be talking to Uo, he seemed to avoid Tohru or generally ignore her. As for Sohma Yuki-- the High School Prince was too far out of her reach to be even considered an acquaintance!

"Well... Mizukani-sensei said that my room mate is certainly a Sohma-- " worriedly said Tohru, wondering if maybe the name Sohma was only a typographical error.

"So what's her name?" asked Uo curiously.

"Sohma--" said Tohru as she paused.

"Sohma Yuka," said Tohru, smiling in anticipation of making friends with an unknown girl.


"I feel like a proud parent," said Shigure sentimentally as he watched Kyou and Yuki loading their bags in the car. There were sweat-drops on the two guys' heads but they generally ignored the dog. Hatori rolled his eyes at his long-time friend as he patted the dog's back.

"AHH, YUKI! Here's the latest fashion of my OTOKO ROMANCE collection! I want you to have this in college, this will no doubt, help you make friends," exclaimed Ayame, thrusting a pink valise into his brother's arms. In his haste, a fluffy white apron fell out and seeing it, Kyou snickered.

"Oi Kuso nezumi, I bet you will be using that!" said Kyou, smug at the fact that he would be staying with Kagura throughout college will Yuki has to suffer living in a dorm. Kyo had absolutely refused to live with Yuki in Kagura's pad.

A vein ticked in Yuki's forehead. "Urusai," he said, crossing his arms. Everyone was so happy and excited for his and Kyou's going off to college but he found his mind wandering in the last few days.

"Daijoubu Yuki?" asked Hatsuharu, seeing Yuki's distant expression.

Startled, Yuki looked at his cousin and forced a smile. "Yes, I'm fine."

"So who will be driving the car?" asked Hatori.

Kagura popped up beside their group. "I volunteered to drive but Yu-chan got worried that I might get mad at Kyou and allow our van to crash," said the girl.

Yuki shook his head, not even wanting to voice out his trepidation in riding a car. He turned away instead to carefully secure his mountain bike inside the van.

Kyou sighed and raised a hand. "All right, I'll drive the stupid car!"

"It's a van, you stupid cat," corrected Yuki.

"NANI?" asked Kyou, his hackles rising in anger. "You're just afrai--"

"Yuki, have you filled out the application form for your dormitory slot?" interrupted Hatori, diverting everyone's attention.

Yuki turned to an innocent looking Shigure. "You filled it out for me since you're my guardian right?"

With a serious expression on his face, Shigure nodded. "Aa. Have fun in college Yuki," said Shigure before he handed a digital camera to Yuki. "This is for luck," said Shigure with a sly wink as Yuki gazed at the camera in bafflement.

"You'll see," explained Shigure.

"YU-CHAN! HAYAKU! LET'S GO TO COLLEGE!" yelled Kagura from the passenger seat of the van.

Yuki nodded at Shigure, managed to escape his brother's smothering arms, evade Hatsuharu's kiss and shake Hatori's hand. He sprinted over to the back-seat, his eyes looking excited as well. "Let's go!"

"YUKI!" called Shigure as the mouse leaned out of the car window to gaze at his cousin.

Shigure gave a sly wink and an evil-sounding cackle as he tossed a shiny foil to Yuki who caught it readily. As Yuki gazed in horror at the condom he held in his hand, Shigure called out, "For protection!"

And the sleek blue FORD van sped off, the Sohma's laughter behind them and the genuine prayer that the cat and the mouse find their true selves in college.



A/N: Konnichiwa minna-san!!!! Here's another fic, hope you all liked it! Anyway, please review! Don't be a free-loader and review the author's chapter (hey, that rhymes!) ^_^ REVIEW! REVIEW! REVIEW! Jo-chan would really be happy if reviews reach 15 and up. God Bless and ja ne! More comedy on the next chapters, I just needed to set the foundation of this story.