Disclaimer: I do not own 'Be More Chill' or any of it's adaptations or content.


Chapter I



"Watch out!"



"Aww," the three boys whined, red text appearing across the TV indicating 'Game Over'.

"This is hard," the shortest of three grumbled, slouching in the beanie bag chair he sat on. The boy beside him chuckled.

"Come on, Rich. We just started playing," he encouraged, amusement in his eyes. Rich snorted, bringing his controller closer to his chest in an attempt to grip it easier.

"I don't play retro games like you nerds-" Rich froze, quickly stumbling to correct himself, "S-Sorry, I-I mean, my X-Box doesn't have old games like this! It's hard." He buried his face slightly against his chest in embarrassment as his lisp slipped into his speech. The other two boys looked at each other and then at him.

"It's not so hard when you get used to it. Right, Michael?" The taller asked. Michael nodded from where he sat on the floor beside him.

"We're just pros," Michael boasted, placing fake confidence in his voice to tease. Rich sat up more, his eyes lighting up at the hinted challenge as a grin spread across his face.

"Ha! I've beaten games twice as advanced! And without a Super Computer's help," he praised, a teasing look directed towards the boy beside him at the end. The taller teen looked baffled.

"I-I didn't need it's help!"

"Oh yeah, Jeremy? Then why did you buy it?"

"T-That's not what I meant - Stop twisting my words!" Jeremy huffed, slumping in his seat. "You're as bad as it." Rich gasped dramatically, placing a hand over his chest in mock hurt.

"As bad as the guy from The Matrix? The main character - nay, 'The One'! Wouldn't that make me…the hero?" Rich mock wondered, his grin widening. Jeremy just stared at him in disbelief before shaking his head, a small chuckle escaping his lips. Seeing the other warming up, Rich leaned over and hooked arms with Jeremy, clinging to him lightly. Putting on his best Keanu Reeves' voice, he continued, "I'm going to improve your life, Jeremy!"

"Shut up, Kermit!" Jeremy quickly shot back, laughing as the other boy's face turned red in embarrassment.

"S-Shut up! He was scary!" Rich whined, his lisp slipping back in. Jeremy laughed harder, leaning against Rich for support as the other joined.

Michael just watched from where he sat silently. Though he had a smile on his face, there was no humor behind it. He was glad that the two boys had grown more comfortable talking about the evil computers that took over their lives, even if they could only do it with each other, but he was not.

So many things had changed since the play - both good and bad. Their friend group had grown, Jeremy and Christine seemed to be getting along well enough so far, Rich had dropped his bullying ways - though he sometimes forgot himself - and has become more closer to both Jeremy and Michael, though Michael felt that he had become more of a third wheel as the other two became closer based on their shared experience.

He didn't dislike Rich. The teen had more than proven that he had changed. But Michael would never forget the torment the other boy had put him and his best friend through, now matter what the super computer 'made' him do. However, the more Rich spent time with them the more Michael saw the divide between Jeremy and himself. He had hoped after the play that they would have time to heal the rift between them, and it had to an extent, but things weren't the same.

Michael was an outsider. Jeremy somehow thought that the two of them were in the same boat, both losers gaining friendship with the popular kids and thus needed an adjustment period. But Jeremy didn't realize the disadvantage that Michael had. Michael was never SQUIPed.

The bond that was forged throughout the group, the hive mind that subconsciously told each one of them Jeremy's desires and helped connect their own tied them together. None of them noticed how easily they speak to one another now, subconsciously knowing how to act around each another without incident - for the most part. They all shared an experience, a 'social network', that they would forever have. One that Michael would never be apart of.

The divide between him and the group grew larger each day. He couldn't speak to the others the way Jeremy could. He didn't understand them. He spent no time with them either before the play, unlike Jeremy. He had literally been dragged into an established group with only the excuse that he had saved the school from an evil computer's hive mind. A feat he hardly felt pride in anymore. After all, Jeremy was really the one to defeat the SQUIP.

His time at school had gotten both better and worst. He got to sit at the popular table. Jake and Rich also kept an eye out for him in the halls in case someone tried to hurt him. As much as he appreciated the effort he could tell that their attention was more on looking out for Jeremy than him. He knew this since Jeremy had beamed to him about Jake saving him from one of the football players and how no one bothers him anymore after Rich made a scene. Michael couldn't boast the same. He was sure if he said something to Jake or Rich or even Jeremy that they would stay by his side more often. But he didn't want that. And, he had to admit, there was a dark part of him that was scared they wouldn't want to. After all, they were Jeremy's friends, not his.

"Hey, Michael," Jeremy called, bringing the boy out of his thoughts. "You hungry?"

"Sure," Michael answered, trying to sound as though he was always listening. Jeremy nodded with a small 'Cool' and stood up. He paused for a moment before pointing at Rich.

"I mean, 'Chill'," he said smoothly before chuckling. Rich laughed as Jeremy went to the cupboards. Michael cracked a forced grin. Though they joked over the matter Michael could see in their eyes that they're just coping. He needed to find a way to do the same.

"Don't grab anything heavy!" Rich advised after his laughs subsided, "We're eating at the party."

"Copy that," Jeremy responded as he rummaged through the snacks in the cupboard. Rich looked over at Michael.

"You're coming, right dude?" he asked. Michael felt his stomach tighten but forced a smile and nodded. His anxiety spiked any time he had to attend one of his group member's party. It brought back painful memories and it is a constant reminded of how alone he is. Especially when Jeremy leaves him alone to go off and dance with Christine. But he attended anyways, because the one time he didn't he wasn't allowed to hear the end of it from Jeremy which only added to the feeling of being 'left out' to his problems. Jeremy would also look at him with those big, blue eyes filled with sadness and hurt if Michael didn't come to any event he went to. He was trying so hard to make up for the lost time. Michael really couldn't deny those eyes anything.

"Wouldn't miss it."


It was quiet. Nothing could be heard over their ragged breathing or pounding heart. They felt cold. Their body trembled at the temperature as they tried to move, to curl up in some way to keep any warmth. But they felt restraints holding them down. Their eyes shifted around the confined space around them, their breath becoming more shallow at the claustrophobia their prison brought. Looking down at their wrist they struggled with the strap that held it in place. They closed their eyes and took a deep breath. There was only one way they were going to break free.


"Did you like it? Tell me you liked it!" the girl begged as she leaned in closer, her nose nearly touching his. Michael arched back to avoid the awkward closeness, laughing nervously at her antics.

"It was awesome," he confirmed, his smile growing when the girl beamed.

"I knew it! I knew you would! Tell me everything!" she pleaded, grabbing his arms and shaking him. He laughed a little at her enthusiasm, raising his hands up in defense.

"What can I say? Except… 'Oceans rise, empire's fall! We have seen each other through it all,'" he sang, pointing to her with a grin as he did so - adding a wink for effect. The girl squealed loudly, jumping on the spot.

"'And when push comes to shove I will send a fully armed battalion to remind you of my love!'" she continued, acting dramatically to the words, absolute love and passion flowing off her like contagious waves. Michael laughed.

"'Dadadadatda, dadadadayada, Dadadatdatdayada!'" the two sang, slinging an arm around each other's shoulders in comradery - Michael leaning down to make this happen. Jeremy turned the corner of the aisle to see the two singing passionately as if no one could hear them. He smiled slightly embarrassed as he approached.

"Which flavour did you want, Christine?" he hesitantly interrupted, holding up the two bags of chips in his hands. Christine pulled away from Michael as she studied the bags closely. She thought it over for a moment before plucking one from his hand.

"This one!" she chirped. Jeremy nodded, retreating back into the aisle to discard the other. He returned shortly with Rich by his side. The shorter held two slushies in his hands.

"Here, Headphones," he called as he offered one to Michael. He had insisted on treating the slushie lover in compensation for driving them all the time. Michael usually wouldn't have accepted the treat from anyone other than Jeremy but Rich refused to take 'no' as an answer. So Michael took the drink awkwardly, immediately sipping at the straw.


"Alright, we have everything. So…we should pay," Jeremy pointed out, awkwardly motioning to the cashier. Christine nodded in agreement before skipping over to the counter, her boyfriend following close behind. Rich stayed with Michael, explaining that he had already payed. They both decided to wait outside for the two love birds.

They exited the 711 and went to PT Cruiser waiting just outside. Rich immediately took a seat on the hood of the car as Michael stood beside him.

"So, dude, how's the love life?" Rich asked bluntly, wiggling his eyebrows towards Michael. Michael's face heated up at the sudden question, his mouth opening and closing as he tried to figure out what to say. He assumed the question was spawned from seeing Jeremy and Christine together but there hadn't been any lead up to it at all. Rich saw his embarrassment and laughed.

"Hey, relax man, I'm just asking! How am I supposed to know if I don't ask?" he questioned. Michael let out a breath.

"There are other ways you could have asked," he pointed out, sipping at his drink awkwardly. He could feel the pressure in his chest increase at his growing discomfort.

"Sure, sure. So? Found any cute guys lately," Rich pressed, wigging his eyebrows once more as his voice dropped. Michael's face heated up again, avoiding eye contact with the other. Ever since Rich had come out to the group that he was Bi he tended to try and 'confide' in Michael in regards to 'attractive' men. Michael understood that he was the only openly gay male of the group and thus would be able to speak more easily about men with Rich, but he honestly wasn't comfortable with the way Rich went about talking about such topics. He imagined Rich's time with the SQUIP didn't help with how he spoke with others, but he wished that Rich could find a more humble way to approach the subject.

"No," he answered honestly, his eyes still side-cast.

"Aww, still? Come on, man! There's a whole sea of fish out there. You gotta find one! Otherwise you're gonna keep going to these parties alone." Michael's eyes shot up to meet Rich's. Though the words sounded harsh he could see in the other's eyes that he had meant no harm. On the contrary, the boy looked genuine. Perhaps he noticed more than Michael gave him credit for.

"You always sit alone at parties," Rich continued, "You can't cling to Jeremy forever."

"I know," Michael mumbled, sipping at his drink. "But I'm not desperate."

"I know, I know. Not trying to pressure you. Just, you know, want to make sure my buds taken care of," Rich explained as he playfully punched Michael's shoulder. Michael smiled. Rich had his moments, and he liked it when they showed.

"And you?" he inquired. Rich's cheeks dusted red as he gave a sheepish grin.

"Same old," he replied. Michael knew what that meant. Rich was still crushing on his oldest friend. He wish he could give advise to the teen but he was hardly qualified to offer it. He had never been in a relationship before. Everyone at school thought he was a loser and he was antisocial outside of his friend circle. He didn't think it made a difference either way since he imagined that he wasn't attractive enough to gain people's favour anyways, not like it bothered him like it had with Jeremy.

"Rough," he finally said, giving the other sympathetic eyes. "Are you ever going to tell him?"

"Hell no!" Rich scoffed before sipping at his slushie. "Even my SQUIP thought the chances were low, and any chance I had was ruined when I…" he paused, his eyes lowering. Michael nodded in understand. He too could never forget that night.

"Hey," a voice called, gaining both of their attentions. Jeremy and Christine had finally exited the 711, a bag with their snacks inside the former's hand.

"You two love birds ready?" Rich teased as he slid off the car. Jeremy laughed lightly, scratching the back of his neck embarrassed as a blush rose to his cheeks. Christine just chirped a 'Yep!' as she skipped to her side of the car. The other three followed suit as they got into the vehicle.


They opened their eyes groggily. Blinking they watched through the glass their face was pressed against as the world moved by. Everything seemed blurry and it made their head ache. Their gaze shifted to their companion beside them. The other didn't say a word. They didn't need to. Neither of them did. Their eyes met for a moment before the other returned back to their task. They were almost there.


"Yo Jakey D!" Rich yelled loudly as he moved passed the girl greeting him to the teen further in the house. Chloe, the host, rolled her eyes before looking at the other three standing before her in the door way. She moved to the side, motioning for them to come in.

"Bought time," she commented as she closed the door behind them.

"Sorry we're late," Christine apologized. Chloe waved her hand dismissively.

"You're not late," she retorted, raising a brow. "I'm just giving you a hard time."

"Oh," Christine said, a blank look on her face. Chloe grinned at the reaction before taking the snacks from Jeremy's hands.

"Make yourselves comfortable," she said with a suggestive wink before leaving towards the kitchen. The three stood at the entrance for a moment, blankly looking towards the room of people. All three were still new to the experience and generally needed time to warm up to their environment. Jeremy took Christine's hand as they smiled at each other encouragingly before going into the room. Michael linger a moment longer before following.

He kept his hands stuffed in his hoodie pocket as he looked around nervously. There were a lot more people there than he expected. He shouldn't have been surprised. Chloe was very popular and had a certain 'reputation'. Her house was also very large and gave room to host more people than most.

Michael followed Jeremy and Christine to get a drink. They were greeted by Brooke and Jenna who were standing nearby. As the conversations started to pick up Michael made sure to try to stay by Jeremy's side for as long as possible before he would be alone for the rest of the night.


They let out a pained grunt as they were pulled along by their companion. They were tired. Their body burned. But they couldn't stop. They knew this. No matter how much pain they felt they would keep going. They couldn't stop until they got to where they needed to go. If there was one thing they could boast, it was that there was nothing that could ever stop them from achieving their goals.


"Break a vase!" a voice chanted from across the room. Michael rolled his eyes. There always seemed to be one person at the party who insisted on chanting that. He could only imagine the look on Chloe's face if someone actually went through with the act. He smiled a little at the thought.

Michael took a sip from his red cup and looked around at those around him. He could see Jeremy and Christine dancing together among the other party goers. Christine seemed so hyper as she moved beside his friend making Jeremy's actions seem slow. But they seemed happy and content in their own little world. Away from them he could see Rich and Jake playing beer pong with some of the members of the different sports clubs at school. Chloe, Brooke, and Jenna stood nearby the table, watching the other party goers intently as they gossiped on what they saw.

He catches Chloe's eyes shift towards him and he quickly looks away. Out of his peripheral he could see Brook and Jenna also turning their attention towards him before they looked back at each another and giggled. His anxiety rose at the idea of them talking about him. Were they pitying him? Making fun of him? Questioning why he bothered coming? He sipped at his drink to try to calm his nerves but it didn't help. He turned his body more on the couch he sat on so that he could no longer see them in his vision, hoping to diffuse the situation. But there was no use.

Every part of him wanted to leave, he had spent enough time there. But if he got up now the girls would no doubt know it was because of them. He didn't particularly care but he didn't want to give them more things to talk about. Especially at the risk of Jenna messaging their friends about his behaviour. He had more than once gotten frantic phone calls from different members over such matters. Once Brooke thought she saw him going into the bathroom crying at school and he hasn't heard the end of it. Luckily Jeremy gets more of this attention than him but that didn't mean he didn't get any.

Michael closed his eyes, attempting to calm his breathing. He tried not to focus on how tight his chest felt, or the eyes on his back. He just breathed.

His eyes snapped open when he felt a body plop down beside him on the couch, draping an arm around his shoulders. "Hey bud," Rich greeted, shifting too close for comfort. Michael slide over awkwardly so he could face Rich better. He didn't look the other in the eyes, discomfort growing rapidly as he spelt the liquor on the teen's breath.

"Hey," he greeted as best he could.

"Still moping over here?" Rich questioned, a small teasing grin on his face. Michael glared at him slightly before sighing.

"You know me," he answered with a fake smile. He didn't want to piss Rich off. In his drunken stupor he could decide to kick Michael's ass and not remember it the next morning. Rich gave a small laugh, ruffling the other's hair.

"No worries," he said with a wave of his hand. His gaze then shifted to where Jake stood across the room. After a moment he looked back at Michael, seriousness in his eyes. "Wanna take off?"

"What?" Michael questioned surprised. It wasn't early in the night but they had hardly been there long enough to warrant leaving yet without catching the girl's attention. Especially since Rich was never one of the first to leave, if he bothered to go home at all.

"Just thought you'd wanna leave," Rich continued slowly, glancing again at Jake. Michael risked looking too. Jake was flirting with Chloe, the two uncomfortably close to one another. Brooke and Jenna had moved away from the two to give them space, but their eyes never left the pair, watching for very different reasons. This wasn't uncommon but he was surprised it was bothering Rich as much as it was. Michael had to wonder if the more Rich reverted back to his 'normal' ways the more self conscious he became. That's his theory anyways.

"Do you want me to drive you home?" Michael asked kindly, sympathy in his eyes. He could relate too easily with Rich, though he did better to hide it. Rich nodded his head, his eyes finally moving to meet the others. Michael nodded back before standing, prompting the Rich to follow suit.

Michael made sure to let Jeremy know of his plans before leaving to make sure that both he and Christine had another way to get home. If not he would return to get them. After giving their 'goodbyes', the two boys exited the house and headed to the parked car.


They watched the house cautiously. It was dark, and quiet. They were assured that no one would hear them enter, but that didn't comfort their mind. They trusted their companion knew what they were doing though, and didn't argue as they let themselves in.


The teens didn't speak to one another on the drive. As the tension grew Michael tried to focus more on his driving rather than his anxiety. Rich was content to look out the window, only breaking the silence to give directions every once and while to help guide the other to his house. Michael had never been there before. Jeremy had, and Michael had been invited, but he never attended. He was curious as to what the house would look like.

"Why do you go to parties?" Rich suddenly asked. Michael looked at him surprised. He hated how the other boy could just ask random and intrusive questions so easily.


"Why do you go? You don't like them and you barely socialize. Is it because of Heere?" Rich questioned, looking at the other curiously. Michael kept his eyes forwards, shrugging slightly.

"Yeah," he replied honestly. To be fair he didn't mind when he first arrived at parties. That was the point when the whole group was able to fully interact before they split off into their usual cliques. But Jeremy was the largest reason.


"What do you mean 'Why'? Jeremy's my friend."


"So, he wants me there. And you all won't leave me alone until I go."

"I was just teasing you," Rich mumbled, referring to his nagging earlier about Michael's attendance. "I wasn't trying to…bully you into going or something." Michael sighed.

"I know. I don't…think you're like that anymore," he answered halfheartedly. It was mostly true, but he had to admit dark thoughts always returned to his mind about Rich. About everyone. Rich looked at him for a long moment before nodding.

"Thanks." It was silent again between them. "Is it because you like Heere?" Michael nearly swerved the car at the sudden question. He clinged to the wheel tightly to prevent loss of control as Rich laughed.

"W-What the hell is with the third degree?" Michael exclaimed embarrassed, heat rising to his cheeks.

"Just asking."


"Cause I wanna know your deal."

"My deal?"

"Yeah! Like if…" Rich trailed off. Michael could see the other scratch the back of his neck in his peripheral, embarrassment and nervousness on the other boy's face. His anxiety rose.

"If…?" he slowly repeated, swallowing the lump in his throat. Rich didn't respond right away. His eyes light up suddenly as he pointing out the window.

"There! The one in front of the fire hydrant," he instructed as he continued to point at the house. Michael nodded and parked on the road in front. The house was smaller than what he had expected. It seemed not that well taken care of, which didn't surprise him at all from what he learned of Rich's family. All the lights were off in the windows.

Rich stared out the glass for a long moment, not moving from his seat. His face was contorted in a mix of dread and loathing. Michael pitied him. He knew what it was like to have a distant family but he couldn't imagine what it was like to have a broken one. Where you hated the idea of even going home. He tapped on the wheel lightly, thinking about if there was something he could say or do to help the situation, but none came. Or at least, not anything he thought Rich would accept.

"You wanna come in?" Rich suddenly asked, his eyes finally moving from the house to Michael. Michael blinked surprise, his chest tightening again.


"You know, to hang?" Michael eyed the clock in his car. It was past midnight. He had stayed out late many times at Jeremy's house but he always had the intention of staying over for the entire night. He supposed he would have returned home later in the night if he had stayed at the party so the idea wasn't incredibly out there. He was just worried of what would happen if he spent time with Rich this late at night alone.

"It's kind of late," he pointed out weakly, motioning to the clock. Rich's expression fell a little.

"You were planning on staying up late at the party," Rich countered. He was more than right, Michael couldn't defend otherwise. "Come on, I have video games. It'll be fun." They stared at each other for a long while. Michael felt backed into a corner. He hoped if he didn't reply Rich would change his mind. But if he did he would be hurting the other boy's feelings and the last thing he needed was to lose complete favour of his new friend group.

"I…don't know," he replied honestly, his discomfort clearly showing. He was hoping Rich would understand. Rich leaned forward slightly to Michael's dismay.

"I promise I'm not gonna like…hurt you or something," he said, brows furrowed in slight concern. A pang of guilt hit Michael, though he tried to convince himself that he shouldn't be feeling it so strongly.

"I-I know," he replied weakly.

"Just a few rounds. Please?" Rich blinked dramatically to try and win Michael over. It was hard to say 'no' at that point. The though that Rich just wanted him there so he wouldn't be alone came to mind and he sighed.

"I can't stay long," he bit out. Rich grinned and nodded.

"No prob," he replied before getting out of the car. Michael let out a breath, already regretting his decision.

He got out of the car and locked it before following Rich to his house. Rich fumbled with his keys before he was able to unlock the door and let the two inside. The house was dark, as Michael would have expected, but Rich didn't move to turn on the lights. Instead he motioned for Michael follow him up the stairs. Michael was more unnerved by this but after hearing a heavy snore from one of the rooms nearby he understood why.

The two crept up the stairs and down the narrow hallway. "My dad's a heavy sleeper but…" Rich whispered, trailing off at the end. Michael nodded. He followed Rich to the last door in the hallway. The shorter opened it and they both entered.

The room was small, the ceiling slanting down with the shape of the roof. Surprisingly the room was packed with furniture, or rather, it seemed that way from the small size. Rich turned on the light and motioned for Michael to go towards the petite couch shoved in the corner by the old TV. Michael did as he was told as Rich followed closely behind.

The two didn't get a chance to sit down before the sound of the room's door closing was heard. They both jumped and turned around, immediately freezing at the sight. They were not alone.

A/N: Dramatic cliffhanger, just how I like it. But who will it be? A mystery that will be solved next week. ;)