I can't believe I let Kate talk me into this. But then again I can. She could talk a damn corpse back to life, which is how she got this interview with some business mogul to begin with. An interview all the way in Seattle, which I'm coming to, to provide support and entertainment. I should be studying for my finals right now, but now I'm spending hours driving with Kate all the way to Seattle, to stay for like an hour for an interview and then drive all the way back. I should know how to say no to Kate by now, but despite having lived with her for 4 years, I still can't say no when she gives me the puppy eyes and pout. And she knows it.
"Thank you so much for coming with me Ana. I seriously can't thank you enough!" Kate is so energetic right now, she's like that bunny from the battery commercial. I can't even think of the name right now, I'm way too tired. Sitting up late studying for my finals and then getting dragged to Seattle by Kate so early in the morning, is not a good combo for me. I'm not a morning person and never have been.
"Oh my god!" Kate squeals. "Look we're here! Oh my god the building is so much bigger than I thought it would be" Okay big, doesn't describe this building, it's huge!
"Are you sure we're in the right place, Kate?"
"Yes of course, look it says 'Grey House'" She is pointing towards the entrance of the building and she's right, it does say 'Grey House'. Wow, this is a very impressive building, and one person owns it. I've been listening to Kate talk about this Mr. Grey guy for months, and from what I remember he owns the entire company.
Leaving the car, I can't help but be mesmerized by the building, so much that I almost trip over my own feet. Another typical thing for me.
I walk beside Kate when we enter the building and follow her to the receptionist, an immaculately dressed blonde.
"I'm Katherine Kavanaugh, I have an appointment with Mr. Grey at 9:30 am" Kate is, of course, confident as can be, compared to me, who is been feeling extremely insecure since stepping inside the building.
"Of course ms. Kavanaugh, here is your visitor's badge, take the elevator to the 20th floor and Mr. Grey's PA will be there to escort you"
"Thank you," Kate says. Turning away from the desk. I wish Kate good luck with the interview and go to the waiting area and sit on one of the couches. They only have various business magazines on a stand but thankfully, I always bring a book with me.
After about 10 minutes, I'm still on the same page. So I decide to go across the street to a coffee shop and get myself a cup of tea and maybe a blueberry muffin. I texted Kate letting her know where I'd be when she finished.
There were plenty of open tables, so I ordered myself a cup of English Breakfast tea and a blueberry muffin, and picked a table by the windows.
I lose myself watching all kinds of people out on the street, that I don't notice the man coming towards my table.
"Excuse me. Do you mind if I sit here, all the tables are taken?"
I look over and see the most handsome man I have ever seen. I look around and that indeed all the tables in the coffee shop have become occupied.
"Of course, have a seat," I tell him. While seating himself, I take the opportunity to look him over quickly. He has blonde beach wavy curls and beautiful ocean blue eyes. He has a muscular body and a lightly tanned skin.
"Hi, I'm Elliot Grey," he says while reaching his hand across the table.
"Hi, I'm Anastasia Steele but call me Ana," I tell him while shaking his hand. The second our skin touch, I get tingling feeling spreading from fingers throughout my body. Our eyes immediately lock and I blush profusely. We are both silent and just staring at one another until a chair loudly scrapes across the floor somewhere in the coffee shop, breaking our eye contact.
"You wouldn't happen to be related to Raymond Steele, would you?" He asks me.
Uhm yes, he's my dad. How do you know him?" I ask him.
"I have a meeting with him next week for a custom-made staircase," He answered.
"Oh, what do you do for work?"
"I have my own construction company, Grey Construction,"
"Wow, that's very impressive," I tell him. We continue talking about his company and he asks me about college and what I'd like to do after I graduate.
We are interrupted by my phone ringing with Kate's personal ringtone. Oh shit, I have no idea how long I have been sitting here. I pick up my phone and shoot Elliot an apologizing glance.
"Hi Kate,"
"Hi Ana, are you still at that coffee shop?" Kate sounds upset and like she's trying to keep from crying.
"Yes, but I'll be right there and meet you by the car" I start getting up and gather my things.
"Okay thanks, I just want to go home,"
"Okay see you in a minute,"
As I try to stand, Elliot quickly gets up like a gentleman and helps me up.
"I'm sorry I have to leave so abruptly but my friend needs me and we need to head home as well,"
"It's quite alright. I hope your friend is gonna be ok"
"She will be, don't worry" I assure him.
"Ana, I know we just met and all but is there any chance I can see you again?" He asks.
I've never really been on many dates, I always kept my focus on my studies. But Elliot has brought up feelings I've never really felt before in the short time I've known him. And the thought of not seeing him again leaves me with a cold and sad feeling.
"I'd love that," I smile shyly at him and a blush spreads across my cheeks and I catch my bottom lip between my teeth.
We quickly exchange numbers and he promises to call me. And I silently pray that he actually will.
I hurry to Kate's car so I can figure out what happened at the interview to leave her so upset.
Kate is already sitting in the car when I get there so I get into the passenger seat. She is no longer crying but it's evident that she has been. Kate gets the car moving right away and doesn't say a thing until we reach the interstate going back to Portland.
"What happened Kate?" I ask her.
"He was so horrible! It was like he was disinterested and just giving me robotic answers. So I went for the gay question to try and get some kind of damn reaction out of him and he completely flipped out. He forbid me to even publish the article. So now the graduation issue is completely ruined" she all but wailed at me, tears starting to trickle down her cheeks again.
"I'm so sorry Kate! But the issue won't be ruined, you'll figure something out, you always do."
"I know, I just can't believe I blew it... This would have been major for my career"
"You'll have plenty of chances to get ahead in your career, you already have the job with the Seattle Times lined up," I tell her encouragingly.
"Thanks Ana, I really don't know what I would do without you"
We spend the rest of ride singing along with the radio and talking about our upcoming graduation.