Will they reveal the thruth to Alex when things take a turn for the worse?

A/N : I added Maggie in this one because I'd love to see more bonding between her and Kara on the show.

It was after midnight when she staggered into her apartment.

Pouring herself a glass of whiskey Maggie cursed the jackass who'd managed to hit her straight in the face before she cuffed him and dragged his ass to her car.

Holding the pack of ice to her bruised face she emptied the glass. The rush of liquid burned going down her throat, but she enjoyed every drop of it.

She was about to pour herself some more when she heard a tap on the balcony door.

She stilled for a minute almost certain her mind was playing tricks on her.

She shook her head not bothering to use the glass anymore and took a swing from the bottle. Only this time she was certain she heard a knock coming from her balcony, louder this time.

Fully aware there was only one person she knew who'd choose to use the balcony to visit her she almost run to open it, wondering what could've happened. The person she's not seen for months.

Fuck. She swore when she remembered it was locked.

She peaked through the small window that was also locked and saw the blonde slumped against the door and pressing her stomach.

"Kara?" She called through the door, searching the apartment with her eyes trying to remember where she had put the keys at the same time.


The way the blonde slurred her words could tell the detective that something was clearly wrong.

Giving up on finding her keys anytime soon she rushed to the bathroom and grabbed a bobby pin. Kneeling down at the balcony door she picked the lock. Gently turning the doorknob Maggie slowly opened the door bracing herself to catch the younger woman.

Kara fell into her arms, wincing as the impact sent a jolt of pain up her body.

"Easy." Maggie soothed before dragging her inside.

"What happened?" She asked reaching for the pillow and tucking it under the blonde's head.

"Got shot with a Kry-ptonite bullet."

"Why aren't you at the DEO then?" She asked prying her hands away from the wound.

"Don't, I-I don't work with them anymore." Kara said gritting her teeth in pain as Maggie pressed a cloth to the wound.

Kara looked at Maggie's face, noticing the bruises she said. "You're hurt."

"Don't worry about that."

Maggie lifted the cloth, blood instantly oozing out of the wound.

"I need to call Alex."

"No! No, she-she doesn't know." Kara wheezed.

"She'd want to know you're hurt. She knows better what to do-"

"No, you don't understand. She -aghh- she doesn't know I'm Supergirl."

"What do you mean?" Maggie asked wondering if the girl was delirious from the pain.

"It- it's complicated. You just-" Kara squeezed her eyes shut, her hands involuntarily clenching into fists at her sides as she waited for a wave of pain to pass. "You just need to pull the bullet out."

"Okay, okay I got ya Little Danvers." Maggie whispered. "You're gonna be okay." She promised tucking the blonde hair behind her ear, but before she could get to work she felt something warm on her knees.

Looking down her heart skipped a beat as her gaze drifted from her knees to Kara's back.

Quickly letting go of the cloth she's been pressing to the younger woman's stomach she rolled her onto her side, ignoring her protests.

"Kara, the bullet went through and through." Maggie said frown creasing her forehead in concern. It should've healed.

Without a second thought she reached for the blanket and started wrapping it around her torso.

"Hurts." Kara whimpered trying to grab Maggie's hand to stop her.

"Shh I know. Just a little bit longer."

Having wrapped Kara's stomach she looked at the girl's glassy eyes staring at the wall.


Kara slurred something in what Maggie suspected to be Kryptonese.

"Kara stay with me here." She shook her shoulder when saw her eyes fluttering closed.

"There's a lamp- in- aghh"

"Where's it Kara?"

"My-aghh-my apartment."

"Okay, okay. Do you have your phone with you?"

Kara weakly pointed at her cape where her phone was hidden and Maggie reached to pull it out. Scrolling through the numbers she finally reached J'onn's name and pressed the call button, but as her gaze came back to the blonde she saw her eyes were closed. The phone long forgotten she quickly knelt by her side.

"No, no no keep your eyes open Little Danvers." Maggie cupped her cheeks, but to no avail.

"Kara!" She shouted. Her heart felt like it was going to jump out of her chest and hop away.

She watched as the blonde lazily opened her eyes instantly grimacing at the pain that continued to resonate through her torso.

"That's it. Just keep looking at me." Maggie said holding her hand and at the same time calling J'onn.


"There's a lamp in Kara's apartment. I need you to bring it to my place as fast as you can."

"I'll be right there." J'onn promised sensing urgency in her voice.

"Hurts." Kara whimpered her hand tightly pressed to her stomach and the other one squeezing Maggie's hand.

The brunette threw the phone to the side and leaned over the younger woman, stroking her cheek. "J'onn will be right here, okay? With the lamp you'll heal right up."

Kara sniffed nodding her head slightly.

"So how have you been Little Danvers? I've seen your article on the front page." Maggie smiled trying to keep her talking.

Kara even in her state couldn't help but blush. "It's nothing."

"Are you kidding me? It's a big deal and as soon as you've healed we're going out to celebrate."

"With potstickers?" Kara hopefully asked, her body starting to feel numb.

"With potstickers. And booze. Preferably." She smirked.

Kara chuckled and immediately regretted it as it sent waves of burning pain through every nerve ending.


After finally settling down Kara wearily whispered. "I've missed ya, you know?"

Feeling her heart swell at the statement the detective rubbed her arm and admitted. "I've missed you too."