Disclaimer : I do not own any of the characters. They are the property of CW and DC.

A/N : I'm not sure where I'm going with this story, but for now it will basically be Alex taking care of Kara and vice versa. If you have any ideas let me know in the comments.

After defeating the alien, Supergirl fell to her knees, exhausted.

"Hey, hey, it's over." Alex kneeled down next to her, rubbing her back soothingly.

"Is everyone okay?" Supergirl asked wearily.

"Couple of broken bones and some bruises, but no fatal injuries."

"And you?"

"I'm fine. Thanks to you." Alex smiled helping Kara stand up. "Let's get you to the sun room."

As they were walking towards the SUV, Kara's super hearing picked up a woman yelling for help.

"What is it?" Alex asked.

"Someone's drowning in the lake behind that hill." Supergirl explained before taking into the air and flying in that direction.

"Be careful." Alex said running to the car and following her sister.

When Supergirl got there the woman was out of sight. Using her x-ray vision, Supergirl located her and dived into the freezing water. As soon as she grabbed the unconscious girl she tried to fly her back to shore, but before she could get there she felt herself getting weaker. Realizing that she won't be able to get to the shore before solar flaring, she lowered the attitude and flew as long as possible. After her powers had given in, she tightened her hold on the girl and dragged her back onto the bank.

"Alex, Alex she's not breathing!" Supergirl shouted through her comm, trying to catch her own breath.

"The med evac is almost there."

As Alex got there with the medical team shadowing her, Kara was trying to revive the woman.

"Hey, it's okay. They've got her." Alex said coaxing Kara away from the woman.

"She's still not breathing." Kara said eyes lingering on the fallen body.

"They're going to take care of her." Alex assured.

"Your powers?" Alex asked noticing that Kara was shivering.

"Gone." Kara confirmed, glad when Alex slipped off her jacket and covered her up with it.

"Let's get you into the car." Alex suggested running her hands up and down her arms in order to warm her up.

"Is she gonna be okay?" Kara asked one of the medics.

"We won't know until she wakes up."

"Come on." Alex guided them back to one of the cars.

"You should have stayed under the lamps longer." Alex said concerned when she saw Kara shivering on the couch, even under three blankets.

"No, they are too uncomfortable." Kara countered. "There's a portable lamp in my bedroom. Winn gave it to me a few days ago."

"Just stay there. I'll be right back." Alex said before going to Kara's bedroom and coming back with the lamp.

"How are you feeling?" Alex asked setting tha lamp to shine on her sister.

"Ugghhhh." It was Kara's only response before coughing.

Alex went to Kara's bathroom in search of a thermometer.

"You don't look so good." Alex stated placing the device in Kara's ear, frowning when she read the thermometer. "I don't like it."

"Me neither." Kara complained miserably.

"You're probably sick because you've been in that freezing water for so long."

"I couldn't just leave her." Kara said coughing again.

"I know." Alex answered gently before there was a knock on the door. Giving Kara one last sympathetic look, she went to open the door.

"Maggie?" Alex asked surprised when she saw her friend.

"Hey, I guess Kara didn't tell you that we were supposed to meet." Maggie said seeing Alex's confused look.

"No, but she isn't up for meeting anyone right now." Alex informed looking back at her sister.

"Oh, well can you hand her these over?" Maggie asked giving her some files. "We've been kind of working on a case together."

"What case?" Alex curiously asked before her sister coughed once again. "You know what, it's not important right now."

"Is everything okay?" Maggie asked concerned.

"Kara is sick."

"Can I- Do you need anything?" Maggie asked looking over Alex's shoulder at the blonde curled up on the couch.

"Actually, do you mind staying here with her for a few minutes? I just need to get to a drug store across the street and get some medicine."


Author's note: I would appreciate your reviews. Thank you for reading.