Disclaimer: Don't own and never will. Okay?

AN: This is set just after the webisode The Power of Twelve and owes it's existence to the writer Christopher Spielberg.

"Hey, you okay?"

Vega's head snapped up to see Scarlet looking at her with some concern, her brow furrowed slightly as she looked Vega in the eye. In the background, the other Star Darlings were busy dancing to music.

"I'm just…doing some research," Vega said and Scarlett snorted.

"Yeah and I'm a Wishling. Come on, what's up? It's not like you to just clam up."

"Yeah…Scarlett, have you ever wondered what happens after we die?" Vega asked, her voice uncertain. "Like, what happens after a Starling dies?"

"Not really. We survived. We survived and despite everything going against us, we saved Starland."

"I didn't," Vega replied and Scarlett raised an eyebrow. "I didn't. Rancora, she…I…" Vega's words trailed off as she stared off at Cassie and Sage dancing together. "She killed me and I was dead and then I wasn-"

"Okay, stop!" Scarlett said, cutting her off. "First up, you're not dead, okay?"


"Secondly I KNOW you weren't dead, okay?"

"How can you be so sure?" Vega whispered, her face uncharacteristically uncertain and Scarlett winced. It was a good thing Rancora was gone really, because going off and ripping Rancora to shreds was sounding pretty good right about now. "Adora couldn't heal me at all," Vega continued, cutting through Scarlett's rising anger. "I… that shouldn't have happened. If there's even a spark of life, a healing spell can save someone. I shouldn't e-"

"Okay, stop!" Scarlett commanded sharply once more and Vega went silent. "I KNOW you didn't die. You went further than anyone has ever been before, closer to it than anyone should, but I know you didn't die, okay?"

"But how do you know?" Vega asked, her voice threatening to break. How…"

"Because…because I just know!"

"That's not an answer!"

"I would know if you had died!"

"How? What power do you have that would allow you to know that?"

"I just…I would…" for a moment Scarlett fell silent, unable to speak as she fumbled for an argument before crossing her arms and storming off. "You know what? Whatever."

"That's your answer for everything you can't explain, isn't it Scarlett?" Vega snapped in a rush of uncharacteristic anger. "You just…dismiss it like it's nothing and just…walk away!"

"Vega, what's wrong?" Sage asked, a look of concern on her face and the two girls suddenly noticed that the party had come to a screeching halt and their friends were all looking at them with looks of concern on their faces.

"Yeah girl, it's not like you to be so negative," Leona added with a smile. "We need to be positive here. Don't put a downer on our party, I'm here."

"I DIED!" Vega bellowed at her and tears began to run down her cheeks. "I died and then came back and…" her voice trailed off as she began quietly sobbing.

"Vega…" Sage began, her hand reaching towards Vega gently, who pulled away.

"I died and there was nothing and somehow I came back and…" her words trailed away, unable to speak.

Scarlett stepped forward and in a few steps was standing in front of Vega.

"Vega, you didn't die. I know you didn't die," she said and Vega looked dubiously up at her through tear soaked eyes.

"B-b-but how-"

Pulling Vega's chin up gently, Scarlett pulled Vega's lips to hers and kissed her before she could finish.

"That's why I know," she said with a smile. "I know you didn't die because I can't live without you. If you had died, I would have too," she paused for a moment. "I've…been so afraid of telling you for so long and it's okay if you don't feel the same way and-"

This time, it was Vega who cut Scarlett off with another kiss. The other girls cooed and smiled, but neither of them noticed as they kissed and kissed.