Okay, this is the final chapter ^.^' enjoy

Shouto kept our date a surprise up until I saw where we were headed. As soon as we left the train station I knew where he was taking me, the amusement park. "We're going here for our date Shouto?" I ask, a little confused by his choice. This isn't what I would have guessed him to pick.

"Yeah. I did a lot of thinking about it and I thought this would be the best choice to have some fun for both of us," he tells me.

We get in the long line to pay for entry to the park. There's a lot of people here today, it's been awhile since I've come here and I've forgotten how crowded it can get. "Have you ever been here before?" he suddenly asks me.

"A few times when I was a child. I haven't had the opportunity to come since then," I reply while leaning into his arm.

He starts to rub my hand with his thumb. "If we have a good time today we should come again," he says.

I smile and get off him. "How about you Shouto? Have you been here before?" I ask.

He rubs the back of his neck and doesn't look at me. "No. This is my first time coming to one."

Now that I think about it, it makes sense that he probably never got the chance. I take my hand out of his grasp which causes him to look at me. I then wrap his arm around my shoulders and stand with my body up against his. "I'm glad your first time coming here is with me," I say as I begin to feel comfortable in his hold.

"Oh yeah..?" He pulls me even closer and kisses my head. "I'm glad I get to have a lot of first time experiences with you Momo."

I can feel my face blush at his comment, thinking back to last night. "Same here," I reply as I wrap my arm around his waist.

The line has been slowly moving forward and we're finally nearing the front. I let go of Shouto and start to dig through my purse to locate my wallet. "What are you doing Momo?" he asks.

"Getting my wallet so I can pay."

He grabs my hand and stops me from searching. "Momo this is a date. I'm paying for everything today," he tells me.

"Everything? Shouto you don't have to do that."

He lets my hand go and sighs a little. "I'm still paying for our admission and the rides. You can be in charge of the food. Sound fair?" he asks.

I smile and nod. "I think that's acceptable."

I should have known Momo wouldn't let me pay for the whole date. Splitting it up like this is fair I guess. Once I pay for us to enter the park and get us the biggest amount of points for the card to use on rides I can buy, we enter.

I look around at all the enormous rides that are scattered all throughout the area. Just from here I can spot six different rollercoasters and two pendulum looking things. Momo takes my hand and tugs on it, dragging me in further. "What do you want to ride first Shouto?" she asks with a bright smile.

"I honestly have no idea," I say. "Why don't you pick."

We walk through the park, I look around at all the food stalls and games that are around us as Momo leads me toward a large ride with a sign that says 'Zipper'. I look up at it and it appears to be a more intense version of a ferris wheel...

"This is what you want to ride first?" I ask as she pulls me into the line.

"Yeah! We should go on it now before we eat any food," she tells me.

I look up and watch the cages that you sit in spin around and the entire thing is rotating in a circle. "I can see why..."

Once the current ride stops and everyone gets off, we get on. The cage is big enough to fit three people, but Momo and I are alone together in it. We strap ourselves in and wait for everyone else to fill the cages. "Are you excited Shouto!? This is your first ride!" Momo excitedly asks me.

Normally I'm calm and collected, but right now I'm feeling nervous. The padded cage we're in is at the peak of the ride and is swaying back and forth like it'll fall if we move too much. I can hear it creaking as it moves and I hear the screams of people going on the other rides in the park.

I nod, answering Momo's question. "Yeah. I am exci-" the ride suddenly starts.

It feels like we're in a free fall backwards, but then I can feel the cage begin to ascend up the other side and we start to spin as we go around. I hold on to the harness around me and my adrenaline starts pumping through my entire body. I look over at Momo who is smiling and laughing, looking as if she's having the best time ever. Even through all this intense spinning I smile at her happiness.

After awhile, just when I'm getting used to it, the ride ends. We exit, both of us slightly dizzy from how much Momo made it spin on purpose. "That was so fun Shouto!" she exclaims as she walks ahead of me.

"Yeah. It wasn't at all what I was expecting," I say. I reach her and take her hand. "What do you want to go on next?"

Momo gazes around as we walk away from the Zipper. She points up at a large rollercoaster. "Let's go on that one next."


After riding the rollercoaster, a drop tower, a simulator ride, a swing ride, and two different rollercoasters, we decide to take a break and grab some food. After the first rollercoaster Shouto was really getting into it, I've never seen him so excited before. It made me happy that I got to see that side of him.

After walking to the food vendors and ordering a late lunch we sit down at the food court and eat. "I'm having so much fun Shouto," I tell him.

"That's good. I figured you would at least."

I grin at him, he can't hide the joy in his eyes. "I know you're having fun too. It's okay to show it."

A small smile escapes his face. "I know. I'm still not used to fun... But today has been extremely fun for me," he says.

"I'm glad."

As we eat I admire the sky as it's starting to fade into a pale bluish purple color. Shouto notices me looking up at the sky. "I'm sorry we got here a little late today," he tells me. "If I had paid better attention to my run we could have had more time to be here."

"We still have plenty of time Shouto," I tell him. "After we eat we should play some of the games before going on anymore rides."

He nods and looks to the large area where the games are at. "Sounds like a plan. I was kind of interested in trying them out."

"You know, being on a date doesn't have to be all about the girl Shouto. If you wanted to play some games you could have said something."

He averts his eyes as he sips on his soda. "I'm just not used to this yet... I just wanted to make sure you're happy and having fun," he says.

I lightly sigh but smile as I watch his pink face glance at me. "Well, you get to pick the games we play," I say to him.


Once Momo and I finish eating our food we walk to the large area where all the game booths are. I scan all the games. They look like they're mostly the kind where you throw something to knock something over or try to get the ball into something. There are other games where you're allowed to use your quirk if possible, but not many.

"So which one do you want to play first?" Momo asks me.

"Um... How about this one," I say as I walk to a ball tossing game.

"Go for it," Momo says with a smile.

I step up to the booth and swipe our card, then the man hands me three baseballs. "What do I do?" I ask.

The man raises an eyebrow and scoffs. "Throw the balls at the pins and try to knock over as many as possible. Knock 'em all down and you get a prize."

I look at the pins on a table two meters away, there's five sets of six pins that are stacked up in pyramids. "Okay," I say as I toss the ball up and catch it. I take aim and throw the ball. It knocks into the pin in the bottom right row and the pin shoots sideways across the table and knocks into two of the other towers. I throw the second ball and it smashes into the remaining pins. "There. So I win?" I ask the man.

He's scowling at me as he reaches behind the counter and hands me a stuffed Hawks Hero doll. "Congrats," he says.

I look at it, confused why people get these as prizes. "Um.. Thanks..." I turn to Momo and hand it to her. "Here. You can have it."

She takes it and smiles. "Thank you Shouto," she says, smiling at me. "Do you want to try out another game? You did really well at this one."

I look around at the other booths. "Sure, but it's your turn. I wanna see how well you do at one," I say as I set my hand around her waist.

"Sure," she replies, her face going a shade pink. I'm so glad that she still makes these faces after our night together. I was afraid she might not make them.

I follow closely behind her as she looks around at the game booths. She stops at one which is a ring toss. I hand her the card and she swipes it and receives the rings. I take her purse and the Hawks doll and watch her play the game. She tosses one ring and gets it on one of the bottles without knocking it over or the ring bouncing off. She throws the second one but it bounces off. She throws the final one and it lands on it. The man gives her a small prize which is a coupon for two free ice creams.

I grin as she turns to face me. "I did better then you," I tease.

She rolls her eyes and takes her things back. "You just got lucky Shouto," she says as she grabs my hand. "Plus your game was way easier than the ring toss."

"Yeah but at least your prize was more practical. Free ice cream is better than a stuffed Hero doll in my opinion," I say.

She turns and faces me as we stop walking. "So do you regret winning this doll for me?" she asks, raising an eyebrow at me.

I look her over and rub the back of my head, nervous I might give the wrong answer. "Um. No..?" I reply.

She rolls her eyes again and takes a step closer to me. "Even if you don't see the point in this, I'll always love it. It'll be a reminder of our first date, our fun day together at the amusement park," she tells me.

I never thought of it like that... I look down at the Hawks doll and then focus on Momo's face. I cup my hands over her cheeks and bring my lips to hers, giving her a short, simple kiss. "I'm sorry. Want me to try and win you some more? I did have fun doing it," I offer.

She grins and nods. "Only if you want to."

"I want to." I take her hand and we walk to another game booth. This one is some form of water shooting game. "How do I win this one?" I ask her.

"You aim the gun at that small hole in the target and the first one to fill the balloon with water and pop it wins," Momo explains to me.

"Sounds easy. Which prize do you want when I win?" I ask.

Momo takes a second to scan the prizes hanging from the booth. "That one. The All Might colored peace sign pillow," she says.

I look up and see the one she's talking about and smile at her choice. "I'll get it for you."

I walk up and wait for the current game to end. Once it's over I swipe the card and get set up at one of the water guns. Four other people come and take their aim as it's about to begin. A siren goes off and we all fire at the designated target. From all my quirk training at making precise attacks this game is extremely simple. I'm the first to pop the balloon and I win Momo the prize she wanted.

I smirk at her as I hand her the prize. "For you," I say.

"Thank you Shouto," she says as she accepts it. "How about we go back to the food court and use this coupon now," she suggests.

"Sure. Sounds good."

We head back to the food court and Momo uses her coupon to get us each an ice cream. We go over to a bench and sit down, watching people as they pass by. "It's been such a long time since I've had ice cream," I state.

"Really? How long had it been?"

"Hmm... Maybe like, seven years..." I reply. "I forgot how good it was."

Shouto and I make small talk while we enjoy our frozen treats. Once we're done we head back towards the games. "Are you going to play some more games Shouto?" I ask him.

He sets his arm around my shoulders as we walk. "Maybe later. How about we go on another ride?"

I smile at his suggestion. "Sure! Which one?"

"I enjoyed the drop tower," he says.

"That sounds like fun. Which one do you want to go on?"

"How many are here?" he asks.

"I think there's five different ones."

"Hmmm... You pick," he tells me before kissing my head. I blush at his action. I wrap my arm around his body and squeeze his butt which makes him jump. "Hey!" he exclaims as he pulls me closer to him.

"What?" I say while not being able to hold back my laughter.

"You know what..." he mutters as we keep on walking.

We go and ride the closest drop tower ride, and then we decided to go on another rollercoaster, a swing ride and a haunted house themed dark ride. By the time we reach the end of the dark ride the sun has started to set. I look up at the sky and see it's fading from a deep purplish pink color to a darker purple blue.

Shouto looks up at the sky as he notices me staring at it. "It's getting pretty late," he says.

"Yeah. Should we get going?"

"Not just yet. There's one more ride I want to go on before our date ends," he says as he leads me towards the middle of the park.

"Which ride?" I ask.

"That one," he says as he points to the enormous farris wheel.

"That one?" I repeat.

"Yeah. Come on," he says as he pulls me toward it.

We get to the line at the base of the ferris wheel and wait. "Why do you want to go on this one?" I ask, curious for his reasoning.

"From what I understand this one is supposed to be rather calming and romantic, especially at night like this," he tells me.


He looks over at me and nods while smiling. "Yeah. Girl's like romance right? You said that yourself Momo. I want to do something romantic for you tonight," he says as he holds me close to his body.

My face feels hot and flushed as he speaks gently, just loud enough for me to hear. "So this is something else you're just doing for me?" I question while gazing into his eyes.

"No. I like romance too. But only with you," he replies while leaning into me. He presses his lips against mine, kissing me rather passionately. His hand wraps around my body and caresses my back, causing me to feel hot all over. He pulls away and runs hand up and down my back. "I love you Momo," he says. "I want to end our first date as perfect as I can."

I grin as he sets his arm over my shoulders. I wrap my arm around his body and lean my head against him. "I love you so much Shouto."

We slowly move up in line, getting closer to the ride. I hold Momo as we wait, feeling calm and happy. But, it's suddenly interrupted when I hear a familiar voice call out to me. "Shouto! Shouto! I know that's you!"

I turn around and spot the person who was calling me. "Ah crap..." I mutter.

"What is it? Who is that?" Momo asks as she sees him coming over to us.

"That's my brother," I sigh.

He comes over and wraps his arm around my neck, putting me in a head lock. "Shouto what are you doing here at a place like this?" he asks me.

"Knock it off Natsu!" I yell at him. He laughs and lets me go. "What are you doing here?" I ask him.

He chuckles and reaches for the hand of a woman standing near him. "I'm on a date," he says as he notices Momo by my side. "And it looks like you are too."

"This is your brother?" Momo asks me.

Natsu gives off a huge grin at her. "Yup. Name's Natsuo Todoroki," he says. He looks her over as his enormous smile stays on his face. "You must be Momo Yaoyorozu."

"How do you know who she is?" I ask him.

"From Mom. Plus I remember seeing her in this year's sports festival," Natsu replies. "You're going to make am amazing Hero with that quirk of yours," he says to her.

Momo blushes as she takes a hold of my hand. "Thank you Todoroki," she says to him.

Natsu chuckles and shakes his head. "Just call me Natsu," he tells her. "Shouto, can I have a word with you real quick?"

I look over at Momo and then to my brother. "Um.. Sure. I'll be right back," I tell Momo. Natsu and I step away from our girlfriends and he sets his arm around me. "What do you want Natsu?" I ask.

"That girl of yours sure is pretty. You'd better treat her right Shouto," he tells me.

"I know. I am," I reply. "Why does everyone keep telling me this?"

Natsu glances back at the girls and then looks to me. "Your smart Shouto, and I'm sure you're not going to repeat dad's mistakes but I just need to be sure," he says.

My chest tightens in pain just at the thought of doing to Momo what my dad did to my mom. "I'd never do that to her Natsu!" I bark at him. "Is this all you wanted to tell me?"

Natsu grins as he reaches into his pocket. He pulls out a condom and hands it to me. "Make sure you use this," he chuckles.

I scoff and roll my eyes. "I already have the ones you gave me as a joke last year," I tell him.

"Well now you finally have a girl to use them with!" he exclaims followed by another laugh.

"You're so embarrassing..." I say.

He turns me around and we head back to our dates. Where they're at in line is almost at the front now. "Alright then Shouto! Have fun with the rest of your night! And Yaoyorozu, it was nice to finally meet you," he says while smiling kindly at her.

Momo gives a small bow. "Yes. It was nice to make your acquaintance, Natsu," she says with a small smile.

Natsu takes his girlfriend's hand and begins to walk away. "Stay safe Shouto!" he calls to me.

I roll my eyes and turn back to Momo. "Sorry about him," I say. "I wasn't expecting to run into any of my family here..."

"That's okay Shouto. He seems like a nice person."

I rub my neck where he had a hold of me. "He is. But he can also joke around too much," I say.

"I can see that," Momo chuckles.

After our unexpected run in with Natsu we finally reach our last ride of the night. Momo and I get on the farris wheel alone in our own gondola. It's going around slowly, stopping every few minutes as people fill the rest of the gondolas. I set my arm around Momo as look across the colorful lights of the amusement park shining brightly in the night. I glance down at Momo who is also fixated on the lights.

"It sure is beautiful isn't it Shouto?"

"Yeah," I answer while still staring at her.

She glances up at me. I can feel the tension as our eyes meet. I lean in and kiss her. She returns the kiss as she sets her hands on the back of my neck and on my chest. I moan lightly as she slides her hand up my chest and sets it on my neck with her other hand. I grab her and pull her up onto my lap, keeping our lips locked.

Her arms wrap around my neck and her hands go for my hair, teasing her fingers through it. I run my hands up and down the sides of her body, getting a reaction out of her. Her body trembles and she lightly gasps. I enter my tongue into her mouth and slide her over my lap closer to me. I set my hands on her lower back and begin to run them down over her ass.

"Mmm.. Shouto," she breathes as she pulls away from my mouth.

"What is it?" I ask, gazing at her.

"We can't do it here," she tells me.

I smirk and lean back in my seat. "I know that. I wasn't trying to go for it. You're such a perv Momo," I tease her.

Her face goes red and she breaks eye contact with me. I chuckle and reach out to her, taking her hand and pulling her into me so she's laying against my body. "I love you," I whisper to her.

She traces her fingers over my chest, sliding her hand into my shirt and rubbing my bare skin. "I love you too..." she replies.

The ride slowly goes around. We sit together, her in my lap and me holding her in my arms. The sky has become completely dark now and the full moon is out and the stars are twinkling above. I'd say this is a pretty perfect ending to my first date with my one true love.

This was the best way I could think of ending this without jamming a bunch of half assed chapters in lol I hope you all enjoyed my first fan fic :)