She had her eyes on him from the second he sauntered in with his friends. He was taller than them, arms hung around their shoulders, laughing like the floor was a comedic routine, mouth wide, eyes crinkled, face red. He was wearing a typical black suit, with a fake red rose pinned above his pocket, and blue bird-shaped cufflinks.

Raven sighed. A competing undercover agent was troublesome to deal with, to say the least. And Robin of all agents… She sighed and pinned her eyes back on her target - which she presumed was his also, considering his sneakish glances in their direction. Her target, Kelson Parch, was still boasting tales of his business adventures to their little group and anyone with decent hearing inside a three-mile radius.

As soon as she saw Robin and his wild friend group of young billionaire heirs begin to move in her direction, Raven let a smirk on her face, quirking an eyebrow, eyes trained on Kelson Parch's. He took Raven's hand, without even asking, and led her to the dancefloor.

"I must say, Mr Parch, your accomplishments only add to your already magnetic attraction."

He was a poor dancer, Raven thought, clearly only learned to dance by mandate of his etiquette education. But he was able to lead, and Raven was able to keep out of the way of his large, sloppy steps. She saw his eyes move passed her face and down to the teasing neckline of her dress. She would've rolled her eyes, but she spotted Robin's smirk from across the room, where he was dancing with… Mrs Parch. Of course.

"High praise from Miss Candice Everton, was it?" Kelson Parch's mouth was grazing the shell of Raven's ear and she feigned a low chuckle.

"Yes, I've been following your… career," she said, biting her bottom lip softly, "for quite some time, and I would love to get to know you better."

"Meet me after the party, in the master suite." He whispered into her ear.

Raven smiled as he pulled away from her.

"I will be waiting, Candice."

They had drifted close enough to Robin's pair for Mr Parch to remember some decency and exchange 'Candice Everton' for his wife's hand. Robin stood in front of Raven, now, head cocked to the side, grinning wide, teeth showing.

"May I?"

Raven took his hand and he led her back into a dance. As always, he was a great dancer. Far better than her, but always considerate, making sure not to trip her feet (or her cover).

"Wouldn't it be more proper to ask for a name before asking for a dance?"

"You tell me, Miss Candice Everton."

Raven rolled her eyes in his full view, but kept her face bland. "Now, this is unfair. You know my name, but I have no clue what yours is?"

"Tonight," he said, spinning her around, "you can call me Ned Darlington."

Raven fought the urge to outright laugh and instead focussed on the blonde wig Robin was sporting. If she looked close enough she could even see the edges.

"Hmm, I heard the Darlington's couldn't make it tonight. They were invited to an Asian magnate's evening party."

"Leo Kim's actually." Robin said, "But I missed my flight, and decided to come here instead."

Raven hummed and mustered up the fakest smile she could.

Robin grinned and bent her over his arm, face close enough to feel his breath ghosting over her cheek.

"Parch is mine." He said, softly, teasing.

"If you insist." Raven replied, grazing her dainty silver and blue fake nails at the edge of his wig.

Hours later they were wound around each other, lips locked and clothes strewn around the huge master suite, while Kelson Parch was knocked out in a closet.

The next morning, Robin helped zip Raven's dress up, and fasten her necklace.

"Well it's been fun, Candice, but I really must be on my way."

"Likewise, Edward."

Raven reached around and clasped her hands behind his neck, tip-toeing up to kiss him on the lips.

Robin froze. His limbs buckled and he collapsed onto the bed. Eyes wide, glaring up at Raven.

She kissed him on the nose and the forehead and walked very slowly to the closet to retrieve her target. She swung Parch into a large purple suitcase and zipped it up.

"Don't worry," she said to Robin, "It'll wear off in a few minutes."

She heaved the suitcase up and wheeled it to the balcony, where a helicopter was waiting for her.

"Until next time, Robin," she mouthed, blowing him a kiss.

As her helicopter sped away, Robin got up and laughed. He whisked out of the room and into the real Ned Darlington's, re-checking that his target was, in fact, still completely plastered.

He grabbed him and made his way out of the estate, into his getaway car.

Until next time, Raven.