Chapter 28

"Disbelief, when I first heard the news

It left me angry and confused

Knocked the wind out of my soul

When we lost what made us whole"

Jane never thought she would care about her brother-in-law. Not even a bit. But she did. She loved him. He wasn't just her husband's brother. He was her brother too.

When Thor returned to Earth to take her back to Asgard she knew as soon as she saw him that Loki was gone.

Loki had known this was coming… she knew by the way he'd said, "Goodbye, Jane." and equally by how she couldn't say "Goodbye Loki."

But even when you know something was coming, you can't prepare yourself for when it hits. She couldn't even get up from the breakfast table to go to her husband. She'd just sat there while Stark got up to greet Thor and she stared at him.

He was dressed in black. His hair was pulled back from his face which looked haggard and worn. As soon as that pair of sorrow saturated eyes locked on hers she shut them tightly as if she could prolong the moment before grief hit her.

She had known her Mom was dying too. It hadn't helped.

Thor hadn't come over to her, he'd just stood there, shoulders finally broken under the world's weight. Stark was trying for humor, like always, and Thor was nodding. His entire being subdued.

"Hey, Point Break." Stark waved his hand in front of Thor's face. "What's wrong?"

"Loki is dead." Thor said to Jane. Ignoring Stark who went uncharacteristically quiet.

"I know." Jane whispered, and finally rose to go to Thor's arms.

"And now there's a heat behind my eyes

And I can't stop asking why, why, why

They say it's gonna be okay but it doesn't take away the pain"

Thor couldn't believe how quickly everything was just falling into place. Loki's funeral was in two days, but already Thor had been crowned King and begun performing his duties as Monarch. His first act was to abolish the laws regarding how different races of prisoners were to be tried and sentenced. It seemed fitting. It was a small document, a small step, but one that promised which direction his kingship was going to go.

His second act had been to dismiss two-thirds of the council. He kept a third of them that seemed at least partially open minded, and represented their group; same color, race, wealth etc…

The third act had been to replace them. Eir had been his first candidate.

"You do know I am a woman, yes?" She had given him the eyebrow of disapproval.

"Yes, but you are one of the most wise and experienced nobles among us and your duties of Chief Healer should be represented on the council." He had nodded seriously.

"And you do understand that I am not only the wrong sex, but the wrong color for a royal council?"

"The color of your skin should have nothing to do with it." Thor had ground out, he was tired of this. This hatred that had cost him a brother. "If Loki were here, I would have him as the second head of the Council, and his skin color was blue, which is even more hated on Asgard than brown or black. Besides Heimdal is one of our greatest warriors as is Hogun."

"They're the only one's." She'd pursed her lips in disapproval again before crossing her muscular forearms across her broad chest and informing him, "You know the first centuries of transition are going to be hell, right?"

Thor nodded, "It's worth it. For the millenia to follow, it's worth it. But yes, the transition will be harsh… which is another reason I want you on the council. I think you're one of the few strong enough to weather the storms ahead."

"Thick-headed and stubborn." She had snorted, "That's what you mean."

"No! I hadn't meant to imply that-"

"Yes you did, and you're right. I accept."

Thor gave a small smile of triumph, the most he was able to muster these days and bid his new council member good day to seek out the others.

"We don't have to be afraid

Cause I don't think it's an accident that tears are shaped like seeds

So I'll bury all my fears and trust they're turning into trees

Oh, I'm fighting to believe

this is not the end of the story."

Srusti had felt Shelah fade. She'd said a prayer to bid his spirit goodbye and immediately sought out Gurren to whom she'd ranted at for a solid hour before curling up on his lap and crying on his shoulder. She'd only met him once and she already missed him.

She'd never met Sigyn at all and she missed her.

"We should plead that your Brother-King allow us to leave and attend his funeral." Gurren had murmured as he combed her hair.

Srusti snorted. "Mark my words, the Aesir won't have anything to do with us. Shelah was our only tie."

"I know not…" Gurren had replied patiently, "I spent more time with the Crownling and he seemed agreeable to me…"

"Yeah? Did he seem agreeable when he came here to slaughter one-hundred warriors for the acts of two?" Srusti growled. She had performed the funeral rites for all those soldiers and prayed for each of their families.

"You're brother-twin was the same, but you forgave him."

"He changed."

"So can we all, my love. Redemption is for anyone who will take it."

So they had been granted permission by Helbindi to travel to Asgard again to ask for permission to attend the funeral.

The Crownling-King had offered to let her perform Jotun rituals, as the Temple Guard along with the traditional Aesir funeral launching of the boat. It was the chance to claim her twin as one of his own people. A chance to send him off the right way.

Srusti had wept accepting such a gift.

"Our lives are a poem: our sorrow, half the lines.

No, I don't think it's an accident that tears are shaped like seeds

So I'll bury all my fears and trust they're turning into trees,"

Thor didn't want to touch Gungnir. He wanted to rule with Mjolnir. Not the weapon that his little brother had died on. But it was the only weapon that released souls off the edge of the realm. It was only a tool, he told himself, he would not use it for anything but funerals. Let it be a symbol of the dead and their release to Vahalla.

Loki had been dressed in tribal clothing of the Jotuns with his dark hair braided back in beautiful intricate knots and ties. His blue skin only accented the black and white of the painted runed eloquently inscribed on his already present tribal runes that Srusti had explained told the story of Loki and his Ancestors.

A red pattern had been painted across his bare chest and the backs of his hands that told of Thor and Frigga, the family of the story he had lived. Gold had been painted over his nails to speak of his undying love for his eternal mate, since he had not remarried after Sigyn had died. Green beads had been tied into his hair representing all of the families of Jotunheim that had claimed they still wanted to participate in honoring him, despite his crimes, because of his saving of the rest of their people with his plan. His waist was clad in a black, wolf-skin breechcloth that stretched down to his knees. His horned helmet placed at his feet in to boat and two green daggers were held in an 'x' across his chest.

Srusti had prayed over him in her ancient language and Thor and Gurren had each carried an end of the boat to place it into the Sea of Eternity.

The Aesir citizens gathered for release their blessings from the shore had stared at his brothers body, as Jotun as he was Aesir. A perfect blending of two cultures. It was a small step forward, but a step all the right direction. No one could deny that the way Srusti had prepared her brother, the say she said goodbye, was beautiful. The Aesir could not deny the beauty of at least one Jotun ritual now.

As Thor dropped the mighty weapon he would not wield in battle, he watched his brother's soul fly to the heavens to join the stars, swirling like an eternal, dance of a flame.

He finally saw the beauty his wife and brother saw in the stars. They were not eternity.

But they were the promise of it.

"And I'll keep fighting to believe

That this is not the end of the story.

This tragedy is not the end of the story."

"Tragedy is not the End" Joel Ansett


Phew! It's out! All of it! Thanks for sticking with me to the end! I know you probably hate me a little right now, but I promise all of this was for a reason. I never end a story in tragedy unless tragedy speaks truth better than "happily ever after".

I've experienced a lot of grief this past year (but really over the past eleven years as well) and Love Your Brother is a part of me learning to say goodbye. Goodbye to friends, goodbye to family, goodbye to the person I thought I was going to be. Goodbye to suicides, car accidents, and cancer victims; I know you by name and I know that your deaths do not define who you were in life. I pray I get to see you all on the other side of eternity.

As for my readers, I hope more than to just make you sad, I was able to impart a bit of wisdom, comfort, hope, new thoughts or at least some understanding along the way. (as well as just the enjoyment of a good story with these beautiful characters.)

Don't forget to love your brothers and sisters next to you, across from you, and far, far away from you. You never know how much time you'll get to have with them.



P.S. PLEASE COMMENT! at least once. :) I really would love feedback constructive criticism or just thoughts on anything i've brought up. :)