AN: This takes place closer to the timeline for young justice so right now it's October of 2005 Hazel is six Dick is nine this story is going to be very AU for all universes and it will have bits of Young Justice in it.

Bruce stepped out of his rented car and onto the curb outside of number 4 privet drive, hoping that this dinner not go as horribly as the last one he had attended. He wa here for one reason and one reason only, because he was considering a business deal with Grunning Drills and their contract manager Vernon Dursley had invited him and Dick for dinner. Speaking of Dick

"Dick get out of the car."

The nine year old boy clambered out of the back seat reluctantly moaning

"This is going to be so boring."

"They have a son close to your age, I'm sure the two of you can find something to do while we talk." Bruce said patiently

The black- haired boy didn't look to convinced but he straightened up and put a smile on his face as the pair proceeded up the walk to the generic front door.

Dick looked at the bolt on the small door under the stairwell and was suddenly very apprehensive as to what he would find on the other side. When Dudley had said his cousin lived in the cupboard under the stairs he hadn't believed him, but then he offered to prove it. The outside of the door was ordinary enough except for the airing vent that was painted shut. With trembling hands he slide the bolt free figuring he had come this far he might as well look. Then he opened the door and saw what the dursleys had locked away. He screamed


When Dick screamed Bruce jumped to his feet and in seconds was rushing towards the source of the sound. When he reached the two boys in the entry hall he immediately started looking for injuries or enemies what he saw was that Dick's eyes were locked on something inside. Then the smell reached him the smell of blood and sickness. Bruce quickly looked into the cupboard and saw what had caused hi son's scream. Curled in the corner on a pile of rags was a small figure of what looked to be a four year old child. He quickly reached in and pulled it out, instantly seeing multiple injuries including a large infected cut across the child's forehead. Before the Dursleys had a chance to speak he had his phone in hand calling the police.

One Month Later

"In the matter of the Crown Vs. Vernon and Petunia Dursley the court finds The Defendants guilty of all charges. They are hereby sentenced to fifteen years each in prison and loss of custody of the minors Dudley Dursley and Hazel Potter. Custody of Dudley Dursley is awarded to the Crown, Custody of Hazel Potter is awarded to Bruce Wayne. Case Closed, Court adjourned." bang. The gavel came down sealing the Dursley's fates. It's really over, I'm not going back to them. I get to go home with . The small black haired girl thought as she grinned up at the man seated next to her. He quietly met her emerald gaze with his own blue one, gently scooping he up and stood, taking Dick's hand they left the courtroom.