



"Knowledge is power. Peyton Manning is the smartest quarterback in history. The man can dissolve your whole formation in the blink of an eye"

"And Tom Brady has how many superbowl rings? That's right, 5. How many does the savant Manning have? 2. Dos."—

"Tom Brady along with the Patriots organization are responsible for deflategate. They literally won by cheating, that's common knowledge."

"What is known is that sports are basically a game of facts. You get the win no matter what. A man can do whatever he can to achieve that"—

"Even cheat? Resolve to smoke and mirrors?" Gendry asked. The other man shrugged. "You're a strange man Doctor H'ghar"

"I'm just open to anything. Hence why I am here discussing football with a young man who books an emergency session with me, spends 45 minutes talking about sports when clearly something is on his mind"—

"Who says that something is on my mind?"

"You only come here when you need to discuss something that's bothering you"—

"And who says that I don't enjoy your company as a friend?"

"We're not friends, I'm your therapist and I'm pretty sure that at some level I annoy you considering how you came to my practice to begin with"—

Dammit. He was right.

Gendry had a love/hate relationship with Jaqen H'ghar. Why? Because he was a therapist. Weak people saw therapists and he wasn't weak. Initially Gendry sought him after the corps mandate he got help. PTD they said, Gendry only said lack of sleep and women but in the end he ended up here. At first like a good little soldier he was, five sessions, once a week for a month, then somehow he got back every time he felt stressed. It could be months in between to being on first name basis with the receptionist but the fact was that he always came back to the couch. He wasn't exactly a people person and sometimes there were things that he couldn't tell Hot Pie. Hot Pie wasn't damaged, Gendry was…

"I think I fucked up"

"Think or know?"—

"Both… but it's more a matter of interpretation" Jaqen lifted his eyebrow. "Ok… say you had a patient. And that patient needed help. Would you deny that help?"

"No, it's my job. I help people"—

"Exactly. I help them too. You help the mind and I help the body, I keep people safe, guard their wellbeing. That is exactly what I'm doing"

Jaqen looked at him and crossed his arms over his chest, stretching his legs out in his chair and just; looked at him.

"Aren't going to say anything?" Gendry asked.

"It depends, are you going to start telling me why you're really here or are you going to tip toe around hypotheticals?"—

Gendry sighed "So, there's this girl…" Of course there is; Jaqen muttered. "And she's seventeen…"

"STOP!"—Gendry complied while Jaqen stood up. "You're a law man, I'm a doctor. We both know what doctor / patient confidentiality means but help me God Waters; seventeen? Have you ran out of women to sleep in Kings Landing that you have to go for the underage?"—

"Whoa Doc. Hold up! I'm not sleeping with her"

"Thank God… tell me everything."—So that's what Gendry did.

He told him everything. The investigation on Walder Frey, the raid of the compound. How he met Arry, how he rescued her both from the burning building and the halfway house, about Mycah and how for the last three days Arry had been living with him in his apartment.

It was weird to say the least. He got up in the morning; she was asleep. He went to the gym and then to work; she was asleep or at least the door to the guestroom where she staying was closed. Then at night he got home and she was asleep. That was it. Except for light noises in her room at night Gendry would believe he was alone as usual.

"Interesting…"—Jaqen said scribbling in his notepad. "And what have you done about the situation?"—

"Well, I'm here aren't I?"

"I know… but in terms of your job. Have you found a place for her in another shelter? Contacted her social worker? I'm not familiar with protocol but I'm sure living with a minor from a case you worked on is not exactly politically correct."—

"I feel good…"

"How so?"—

"I feel good knowing she's safe. Right where I can see she's safe"

"Interesting…"—Jaqen said, still scribbling away.

"Would you please say something other than 'Interesting'?"

"What do you want me to say?"—

"I don't know, help me on what the hell to do?" Gendry began to space around the office.

"I already told you what to do; call child services and get her to another shelter. What you want however is for me to tell why it is that you're doing what you're doing"—

"I'm sorry, was I paying for you to be a wiseass?" Gendry muttered while Jaqen chuckled.

"Ok… what do you want to discuss first? The fact that for once in your life you are experiencing empathy towards a victim and not seeing them as just collateral damage in your eternal quest for justice or your lack of social skills towards women when you're not sleeping with them"—

"Come again?..." Gendry said standing cold where he stood.

"The normal issues we've discussed millions of times Gendry. The root of the problem is why now? Why this girl?... I'd like to meet her"—


"Why not? I do believe that under child care she's supposed to be seeing a therapist. Is she seeing one already?"—

"She was in a deadbeat shelter, harassed by the security guard. I'd go on a limb and say she wasn't on any kind of therapy"

"Gendry she's a young girl, a young woman who was stripped off of everything she held dear, pushed into another world and who is now living with a grown man she barely knows"—

"She trusts me. I know that"

"Which is not recommendable. She's probably holding you up to the Olympus status of a hero when she obviously knows nothing is basic social interactions. She'll form an attachment, develop feelings that are not there and with you being who you are that can be disastrous."—

"I'm not a monster. I would never hurt her" Gendry exclaimed appalled that he would even suggest it.

"You're a good man Gendry, I meant more about your inability to form a relationship with women without factoring sex."—

"Jesus Doc… you sound like every woman I've dated. Just because I haven't found the right girl doesn't mean I'm this what? Serial ladies' man?"

"I believe the current term is fuckboi"—

"I care for her, she's… different"—

"Of course you do. You can't have her. We crave what we can't have. I want to meet her. If you're not willing to do this through the proper channels then bring her here and see how we can assess the situation"

"Can I ask you a question?"


"I thought bartenders were supposed to like talking with their customers"

"I'm a retired cop who needed to spend his retirement money and opened a bar. I'm not a bartender"—

"Well it's not like I can talk with anybody else" Gendry said gesturing towards the empty bar. It was three in the afternoon.

"Where's your fat friend?"—

"He's still in the hospital"

"Well, that sucks"—

"Yeah…" He guessed that was all the conversation he was going to get from Sandor.

With a slow day at work, internal affairs still on his back do to 'unnecessary casualties' with the Frey case and thoughts of Arry flooding his brain, Gendry needed a break and went to his usual hangout: Clegane's. A well-known bar in the middle of Kings Landing owned by Sandor Clegane; a man who had spent 30 hard years in the force hating every minute of it and lived in a city he despised. He was a ray of sunshine.

"Did you ever had that one case that you couldn't shake off? That stayed with you no matter what?—Gendry asked while Sandor cleaned the bar. He stopped and rolled his eyes.

"Waters I don't do girl talk. If you want a shoulder to cry on go and find one of those bitches that are always willing to fuck you"—

Gendry cringed, is that really the general perception of him? I mean he slept around but no more than the average guy right? Jesus this was a mess. He couldn't go to his home because he was scared of a seventeen year old girl. He couldn't be this infamous lothario if he didn't know how to act around her right? He literally hadn't seen her since he brought her home with him and three days all alone by yourself in a new place must be depressive. But Gendry still felt like a shit, especially after what Jaqen had told him. He wanted her because he couldn't have her and damn if he didn't want her. With all the shame in the world he had to admit that he got a hard on the second he saw Arry in nothing but one of his t-shirt he gave her to sleep in that first night. What little he saw; because the shirt swallowed her up, he liked. Creamy, milky skin and toned fit legs that he instantly imagined around his waist. Oh yeah; with Internal Affairs breathing down his neck this was just what he needed right now. They'd have a field day if they found out, especially that blond fuck Dayne whose sole mission was to make Gendry's life miserable.

"You go blind into an underground fighting ring with only your gun and your gut and you can't go inside your own apartment because of a girl? Ridiculous" Gendry spat. Grimacing after chugging down his shot of jack. He took some money from his wallet and stood up.

"You learn to live with your ghosts"—Sandor said before he left. He didn't even turn around as he spoke. "Every cop has that one case Waters. You just learn to live with whatever left you marked"—

"How do you cope with it?" He asked, Sandor scoffed and flipped him off.

"I retired and opened a bar".

Gendry had been standing in front of his door for the past 27 minutes. Groceries and take-out in hand after deciding to have dinner with Arry. He still didn't know what the game plan was but he needed to man up because he kinda wanted to just talk to her. She was cool in her own reserved way, he also had a surprise for her.

"When are you coming inside?"—Arry said from behind the door. Great. Smooth Waters, real smooth.

"Uhm… I just got here, I can't find my key"

"You've been standing there for half an hour. I can open the door for you"-

"It's ok… I've got it" He didn't move.



"Are you coming inside?"—

Gendry sighed. Here goes nothing… He finally got inside the apartment and the first thing he noticed was that it was clean, I mean, he wasn't a slob but it was spotless, it even smelled clean like the disinfectant isle at the supermarket.

"Hey uhmm… I brought some Mexican. I thought you'd like it and we could talk over dinner"

"I've never had mexican"—Gendry flinched. Of course; confinement in a crazy cult. Gotcha. "Sorry. I didn't mean it…"

"It's ok, what does it taste like?"—She asked eyeing the food with curiosity.

"It's spicy. Do you like some spice in your food?"

"Uhmm I don't know. I prefer anything sugary but I'd like to try it if you want me to"—

"Of course, I bought it for you" Gendry said smiling at her. As she followed him to the kitchen which was clean and spotless as well he noticed that her hair was wet. She must have just had a shower, also that she was wearing the same clothes she was three days ago. Shit, she doesn't have any clothes. Dammit, I knew that. Pick it up Waters. "So… looks like you discovered my home skills and decided to clean?"

"Does it bother you? I mean, I'm so sorry, it's just that I have nothing to repay you for all that you've done for me"—

"Arry… it's ok. You don't have to repay me anything. I'm just doing my job" Arry made a face but didn't say anything "Sit down, I'll serve the food" He knew he needed to buy himself time to talk with Arry, not only because she was the type of person that you needed to pull her teeth out for information but because he was way over his head. Damn H'ghar and his mind fuckery! He wasn't a ladies man, he just got to the point. Forever a loner Gendry only indulged in the physical contact with women. The only pull he felt towards Arry was like any normal person with morals would do, she needed help, and he could provide it. End of the story. "Ok, I've got tortillas, enchilada, guacamole sauce, tamales, the whole lot. Want me to fix you a plate?".

"Yes, please"-

"Hope you like it" Gendry smiled as they both sat down to eat in comfortable silence. "So? Does it taste good?"

Arry pondered while taking small bites "It's different. We ate simple back at the compound. I guess that after days of eating only crackers my stomach has to get use to food again"—

"Shitty food at the halfway house?"

"Yeah, and that's all you had here so…"— Gendry's chocked on his taco quickly standing up to drink a glass of water but first he went to the fridge. Shit. It was freaking Alaska; all ice. There was the old Chinese takeout that quite frankly he didn't know what year it was from and beer, that was all. Then he went through what was supposed to be the food cabinets but they were just cabinets, no food in sight.

"You've been going on crackers and water for the past three days?" He asked sitting down again and Arry just shrugged nibbling on a tamale, she also didn't seem to like Mexican all that much. Fuck; he muttered.

This was a mess, this whole thing was a mess. Jaqen was totally right. He was waaaaay over his head with Arry. There was a reason Gendry was a field agent, he didn't stay for the aftercare with the people involved with an investigation. He got the culprit by whatever means and washed his hands. How in the world was he going to take care of a seventeen year old he was mildly attracted to… ok, strongly attracted to but you don't have to rub it in. He lowered his head to the table with a thud.

"It's ok Gendry. You're a busy man, you've taken care of me and honestly I've felt better here with you than all my life at the compound"—

"Crackers and waters Arry. You've been eating crackers and waters for the past three days… and I don't even see crackers around" He grumbled face down not even wanting to face her, he was supposed to be the adult.

"How long have you lived alone?"—

"All my life. I wasn't exactly mister popularity while in the system"

"Are you an orphan?"—Arry asked and when did her hand start caressing his hair? he didn't know, he just didn't want her to stop.

"Yeah… No mother, no father. My fair share of foster families till I reached eighteen. Then I joined the army and it's all been structured armed forces for me after that"

"The military?"—

"Navy seals. Two tours, going on my third in a couple of months from now"

"You're comfortable… with guns. You're good with them, you know how to use one"—Arry asked with a frown that Gendry saw once he turned his head so he could see her. They remained seated at the kitchen table. The food long forgotten and Arry's hand still in Gendry's head.

"It's my job. My weapon of defense. Does it make you uncomfortable?" He asked. Arry remained silent for a couple of minutes before she spoke again.

"I don't think you'll hurt me. I trust you"—

"You can trust me"

"I shouldn't trust you but I do"—Before Gendry could plead his case she continued. "We've… I been warned all my life against men. That they'd only want one thing for me and it's between my legs. Back at the compound things were mapped out you know? Call it plan parenthood to the extreme; this girl belongs to this boy and so and so. You were literally the first person I've talked to outside of the family and even back there I wasn't allowed to talk to everyone. But still… I trust you. Honestly back home other than the kids I only talked to Elmar and Reggie, both kind of a necessity but with you? It's refreshing I feel like…"—

"Like…?" Gendry gave her an encouraging smile for her to continue.

"Like you don't see me as the weird girl from the crazy cult, as if even with all my background we were supposed to meet. I don't know… just forget about it. It's stupid"—

"It's not stupid Arry. I feel the same" Gendry said taking her hand in his and giving her a gentle kiss. She smiled at him and blushed.

"Gendry… what's going to happen now?"—

"Honestly? I don't know"

"Am I allowed to be here with you?"—

"I'm not breaking any rules per se but I'll be damned if I let you go back to that hellhole children services put you in. I'll just play it by ear but you're safe with me here and you can stay for as long as you want to."

"Thank you"—She said and Gendry had to stand up in a hurry so he wouldn't kiss her. He started to put away the food.

"Can I ask you a question?" He said washing the dishes.

"Sure"—Arry said sitting up and standing next to him. "You're really big and tall you know that right?"—

Gendry made her squeal in surprise as he grabbed her and seated her in the kitchen counter as if nothing. "Better?"

"I'd prefer not being manhandled than you very much but yes, better"—She had a smile behind her little scowl so Gendry just winked at her and continued talking.

"What you said just now; that every girl belonged to someone in particular. Were you…? Did you belong to anyone?"


"Frey's son right?" She nodded but didn't say anything else. On the pissed off scale Gendry went from 0 to 300 but he needed to school his feelings and keep on asking. "So… how does that work?"

"You marry once the girl reaches eighteen. That's about it. You had to even if you didn't want to, Walder didn't give you much choice. I like Elmar but I'm glad I don't have to marry him anymore"—

"Did he treat you right?" He'd hunt the motherfucker if he laid a finger on Arry. She scoffed.

"Elmar is… Elmar. He wanted to marry me but he's not his father. He's really smart and has great ideas. He left the compound so he could get a job. He was my friend before anything else."—

"Did you want to marry Elmar?" Gendry asked while he washed with force a very unparticular and already clean dish. He was surprised when Arry slugged him in the arm. She was little but she could pack a punch.

"Don't be stupid. Having to do something and wanting to do something are two different things"—She didn't answer his question but he'd let that one slide. For now. He changed topics.

"There's a grocery store five minutes from here. You need to eat and this place is a wasteland. Let's go shopping for all your favorites."

"I don't have any money"—

"My treat"

"I can't repay you unless you let me clean your apartment while I stay here"—

"It's not like I'm charging you and you don't have to clean my apartment. I'm doing this because I want to help you, not charge at all"

"I don't feel comfortable with this"—

"You don't feel comfortable living with me?"

"No stupid. Stop putting words in my mouth. I meant you spending your money on me"—

"Ok… let's go and buy some stuff and we'll work some kind of an arrangement later ok? And don't call me stupid"

"I don't know… It suits you. Stupid"—



They laughed all the way walking to the grocery store were Gendry was quick to find out all of Arry's favorite food. From vegetables, to fruits and lots and lots of candy, his girl definitely had a huge sweet tooth. His girl; he smiled. "Chocolate or vanilla?"—He asked lifting the ice cream pints but Arry wasn't there. He heard her voice a couple of isles to the left.

"I don't know… it sounds disgusting"—

"You can't say that if you haven't tried it"—

"It's meat but it's not meat. Then what is it?"—

"Where have you been hiding that you couldn't possibly know what beef jerky is?"—

Of all the people in Kings Landing she'd have to find the little shit. Gendry always wanted an excuse to knock his teeth out. Maybe he'd finally have one…

"Ramsay" Gendry said making his presence known. He stood right between them minding that Ramsay was way too close to Arry to begin with.

"Waters. What a surprise! Wait, hold up. Is the store some kind of a front for something illegal? Is this a stakeout? We have to run right away!"—Ramsay said in a mocking tone trying to grab Arry's hand. She turned away from his touch although it wasn't necessary, Gendry had already shoved her behind him acting like the Berlin Wall. "And how do you know this fine young lady?"—

"She's with me" Gendry said crossing his arms in his chest. But Ramsay paid no attention to his hostility. He was stupid like that.

"Isn't she a bit young for your age? Although can't say I blame ya'. Sweet looking little thing isn't she?"—Ramsay said wiggling his eyebrows.

"She is right here and can hear and speak all by herself"—Arry huffed from behind Gendry.

"Of course you can sweetheart."—

"Don't call me sweetheart"—

"Then what shall I call if you I don't know your name?"—

"Don't call her. Period" Gendry growled grabbing Arry by the hand and going over to the cashier to pay for their groceries.

"Is he your friend? He just started talking to me back there"—Arry asked while they walked back to the apartment.

"I'm his neighbor. Waters doesn't have any friends"—Ramsay piped up catching up with them on the way back with his own groceries.

His apartment complex was small. Only six units and unfortunately Gendry ended up with Ramsay Bolton right across him. He was a college student that apparently was majoring in parties, alcohol and girls since Gendry had never seen a book in his hands. He was a hot shot, trust fund baby and all around pain in the ass. Gendry hated him and Ramsay returned the sentiment but if anything they had in common was women (both with different views of how to treat them), he had his eye con Arry and the last thing he needed was Ramsay Bolton sniffing around while he worked all day.

"Ariadne; Ramsay. Ramsay; Ariadne" Gendry said in a quick and inevitable introduction. He was glad when Arry ignored Ramsay and scooted closer to him. He put his arms around her shoulder and continued walking.

"We didn't get the ice cream"—She pouted.

"I have! You can come across the hall anytime you want to"—Ramsay replied with his saccharine smile that fooled no one. The walk back home was quick so Gendry shoved Arry into the elevator so he could have a quick talk with his neighbor.

"Plain and simple Bolton, fuck off. Arry is my business and my business alone"

"Have I done anything otherwise that convey my neighborly services? Is she living with you?"—

"Down the drugs a little Ramsay, I already told you she's my business. I'm not going to tell you again" He said turning around calling the elevator again.

"Sooooo is she special or something? Guys like us don't let women stay the night"—

"I'm nothing like you Ramsay. For one I don't treat women like shit"

"Kicking one naked woman out of my home in the middle of the night because she was being a little bitch doesn't make me a bad person, it makes me considerate. We wouldn't have made it in the long haul. I won't settle for anything less than my 'happily ever after'"—

"Cute Ramsay, save it for people who like to swallow your bullshit" The elevator arrived and they both went in.

"I've seen 3 women leave your house the same day."—Gendry ignored Ramsay. "So?"—

"So what?"

"Are you banging her? If not? Can I? It wouldn't be the first time I pick up someone outside of your door. I'm really not picky."—Just the thought of anyone touching Arry made Gendry's blood boil. He turned around and smashed Ramsay so hard against the wall that the elevator shook.

"Listen to me you little shit. You deal drugs, hire prostitutes and don't for a second think I don't know you do a little shopping with Miss Holly's pension check when you go through her mail. Not my problem. Even look at Arry and you become my problem. Do you want to be become my problem?"

"Jesus Waters, I was just messing around"—Ramsay tried to get out of his hold but Gendry shoved him back, his head bouncing from the wall. "Ok, ok… I'll keep my dick on my side of the fence. Happy?"—

"I'll be happy the day I don't see you again" Gendry muttered giving him another quick shake just for fun and got out of the elevator.

The clock read 3.47am and Gendry was wide awake. He really needed a game plan with Arry. He already made a mental note to make sure to go grocery shopping every week. Also he needed to make an appointment with Jaqen, if he was going to take Arry with him was still up for debate. She needed clothes, toiletries and personal things Gendry couldn't even imagine. Should he buy them? Give her money so she could buy them? No, that wasn't an option, she'd made it clear she wasn't comfortable taking his money so what? Should she get a job? She did mention the possibility of studying. How much time was she going to live with him to begin with? Gendry turned around yet again in his bed. Sleep was a foreign concept for him. His mind refused to shut down since he was a perfectionist and everything Arry was unresolved. To make things worse his nosy neighbor had seen her and he was…

A piercing scream filled the apartment.

Gendry took his gun from under his pillow and ran straight into Arry's room. She was trashing in bed, screaming bloody murder. She was having a nightmare.

"Shhhh Arry, it's me. Wake up baby, you're safe."

"No, no, no, no please Reggie I don't want to go"— She batted his arms away as he tried to hold her.

"Arry wake up it's just a dream."

"Please, don't make me leave. I don't want to leave. Please Reggie"—She began to cry and finally stopped fighting so he enveloped her in his arms as she cried for a very long time. By now she was awake but Gendry let her pour her fear out. He sat in bet with Arry in his lap as he soothed his hand over her back, whispering sweet nothing to her ears.

"Could you please put your gun away?"—She asked in a small voice. He had put the gun over the bed table so he quickly stashed it inside a drawer. "They don't scare me, they just… they make me nervous. I know what they can do"—

"It's ok… you wanna talk about the nightmare?"

"I'm sorry I woke you up"—

"If you're in pain; even in a dream state, in here for you Arry. Please know that." She cuddled even further in his arms. As he felt her breath in his neck he leaned against the bedpost, mostly because he needed the support. Gendry started to shake like an eager 13 year old.

"I've always had this dream since I was little. It comes and goes. I can't exactly explain it"—

"Who is Reggie? Where does he want to take you?"

"Reggie is… he's my friend. He keeps me safe"—

"You were kicking and screaming Arry. Don't blame me if the guy sounds anything but friendly."

"I've known Reggie all my life. He knows what's best for me. He takes care of me, like you"— She lifted her head and her eyes looked like liquid silver, her mouth plump, red, kissable. Without knowing it his face inched closer to hers, so close that you couldn't tell who was breathing. She froze while Gendry gently moved her away and got off the bed as it was on fire.

"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have done that" He blurted but Arry was looking at him with curiosity or was it something else? She was eyeing him up and down and Gendry knew that look, she was checking him out. He slept with no shirt on and pajama bottoms or shorts. He slept nude really but he felt like the ultimate perv with Arry right across the room so he decided to put something on for the time being.

"I trust you…"—She whispered. Her fingers ghosting over her lips as if he'd actually kissed her.

"I don't trust myself with you" Gendry replied with all the honesty in the world. This was wrong. She was a kid. He was an agent of the government. "I want you to come with me tomorrow and see someone. A therapist"

"You think there's something wrong with me?"—

"No, of course not! He's my therapist. I see him as well. I just think… talking to him will help us both with whatever this is" He said gesturing back and forth between them.

She seemed resigned and her shoulders slumped "Ok… if that's what you think is best I'll go. I really don't have a choice"—

"Hey… don't speak like that" Gendry was quick to reassure her. He knelled down in front of her and held her by the chin. "This is my home, yes. But you call all the shots Arry. Please down feel obligated to follow my orders. We can do whatever you want, whatever you need just say it and I make it happen"

"Do you mean that?"—

"Of course I do"

"Good"—She said, too quick for his own liking as she scooted closer to give him a quick kiss on on his cheek "Now stop apologizing and scowling. You look like a constipated bull"—

This time it was Gendry who froze. She kissed him. Yes, it was an innocent kiss on the cheek but still, he was now officially screwed. He groaned, landing flat on his ass on the floor.

"Ariadne Gibbons you will be the death of me, I swear"

"Stay with me…"—He was no longer frozen. He was hot, scorching. He needed a cold shower pronto.

"I, I don't think that's a good idea Arry."

"Don't get your hopes up mister. I meant just to talk. After I get my nightmare I barely sleep and you look wide awake as well. Let's just give each other company."—Him, Arry, in a bed… bad idea.

"I don't think that's very wise"

"Pleeeeease Gen" She said batting her thick eyelashes at him. He was a goner.

"Don't whine. It doesn't suit you. And don't turn your gray eyes on me like that. Don't play dirty" He said already getting into bed. She scoffed.

"Please… as if you don't do the same to me and probably with the rest of the female population"—


"Stupid"—She laughed as she cuddled next to him as if it was the most normal thing in the world.

That night with Arry's head on his chest, his arms safely tucked on her hips while their feet were a tangled mess; Gendry had the best sleep he'd ever had in his life.

Yup… he was screwed and Jaqen H'ghar was going to have a field day.

"Gendry had a love/hate relationship with Jaqen H'ghar. Why? Because he was a therapist. Weak people saw therapists and he wasn't weak."

I wanted to clarify this line right away. I don't see reaching out and going to therapy as weakness, quite the opposite. It shows courage and strength. I just wanted to portray Gendry's macho mentality coming into the story.

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Have a great weekend.

