Hello Everyone, Reader here! Just posting another idea that I had floating around in my archives that I forgot about, and just getting the creative juices flowing as I write my new chapters for my other stories. The idea behind this story is that Guts never joins the Band of the Hawk, along with a few other plot additives as well. And with that, let's get into the story!
There is a new poll up on my profile, vote on it if you want to see a new story!
(Guts - Wyndham) = Person and P.O.V
"Hello!" = Speech
"Thinking" = Thoughts
*BANG* = Action
Chapter 1: Siege Warfare
(Unknown P.O.V - Unknown Place)
A lone figure laid on a patch of grass seemingly in the middle of nowhere, only a nearby dirt wood and a beaten down wooden sign gave signs of human civilization. The young man laid on his back, a large metal chest plate, a set of pauldrons on his shoulders, a set of sheet greaves on his upper thighs and a cast away metal helmet were prominently displayed. But what would intrigue some, and terrify most others, was the terrifyingly large sword that rested in its hilt on his back. The width of the grey and black blade was bigger than most swords, but it was the blades length that gave it a terrifying appearance that would send most enemies running in fright. The man seemed to be deep in thought, his head resting on his hands and his gaze was towards the sunny blue sky.
"What...What the hell was that dream about?", he spoke softly. Slight beads of sweat ran down the sides of his exhausted face. He shook his head and wiped the sweat off, while he pushed himself from the ground and swept off the dirt and strays of grass off his armor. The image a skeleton dressed in imposing armor atop a ghastly horse was burned into his memory.
'It was nothing...just a dream. You're a mercenary Guts, you've seen shit on the battlefield worse than this. Let's just forget about it...", the warrior spoke to himself mentally. He stretched his back and arms, picked up the helmet and stepped onto the road. He walked down the road for about an hour before he reached the military camp he was searching for. He approached the camp and the guards immediately raised their weapons.
"Halt! Who goes there?", spoke one. Guts simply raised his hands in the air.
"I'm a mercenary here about the advertisement of work recently posted in the nearby city of Calieuo.", he spoke calmly. The soldiers took a second to process the information before lowering their weapons.
"Understood. You are to head to the center part of camp and approach the green tent with a wooden table in front it. There you will register with the administrator before you'll be briefed by the general. The center of camp is straight down this road. Just keep your weapon in its sheath and mind your manners and no one will bother you.", spoke the soldier quickly. Guts merely nodded and proceeded into the camp.
Apart from a few curious gazes, few gave him notice as he walked down the camps central path. Most were performing various tasks such as sharpening swords, moving jugs of water or moving sacks of grain. Others were simply relaxing, drinking or sleeping soundly in their tents. This was what most war camps and forts were like, seeing different armies across his career of being a lone mercenary.
Eventually he reached the center of camp, which was posted in a small hill with three main tents. He spotted the particular tent the soldier spoke about, a large wooden desk manned by a tall man with a mustache. He walked over to the man, the prestigious looking man a cracked a smile that would give a rat a run for its money.
"Welcome! Here for the mercenary work I presume?" he spoke somewhat enthusiastically.
"I am." he said in a polite tone.
"Straight to the point are we? I like that! Well then, let's get down to business, shall we?" he said while pulling out a ledger with pen and ink. Gut simply nodded and took the seat across from the administrator.
"So as advertised, you will be paid a sum of 20 gold for completing your duties in battle. You will be assigned to company A, the first battalion charging in after an opening is made in the fort walls. You will be briefed later from the company commander for further details." he said while he handed Gut the feather pen and pushed to him the bottle of ink.
"Just sign right there...", he said while pointing to the empty slot, "...and I'll hand you the advanced payment of 5 gold. Also you will be assigned a tent to sleep in before the battle tomorrow morning. Any food or wine you want will come from your own pocket and will not be paid for. Any questions?"
Guts shook his head and signed his signature onto the freshly made paper. Placing the pen into the ink bottle and pressing it towards the man, he grinned before pulling out 5 gold coins and a slip of paper to the mercenary. Looking over the paper, it detailed where his assigned tent would be and where the commander of company A would be. Placing the gold and paper into his bag, he got up from the chair, nodded to the man and quickly exited the tent before setting out across the camp. After walking for a short while, he spotted and approached group of men who appeared to be mercenaries like him, he joined them and overhead the man he presumed was the commander speaking in front of them.
"Ah, another lamb to the slaughter, eh? Well, the more the merrier! As I was saying..." he said before resuming his speech. The man appeared to be an aged veteran, having wrinkled and scarred skin and balding grey hair. He wore a simple tunic that identified him as a higher ranking official than the grunts around him.
"Tomorrow, our merry little band is going to be assaulting the inner city when our sappers knock a hole in those pesky little walls. As you might have been told, were going to be the first ones going in, so I expect very few of us are going to survive the attack. But! Hopefully our archers and crossbowmen can scale the walls and provide us with much needed fire support. If you have any further questions, I'll be here for a little while longer. Be here at the crack of dawn tomorrow. You are all dismissed." he said as the men nodded and most of them wandered off.
"Boy, come here for a second." said the voice of the old man to Guts as he was about to walk away. Turning around and walking towards the veteran, the man gave a slight smile before speaking.
"Your quite young for being a mercenary. And the size of your sword too! Usually kids like you are at school or working in craftsmen shops, not spilling blood on the battlefield." he spoke in what sounded as a condescending voice to the boy.
"My profession is none of your damn concern, old man. Killing is the only thing I know and good at, I've been raised to kill since the day I could hold a sword in my hands." spoke Guts in response.
"Call me Hunter, being called old reminds me of my back pains and aching bones. Tell me, what is yours?"
"They called Guts..." said the teen boy awkwardly. He was not used to normal human interaction, usually only speaking to his superiors about his orders or to shopkeepers. He couldn't recall the last time he had a somewhat casual conversation with someone else.
"Well Guts, let's hope that we both live through tomorrow! Its certainly going to be a bloodshed, and I can only hope I'll live to retirement! Good luck, and I'll see you tomorrow Guts!" spoke the man.
"Well, goodbye Hunter. Good luck as well." said Guts hesitantly. They parted ways and Guts decided to settle into his tent at the other side of the camp. He thought about his interaction with the old man through his walk, not understanding why an old geezer would want to do with him. His life had been filled with quite strange events as of recently with the strange dream he had earlier today.
Reaching the tent, he opened the flap and entered, before closing it looking around the room. It had a small bed, just big enough for him to sleep in, and a small lit candle. He stripped the armor from his body and removed his sword before laying them onto the ground next to the bed. Walking over to the the candle, he extinguished the flame before he himself lowered his body to the comfortable cushioned bed. It had been a long time since he felt a comfortable bed, usually it ended with him sleeping on the ground or on straw mats. Eventually his eyes grew heavy and he slowly drifted to sleep.
(Guts - Tudor Camp)
Guts woke with a jolt as he heard the sounds of rapidly moving people outside his tent. The sounds of cannon fire and catapults shooting along with the morning gave him the assumption that the battle had begun. He quickly got up and attached his armor to body and strapped his sword to his back and exited the tent. Hurrying past other rushing men, he reached his company and they gathered around the aged veteran.
"Well boys, the time is nigh! It's time to head out! I've got word that the sappers have done their part to blow a mighty nice hole, and now it's time for us to put in our fair share of work! Once were inside, make your way to the center of the fort where we will regroup. Lets go!" he yelled and the other cheered. Guts just simply nodded and the group took their position at the edge of the battlefield.
Guts gazed at the slowly moving siege towers and the fighting occurring atop the battlements. He saw men being sliced apart and body parts being dismembered, along with people falling to their deaths.
"CHARGE!" yelled the commander as the group ran from the entrenched position. In a few second, they were speeding across the battlefield, some already being cut down by crossbow bolts and arrows. Guts skillfully dodged the incoming attacks, using his armored gauntlet to block a few of the arrows that managed to slip by.
Reaching the breach made in the wall, it was guarded by many enemy soldiers along what appeared to sappers trying to plug the broken wall. Guts pulled his long sword from behind him and slashed as the nearest hostile came into sword easily sliced directly through the man's armor as if it was nothing, sending the body flying sideways before preparing his next attack. As an enemy tried attacking from his rear, he swiftly turned and blocked the smaller sword then kicked him away.
He dashed towards the man and decapitated him in a single strike. Another tried to directly stab him, but was quickly overpowered by the much larger sword. After a few short moments, he and the rest of the mercenaries cut down the rest of the defenders and sappers before they tore down the existing defense and entered the city.
Being a type of lone wolf in combat, he separated himself from the group and went down a separate path to the city center. The long and filthy alleyways were many, occasionally eliminating individual soldiers as he made every turn. Upon turning into what appeared as a courtyard, a large group of men dressed in strange armor stood talking to each other. Hearing his footsteps, they turned to face him with their swords drawn.
As five men charged him all at once, he let out a yell as his blade cut through all them in a single swipe. The rest of them appeared horrified as their comrades fell dead as they stood in fear. Grinning wildly, a frenzied Guts readied his blade and went on the attack with a vicious ferocity. He cut down the remaining soldiers that remained in the courtyard, painting both the area and armor in crimson red. Looking around and seeing any living soles, he left the corpse filled area to reach the rallying point in the center of the fort town.
Entering the chaotic scene, he spotted heavy fighting between the defenders and the friendly mercenaries, spotting a particular old man gutting someone with his spear. At the very center of the fighting was a large man dressed in heavy plated armor swinging a massive battleaxe with lethal precision. A large crowd at this point had formed around him, many of Tudor soldiers and mercenaries trembling in fear as they waited for anyone else to take the initiative.
"A bonus of 20 gold will be awarded to anyone who can defeat him!" yelled the frightened commander.
"Is there nobody who can take me on, the mighty Bazuso?! Come on, face me you cowards!" yelled the boisterous man. Guts scoffed as he hoisted the long sword over his shoulder and slowly made his way through the crowd to face the enemy. Breaking through, he stood opposite to the heavily armored knight as all the eyes of the crowd and even from the battlements directed at him.
"A child! Bah, you disappoint me! You'll are truly cow-" he was cut off as Guts charged him with powerful swing attack that Bazuso barely was able to block against. Attack after attack drove Bazuso backwards while Guts steadily advanced, the larger man having to put all his effort into defending against the relentless assault.
"Look at that kid! His speed!" yelled one soldier.
"He's dominating him!" yelled another.
As some soldiers yelled while other cheered, Hunter gazed at the fight with awe at how the child was single handily pushing back the much larger and assumed to be more powerful warrior. It appeared as if the entire battle had stopped just to stare at the duel between the boy and knight occurring at the center of it. A particular pair of cold blue eyes gave a curious gaze towards the duel.
Bazuso heavily pressed his foot down into the ground, forcing the dirt and brick to crumble beneath it in an attempt to stabilize himself and counterattack. With a heave, he swung his axe downward while the boy simultaneously swung his sword upward, the two blades clashed and created a large crack in the axe. The two quickly pulled their respective weapons away as each readied their final attacks.
Both of them repeated their last attacks, while Bazuso attempted to aim for the boy head. As the damaged blade of the axe connected with the boy helmet, the axe's blade shattered along with the helmet as they fell to the ground. A look of horror became present in Bazusos eyes as he realized he was now at the complete mercy of the boy in front of him. Guts's blade continued and smashed into Bazusos side, piercing through the plated armor and making a deep cut into his gut. After removing the blade, the larger man fell to his knees in pain and let out a loud groan.
"Please!", yelled the pleading wounded warrior, "MERCY!"
Guts ignored him as he raised his blade above Bazusos head and swung downwards. The blade easily sliced through the armor and split the mans head into two, blood pooling down his neck as Guts removed the bloodied sword from his head and held it outward.
Everyone was silent around him as everyone attempted to process what had just occurred. A warrior once thought to be unbeatable was easily butchered by someone who was barely a teenager. This remained for second before the commander sharpened up and yelled loudly.
"N-Now! Everyone, sieze the castle! CHARGE!" he yelled as the men cheered before renewing their attack on the disheartened defenders. On the battlements above, a man dressed in armor that made him appear as an eagle along with other 3 other armored men stood in awe.
"Wow! I didn't realize our enemy had someone like that! Must be a mercenary." said a man with red hair. The man in the eagle armor remained silent as he continued to stare down at the boy, who was now sticking down another soldier of the Midland army.
"Thinking about which one of you is stronger?" spoke an arrogant brown haired soldier.
"Of course not! No one can defeat our leader, isn't that right, Griffith?"
"Evacuate this fort." was all the silver haired man said.
"Well, we had a good run! Three months is better when everyone thought we were only going to last only three days." spoke the brown haired man again before the three disappeared from view.
(Guts & Hunter - Tudor Camp)
"Good job Guts!" yelled Hunter as he slapped the boy on the shoulder. The two had returned to the camp following the victory over Midland's forces in taking the fort. Tomorrow was where they and the other mercenaries would get there pay and he could move one.
"Um...thank you...Hunter..." the boy said awkwardly. The two were currently eating and drinking in his tent at the moment. A few fel
"I would be ecstatic if I were you! The skill you showed today was better than what most men learn in a lifetime! You must have had a great teacher for you to have skilll that good!" he said with a ecstatic voice but calmed when he saw the boys morbid face.
"Oh, I'm...I guess I hit a nerve with that one, Huh? Sorry about that, I just get a little over-excited at times." he said sheepishly. Guts shook his head and gave the old man a slight smile.
"It's fine, we all have skeletons in our closets. I just seem to have more than others..." said the boy. Hunter nodded in agreement as he grabbed his trash and stood at the tents exit.
"Well Guts, this is our goodbye I guess. I hope we meet each other again some day." said the aged veteran. The boy only nodded in response and he left.
Sitting in silence, he moved the rubbish from his dinner into a corner and laid his head down onto the pillow. Raising his hand above his head, he gazed at the many wounds and gashes across his skin, remembering the scars and trauma from both combat and his "special" training with Gambino.
"What is there in life other than fighting...?" he asked himself quietly as he recollected over his memories. All who could remember is himself fighting, whether it be struggling to live, fighting in a war or training, his whole existence was dedicated to conflict. He got up, fought and killed in battle, collected his coin and simply moved onto the next battlefield to kill even more.
He shook his head and removed those unnecessary thoughts from his mind. He didn't need some greater purpose in life in order to live. He didn't need a special dream to enact. All he needed to do is to simply live till the next morning sun and so on.
His eyes feeling heavy, he closed them and his mind wandered to sleep. He dream't of Gambino and his foster mother, about how they could have been a real family together before she passed from the plague.
To be Continued...
And with that, I call it a wrap! I hope you all enjoyed it! I love Berserk and Guts as a character, and I just wanted to make a story about him. Hopefully I will get to updating this story, alongside my other stories soon, just needing to get through school and life is being a pain at the moment. After that I will devote more time to writing these fics. Well, thanks as always, and have a good one!
(P.S: I am looking for beta reader for my stories, If your interested send me a PM!)
Next Chapter: Clipping the Hawk