Okay so even though I told you guys I was going to alternate I wanted to upload this final chapter now. Hope you guys enjoy and thank to all the people who followed and favorited and reveiwed my story and a very very special thanks to IBD Ninja who has supported me ever since I uploaded chapter 13. Also just want to remind ya'll one more time I am using wordpad now and wordpad does not catch any spelling mistakes whatsoever.

#wordpad sucks

anyways on with the FINALE.

There weren't many people in the cafeteria during the last few minutes. everybody else was in the gym at a yaerbook signing party. So it was just Lincoln, Clyde, Zackson and Simon. Sarah was at the yearbook signing party, So was Ryan, Tara and pretty much everyone else. The only few people who weren't in the cafeteria or gym where the ones who where in the newspaper office cleaning out their stuff. The only other person who was in the cafeteria was Chandler. Lincoln, Clyde Zackson and Simon sat a table.

"Can you guys beleive that we are about to be 6th graders, my freinds we shall soon enter the realm of middle school" Lincoln said.

"6th grade isn't middle school" Simon said "or is it"?

"I don't know let me find out" Zackson said.

Zackson then took out his phone.

"Hey siri is 6th grade middle school" Zackson said?

"You can't have your phone out at school" Simon said.

"It's the last day, who cares" Zackson said.

Clyde looked over at Chandler. He was sitting at the sticky table. Now eveerybody was looking at him.

"I'm going to sit with him" Clyde said.

"Why, he is a traitor" Lincoln said.

"Everybody deserves a second chance" Clyde said getting up from the table. He went over and sat with Chandler.

"Hey" Clyde said "you know you don't have to sit here".

"Why not, I feel like a loser, pretty much everyone hates me, I might aswell sit here" Chandler said.

"I'm really sorry about what happened" Clyde said.

"How many times do I have to tell you words don't help me, words will not bring back my freinds, no words will make almost everyone not hate me" Chandler said.

"You want to sit with us" Clyde said.

"I highly doubt your freinds will be okay with that" Chandler said.

"I won't care, I hate seeing you sit here alone" Clyde said.

Clyde and Chandler got up and went over to the table and sat with the group.

"Dude, you are seriously letting him sit with us" Lincoln said.

"Lincoln, I beleive everyone deserves a second chance" Clyde said.

"Everyone really, what about Tara" Lincoln said.

"I- I don't know" Clyde stuttered.

"Well I beleive in Clydes judgement, if he thinks Chandler deserves a second chance im gonna give him one" Simon said.

Then everybody looked at Zackson.

"Why ya'll looking at me like im a deciding vote" Zackson said "listen he worked with Tara fine, but he didn't tell her anything when he had tons of chances to".

"I think you just got your second chance" Clyde said to Chandler.

"Clyde a second chance doesn't work if not everybodys on board" Chandler said "I'll just go back to the sticky table".

Chandler got up but before he started walking over to the stickyy table Lincoln said "You know what, im on board too but if I hear anything about you working for her still-" Lincoln was cut off by Chandler.

"I promise you im not working for her anymore" Chandler said.

"Cross your heart" Lincoln said.

Chandler then crossed his heart.

"Alright, i'll give you a second chance" Lincoln said.

Chandler then sat at the table.

"So what you guys talking about" Chandler said.

"Gotham" Zackson said.

"Please tell me you don't watch it" Chandler said.

"No, we hate it" Lincoln, Zackson and Simon said at the same time.


Ryan was in the gym at the yearbook signing party. After a couple minutes of walking around he finally found Tara.

"Hey" Ryan said.

"Hi" Tara said.

"Listen it is time for you to resign from power" Ryan said.

"What do you mean" Tara said.

"I mean you are going to stop being the popular kid who tells everyone what to do" Ryan said.

"Um I don't think so" Tara said.

"Do it or your girlfreind is going to learn how you cheated on her" Ryan said.

"Okay, I'll do it" Tara said.

"LISTEN UP" Tara yelled!

Everybody stopped talking.

"I am resigning from oficially resigning from power" Tara said "Next year there will be a new person in power instead of me, that is all".


Everybody was cleaning up their desks in the newspaper office. The newspaper runner was telling a couple people a story. Pam was still cleaning out her desk.

"So that's why im gonna be the newspaper runner again next year" he said.

The newspaper runner was a little taller than everybody else but not much. He work a red hoddie and black jeans. he had messy brown hair and had blue eyes. his name was Jerry.

Pam turned from her desk and looked at the group.

"I highly doubt that" Pam said.

"What do you mean" Jerry said.

"I mean that soon enough I'm going to no longer be an ace reporter and I will become newspaper runner" Pam said.

"I highly doubt it, not many people cared about your groudbreaking stories" Jerry said putting air quotes around the word groundbreaking.

"Almost everyone read my story on how Chandler betrayed Lincoln, heck even my first story was read by everyone in the cafeteria" Pam said.

"At least I wrote stories on stuff that would be interesting" Jerry said.

"Yeah you did, and half those stories you stole from me" Pam said.

"Are you accusing me of something" Jerry said.

"No because it's not a claim, everybody in this newspaper office know you have stolen multiple stories from me" Pam said.

"Pam please don't do this" One of jerrys freinds siad.

"No im done with this bullying, you have stolen stories from me, you have called me a failure of a reporter on multiple occasions, you have taken away my privalage to report three times for no reason" Pam said.

"Really then why dont you report me to the principle" Jerry said.

"I have, you want to know what he said.

"What did he say" Jerry said.

"He said why would he jepordize his spot on the newspaper just to make fun of you" Pam said.

That is when somebody burst through the was a girl. She was holding a paper.

"Guys the canidates for newspaper runner are in" she said placing the paper on a desk.

Everyone in the office gathered around the paper. The canidates where Jerry and Pam.

"Well, may the best man win" Jerry said.

"So me" Pam said.

and then the bell rang. School was now out for the next 3 months.


Lincoln met up with Sarah and walked out together.

"I'm gonna miss this place" Lincoln said.

"Really" Sarah asked?

"No, i've had some of the worst moments of my life in this place, i'm gonna hate it when we have to come back" Lincoln said.

"So video games at my place" Sarah said.

"Sure, why not" Lincoln said.

Wait a minute you think this is the end of the story. Sure it's the end of this one but do you really think 6th grade is gonna be easy for Lincoln Loud and his freinds. More Drama is on the way and you won't want to miss it.