Lincoln and Clyde where in the attic looking for Lincolns baby book.

Clyde was looking trough a box marked important

"Here it is" Lincoln said finally finding his baby book.

Lincoln opened the baby book to discover that his birth story page was blank.

"Oh my god" Clyde said looking at something he took out of the important box.

"What is it Clyde" Lincoln asked.

Clyde then handed Lincoln a document.

Lincoln looked at it; it was an adoption certificate saying this.

This certificate states that: Lynn Loud sr and Rita

Hereby Adopt: Lincoln Shayne

Date: october 13th 2005

"Clyde could you wait up here I need to have a talk with my parents" Lincoln said putting air quotes around the word parents.

"Yes but um Lincoln I have something to tell yo-, you know what it can wait Clyde said.

Lincoln ran out of the attic, downstairs and into the living room where his "parents" where (yes im saying the word parents in air-quotes).

His "parents" where sitting on the couch.

"Did you adopt me" Lincoln asked already knowing the answer.

"No" Rita and Lynn sr said in unison.

"Wrong answer!" Lincoln yelled.

Lincoln then slammed the adoption certificate on the table.

"Care to explain why you never told me" Lincoln said.

Then his 9 sisters (minus Lilly) ran downstairs and into the living room.

"What is going on" Lori said.

"The revealing of the truth, that's what's going on" Lincoln said.

"What do you mean bro" Luna asked?

"Im adopted" Lincoln said.

The 4 younger sister's gasped (minus Lilly) while the 5 older sisters went wide eyed.

"Did you four know about this" Lincoln asked his younger sisters.

"No we had no idea" Lola said, "did you five know" Lola asked her older sisters.

The 5 of them started whistling. With every second Lincoln got even angrier.

"You didn't tell them" Rita yelled at the five older ones "and I thought you put that adoption certificate in a safe buried in the backyard" Rita said to Lynn sr.

Then his siblings and parents all started arguing with each-other.

"STOP!" Lincoln yelled at the top of his lungs causing his family to stop arguing "None of you get to be angry; I am the only one who should be angry because almost all of you have been lying to me my whole life!" Lincoln yelled.