Author's Note:

Oh man. This chapter did not go the direction I planned, but I think everyone will be happy with that.

Thank you to everyone that congratulated me about my engagement and asked how my fiancé is doing. He's doing fine, it was just a big scare for me. Also, I appreciate all the support that I've gotten about law school. It's been a pretty stressful term, but writing this story has been super helpful. I appreciate you all!

Thank you again, and enjoy the chapter!

Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto.


Chapter Thirteen: The Art of Suggestion

The next morning Hinata found herself walking Gaara to the front gate of the village. A part of her was sad to see him leave so soon after arriving, but she knew he had plenty of other duties to attend to back in his village. She was happy that she had been able to spend the night with a friend in mutual quiet. It was comforting.

"When do you think you will be returning to Konohagakure?" Hinata asked, keeping stride with Gaara. He was taller than her by a few inches, but took that into consideration as he walked, keeping his pace at what she could naturally keep up with. Gaara was truly a good and thoughtful man.

It made Hinata's heart pang. She knew him as a friend, maybe she could learn to have more feelings for him, but… Hinata knew this would not happen. They would grow into a mutual friendship that was strong and close to love, but it would be lacking in areas that she found herself wanting—that she never thought she would.


"I'll be back again before the end of the year. Kakashi would like to have a summit about all the villages and what our future holds for us." Gaara responded, eyes focused on what laid before him.

Hinata nodded thoughtfully, noting that the end of the year was a little more than two months away. He'd likely be back before her birthday.

Gaara and Hinata came to a stop at the gate of the village, and a group of Suna ANBU jumped down form the trees to surround the two of them. Gaara paused for a moment before turning to Hinata. His light green eyes conveying much more emotion than Hianta had expected.

Hinata knew that Gaara was fond of her as a friend, but the way he was looking at her now—maybe they could learn to be more than friends.

"If you change your mind before I'm back, you know where to find me." Gaara murmured, a deepness and seriousness to his voice that hadn't been there before. "Until then," Gaara leaned forward and took Hinata's hand, kissing her knuckles.

Hinata face burned red, by the time she had brought her hands to her face to cover her cheeks, Gaara and his ANBU were gone.

The petite Hyuuga felt as if her heart was going to beat out of her chest. She had certainly not expected Gaara to do that. Even worse, she hadn't expected herself to have such a reaction to it.

"Maybe it's because I'm so unfamiliar with all of this." Hinata patted her cheeks, trying to ease the heat from them.

Shaking her head, Hinata turned away from the front gate to head to Sasuke's. Never noticing that a certain blonde ninja had seen and heard everything.

Sasuke had been waiting for Hinata when she arrived. He'd already spoken with one of the ANBU that watch him, and let them know that he needed to speak with Kakashi. Today. The ANBU had scoffed at Sasuke, and Sasuke had to hold in the urge to rip the man's throat out. All he could do was glare at the man until he gave Sasuke an uncomfortable "Ok."

Now that Sasuke and Hinata were finished with their spar and left heaving on the ground, Sasuke was wondering if the ANBU had actually let Kakashi know that he needed to speak with him.

Leaning back, Sasuke jumped to his feet and dusted himself off.

Looking over to Hinata he debated asking her if she wanted to stay for lunch. Sometimes she did, and she would make lunch for the both of them, and it was pretty good. Plus, it would be beneficial if she was here when Kakashi came by too.

Making his decision, Sasuke looked over to Hinata again and felt his hear skip a beat. For some reason, the girl has decided to undo her braid. It was perplexing and oddly fascinating to watch her comb her fingers through her inky indigo hair. It wasn't quite black, but it wasn't quite blue or purple, it was an interesting in-between, that he knew did not match her family.

"Hn," Sasuke murmured, realizing that he had opened his mouth already. More and more he was realizing that he found Hinata to be more entertaining than a nuisance. Maybe he could reach for more than simply using her as a pathway out of the village.

"Hyuuga," Sasuke barked, his voice a great deal rougher than he had meant for it to be. "What are you doing?" he asked, trying to soften his voice. He was just curious, and didn't need to startle her in the process.

"Hm?" Hinata murmured, lost in thought while raking her fingers through her hair. Looking up to find Sasuke staring at her, Hinata gathered her hair and quickly started braiding it. "Sorry!" Hinata said hurriedly.

"Hn. What are you apologizing for?" Sasuke took a step forward and sat down beside Hinata.

Pausing for a moment in her rushed braiding, Hinata considered this for a moment. "I'm not sure really, sometimes I just say it when I don't know what else to say." Hinata admitted, avoiding eye contact.

"Well don't do that." Sasuke deadpanned, as if it was that obvious and simple.

Hinata giggled. "It's not that easy, it's like how you say 'hn' all the time."

Sasuke leaned back and considered that for a moment, trying to understand. "That's similar, but doesn't that mean you never mean 'sorry' when you say it then?"

Face burning, Hinata shook her head, losing her grip on her hair. "No no, I-I st-still mean it when I say it." Hinata tried to clarify, feeling her blush spreading down her neck.

"Then it isn't the same." Sasuke shortly supplied, his dark eyes assessing Hinata carefully. "Why are you braiding you hair again?" Sasuke asked, moving on to his original question.

Hinata watched as his gaze lingered more than she was used to. Of course, when sparring with someone you learned a great deal about them. About what they found distracting and what they noticed about you while sparring with you. Sparring with Sasuke was interesting. At times it seemed he noticed everything, but he looked as if he wasn't paying attention at all. As if he only needed to pay her minimal attention while fighting her, but then he'd pull a move that showed he'd been paying attention.

Sasuke noticing so much about her took her off guard. Thinking about it more, Hinata realized she noticed a great deal about him too, and that she helped facilitate all this by talking with him about such personal things in her life. Sasuke made it feel natural though, as if she should tell him things.

"My hair was messy, so I decided to redo the braid—

"But, why? You always braid it or pull it back somehow, why?" Sasuke's gaze moved to her eyes, burrowing into hers. The last Uchiha knew it was odd to ask, but he was truly curious. There was just something about it that fascinated him. I guess I really do like long hair. Sasuke thought, trying to make light of it and not analyze this thread of thoughts further.

Hinata felt like she was on fire, and not just because of her blush. She wasn't used to Sasuke speaking with her like this and the two of them talking almost intimately as if it was usual. He made it feel casual to talk about something she felt was personal.

Taking a breath, Hinata decided to explain. "I guess…" Hinata glanced at Sasuke to gage his interest. He seemed genuinely curious. She could tell a friend. "After Neji's death, it feels wrong to leave my hair down."

Sasuke hummed in reply. "Then why not cut it if it bothers you?"

"I don't know," Hinata shrugged. "That doesn't feel right either."

"That's weird."

Hinata snorted with laughter. "I guess it is." Shrugging her shoulders, Hinata finished up braiding her hair and tossed it over her shoulder. "Maybe I'll cut it once I marry." Hinata mused idly, looking off and losing focus. "I mean," Hinata shook her head, "I guess that will be happening sooner rather than later." Hinata forced a laugh.

Scrunching his face up in displeasure, Sasuke felt mildly disgusted by that idea. "Why would you cut it when you marry?"

"If I leave the village, it will feel more like a clean break, I think." Hinata nodded to herself.

"Well, why don't you try to stay in the village?" Sasuke asked, getting Hinata's attention.

Eyebrows drawing together, Hinata looked at Sasuke with serious confusion. "I thought we already talked about this, there's no one left to marry except for…" Hinata trailed off, feeling suddenly uncomfortable.

"For me and Naruto, right?" Sasuke grunted.

Hinata nodded, unsure of what else to say.

"Then why don't you marry me?"

Hinata felt her heart stop. "E-Excuse me, Uchiha-san? Wh—"

"I hope I'm not interrupting."

Sasuke and Hinata looked up to see Kakashi looking down at them with a smirk on his face. It was apparent, even though a majority of his face was hidden by his mask, that he found this situation humorous.

"You are, but you already know that." Sasuke snapped, standing up quickly.

"Well, you did ask to speak with me," Kakashi grinned, "and seeing as you're my favorite pupil, I couldn't help but oblige." Kakshi's mirth at this point was palpable.

"H-hello Kakashi-sama," Hinata said, quickly standing to bow to the Hokage.

Kakashi waved her off and continued to stare at Sasuke. "Go ahead, I'm sorry for interrupting." Kakashi said, making an uncomfortable amount of eye contact with Sasuke. "What was it you were saying?"

Noticing the way that Kakashi was looking at him, Sasuke knew he couldn't repeat himself without it being a problem. Kakashi clearly had an agenda when it came to Hinata, and Sasuke wasn't sure what it was. "It's fine."

"Wonderful!" Kakashi beamed, slapping Sasuke on the back. "Let's go inside and have some lunch then, and you can tell me all about whatever your worries were, yeah?"

"Well, I—" Sasuke glanced back at Hinata, feeling his plans of being alone with Hinata fading quickly. "I was going to have lunch with Hinata, like we usually do." Sasuke admitted, trying to save his plans.

"Oh, really?" Kakashi asked, raising his visible eyebrow and glancing between the two young adults.

Hinata's face flushed in embarrassment. It seemed she couldn't get away from be embarrassed today. It was beginning to be taxing on her. From Gaara this morning, to Sasuke a few moments ago, and now this. It was a bit much for her today, which was likely why she passed out almost immediately.

As she collapsed and lost consciousness, she saw Sasuke's face twist into worry as he lunged at her.


Cursing, Sasuke caught Hinata just before she hit the ground. "Did you really have to do that? You know how she is." Sasuke fumed, glaring at Kakashi.

Chuckling, Kakashi shook his head and apologized. "I thought she would be alright, I must have pushed her over the edge for today." Kakshi laughed.

"It's not funny," Sasuke hissed. Lifting Hinata up so he could carry her to the house. Jostling her slightly so she could be more comfortable, Sasuke began the long walk back to his house. For such a strong willed shinobi, she felt so small. It was a wonder that she was able to fight at all. Sasuke found it impressive if he was being honest. She had a quiet strength that was fierce, very much unlike a majority of the shinobi he knew, male or female. Hinata was…

"Where do you think you're going?" Kakashi called, interrupting his thoughts.

"Where do you think?" Sasuke called back, jerking his head in the direction of his house and rolling his eyes.

Glancing down at the woman in his arms, Sasuke's breath stuttered. Hinata was beautiful. She has full lips and large eyes with eyelashes that kissed her cheek bones. Surprised, Sasuke realized that Hinata was quite fair. Her skin next to his own was what made him realize it.

Her neck was pressed against his arm and the contrast was surprising. Similar, but still. How was she this fair and still a shinobi? She was an oxymoron. She made no sense.

"Hn." Sasuke grunted. Forcing himself to no longer think about the woman in his arms. No matter how soft she felt and how much a part of him felt like he wanted more than this.

Images of Hinata beneath him and calling out his name flashed before his eyes. Sasuke felt his chakra surge to his eyes. He was definitely better off not going down that trail of thought. Definitely better off just cutting that off before it went any further.

"Are you coming or what?" Sasuke called back to Kakashi as his house came into view.

Kakashi pretended not to notice the way Sasuke's voice strained, but couldn't keep himself from laughing about it anyway.

Hinata woke to Sasuke and Kakashi right in her face. It was startling, to say the least, which was why she yelped and scooted back from the two.

"She's fine." Kakashi supplied with a smile.

Sasuke rolled his eyes and stood.

Glancing around, Hinata realized that they were inside Sasuke's living room. Where she had been dropped off the last time she had fainted in front of the Uchiha. Cheeks heating in embarrassment, Hinata bowed her head. "I'm sorry for troubling you—"

"Oi," Sasuke called, stopping in his trek to the kitchen. "I thought we already talked about apologizing." Sasuke snapped without turning around.

"Oh." Hinata muttered to herself, and nodded.

"Are you going to help me make lunch, or what?" Sasuke glanced over his shoulder to Hinata.

"O-oh, yes!" Hinata popped up from the couch and scurried over to Sasuke to join him in the kitchen.

The two of them had made lunch together on a few occasions. Well, together wasn't exactly true. It was more like Hinata made all of the food, while Sasuke grabbed whatever Hinata needed. The first time they had lunch together after sparring, Hinata had struggled to find everything in Sasuke's kitchen, which Sasuke had found "annoying, hn." So, since then, he got her what she needed, especially since she seemed to struggle with reaching a majority of the items in overhead cabinets.

The arrangement was somewhat of a relief for Hinata. She felt nosy looking through all of Sasuke's things while trying to make a meal, which made her squirm and blush. Sasuke taking over that portion of it really helped, so she didn't have to feel like she was invading his privacy, and she didn't have to worry about how long it was going to take her to find everything she needed. All Hinata had to do was ask for what she needed, and Sasuke would hand it to her without a word.

Moving through the kitchen in relative silence was unnerving the first couple of times, but now that it was a relatively common thing for the two of them, Hinata no longer felt awkward. Sasuke's silence was calming. Hinata didn't have to worry about what to say to him or how to respond, she just had to complete the task at hand. It was surprisingly nice.

Hinata glanced over at Sasuke and watched as he brushed past her, reaching above her head as she began cutting up vegetables. Sasuke moved so incredibly gracefully. When they would train, there were times that Hinata found herself staring at the way Sasuke moved. For someone that smelt like lightning, with chakra that felt like it too, Sasuke moved as if he was water. Smooth and precise. Eyes widening, Hinata realized she was staring at Sasuke, again.

And then she felt it.

Sasuke's breath caressed her ear as he moved beside her again to grab all the dishes she needed. All the breath in Hinata's lungs froze up.

Immediately, her face broke out in a heated blush. Hinata tried to bury her face to keep anyone from noticing, but the smirk on Sasuke's face made it clear that she had failed in hiding it.

Kakashi watched, mildly perplexed at what was unfolding in front of him. He noted the way Sasuke smirked when Hinata caught up to him, and the way Hinata's cheeks flushed when she saw. There was something budding between the two of them, and Kakashi wasn't sure how to feel. He wasn't sure that Sasuke even realized it, let alone Hinata.

Kakashi was aware that Sasuke had ulterior motives when it came to asking for Hinata to stay with him. He just wasn't sure what they were. Perhaps, the best way to find out, would be to let it happen.

Kakashi, considering this, followed the two into the kitchen after a moment and continued to observe the two.

Rounding the corner, Kakashi watched as the two worked in tandem to get lunch going. Sasuke grabbing utensils and plates, while Hinata began cutting vegetables and tossing them into the pan to join some sizzling meat. Kakashi felt his stomach clench, he'd heard of Hinata's cooking, but never had the opportunity to enjoy it. The way Sasuke was moving around the kitchen with Hinata and the way he was acting, it was clear that the two did this sort of thing rather often.

Kakashi's smirk grew wider, his decision made.

Sasuke enjoyed Hinata's cooking.

It was part of why he let her come around so often. That and the fact that he planned to use her to escape the village. So her cooking was just a happy coincidence that made her more appealing. No. Barrable. Everything about Konoha was just barrable for now. Including Hinata.

Glancing out of the corner of his eye, Sasuke watched as Hinata began work on quickly cooking the vegetables and meat, while making some rice and sauce. She was a good multitasker, he'd give her that.

Studying the Hyuuga for a moment, Sasuke noted the way she focused on the task before her with the same amount of seriousness that one would approach surgery. Sasuke rolled his eyes. Hinata was odd, but useful.

Normally, Sasuke and Hinata ate at the stools that were at the kitchen counter, but since Kakashi was with them, apparently, they would have to eat in the dining room. Sasuke sighed, irritated, as he carried utensils over to the table.

Walking back into the kitchen, Sasuke watched Hinata.

Objectively, he knew the Hyuuga was attractive. He did. He wasn't an idiot, he was an Uchiha. And he was a man, so of course he noticed, but he was an Uchiha. And Uchiha were stoic and kept these things to themselves. Which was why, watching her make food in his kitchen and the way she moved in it filled his chest with something akin to pride. Which didn't make sense to him.

Sensing that Kakashi was watching him, Sasuke looked over to see Kakashi sitting at the counter, quietly observing.

"What." Sasuke snapped.

"Oh, nothing," Kakashi smirked, "I was just wondering what it was you two were discussing when I arrived."

Sasuke rolled his eyes at that. The way Kakashi was grinning, it was clear the Hokage was aware of exactly what Sasuke had been saying to Hinata when he arrived. Moving so that he was in front of Kakashi and blocking Hinata from Kakashi's line of sight, Sasuke leaned against the counter and stared Kakashi in the eye.

"What do you want, you old perv?" Sasuke hissed, eyes narrowing.

"What are your motives with our dear Hinata-chan, Sasuke-kun?" Kakashi responded, a threat laced into his voice.

Sasuke snorted. "I don't know what you're talking about."

Raising an eyebrow, Kakashi considered his former pupil, and looked to Hinata. "Hinata-chan?"

"Oh!" Hinata spun around, surprised at being addressed. "Y-yes, Kakashi-sama?"

"How did it go?" Kakashi smiled, but it did not reach his eyes. Noticing Hinata's confusion at his question. He elaborated. "Meeting your suitors, that is."

Flushing red, Hinata looked away, embarrassed. "Well…" Hinata turned back around, focusing on stirring the meat and vegetables in front of her. "It went about as well as you'd expect." Hinata sighed, trying to avoid the conversation all together.

"So, did anyone propose yet?" Kakashi asked, watching Sasuke carefully.

Hinata winced, feeling uncomfortable. "Well, technically Gaara-sama offered, but I declined." Hinata answered truthfully, her face burning.

Kakashi noticed the way Sasuke tensed up at her response, only to look relieved as soon as she said she "declined."

"Oh really, Hinata-chan. That's too bad, Gaara-san is a nice man, certainly of a stature that the Hyuuga would find suitable for you, too." Kakashi said, leaning forward, watching as Sasuke's shoulders tensed again and his face twitched ever so slightly.

"Gaara-sama is very kind, which is why he offered," Hinata said, a smile in her voice. Sasuke tensed, squeezing the counter in front of him. "Unfortunately, Gaara-sama is just a friend, and although I appreciate his offer to save me, I cannot accept, not when it is a decision that would change our lives forever." Hinata sighed, eyebrows knitting together as she tried to explain her line of thought. "It would feel like I am asking him to give up much more than he realizes, and I…" Hinata trailed off for a moment, her shoulders slumping forward. "I also want more than what he has admitted he can offer me."

Hinata sighed, tears forming in her eyes.

"I appreciate him for being my friend, but I still want to figure something else out," Hinata glanced back at the two male shinobi behind her, "you know?"

Kakashi nodded solemnly. "That is a wise decision, Hinata-chan."

Sasuke felt his muscles relax, not realizing how tense he had become. Unfortunately, Kakashi noticed and decided to tease him for it. "Hinata-chan, what about Sasuke-kun?"

Startled at his suggestion, Hinata dropped the pan and the wooden spoon she had been using to get the food onto a separate dish for serving. "I-I-I—" Hinata's face burned bright red as she fumbled for words and struggled to clean up the mess she'd created. "I-uh-I doubt that that is an arrangement th-that Uchiha-san would be comfortable w-with." Hinata stuttered out, nervousness encasing her body.

Sasuke frowned at her response, but focused his glare at Kakashi, unsure of what his old sensei was trying to do.

"Nonsense!" Kakashi beamed, reaching over the counter to slap Sasuke on the back. "Right, Sasuke-kun? Wouldn't Hinata-chan make a wonderful wife?" Kakashi suggested, waggling his eyebrows.

Sasuke choked on his spit.

Hinata glanced between the two men, eyes wide with alarm.

"I think you've upset her." Sasuke murmured to Kakashi, his frown deepening.

"Maybe you've upset her, Sasuke-kun. You didn't say that you would, so what is she to think?" Kakashi chastised Sasuke, shaking his head.

A slight tinge of pink dusted Sasuke's cheeks. He hadn't expected to be put on the spot like that. Especially about this. "Well, Hinata…" Sasuke trailed off, noticing how tense the Hyuuga looked. "I have asked Kakashi to have someone live in the house with me, instead of having the ANBU outside all the time. My time stuck on house arrest should be ending shortly," Sasuke cut a glare to Kakashki. "And, I want to be able to get around the village easily and without problem." Sasuke considered his wording for a moment before trudging on, noticing the way tension was easing from Hinata's shoulders. "To give you time to figure out what you want to do, you could be assigned to be my ANBU guard," Sasuke suggested.

"Under the guise of being my intended, that is." Sasuke added after a beat.

Hinata's cheeks burned bright, and she looked as if she wasn't breathing.

"Plus, I need someone to help me change this house. Sakura did a terrible job and I hate it." Sasuke admitted, glancing around the house, a look of disgust plastered to his face.

Sasuke glanced at Hinata as he put on a show of being disgusted, trying to gage her reaction. She didn't appear immediately opposed to it, which was good for him. The only issue, aside from her saying yes, would be if the Hyuuga would accept this.

"I sincerely doubt that the Hyuuga would accept you as Hinata's intended," Kakashi sighed, shaking his head. "It would give Hinata more time to figure out what she wants to do, and possibly some time to decide on her suitors." Kakashi suggested with a shrug.

"So, you're suggesting informing the Hyuuga that it is simply a mission?" Sasuke quirked an eyebrow.

"Exactly," Kakashi smiled.

"I…I think I need to think about that." Hinata muttered, her face drained of all color and feeling faint. "I think…I need to sit down." Hinata slurred, slumping against the counter.

Immediately, Sasuke was by her side and moving her to the dining room table, his hand on her elbow as he guided her. "I think you need to eat before you pass out again," Sasuke muttered.

Sitting her down, Sasuke moved to bring over the food as Hinata came to terms with this suggestion that Kakashi and Sasuke had doctored up.

"How would we even do this?" Hinata asked, exasperated, "And why would you help me?" Hinata looked to Sasuke as he carried in the finished meal and set the serving plates down in the middle of the dark table.

Taking a seat beside her, Sasuke frowned. "Well, it's convenient for me, because I will have more freedom, and it should get me more seals removed because I'm helping someone, right Kakashi?" Sasuke asked, looking to his former sensei that was seated across from him.

"That's fair," Kakashi shrugged. "I think I can talk the counsel into giving you a little more freedom. Plus, we can remove another chakra seal for your helping Hinata-chan. We can rationalize that as a way for you to be able to protect Hinata in the event that something happens." Kakashi thought aloud. "I mean, this will garner some unwanted attention, considering a Hyuuga will be appearing to be engaged to the last Uchiha. Hyuugas already have a fair amount of enemies, adding Sasuke-kun to the mix will make some people angry, or give them something to attack." Kakashi murmured, digging into his food.

"I'm not too worried about that though," Kakashi said as he chewed his food. "You two are capable enough, even with Sasuke as restrained as he is," Kakashi said with a chuckle, gesturing at the two.

"So, what do you think, Hinata?" Sasuke asked, feeling uncertain as he tried to look into the Hyuuga's eyes.

Hinata considered it for a moment, deep in thought. Considering all the possible problems that could arise, what type of fallout would they be dealing with? Possibly enormous.

That thought didn't deter Hinata, though. The prospect of getting out of her own house and away from the suitors that would be staying there was enough for her to make her decision.

"Alright, let's do it."

Author's Note:

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