It hit her with the force of a freight train. More specifically Nora hit her hard enough to shatter her aura like it was glass. But that wasn't the most damning thing at the moment. Sure, it could have been the realization of what exactly Nora's aura did - that was still being placed in the back of her mind under zappy zappy make Nora hurty hurty - but the main realization that came into her mind as she reached the pinnacle of her arc was something not even related to what was going on.

She was in love with Ruby Rose.

Not in the best friends forever we wear the same jeans kind of deal. And hopefully it was far different from whatever emotion that Jaune felt for a different (non Pyrrha) girl every other week. This was much more pure and simple than those things. It was the desire to see Ruby everyday. To see her smile. To touch her. To hold her. To be with her.

"Winner Nora Valkyrie!"

This realization was followed by another hard hitting feeling. She was a lesbian. That realization was short live as she hit the ground with a thud. Her entire body hurt like she had been the one to take a lightning bolt to the face. Instead of a giant hammer that exploded in pink on impact.

She blinked three times, searching the room for the hyperactive ray of sunshine that was probably going to freak the fuck out if she ever confessed.

"Weiss!" Ruby leapt from the seats in a blur of rose petals and sharp objects. It was kind of cute the way her semblance was on an emotional hair trigger. Okay it was adorable. Just like her eyes. Staring into them basically made it official. She was in love with Ruby Rose.

Which meant one thing and one thing only. She was royally fucked.

"Weiss, Weiss, Weiss!" Ruby grabbed her shoulders lifting her off the ground and into her lap. This only made this worse, her heart was going crazy and her ears were ringing and why was Ruby's combat skirt so soft? More importantly what was Ruby doing, it was a bit much wasn't it? "Why must the good die young?!"

Yep. She was doing a bit again.

"Shut up you dolt." Weiss groaned, her head was pounding and now her heart was going even faster now. Wait. Was she sure Nora's hammer didn't make people fall in love? It did explode in hearts. "You're being way to loud."

Still this was as good a time as any to pass out.


The recovery rate from being hit by a fully charged Nora varied on the individual. Ranging from the three days that Ruby had to spend in bed after she ran full speed into a hit, she might have milked the last day or so. To Jaune's impressive five minute recovery rate. So when Weiss woke up a few hours later it was something of a feat.

Yang was the only one to actually survive being hit, but all that blunt force trauma was converted to pure kinetic energy and sent her far enough away to be lost in the woods for a day (Which still counted as out).

Still her whole body hurt. Especially the area around her stomach where she took the blow. No, she was probably just hungry. Where was Ruby when she needed her? There was always a cookie nearby.

Not that she wanted to see Ruby or anything. She was just hungry. As a matter of fact, she felt no more strongly about Ruby than she did Blake or Yang. Everything that happened after Nora hit her didn't actually happen.

"Are you awake?" That was Ren's overly polite and eerily calm voice. Opening her eyes, confirmed it. Ren was sitting at her bedside reading a book like he was her lover or something. It couldn't be further from the truth, there was very likely a tattoo on his ass that said "Property of Nora".

Jaune refused to comment.

"No, I'm sleeping with my eyes open."

"I see your sarcasm is still intact," Ren gave her the closest thing he could to a smile and closed his book with a snap. "Nora, wanted to be here but she's still feeling the effect of your lighting blast."

"Me too," She should have known better. Zapping Nora was like poking an ursa. No matter what happened, something (or someone in this case) was going to get wrecked. "That was one of the dumbest things I've done in a while."

"Probably. I'll go let the others know you're okay, Ruby was especially worried about you."

Now her cheeks felt warm. Great just great! She must be coming down with a fever or something. Not because she was happy that Ruby was worried about her. That would be like being happy the sun was rising! Ruby was always worried about somebody. It was kind of cute.


"Can you send someone with food?" The pain of moving outweighed the pain of hunger by a wide margin.

"Are you sure there would be anything there to your liking Miss Schnee?" Had it not been for the sarcasm Ren would have made an ideal butler.

She dismissed him with a handwave. "My team will know what I like."

Ren left leaving Weiss alone with the worst possible person right now; herself. She had lost a practice match. Again. This was, what the fifth one? No, she beat Jaune last week. But that was like being proud you managed to tip a deaf cow. But that wasn't where her mind wandered. What was she even doing here? Two years at Beacon and she was still making rookie mistakes.

She should have known better than to use lightning on Nora. She was better than that, but it was the dust she had available. And she was distracted. Ruby was cheering for her. Not that that mattered, it was just...she was so loud she was bound to make some kind of a mistake. At least the only thing in danger was her pride. And a few of her ribs.

Besides Ruby was just her friend, okay she was probably her best friend but that was just because they were partners they had to take every class together for the next two years. The only thing they had in common was a love for combat skirts! Still what were her family say if she had a gir-

"No, that's not happening. You tried dating Neptune because he was a bad boy and you know how that turned out." She slapped her cheeks remembering how absolutely horrible that had been. It wasn't that Neptune was bad they just had about as must chemistry they had no chemistry.

Just like her and Ruby. There was no chemistry there! Just two good partners that could rely on each other for anything and everything. It was actually nice to have a friend like that. Better than back home where Winter abandoned her and Whitley was just a bit to much like her father. At least Ruby was there when her father cut her off financially.

Not five minutes later did the door burst open and a streak of red appear at her bedside, complete with a generous meal of sliced turkey, salad, cheesy garlic bread, and topped off with a cup of blueberry frozen yogurt. As to how it all stayed on the plate going at roughly the speed of sound was something of a mystery.

Naturally they just had to send Ruby to bring her food.

"Are you feeling better Weiss?" If a marshmallow could talk it would sound exactly like Ruby, but perhaps less hyper and at least a few decibels quieter. Still her unending enthusiasm was commendable in certain situations. Like all the times they ended up in a life or death situation.

Hunger won out over the pain and Weiss took the first bite of sliced turkey, nearly allowing a moan to escape her as the gravy covered piece of meat melted in her mouth. The texture was like chalk though. But for Beacon it was as good as they got. "Really hungry."

"Oh! Right! Well I brought you dinner! So uhh eat up." Ruby's smile fell. "Oh wait you're already doing that aren't you."

Weiss nodded chewing on a different piece of meat. It was a lot like rubber. Such was the consistency of Beacon. At least one thing was consistent about the food - other than the fact that it was wildly inconsistent - the deserts were worldclass. Especially the ice cream. "And as usual, you failed to bring me proper utensils."

"You have a knife and a-"

"A spork is not a proper utensil."

"Correction it's the best utensil! It's like my scythe! It's both a fork and a spoon! Now if only they could make one with a knife on it. What do you think they would call that?"

"A choking hazard."

"Weiss!" Ruby whined falling down onto the chair like she had just been dealt a fatal blow. "I'm serious here! This could be our next million dollar idea."

"Uh huh," Weiss took a crunch bit of salad coupled with a soggy crouton and crunched down onto the bland ranch covered mess. Being with her friends must have ruined her table manners as mid chew she found herself speaking. "And what was your first million dollar idea?"

"Being your teammate."

Weiss sputtered, blushed, and choked all at once as she was mid-bite into a piece of cheesy garlic bread. Her cheeks felt hot, and her heart was going crazy. It was just a side effect of her injury, that was it. Or probably some kind of sudden cheese allergy maybe there was even something in the food.

It had absolutely nothing to do with the giant crush she so did not have on Ruby of all people. She liked boys! Not tomboys! Even if Ruby was incredibly cute and- No. No no no.

"Well it's not like I wanted to be partners with you or anything." She turned her head and huffed, some random third year got that got fucked up (royally) laughed at them. Great that was on the public record now. Soon Coco would hear about this and once Coco knew everybody knew. "It's just that we work well together is all."

"Aww!" Ruby squealed, a noise that was half chew toy, half overjoyed pigeon. The next thing Weiss knew she was being hugged by Ruby. This did several things. Make her feel warm and fuzzy inside. And realize once again how touchy Ruby was. Among many numerous things regarding the fact that no matter how different they acted and looked, Ruby was Yang's sister in several big ways. "I love you too!"

Weiss placed a scoop of her favorite ice cream in her mouth, doing her best not to so much as acknowledge Ruby or that crush she so did not have. "Shut up, don't touch me."

"Aww, but you're so soft and cold! It's like hugging a snow bunny!" Ruby only hugged her tighter.

Despite herself a smile formed on her face, she had gotten used to Ruby's prolonged death hold of a hug. Mostly from the numerous times that she had saved the girls life. The favor was returned just as often, and the hugs were just as common then. With another spork full of frozen yogurt in her mouth Weiss groaned. "Did they say when I'll be good to go?"

The nurse - some pink haired woman that could probably out punch Yang - was a contender for scariest faculty member at beacon, right behind Mrs. Goodwhitch. Though that varied wildly on any given day.

Ruby frowned, finally releasing her death hug. Something that Weiss did not miss in the slightest. "I asked her but she just grunted and waved her hand at me."

That sounded about right. "I guess I can leave whenever I want."

"Awesome!" Ruby jumped up, all but pulling Weiss up with her. Yep endless ball of energy. If they found a way to harness Ruby-power then they wouldn't need dust. Now that was a million dollar idea. "JNPR invited us over for a cram session tonight so we can totally make it!"

Her side burned as Ruby pulled her away from the safety and comfort of the bed. "Oww, hey wait Ruby! The dishes!"

AN: Hi there I'm back with another RWBY fic. hopefully this one will... last? It should. No adventure and just good ole fluffy tsundere action! Woo!

Anyways, hope you all enjoy'd it!

Beta'd by xxterror33xx