Author's Note: I promised that the party would continue, so here it is!

Chapter 5

His mate was upset and angry. He didn't like this, but he knew what to do to rectify the situation. He had been working on his fine motor skills and using only a small portion of his strength, so he would be allowed to do more things in this form. He could now successfully make the tea that Raven liked best. She always smelled of one of her teas and lavender incense.

He used one large arm to hold her in place, curled up on his chest and shoulder, while using the other to arrange the supplies he needed in the kitchen. The other Titans watched quietly, fascinated at this strange sight. They had heard stories of what Beast Boy was capable of, but they had never imagined something like this. Mas y Menos thought that he looked like the legend of the chupracabra and the rest of the team thought that he looked like the feline version of a werewolf.

Raven calmed from Kitty's graceful movements around the kitchen and his warm embrace. She did not fear falling. She had nothing to fear at all.

Aqualad seemed to be coming out from his stupor, because he began to speak.

"R-Raven?" he cleared his throat, hoping it would sound less high pitched and squeaky that second time around. "What is going on? What is the party for? Why are you so close to Beast Boy and th-that thing?" His tone changed to disgust on the last word and Raven snapped.

Her head shot up from Kitty's shoulder and he paused his movements while she spoke.

"He is not a thing. Beast Boy and Kitty are mine. The next time you insult what is mine, I will send you to a dimension where there is no such thing as water. I wonder what dried Atlantean looks like," her eyes flashed white, and dark tendrils of power swirled around her as she spoke with a deep guttural tone that could strike fear into a heart like nothing else.

Saying all that needed to be said, Raven put her head back down and Kitty carried on with what he was doing. The tea was almost done. All that was left was for him to pour some of the hot water over a tea bag in Raven's favorite cup. There were many mugs she would use to drink her tea, but if her favorite was clean, then that was the one she preferred to use.

Having accomplished his task, Kitty gave Raven her tea and resumed sitting on the couch with her relaxing in his arms.

She sipped at her drink and could feel her tight muscles loosening up. Chamomile tea was the best for its calming properties, so Kitty had chosen that one. In addition to learning the physical side to making tea, Beast Boy had been reading up on the different kinds of tea and which ones Raven liked the best. She liked chamomile, green tea, chai tea, and, if she was really in a fix, mugwort tea. It had the nastiest name, but Raven would swear by it when she was in a really bad mood. Occasionally she would try other kinds, but these were her favorites.

She sighed and snuggled closer to her Kitty, if that was even possible. Kitty tightened his arms around her, making sure that it wasn't tight enough to hurt her. Raven began stroking the fur of his arm and he let out a rumbling purr of contentment. The rest of the Titans did not want to upset the empath further and risk the wrath of the Beast, so they refrained from making anymore comments and asking questions.

As the other Titans arrived, they were shown to their rooms first to settle in before being allowed in the common room with the couple. So far, none of the other Titans had upset Raven like before, so Kitty was perfectly calm.

However, that all changed when Jinx and Kid Flash arrived. The fastest boy alive grated on Raven's nerves like Beast Boy used to do before he learned what buttons not to press. Jinx and Raven got along really well, and if she wasn't attached at the hip to Kid Flash, Raven would invite her over more often.

Kid Flash whizzed in with Jinx on his back, left what little they had in their room and headed back to the common room before Robin could greet them. He settled on the couch across from the couple and set Jinx in his lap. She looked mildly annoyed, but put up with it because she loved him.

"So you two love birds finally decided to copulate like bunnies," he jumped into the nonexistent conversation like a man jumping out of a plane without realizing he forgot his parachute. Blindly into a fatal disaster.

Before Raven could react with any measure of anger, Beast Boy prompted Kitty and he let out a menacing snarl that raised the hair on the back of everyone's neck. Except for Raven. Nothing Kitty could do that would make her scared of him. No matter what form he took, what sound he made, or action he took, he was her Kitty and wouldn't harm a hair on her head.

Kid Flash flinched, along with everyone else, and relocated he and his girlfriend to another area of the room, far from the furry green beast. Nothing else was said and Raven didn't have to lift a finger. That was just the way he liked it.

The following day, after everyone had arrived, the party commenced. Beast Boy and Raven entered together in matching attire and the others cheered for their friends. Starfire made the announcement and officially announced the couple to all of the Titans. Cyborg manned the DJ station with Bee close by. The Titans were dancing and having a good time without the worry that disaster was going to strike at any time. A few days off weren't going to kill anybody and if something big did happen, the Justice League was there for a reason.

It was a perfect night and Raven smiled widely for her Kitty to see.