Okay so I want to try this. Writing with the ideas of what readers would like. So I'll start the story. And end with a choice. You readers comment review your choices of which you think whichever character should do. Or what situation I should give the character. I think this could be fun.

For cars fans! HUMANIZED

So set at the end of cars 3. Lightning mcqueen is now the crew chief of Cruz Ramirez. But he also says he's gonna keep racing. Obviously truth be told. He can't do both. So Tex as his new boss and owner of rusteze gives Lightning some.. ideas.

Lightning can't keep up with the new racers and their cars. But with the help of Tex and his money he can. He can build himself a new car. One that can keep up with the kids out there. But this would also mean racing Cruz. No more being her crew chief.

So to start this story I need reviews!! .

Should Lightning continue to be the crew chief of Cruz and decide to Retire as a racer on the track.

Could mean he could finally start that family Sally been nagging about. See his friends and family more.


should he take his chance and get the newer car and come back as the oldest driver on the track?

This could lead to a more aggressive relationship with Cruz though. And he was getting old and worn?..

I'll write the story based on a or some reviewers choice of opinions.