Hermione made her way down the hall in St Mungos, heading towards the the break room. She was exhausted after dealing with such a difficult patient that morning. Why do all older witches believe they know absolutely everything? If you have already self diagnosed yourself and refuse to listen to actual healers, why even bother coming in? Hermione decided that after today she would never cover for Patil ever again.

As she walked past reception she shot a smile at Rebecca, a spunky little thing fresh out of Hogwarts. She sure kept Hermione's work life lively, she was also a great friend and they hit it off immediately despite the six year age gap. It was nice having a friend who hadn't been plagued with the war. Rebecca was more carefree and youthful, it was refreshing. Rebecca wasn't her only work friend though, surprisingly Pansy Parkinson, now Nott, was also one of her good friends.

They started healer training together about a year after the war, and in the beginning it was really rough. The amount of times the two women almost hexed each other was immeasurable. The constant fighting only frustrated their trainers and eventually, after they almost caused a huge potion disaster due to their constant bickering they were pulled into the head trainers office and given an ultimatum; get along or leave the program. After that they called a truce and did their best to lessen the bickering. When they were no longer constantly going at each others heads they realized they actually had quite a bit in common. Hermione even ended up as Pansy's maid of honor in her wedding and the godmother of her little girl.

"Hey Becs, how's it going? Any interesting cases come through yet?" asked Hermione. Becca always filled them in on the funniest and most interesting cases throughout the day, usually caused by kids and their accidental magic. However, one would be surprised on the amount of adults who get themselves in to similar situations.

"Well actually this one kid came in with…" Rebecca started but was interrupted as the front doors burst in with an emergency patient. Hermione quickly rushed to the patient who was covered in blood. She started to try and stabilize the patient but the damage was tremendous, the body was covered in blood. Hermione was quite amazed the women was even still alive.

That's when she saw the bracelet on the woman's right wrist. It was a gold bangle encrusted in emeralds, her daughter's birthstone. Hermione would recognize it anywhere, Theo had given it to Pansy right after Paisley was born just a little over half a year ago. Hermione gut clenched but she did not lose her focus. The most important thing right now was saving Pansy.

Eventually, after Pansy was stable enough to be moved, the specialists whisked her away to try and stop the bleeding permanently. Hermione stared at her blood covered hands in disbelief. All of the sudden a rush of worries hit her. Where was Paisley? Was she okay? And Theo, where was he? Why wasn't he here? She needed to contact him. Hermione rushed the the floo and tried to get through to Nott Manor but got nothing. Hermione thought maybe the men who brought Pansy would know something. She found them on the third floor.

"The women you brought in, a little while ago, was she alone when you found her?" questioned Hermione.

"There were two of them, a man and her, the lady we brought in. It was a terrible accident. The poor lad didn't make it though, died instantly. Shame too, looked quite young." Hermione swallowed and nodded, she felt like she couldn't breathe. She didn't know where to go from here. Who should she contact? Hermione thanked the lucky stars that Paisley was safe with her godfather as per usual on Thursday nights. They switched off biweekly so Theo and Pansy could have their date night. She sat in the waiting room outside where they were working on Pansy for what felt like forever. Finally Healer Thaddeus came out, he took one look at Hermione and she knew he was not going to be giving her good news.

"I'm so sorry Hermione, we tried everything. The was too much internal bleeding that was not originally detected. The damage was just too great. Nott was one hell of a healer and she'll be missed." Hermione collapsed to the ground. Her heart ached for the little eight month old baby completely oblivious to the fact that she was now an orphan.

A/N - Hey guys! Thanks so much for reading this! I know it has been a while since I've written a story but hey I'm back! I'm not 100% where this is going but hey it'd be cool if you'd stick around and find out. This chapter was pretty short but I do plan on making the following ones quite a bit longer. This is kind of like a little intro/tease. Next up introduction to the godfather..hmm I wonder who. Also I'm terribly sorry if there are any spelling/grammar mistakes, I wrote this pretty late and immediately posted. Reviews are greatly appreciated! Thanks again, hope to see ya'll next chapter (;