Hey guys! Sorry it's been so long but I figured I should upload something to let you know that I am not dead.

I just wanted to let those who favourited this story that their support is greatly appreciated and that Act 2 is now up!

See you over there!

Episode 2: Costume Party

The four evil beings at Beacon Academy all were getting dressed for the costume party. Their goal was to sabotage the party and ultimately ruin the moods of everybody there. The best part was that everyone would be in a costume and no one would know who did what. Fortunate enough for the team, Vader was in charge of the costumes. Emerald wore a brown robe over what seemed to be a uniform of some kind, white-cream in colour. It was all together and wrapped intricately over the body. A single brown belt sat on her waist, as well as the metal bar on it. "What am I supposed to be again?"

"A Jedi." Vader assured.

"And why Is that?" She said, holding up the baggy sleeve draped over her left hand and held it open with her right.

"Your Semblance!"

"Uh huh…" She said, still not understanding.

He sighed. "You make illusions, correct?"


"Jedi are known to use a power called 'Jedi Mind Trick.' It allows them to briefly make anyone subject to their will temporarily."

"Alright, whatever." She said, barely listening.

"Good! Now say 'You don't want to sell me deathsticks.'" Apparently, his comment fell on deaf ears as she walked away.

Next was Mercury. He wore a strange costume. It was jet black robes over his clothes, slightly resembling Emerald's costume only the bottom half was removed to show his metal legs. Most of his time was spent putting over the face-paint, which was mostly red, but had black tribal markings on his face. "Is this really necessary?" He asked as he applied the last touches to it.

"Of course. You need to be unrecognizable!"

The boy stood up and revealed his whole costume. His metal legs were fully exposed and in full view for all to see. "How is this supposed to be covert again?"

"Don't worry. Now hold this!" Vader said, handing him a broken mop with a red handle. "Now twirl it." Mercury dropped the mop handle and waited by the door with Emerald.

Cinder wore a black robe, covering all her body but leaving her face exposed. Her 'face' was a white mask of a wrinkly old man. "Stay hunched over." Vader said, pushing her head down. With a grunt, Cinder's head was pushed downward and stayed there. "What… am I supposed to be?" She said, suppressing her anger. Vader looked at her face. "You… have yellow eyes. Just like my Master!" His hand went behind his cape and he pulled out a taser gun and slammed it into her hand. "There we go! Force Lightning." Cinder was visibly confused. "Who am I supposed to be?!" She finally asked, her eyes flaring and filled with rage. "My Master." Vader said with seriousness. He

"Now we are ready!" He said as he approached the door, but it was opened by someone else wearing a costume. Vader assumed that all the party members present were the ones attending the mission. "Who are you?" Vader asked. He looked him up and down. His costume consisted of black robes that flowed down to his calves, meeting the black boots that sat on his feet. His upper body was all covered except for his face. In black. A helmet was held under his right arm with a chrome finish around the visor. "What are you supposed to be, Cardin?" Cinder asked unenthusiastically. Vader's ever-audible breathing came to a halt as he gasped.

"Are you… me?" Vader asked, bewildered and unamused as he looked at the black robes.

"Nope." Cardin said with a smile.

"What are you then?" Cardin threw his arms in the air and told them,

"Dude, I'm Kylo Ren! Your gra-" Vader stopped him. He felt the Force shift.

"Do not say another word."

"Aw why not?"

"Just…" He began walking out the door, "don't..."

He did not know who the boy was trying to be, but Vader got the feeling that… it was somehow connected to him. Smaller… but still connected.