Well this is awkward. If you wondered where have I been, well, i have been in between dealing with some personal tragedies and doing some private comisions for a couple of guys (yes I do those). And among all those things, it has been five months. Whilst this chapter isn't really done, I decided to cut it in half like the previous one ( don't worry the next part will be done this week), just so i didn't have to leave you guys hanging for any more time.

And speaking of that. Please, enjoy "All About Attention (Side A)" or "A Comedy of Errors"

Well what a way to start the afternoon.

It was 7 pm and every minor in the house was ordered to go into a room and wait there. And the one that happened to be chosen was Leia's room. Well, every minor in the house, except for Lemmy. The last thing that Leia saw of him was the tattooed skull on his back looking at her. He was being taken to his room completely naked, when he protested before being shoved inside his room, she briefly saw his face, along with being completely mated in sweat, he had a black eye.

While the worry was still on the back of her head, the rest of it was filled with annoyance, her half sisters were in the room chattering like a bunch of old hags without personal lives. All because Lupa opened her mouth. Her yell alerted the adults who went to Loan's room to find her in bed with Lemmy. That didn't bode well with Lori, who literally punched him off the bed. At least that's what Leia thoughtful all the ruckus was about. She wasn't out there, she was stuck in this room with her sisters, who didn't want to shut up about it. Now they were muttering things about Lemmy, and how Lupa had found him and their sister.

The platinum blond was still sitting near one of the corners of the room, hugging her knees and with a blank stare. Okay, that's it. Leia thought as she advanced towards her.

"Lupa!" Leia said, rising her voice. Even if she was one of the youngest on her generation, she could be downright imposing if she wanted. Her mother may not be a perfect woman, but nothing she had taught her had been wrong yet. "Cut that out already!"

"Uh?" Lupa looked, up. Her eyes were red, she had been crying for a while after her close encounter with Lemmy's secret sex life "Cut what out?"

"Really?" Leia answered, incredulous, putting her hands on her hips "Everyone here has seen you go at it constantly, but the moment you take a peek at someone else doing it you break down? Are you serious?"

Lupa used her arm to wipe the snot from her nose and spoke "You'd be crying too if you found your brother abusing someone?"

"Really? That's what you took from it?" Lyra said laying on one of the beds at the other side of the room. "Because from what you described, I'd say it sounds a lot like plain ol' rough sex. Some people like having it that way you know, so if you could stop talking about my brother like that, I'd be thankful." She finished her sentence with a glare that made Lupa looked to the side to avoid her annoyed gaze.

"Yes, she took the words straight out of my mouth" Leia said, turning back to Lupa "So can you stop acting so pathetically?"

"Are you guys for real?" Said their sister Lacy from Lupa's side of the room. As always, she lived with her emotions on her skin and she made no attempt to hide her current anger "You're really trying to defend him after this? Okay. Lets say it isn't abuse. It's still Loan. You all know she ain't right upstairs."

"How can you know?" Leia interjected as quick and quirurgical as ever. "Its not as if you actually know her. Hell, no one here has tried to talk to her for more than ten minutes."

"Yeah and she usually doesn't say shit. That Isn't normal" Lacy said sourly. "She probably didn't know better."

Angry to a boiling point, Lyra stood up and made her way towards her sister, she picked her by her red jersey and to her face she said, so lowly that it was almost a whisper "Lemmy would rather bite his own fingers off than hurt one of us, so stop talking like that about him"

"Of course you would be on his side, you-" Started Lacy, but sealed her mouth shut once Libby interrupted her.

"Can you all shut up?" Asked Libby, rising her voice above the others. She was laying on the ground trying to look at the hall with a small mirror under the door. She had been successfully doing it for a while, and now she had something to say. "If y'all are done yammering. You can just go and ask Loan yourself"

They answered with a barrage of "what"s and "what do you mean?"s. Libby rolled her eyes and said.

"They all left, thanks to your noise I have no Idea what they were saying, but aunt Lil was really making a ruckus before she pulled everyone downstairs."

"She took Lori?" Asked Leia at the speed of thought.

"By the ears actually. It was brutal. I wish I could have recorded it"

Right from Lupa's side Lacy rolled her eyes "yeah, whatever. You'll be wasting your time. Knowing her, you'll probably get a bunch of mumbles before she asks you to leave her room"

"She talks a lot when she's with Lily" Said Liena, joining the conversation for the first time ever since they got confined to the room "I mean, we lose nothing by trying"

When everyone started rising their voices, Leia saw another argument brewing, so she rolled her eyes and got out the door as fast as she could, making an effort to close the door without making any noise. She wasn't going to be able to get there if the adults below caught her sneaking to Loan's room.

She walked slowly and on the tip of her toes, thinking to herself that those ballet classes her mom had made her join before moving here finally were useful for something. Before making her way to Loans room, she stopped and kneeled behind the stairs, and took a peek at the lower floor. She could barely see them from there, but she could see Lily arguing with while the rest of them either stood in stunned silence or actively tried to keep them from walking to each other to keep the argument from escalating. Once Lincoln interrupted and made both Lily and Lori sit in chairs away from each other, Leia decided that it was a good moment to keep walking.

Crouching, she walked towards her sister's room. Leia couldn't avoid to keep thinking about the scene in the room behind her, and downstairs. Siblings are such a hassle. She couldn't understand for the life of her why would her mother want to come back to live in this noisy battlefield. Maybe it was the overwhelming amount of sex for her, Lola had always been a lewd woman. No matter how much of a disciplined designer she was, that thirst was something that she was constantly trying to quench. With the sheer amount of people she had pining for her, Leia never thought that her mother would be one for sharing, but her she was, sharing one man with over a dozen women.

And here was Leia, walking to the room of a woman that had put her in a similar situation.

Who was she kidding. It wasn't the same. He went full on with Loan. Leia had never gotten past a morning blowjob before he asked her to stop and not do it again. She never listened though, and with time, he had come to just accept it. Getting a wake-up blowjob was as much of a routine for him now as it was for her to give it.

Her reasons to do it, even with his denial, came (like every piece of philosophy that made her) from her mother. If she had taught her anything about men, it was that "men love sluts, not in the "barely clothed, cheap skank" way though, but no matter what kind of moral code they think they have, they all love knowing that a woman is available and ready". And what better way to let Lemmy know that she is available and ready than having him wake up with his first nut of the day already in her mouth?

Now she could see why he was so frivolous whenever she wanted to do something more "intimate", he already had a side chick. A sidechick whose room she was moving towards

As silently as she could, she knocked on the Loan's door but nobody responded. Whispering, she asked if she could come in, when nobody answered, she opened the door and went in anyways. She found the room dark and empty.

"Hello?" She asked to no one while taking a look around, the place was not what she expected. It was one of the most spacious rooms in the house, a king sized bed was at the other side of the room. Now Leia could see how Lupa found it so shocking, it was the first thing she saw when she opened the door, it was literally the first thing she saw. Still, no reason to keep acting like that over 2 minutes after the fact.

Leia kept scanning the room. For someone who looked like she had never seen a hair comb in her lifetime, Loan's room was incredibly clean. Everything was in perfect order, her computer in one corner and a very barren looking vanity table in another one. There were some anime posters around yet nothing was too out of the ordinary. Hell, Lupa's room was less orderly than this and she was "Normal".

In Leia's opinion, the room was incredibly tidy, everything was in such level of order that it looked almost as if it was all planned. Like Loan took the time to think and plan where every single thing should be down to the most diminutive of details. Every single item on every single table seemed to be in a grid, the few beauty products that sat on top of her vanity were aligned and separated by what seemed to be identical distances, and the shades of pink of her nail polish bottles placed in order of shade and intensity. Seeing how orderly her sister was with her extremely few products made Leia feel self-conscious about the way she kept hers. This system that her sister was was more effective than the bulky mess of bottles she had on her's, and in her mind that prospect of Loan being somehow better than her at something as basic as cleaning terrified her.

But somehow the first thing that made Leia rise an eyebrow was right below the window, a few pots with different plants in them, a cactus, a couple of sunflowers, an assessment of orchids, and a pair that she legitimately didn't know. All illuminated by a ray of light coming from an ajar door at the back of the room. She closed in on it slowly, and heard the sound of running water.

"Hello?" She said. Still, no one gave an answer. Leia opened the door and walked in slowly. What she found inside was unexpected. White. The entirety of the bathroom was clean as if every tile was just bought. It was so strange, she wasn't as smart or deductive as Libby, but the half used bars of soap and shampoo bottles clearly showed that the room was used frequently. If that was the case, then why did it look so clinical? I was almost as if they got scrubbed with alcohol daily or something.

Leia pushed that doubt to the background of her mind and kept looking for Loan, realistically, there was only one place she could be, but Leia couldn't see Loan through the curtain. She kept calling Loan's name, but got no response still.

She breathed in, and slowly opened the curtain, asking Loan if she was there in the process. Once a bit was opened, she peeked in and… Loan wasn't there. Well, not outside the water. Leia pulled the curtain completely, to see Loan's whole body resting underwater in the bathtub. She was just letting her body lay there at the bottom, with air bubbles escaping her nose every once in a while, aside from that, she just laid there imobile.

Calling it weird, would have been a understatement, but at the same time it was…


As Leia had said herself in the past. Her aunt Lucy used the words "Ethereal Beauty" an awful lot in her books; but there was honestly no other way to describe the pale girl under the water. She had such a calm expression, without the blemishes that her face showed when she was scared or angry. She looked so unnaturally natural, her sight was so soothing, like a painting done by a master, Leia felt like she could have stayed looking at her sister for ages.

Her trance however, was was broken when Loan suddenly rose back from the water and gasped for air. It took her a second, but when she finally turned to see she jerked back and almost shrieked, but she put her hands on her mouth to stop herself. She didn't wanted her mom and her siblings to swarm the room again. Still, it took her exactly 0.8674 seconds to grab the curtain to cover herself.

Leia, quickly turned to the other side, yeah, her mother had told her that the point of moving to this house was personal freedom. But Leia thought that her sister must be in a bit of a sore spot at the moment. Maybe not as literal as the one that she same Lemmy have in his face, but still. Pranking people was one thing, but if Loan didn't wanted to be seen naked, then she wasn't going to be the one to break her desire for privacy.

In any other situation, Leia would have left the room immediately, but she honestly felt that she was in need of answers. She opened her mouth to announce she was going to wait in the other room and come back once she was dressed, but was interrupted when, surprisingly, Loan spoke first.

"Di- Did, Did you… come to make fun of me?" She said, with pause in between words. She know that her less immediate family wasn't going to hurt her, but it was still a bit hard to speak to people that she barely knew.

"Make fun of you? Why would I come here to make fun of you?" Even though Loan couldn't see her face, she couldn't help but frown at that. What reason would she have to think that sh-

"You prank people… a lot" Her voice, still shaky. Even though the little trickster was apparently respecting her decency, talking was still hard.

"I wouldn't do that to my fam-" Why was it that, whenever you know you did something wrong, or that one of your lies is too blatant, you can just feel when people look and judge you? Because she could feel Loan's eyes piercing her through her back. "Look, I know I have a rep, but I didn't come here for that. I came because… because I need to ask you a question."

Leia had to wait a minute until Loan, who was fiddling with her hair and looking at the wall in the opposite direction to relieve herself from the stress of talking to her, answered with the words "a question?"

"I.. ehh" there was something strange for her, a doubt. She was so sure of what she wanted to say when she came in here. Maybe it was Loan current state, as used as Leia was to admiring the female form au naturelle, it was still hard to break this topic on her sister while she was in such a vulnerable state. Maybe it also was Leia herself, there was a certain fear crawling up her spine now that she was here. The longing for her brother had been such a part of her life for the last few months that now that she was in front of his… His what? She needed to know. So she breathed in, steeled herself, and said "Well… the girls are starting to talk and, and i don't want make assumptions..."

For a while, a barely audible "Hm?" was Loan's only answer, she turned to look at her sisters back. It was so different. Usually she would stand proud and have this powerful air around her. She looked so… sensitive at the moment. As if the question itself may hurt her when it came out. Loan's mind, at the moment, went back to Lily, and something she taught her long ago, a little technique that was supposed to help her talk. She couldn't say it wasn't effective, she used it long ago with Lemmy, and look at them now. All she needed to do, was close her eyes, push the world out, and focus on the conversation. She exhaled a breath she didn't knew she was holding and asked "what are they saying?"

"They, they… When Lupa told us that she saw you two, she said that you were bruised and clawed." Unable to resist the temptation, Leia took a peek at her sister. Who was "looking" in her direction with her eyes closed, barely putting any effort on covering her ample bosom anymore. She turned back quickly, before she could open her eyes (and before Loan's body destroyed Leia's confidence on her own) and continued "they wanted to know… if… you know"

"They… they think that Lemmy was forcing me to do it?" said Loan, she may be a social pariah, but she wasn't stupid. With a person as "fragile" as her, In a place as lewd as this house, it was easy to see why someone would think that, still, anger steadily brew in the back of her head when she heard Leia answer with a defeated…


"We have been hanging out for months" Her response was quick and dry, as truthful and concise as she could make it in the course of a literal second.

Leia remained silent for a while, to the point that if it wasn't for her breathing, Loan wouldn't have known that she was even there. She wore a worried scowl in her face, instead of reacting immediately, she took her time to compose her next question "Does… does 'hanging out' includes bruising you?"

"We started having… you know, a few months ago, and when we do it like that… I like it like that, it makes me feel alive" Was Loan's answer. It came so suddenly and honestly that Leia's mouth ended up hanging open, Loan couldn't see her sister's surprised face, but the loud gasp was enough to clue her in. "That's why I like to do it when he is mad, I encourage him to…" she sighted, and continued sorrowfully as she laid her head on the side "It's not like it will never happen again now, so why does it even matter?"

If there was something everyone the family knew about Leia, it was that she liked to hear herself talk. And that if she wasn't trying to talk your ear off, then she was either mad at you or planning something. Yet, she found herself mute without any of those reasons. Was it the heavy feeling that she sensed in the room? Or was it the sour feeling setting in the bottom of her stomach now that she was seeing why Lemmy didn't like the way she woke him up? It was probably a mixture of both.

This kind of feeling was a relatively new experience for her. She hated it, she hated that the words were stuck on her throat and how it looked as if Loan was talking more and faster than her.

"Are you still there?" Asked her older sister.

"Yes" Leia answered, promptly adding "do you need me to leave?"

"My towel is on top of the toilet tank, please give it to me" said Loan, pointing towards its general direction. On top of it, Leia found a towel neatly folded into a square. Her clothes, she noticed, were sitting on top of the lid similarly folded into a perfect square. "Then, please wait outside"


"I… I need to talk to you about something"

Internally, Leia mentally asked the fear crawling up her spine, to please stop, going up without consent like that was very rude. She nodded and obliged, and once she had given her sister her towel, she went out of the door, and stood in the bedroom. Huh. Outside of a the first time that Lemmy woke up with his dick on her mouth, she had never felt this awkward. And she didn't understand why really.

Loan was supposed to be a mess, she barely spoke. Or that's what she thought as she walked over to Loan's bed to sit on the corner. Her older sister was taking a bit too long for someone who had everything prepared. Leia had never seen Loan being so… articulate before, at least not as she was when she had her eyes closed in the tub.

For a solid minute, she pictured the calm and pretty vision of her, when she was underwater. Leia felt herself blush at the thought and quickly made an effort to evaporate it. An effort made a bit harder because Loan walked out of the door.

Even though she was just wearing plain sweatpants and a wife beater, she couldn't avoid seeing how they stuck to her curves. Something that she had never noticed before about her sister. For Leia, up to this point, Loan wasn't a sexual being, but now she was in front of her, it was quite difficult to ignore. Her eyes went through Loan's wide hips, and slowly up to her navel and stopped on her chest as she was almost hypnotized by the sway of her breasts as she walked.

Loan's lack of a bra certainly helped Leia to keep her attention on her older sibling's boobs, but once she had gotten close enough though, Leia had no option but to look up at her face, where the spell was broken. It wasn't that she thought her sister was ugly, far from it. But, her hair was wet, like she just passed the towel through it a couple of times and then just decided to stop, no further attempt to make herself prettier. In a way, she was the opposite to her room. Loan kept her room in order, and in a perfect, almost shining condition. Herself, was another story, she used plain, almost colorless clothes, Leia had never seen Loan using makeup, and of course, her hair, she never ever tried to comb it or stylize it. She looked unattended, almost uncared for. And for someone as pretty as Leia now found her to be, that was a tragedy.

Loan made her way to her bed and sat down at a "reasonable" distance, it was after a long, uncomfortable silence that she closed her eyes once again, and talked to Leia "You… you have an idea of what I want to talk about, don't you?"

"I didn't know he was with you" Leia answered instantly looking up at her half sister.

"You weren't supposed to" Answered Loan matter of factly, turning to where Leia's voice was coming from, she continued "It's commendable that he never said anything, even with someone like you sucking him off"

"Are you mad?"

"No." There was a rather uncharacteristic lack of emotion in Loan's voice, so much so that, for a brief moment, Leia thought that it was Lucy talking "I always knew that what we had would be temporary, but even then, we wanted to keep it a secret, just so this exact kind of situation didn't happen."

"Still. How can you not be mad. I… I made him cheat on you"

"Look at me" Loan said, extending her arms and for a dreadful moment, opening her eyes. As soon as the dread of having other people in front of her came back to her mind, she closed her eyes and quickly went back to the, hunched, reclusive position she was in before "... I'm a mess, I always knew someone better would come along and actually make him happy"

"Someone better", in any other situation, that would have inflated Leia's ego. She would have been flattered, if it wasn't because this was her older sister who was talking to her. Someone that, in any other situation would have seemed so below her, yet, he preferred her. He had gone all the way with her, while Leia was still stuck at waking him up.

"He doesn't like me" Said Leia, looking a Loan's form, feeling pity for her and her rude awakening thanks to her mother Lori, but even more for herself. Because Loan had something she hadn't managed to ever get from Lemmy, reciprocated feelings. "He only hangs out with me because of how I wake him up"

"Do you really think that?" Said Loan a minute later after inhaling and exhaling "Because from what he tells me, he hangs around you despite that"


Even a social retard like loan knew the answer to that question, so, after gesticulating and mentally telling herself that there was no one else in the room, she said "Because he likes you, even if you don't listen"

"Did you told me to wait here just so you could make me feel bad?" Said Leia, getting really bothered by the shitty feeling at the back of her throat that this conversation was giving her.

"No, I… I know that you..." Loan stopped, swallowed, inhaled, and then turned back, crawling on her bed until she got to the pillows, where she got a bended sheet of paper from underneath one. She released her captive breath once she had gotten back to her corner at the other side of the bed and closed her eyes "Dad sent Lemmy to his room, and i'm sure he closed the door so mom couldn't do anything to him anymore. And… since I know you don't use the door to get there In the mornings… could you deliver this to him?" She turned and looked at her sister as extended her arm to give her the sheet of paper.

Leia looked at her sister unsure of how to feel. She usually seemed between annoyed and scared. She usually stammered way more than she was doing at the moment, she looked like everyone scared her. Except when she and Lily or Lemmy were in the same room, she could function with more confidence if they were with her, but without them, the rest of her family felt like strangers to her. But here she was, making the effort to speak to her. Not to judge her or shame her, but to ask for a favor. She couldn't imagine how stressed a normal interaction like this was for her nor she understood her condition, but the look in her eyes was tugging those weak places in her heart, those stressed, tired, beautiful blue eyes. They looked like she was begging her, and Leia couldn't just say no.

"I'll do it" She said, letting a hint of the coming condition linger on her tone "With a condition"

"What… What is it?" Loan said, she was making a conscious attempt to not freak out during this interaction. She knew that these were her family and that they had no ill wishes for her. But she couldn't avoid it, her brain was wired to be distrustful and anxious ever since she was young. Still, for this, she pushed herself to bite the bullet.

"You have to let me style your hair after this blows over, you're too pretty to be looking like a cartoon witch"

Loan's breathing was loud and extended, for her, having people touch her was a bit of a complicated issue. It took Lily and Lemmy months to get to hug her, but look at them now…. Maybe it could be easier this time. She really tried to regionalize her irrational fear. She was really nervous, she thought and thought and thought and considered every possibility to a fault. If her mother hadn't taken her phone away, this message would already have been sent, but seeing how that wasn't the case, she really needed him to get it. Loan was unaware of how, but somewhere down the road, she found the inner strength to say "okay"

Leia put on her trademarked smile and after asking if there was anything else, something that Loan answered by just shaking her head. With little else to ask or listen to, she stood up and left the room, first looking to the sides to make sure that here parents didn't see her sneak back to her room, where all her other sisters were waiting for her.

When she came in, everyone looked at her as if she was carrying the cure for cancer, cramps and bars of chocolate that didn't make you fat. Even then, Leia ignored the arc of people that had formed and kept walking forward.

It wasn't until Liby asked "So… are you going to leave us hanging?"

Leia didn't stop walking, towards her vanity table, but as she rummaged through it to get her hair drier and hair iron, she spoke. "They have been hanging out for months now, she said they started doing it a few months ago." She turned her head back to look at Lupa and continued "She likes it really rough, and said that loves doing it when he is mad because he's rougher like that. So whatever it is you did to get him that angry, just helped her get laid."

Everyone looked at each other while Leia turned once again directed her attention to her drawers and continued to nonchalantly look for her beauty products. They were weirded out by the exchange. Not only Leia had gotten Loan to speak to her, she actually found something as big as that?

There had to be something else there, something more to it. Thats what Lupa thought. But Leia wasn't telling. She was busy pushing her drawer out of the way to reveal a small door behind it. She didn't say a word to anyone before Lyra asked "what is that? and what are you doing?"

"This is a hidden door, obviously, and Loan asked me to deliver a message because Lori took her phone."

"A message to who?" Asked Lacy looking confused. A look that only became more intense when she realized that everyone was looking at her "fine! A message to whom?"

Everyone in the room rolled their eyes to the sheer denseness of their sister. And while they berated her sister for not immediately getting the implication, Leia made her exit.

Meanwhile, in the floor below, an argument was already taking place. Ever since she heard Lupa's scream, Lily knew that there would be trouble, but she didn't expected Lori to be enough of a cunt to actually physically hurt Lemmy. She was hysterical enough that they had to take Lemmy into his own room for his own safety

Not only that, but she also had the gall to try and defend herself once she was called out on it. It was after a huge ruckus was formed right in front of Loan's door with everyone over 18 yelling to each other over "the problem". A discussion that only ended when she finally put her foot down, both metaphorically and literally, and just took Lori by the ear, the rest of her siblings soon followed them out of their own accord.

"What in the actual FUCK were you thinking? Do you know what you have done?" Asked Lily facing Lori, legitimately unable to keep her cool in a situation like this.

"I was literally doing what's best for my daughter" yelled Lori, pointing an accusing finger to her youngest sister, who responded to her with a sneer as Lisa did her best to keep her from actually attacking Lori. "Which is more than I can say about you"

"What's best for her? When was the last time you had a conversation with her that didn't involve wagging your finger at her and asking her to be more 'open' and talkative" Said Lily, mocking her sister as her phrase ended. Whilst Lisa was making sure that this arguing didn't escalated to anything physical in Lily's side, both Lynn and Lana were doing the same in Lori's side. "All you do is talk down to her whenever you see her, then give her a new computer piece or game console every few months and think thats enough parenting to help you sleep at night"

"How dare-" Lori started but was shortly interrupted when Lincoln butted in almost yelling.

"Stop this nonsense already!" The blond man said in his loudest civil voice "You two will take a seat and talk like reasonable adults. You two aren't children anymore"

They both looked at him with a sight of annoyment, but once Lori actually started to move towards one of the sofa chairs, Lily started to calm down, and let herself be helped by Lisa to find a seat.

Once both of them were sitting in front of each other, a deafening silence filled the room, it made everyone uncomfortable, well, everyone but the two women who were staring each other down. They were too focused on the negatives of each other, trying to look for a way to go for the yugular as soon a the other one opened her mouth. They didn't spoke until Lynn reminded them

She started by letting out a sigh and saying "Why would you defend something like this? He was hurting her"

With the utter most venom that she could put in her words, Lily answered with "Do you really think you know Loan?"

Lori gripped the the sofa, but let Lily continue before she said anything.

"Lorelei, truth to be told, there is only one thing about this that surprises me (aside from you attacking him)"

"And what would that be?" Said Lori, wincing at her full name, but going through the notions just so she could get her turn to speak.

"How Lemmy was still in one piece before you got there" Lily made a pause, with a smug look in her eyes, and a faint smile before continuing with "Loan is usually really rough"

Lori was silent for a second, long enough to hear her brother and sisters starting to murmur. "What in the literal hell do you mean?" She said, doing her best not to jump to conclusions with what she said.

"Seriously? You all leave two of the horniest virgins this side of the world living in a room together, refusing to touch any of them, and you actually didn't expect anything to happen? Loan is a lot of things nowadays, but virginal ain't one of them"

The chatter among their siblings stopped when Lori suddenly stood up "WHAT!" She yelled, making her siblings move to restrain her before things got ugly. "You abused her too?"

"Abuse? What are you talking about? According to her, Lemmy and I are the only ones who treat her like an actual person!"

"You know she is not right. She can't-"

"Lori! She is agoraphobic not retarded! She is perfectly capable of picking who she wants to be with or who she wants to love!" Yelled Lily, talking above her sister

"How would you even know"

"I don't know its not as if i'm going to college to learn psychology specifically to help her." Answered Lily, mocking her sister, before metaphorically going for her throat with "You avoid taking her to a doctor because she could say something about what our family does. So you just give me five years and I'll have a title to slam you in the face with medical authority"

Lori swallowed her pride at the mention mental professionals. She wanted to refute her sister, but inside of her, she knew she didn't exactly have how.

Lily continued "She told me that she and him have been together for months now! You would know that if you bothered to sit down and talk to her without being so condescending"

Lori opened her mouth, but couldn't speak, because Luna did it first "Okay, you two shut the fuck up already" She said, walking up between the two. She first turned to Lori, "Lori, you hurt my son, and the only reason you aren't picking pieces of my boot out of your ass is because Lily was doing a good job of kicking it earlier. Now you're going to chill the fuck down. And we are going to bring those two down to tell us their side of the story. Do you understand?"


"Lori. Boot." those were the only words that came out of Luna's mouth, and they did so in an uncharacteristic monotone.

"I-" Stammered Lori, looking way too much like her daughter on that moment "I'll go bring Loan"

"No you won't" Said Luna, with her voice filled with authority. A rarity for the usually easygoing Loud. "Lily will go up and bring her here, you will come with me and apologize to Lemmy before he comes down here"

She asked "Did I make myself clear?", both of her sisters nodded. Lily more earnestly than Lori, but still. With a little bit of help, Lily stood up, and started walking up the stairs towards Loan's room. Lori on the other hand, looked at her rocker sister looking for a doubt in her sister's resolve, but there was none. And she found no other option than following Luna once she started moving.

They were halfway through the stairs when they heard it, a high pitched scream coming from the end of the end of the hallway. They both ran towards Lemmy's room, both Lily and Loan quickly came out of Loan's room.

The four women stood in the room after Luna barged in, what they found was a pretty surprised Leia, her eyes were red, she wasn't crying, but a part of Luna knew that if they had taken one more minute she probably would have.

"What happened?" Luna asked, focusing on the girl, and not noticing the growing number of people piling behind on the entrance to the room.

"I- I-" She said, clutching the paper. Luna wasn't used to seeing the normally snooty and confident kid this nervous.

"Leia nobody is going to do anything to you" Said Lola, swiftly emerging from the cluster of people that had formed on the door. "what are you doing here and where is Lemmy?"

"I-" Leia looked at the letter, then up to her mother and Luna, realizing that this wasn't the moment for lies, she said "Loan asked me to deliver a message to Lemmy, and when I sneaked in he wasn't in here…"

"Then why did you scream?" Asked her worried mother

"Because the main gate was open..." She looked first at the ground, and then at the faces of the three women looking at her "... I think Lemmy ran away"

It was almost instantaneous. The chatter of the people that polluted the hallway fell silent for what felt like an eternity. The first one to break it however, was Lisa. Who squeezed herself through the middle of the cork of people that were blocking the door.

Knowing that Luna's first instinctual reaction would be to attack Lori, Lisa purposely stood in between them, anyone who believed themselves smart would have said that that wasn't a smart idea. But considering what she was about to announce, it was the best place to be.

"Ladiesh, pleashie. Remain calm" Said Lisa, pushing them away from each other. "I will jusht look at hish current poshition with my tracking device and tell you where he ish"

"You have a tracker on Lemmy?" Asked Luna, baffled at the audacity of her sister.

"I have a tracker on every shiengle one of you" The chattering on the door resumed as soon as she said that as the offended mass failed to see how this was incredibly useful, specially in situations like the one that was happening at that very moment "We will dishcushie my blatant invashion of your privacy once we make shiure that your brother is okay"

The mean chatting continued until Lincoln pushed his way into the room and asked "Lis, where is he?"

She looked at her phone as her personal tracking app booted up, and after a few click, she had a ping. "He ish… not far from here, Lemmy ish under the bridge connecting us to the shiuburbs"

"Are you sure" asked luna, wanting to make sure before charging on that direction.

"Yesh. My trac-" she couldn't even finish, before Luna took the phone from her hand, and walked towards the door. Not wanting to get her angry, the corck of people at the door parted ways to let her through.

Lincoln walked right behind her as they went out, and hurried his steps to match her. Following their exit, Lisa ordered that everyone around the door went anywhere but the place they were at the moment. She saw the pile of people disperse, with Lola taking Leia and carrying her out to her room, saying things to her ear to calm her down. Loan and Lily going back to the room they came of as well. Lily shot a look to Lisa and Lori as she took Loan through her door so she could try to stop her from panicking.

"I think you should go and help with that" said Lori, with less confidence in her voice than usual.

"And I think you have done enough for one night" answered Lisa, frowning at her sister. As soon as Lori saw her, she recoiled back. Once upon a time, talkback from her younger sister like that would have meant nothing, but as of right now, it was a whole different story. The last person to get the vertically challenged woman angry had woken up with three fingers in one foot and seven in the other, so Lori prefered not to push her luck.

So she stood alone in Lemmy's barren room, with no one or nothing around, nothing, except a rugged piece of paper at her feet with her daughter's name on it.

"This is my fault…" said Lupa standing, in the back entrance to the garage, Liby, her older sister, was not far behind her. She had stood by her side through both shocks of that night, both the misunderstanding about Lemmy and Loan, and Lemmy's escape. And she wasn't going to let her go anywhere alone, she knew how Lupa got whenever she felt depressed. "... Can I please go with you? I need to make this right"

Luna looked at lincoln for a straight second, before her impatience got the better of her and she quickly told them "Get in the car, we ain't got time for this!". Luna got on the passenger seat of Lincoln's Tesla, the girls, got onto the back seats.

Lincoln wanted to object, but they would be wasting time. Instead, they he pushed the pedal and started moving. During the short ride, Libby held Lupa's hand, who reciprocated the gesture to a point that he hand hurt. The girl was nervous and felt guilty, and she could see why. Now that she knew that he was innocent, Libby also felt somewhat guilty for having spouted nonsense about her brother doing something so horrible. But at that very moment, she was more worried about Lupa, the girl she had lived with her whole life. She always became a mess whenever she lost something important to her. And with what her condition was doing to her hormones, this had the potential to become real ugly.

Not even five minutes later, Lincoln stopped his car, they were on top of the bridge, and the Lisa's phone signaled that he was right below them. Lincoln started calling Lemmy's name, but Luna wasted no time and ran to the side of the road and slid down to the riverbed. She went to the arc below their car and found… nothing. There was nothing below the bridge. She loudly made this known to the people above, who came down running to the place.

Lemmy was nowhere to be seen. All that was under the bridge was a bunch of rocks and dirt. They dispersed, and looked through the others, calling his name. Lincoln wondered why the tracker was bringing them here, it still said that he was under the bridge. Lupa however, was still under the first arc, reminiscing.

Even with her hormones rampaging and doing disasters through her body and mind, she still remembered fondly the moment that they shared under this bridge. She had looked for him after that, she had. But ever since her mother presented her father as a solution to her libidinous problem, he had grown so… distant. Every time she looked at him, he was angry, distant, even just avoiding her sight entirely. She could understand why, she was usually getting herself busy trying to ignore and push away her urges and getting angry in the process, or she was taking care of them one way or another.

Even in this family, where they were told that love and se were too different things, and that love is something that should be given freely, the feeling of belonging to one another is something special for lovers. And what they did under this bridge did feel special for her. She could imagine it, just having that warm feeling taken away and torn apart in front of his eyes every day. Of course he was going to run into another person's arms.

And now, they had torn away that too.

"Oh my god" she thought aloud, the opening to a continuous spiral of depressing thoughts invading her mind, all about blaming herself for what happened, the misunderstanding, break up, and the lost of lemmy himself.

Her thoughts, as dark as they were getting, were only interrupted when her sister yelled "DAD!". Summoning their father and aunt.

He and Luna got there quickly, and quickly asked if they had found anything, Liby responded "I think I found 'Lemmy'. Get the phone close to the wall", he obeyed his daughter, and did so, the closer he got to where she was pointing, the stronger the signal got. To the point that the distance metter reacher an absolute zero.

"Why is it doing that?" he asked.

"Look closer" she said, and as he did, he began to notice, a small, red dot, surrounded by dried blood, that was emitting a faint, subtle glow.

"He took the tracker out" he said matter-of-factly, not voicing that the thing was subcutaneous, and that to get it out Lemmy would have needed to take it out with something sharp.

"So we have no Idea of where Lemmy is?" Asked Luna, panic filling her voice.

"No" said Liby, her eyes, focused squarely on the ground. She didn't want to see how Luna was going to get once she asked the next question. "Dad. Is there a gun at home?"

The place fell silent, before Lincoln answered with two words "Yes. Why?"

"Because I found this." She showed, a highly adorned Zippo lighter, with a demon cow skull in one of the sides. She recognized it, it was the lighter that Lemmy and Lupa tended to pass around whenever they found each other again. The only difference to the one that she remembered, was that the lid was missing a piece, because of what she considered safe to assume, was a gunshot.

After Luna, and Lincoln had taken a look at it, she took it back, and gave it to her sister, saying "I believe this is yours."

Lupa was barely hanging by a thread before this, but one look at this, the symbol of their kinship and the good times they had together, perforated by an expression of his own anger, she couldn't avoided, and she couldn't stop the tears from flowing.

Lincoln felt this like a knife in the gut, no father, no matter how bad, ever wants to see his daughter crying. So he offered her a ride back home. One that she vehemently refused. She wanted to see this through, bring him back, and try to do something to make things right. And she wasn't sure if she was going to have the chance, with Lemmy running around with a gun.

Lemmy with a gun, where could he be, and to do what? It was a question on everyone's mind, and while Libby and Lincoln thought about it on their own way, Luna used her phone to call Gordon's house. Thinking that maybe he could have ran there.

The answer to that, was a rotound negative from the teenager. He started asking questions about why she was asking, and she gave him as much information as someone who worried so much about her son deserved, before asking to update her if he heard of Lemmy, or if he got to his home during the night.

Among thoughts about how much of this was her fault, Lupa had an epiphany, her eyes darted open. And she said. "I think I know where he could be". She used her sleeve to clean her tears and her snot. And as she made them run to the car, she told them about how they would explore the outskirts of this place with their bikes, and how they had found an abandoned place, not too close, but not too far away either, at least on bike.

Which meant that if Lincoln pushed pedal to the metal (As he did), they could be there in less than five minutes. Lupa guided them through the road until it stopped being made of asphalt. In Luna and Lincoln's eyes, the girl was showing a kind of energy that she hadn't shown in months. Her hopes were high, and thanks to that bit of confidence, so were theirs.

At one point. Lupa told them to stop and look to the right. There it was! Lemmy's bike. Purple and adorned with heavy Metal stickers, stationed by one of the trees.

"Run, now! There is a clear with a farm on the other side. Come quickly!" Lupa shouted, they all ran as quickly as their legs and clothing allowed them to run. Whatever Lemmy was planning to do with that gun, they wanted to get there in time. And they did, because all four of them got there on time…

...To hear one last gunshot.