One year after the fall of DEM Industries, everyone was now at peace. With all the Spirits sealed, Shidou and the Spirits can now go on with their normal lives. While most of them are now attending school, Nia was still working on bringing her manga back to its peak performance it once had years ago.

She lives in her own apartment, with the occasional visits from Shidou and the other Spirits. Among the Spirits, the one who would mostly visit was Natsumi. Aside from Nia giving advice to the younger girl (mostly either love advice or useless fun facts Nia would come up with), Natsumi helps Nia with her manga.

That competition they had in the doujin selling made Nia see this 'spark' in Natsumi. Ever since then, Natsumi became her 'assistant'. She has always wanted a cute little apprentice after all!

Yes an actual assistant. Not like that time where she made Shidou do all the housework she would always forget to do herself (and still does). She allows Natsumi to draw some parts of the manuscript. At first it was mostly just the backgrounds but eventually, she allowed her to draw some of the minor characters. Natsumi was very adept in imitating Nia's art style.

Everything was all going smoothly until that fateful day arrived. It happened recently. About a week ago.

Nia was going about her usual business, drawing her manuscript for her next publishing deadline. She went into, what was called a slump. She hasn't experienced one in a long time. Even with Natsumi's help, Nia couldn't get out of it. She hasn't been this stressed for a long time. Her pen couldn't stop moving months ago but recently, her line of thought started to return to when she was still a regular mangaka.

It couldn't be helped. Sooner or later, most mangaka like her would start slowing down. However, this time was different. Her deadline was coming in a few days, and she still hasn't even finished drawing the last few pages!

Natsumi was in charge of inking the line art so she didn't have to worry there. What worried her is that the deadline was incoming and yet she hasn't even finished the last few pages! She didn't want her fans to think she'd rush the chapter. So she's been in a constant bind.

I've already used a filler chapter a few weeks ago. At this rate, I might need another one… Nia lightly scratches her face as she was thinking. Though, I don't want my adorable assistant Natsumin to think less of me! C'mon Nia, think of something!

Natsumi was busy inking in the other room so she couldn't hear Nia continually tapping her pen on the table.

Spoilers aside, Nia hated it when she couldn't think of a plot with the deadline so close. The pressure doesn't get to her anymore but the frustration always did.

"Ugh…" Nia rests her back on a reclining chair while glancing at the ceiling. Among all the days that boy couldn't visit… Maybe if he visited and I teased him a little, that would have amused me a bit.

Shidou had an ongoing project. A paper or something. Nia recognized those days of all those paper requirements she had more than 30 years ago. Ever since she became a Spirit, she dropped out of school and went with her passion, which was becoming a mangaka. Nia always wondered what Shidou would become.

However, that thought wasn't necessary at the moment. What she really should be thinking about is her manuscript. She believes that her editor can perform an all-nighter just like her but that would take a lot out of Nia.

I can't just ask Natsumin to help me out at night either. She just started attending school. A part-time job like this is tiring enough.

Quite the predicament she was in. Usually, she is able to control her frustration so that her Spirit powers wouldn't transform her into the limited Astral Dress but this time was an exception. With an unfinished manuscript, she was sure both her and the editor will be very stressed in these last few days.

It was then at that time, Nia's stress levels increased just enough.

Unconsciously, Nia conjured up her Angel, «Rasiel». Nia was rather shaken by this. Of course, she didn't mean to tap into her powers. This wasn't a voluntary summon she would usually use. In fact, Nia doesn't even remember the last time she used «Rasiel» She most likely used «Rasiel» in that final confrontation with Westcott but other than that, nothing.

This was the first time in a year she hasn't conjured «Rasiel». It almost felt like recalling a past habit. Other than Natsumi, who would usually use her powers if she's having a moment of anxiety, nobody else uses it anymore. Her Angel has been restored after the defeat of Westcott but she never thought of using it.

«Rasiel»… Didn't think I'd be seeing you again. Nia would usually joke around with Shidou, saying that she'd use «Rasiel» for petty reasons such as learning about this 'dark past' of his but she was never serious about it. She'd rather hear that from Shidou himself.

Well, I'm not using you to figure out this problem of mine. Maybe seeing how boy's doing in school will calm me down.

Hmmhmm, he's probably having a fun time with Kurumin and the rest. Maybe I should wear a uniform to visit? Nah. I'll just take a tiny peek on what he's doing right now. Just as Nia opened «Rasiel», there was something irregular she spotted.

It was a single torn page on «Rasiel».

Eh? A torn page? I don't remember seeing «Rasiel» have this. Through the passage of time perhaps?

As soon as Nia touched it, it immediately started glowing with a faint light. It then fell out of the binds of «Rasiel».

Eh? It's glowing!?

Nia immediately stood up in shock. With «Rasiel» in her hand, she started flipping its pages to figure out what was going on. Unfortunately, since this event was yet to unfold, Nia couldn't find what was about to happen. She could only watch as the glow grew stronger.

This glow lasted for several seconds. It then started forming into a silhouette of light. The silhouette was shorter than Nia.

"…Nia? Did something happ—"

The door of Nia's room was slowly opened by the small girl, Natsumi. Though, once she saw a glowing light, Natsumi was immediately startled. She left the door halfway open, just watching the scene unfold from behind the door.

"Natsumin! Just stay there. Even «Rasiel»can't explain what's happening." Nia didn't want her adorable assistant and friend to be harmed by her own Angel. Nia just wanted this to be over with. She glanced at the glowing silhouette, while quickly trying to draw a quick sketch on «Rasiel».

"Silhouette of light, begone!"

Nia's quick sketch was akin to the light being dispersed. She read a manga recently about a boy having the ability to disperse and compress the light around him (This may have made Nia stop reading, since it was just mindless plot happening right after that scene, but hey that's her opinion). Although thanks to that, she was able to easily imagine how it would look like to disperse light.

Within a few seconds, the light, surrounding what was supposed to be the torn page of «Rasiel», vanished. What was revealed was a very familiar yet unwelcoming face. Nia and Natsumi were in utter shock when they saw it.


The pair yelped in sync.

Despite appearing, Nibelcol seems to be in a dream-like state, with her eyes closed. However, that didn't mean she wouldn't be like that forever. There was the possibility that she could wake up and attack the pair!

Just what is she doing here!? I recall boy defeating the Nibelcols with that plan the 2D heroine from an eroge (Maria) came up with…How is she still here and enter my «Rasiel»!?

Multiple questions entered and left Nia's mind as she glances at Nibelcol. However first thing's first, she wasn't about to let Natsumi get involved in this.

"Natsumin, run and report this to Imouto-chan!"



Nia didn't like simply writing on «Rasiel». She would always draw the event rather than write it but this was clearly an emergency. Being prideful now and trying to sketch a running Natsumi may cost both their lives if ever Nibelcol suddenly wakes up right now. Instead of drawing on «Rasiel», she reluctantly decides to write on it in a hurry.

Natsumi will run out of this room and head to a safe places, preferably the Spirit Mansion. As she escapes, she will report whatever happened here to Kotori. Nia writes this down as she thinks of it.

Before the effect lifts, Nia glances at Natsumi with a lopsided grin she usually did. "Don't forget to tell Imouto-chan!"

"What do you—"

Without Natsumi's consent, she suddenly started running.

Stay safe Natsumin…Lil 'ol me will handle this while you get help.

As if in cue, Nibelcol's eyes flashed open.