Hello fluff loving people of the internet. Here is another chapter, man am I in the writing mood this weekend. Hope you enjoy. Also, shout out to FictionWriter91. Thank you so much.

After everyone slept on the news and the tragic events that unfolded hours before, the legends directed the Waverider to Central City 2018. The service for Martin was deeply touching, bringing Ray to tears. His sniffles calmed down as Zari put her hand on his back, giving him both physical and emotional support. Climbing back aboard the ship, the legends sat in a circle around the holo display on the bridge. Sara broke the silence. "That… was rough." The team nodded in agreement. Jax had his head down, crying into his arm.

"You need anything man?" Mick asked, showing some sympathy with the recent occurrences.

"To be alone." Jax replied. He got up and stormed off to his room.

No one had anything to say, everyone sat quietly trying to digest the fact that they had just watched Martin's plain pine coffin descend into the ground. They each put some dirt on the casket, first with the shovel upside down, then a few more with the shovel correctly. They all had a part in layng Martin down to rest. They all watched as Lily rocked back and forth on her feet, clutching her son Ronnie to her chest, repeating the sentiment they all thought: "That can't be dad. It's not dad in there. It's not real." It was all so surreal to all of the legends.

After half of an hour of silence, Jax re-emerged from his room holding a large dark bag over his shoulder. "I'm staying in Central City for a while. It's been wild guys." Sara stood up.

"Woah woah woah. You're leaving?" Jax nodded.

"I need to sort myself out after Gray died. I just feel so empty. I said I need to be alone, I meant alone alone. I need time for myself."

"I can't believe you." Ray said, standing up abruptly. His expression was twisted in anger, an emotion not displayed on his kind face often. "We all loved him man, do you see us running and hiding? No. We're going to keep fighting Mallus and keep on marching because that is what Stein would tell us to do."

"I said I need to be alone." Jax said again, bitterness emphasizing every syllable.

"And this team needs you. You can't just run. We need to be together at this time. Coward." Jax dropped his bag and took a step forward, his face matching the expression of Ray, anger all over it.

"What did you call me?"

"Coward. You're a G-D damn coward."

"Say that one more time and I'll mop the floor with your lanky a-" Sara jumped in the middle of the two of them, trying to keep a fight from happening.

"Hold on guys, we're all a little tense right now. Let's just talk this out."

"No." Ray continued on, ignoring the advice of his captain. "You'd run from me, like you're running from your problems. Jax shoved Sara to the floor and curled his hand into a fist. He gripped Ray by the collar, spinning him around to where no one was between them. He slammed his fist into the Ray's left temple, letting go of his shirt, Ray dropped to the ground, blood leaking from the side of his head. Jax landed a kick to Ray's downed head, slamming it against the tile floor. He geared up for another punt before being pinned to the wall by a large gust of wind. He looked up and saw Zari's face, an expression of anger and protectiveness plastered on it.

"You want out, then get the hell out. Leave Ray alone before you realize you have no powers and I have a totem." Zari let Jax go off of the wall, he grabbed his bag and in a huff left the Waverider.

Seeing that Jax had left, Zari rushed over to Ray, checking on his head. "My G-D, Ray!" he said, her voice cracking. "Are you ok?" Ray held his head where Jax's boot made contact. He moaned and nodded. "Here, let's get you up." Zari hooked her arm around Ray's chest and pulled him to his feet. 'Damn, I never noticed how muscular his chest is.' Zari thought to herself as she supported Ray as the two of them walked towards the med bay.

Entering the doors to the med bay, Zari saw the chair where Martin died just the last day. She sighed in sorrow and laid Ray down in the adjacent chair. "Good Evening ms. Tomaz." Gideon's robotic voice chimed. "Would you like medical assistance for mr. Palmer." Zari shook her head.

"No thanks Gid, a couple bandages will do the trick. Can you scan for a concussion?"

"Of course." A blue light appeared in a triangle and scanned Ray's bleeding head. "It appears his head is fine, he is growing unconscious though. I wouldn't recommend him going into combat for a week." Zari nodded in understanding.

"I'll let him know when he wakes up." Zari got some cloth bandages from a cabinet and worked on Ray's sleeping body. She wrapped the gauze tightly around his head, careful to let him continue sleeping. Zari put the supplies away and looked back at Ray. She held his hand and kissed him on the forehead. "That was brave you dummy, don't pull a stunt like that again."

"No promises." Ray said, not opening his eyes. Shocked, Zari let go of Ray's hand and stood up. "You were awake, for how long?"

"Long enough to know you kissed me on the forehead and held my hand."

"You're an ass. You know that Ray?" Ray smiled weakly.

"An ass you care about."

"Shut up."

Hope you all liked it. Love you guys.