Wowie, my most reviewed story to date! And my most followed too! You guys rock! It's not my most favorited (and only by one too!), but that doesn't matter. Who knew my little Bendy and the Ink Machine story would get so much popularity? I know I sure didn't!

I really want to thank Dancing-Ink-Demon for pretty much reviewing every chapter. You rock! There are so, so many of you who reviewed and kept me going, but I don't think I could list all of you without leaving anyone out.

Thank you RainFlight31039 for your idea about him sneezing! Should have given you credit at the start, but I'm here now. I also want to thank Prototron MJ Tornada and Anon for your theories. You guys were acually really close to what I wanted it to go to, but, ya know ¯\_(ツ)_/¯.

Anyway, that's the shpeal. Until next time.
