A/N: Well, this is it folks. The last chapter. I had a lot of fun writing this and I hope you enjoyed reading it. And I want to give everyone a BIG THANKS for commenting on this story! Reading your reviews makes me very happy :)

Also, I AM SO SORRY! I meant to update WAYYY sooner but I've been lazy this summer… Don't hate me!

On that note, here's the final chapter of Captured For Revenge!

Chapter 7:

Aragorn didn't waste any time looking for Elion. After asking around a little more, he found out where he lived, along with more information about him. Apparently, Elion was at one time a good man, but something happened and his wife and kids all died, leaving him alone. His grief for them turned him cold and revenge- striven. If all that was true, Aragorn feared for the condition Legolas was in. He didn't get the full story, but the ranger had a feeling this had to do with the elf-king Thranduil.

Aragorn walked up to the small house he was told was Elion's. He stood there for a moment before knocking. If he could, he would handle this matter calmly. If Elion proved to be difficult.. Well Aragorn would have to take more drastic measures.

Aragorn only had to wait a few moments before another man opened the door. "'Ello?" the man said. When he saw Aragorn, his eyes narrowed in suspicion. Because he simply didn't recognise Aragorn, or he did from earlier, he couldn't tell.

"Who are you and what are you doing here at this time of night?" the man snapped.

"Are you Elion?" Aragorn replied in an almost cold-sounding voice.

The man's eyes narrowed further. "That depends. Who's asking?"

Aragorn narrowed his eyes slightly too. "Strider, Ranger of the North. And I believe that you've taken a dear friend of mine captive."

He was almost certain that this was Elion, hence his statement.

The presumed-Elion suddenly slammed the door. Strider muttered a curse under his breath. Fine, if the other man wanted to do this the hard way, they would do it the hard way.

The ranger kicked the door open, then went inside. An unusual anger flared inside him. He was not going to let Elion keep him any longer from freeing Legolas.

He looked around the small house still he spotted Elion. Strider walked over as Elion backed up against the wall. Strider grabbed the collar of his shirt and held him up. "Where-is-he?" he asked slowly.

Elion's eyes widened, apparently afraid of Aragorn. "I-I don't know what you're talking about! I didn't take no one captive!"

Aragorn stared fiercely into Elion's eyes. "I think we both know that's a lie. If you value your life, you will tell me where the elf is. Now." He couldn't take it anymore. He couldn't just idly wait while Legolas was in who knows what condition.

Elion gulped. He realised Aragorn wasn't messing around. As much as he wanted his revenge, he didn't want to risk his life for it.

"Fine!" Elion shouted a second later, his panic clear in his voice. "We're keeping him in the big barn across from here. Now please, set me down!"

Strider let go of the collar of Elion's shirt and dropped him back to the ground. "My friend better be there, and alive, or only the valar can save you.

He didn't waste anymore time leaving, and started running towards the barn, hoping he wasn't too late.

Legolas grimaced as he stood up, grabbing onto the barrel to steady himself. As he did so, Both his wrist and his stab wound pounded terribly. Ay, this was not going to be a fun journey home.

A faint smile came to the elf's lips as he imagined what his father would say when he returned home in this state. He'd probably lock him in the palace forever, which would be a very, very long time for an elf.

Legolas let out a shaky breath as he carefully and slowly walked to the barn door, one step at a time. The pain of doing so made him feel a bit nauseous, but he knew he had to get out. He just tried to focus on taking deep breaths.

What seemed like hours later, Legolas made it out of the barn. He immediately stumbled to the nearest tree to catch his breath, for he was breathing heavily. There was no way he would make it home like this. Not by himself..

The elf looked ahead at the large forest in front of him. He could make it home. He had to. He could do this. Still breathing deeply, Legolas painfully continued.

Aragorn made it to the barn in record time, and once he got there, he threw open the barn doors and rushed inside. He panicked though, when he didn't see anyone inside. The ranger quickly inspected the barn. He saw a barrel with some cut rope by it. His eyes widened as he noticed a large amount of blood on the ground. Ai.. Legolas had been here, he could tell. But where was that elf now?

Strider let out a curse. He had been so close to finding Legolas, but he was still nowhere to be seen. He leaned his head against the wall of the barn, starting to lose all hope, when he noticed something. Footprints. Not like the footprints that were obviously other men's.. These seemed different. Aragorn suddenly grinned when he realised they belonged to Legolas. Another lead! His grin turned to a frown though, when he realised Legolas shouldn't have left footprints. Elves tread too lightly.. Legolas must have been severely injured to make his footprints show.

Without a second thought, Aragorn followed the footprints.

Legolas felt utterly horrible. His wrist burned, his side pounded furiously… He felt sick to his stomach and he was starting to feel a little dizzy. He gulped. It had taken him a while, but he had made it to the edge of the forest, but Legolas wasn't sure much farther he could go.

He stopped again at a tree to rest. As he placed his forehead against the tree, he could feel it lending him a bit of its strength. Legolas smiled faintly. "Hannon le," he said, giving his thanks to the tree. As much as he appreciated the gift of extra strength though, he still knew it wouldn't keep him going for much longer. But he wouldn't let the gift go in vain.

Legolas pressed on, trying his best to ignore the pain it continued causing him.

A little while later, Legolas was about to collapse from pain and exhaustion, when he heard someone approaching. He gulped, fearing it was one of Elion's men. They found him. They found him and no they were going to take him back. Legolas wanted to sob. He wasn't sure how much more of their torture he could take. And here he was alone in the woods, weaponless.

"Legolas?" a voice rang out. The elf saw a figure near him as he fell to his knees. His vision was starting to blur, so he couldn't tell who it was.

"S-stay away," Legolas muttered. He saw the vague outline of the person approach him closely.

"Legolas? It's me, Aragorn. Can you hear me?"

The figure got close enough that Legolas could briefly make out their face. It was Aragorn! He came!

"E-Estel?" he said quietly.

"Yes mellon-nin, its me! Now let me help you, you're hurt."

Legolas wanted to laugh, to hug Aragorn, but he felt too weak and too ill to do much. They had found each other again at last!

The rest of the night passed by in a blur for Legolas. He remembered Aragorn tending to his wounds and helping him sip some sort of tea, but other than that, he couldn't remember much. It didn't matter though. Legolas felt at peace with Aragorn here.

Aragorn was beyond relieved when he finally found Legolas!- Until he saw the state the elf was in. He noted the amount of blood on his friend's clothing, and the way his wrist was splinted. The elf also looked a lot paler than usual, and he looked as though he would collapse at any moment.

Luckily, Estel was a healer. He saw the wound in Legolas' side. It had already been stitched up, though the job was sort of sloppy. It worked though. Estel cleaned the wound before mixing up a tea to give to Legolas, hoping it would help him. After Legolas drank it, he fell asleep, which Aragorn knew he needed, but it did worry him how the elf slept with his eyes closed.

When morning finally came, Aragorn glanced over to the sleeping elf by his side. His eyes were still closed, and he was still pale, but he did look a bit better.

Legolas' eyes fluttered open as he heard the chirp of several birds, and the smell of warm broth. As he looked around, confused of where he was, he noticed Aragorn was standing before him, a bowl in his hands.

"Good morning mellon-nin," the human greeted. Legolas suddenly remembered the hazed events of the previous night. He forced a smile at his friend.

"Good morning," he replied.

"How do you feel?"

"I feel fine."

Aragorn rolled his eyes as he knelt by the stubborn elf. "Of course you are. You almost died but you're perfectly fine."

Legolas smirked slightly. "Okay, I don't feel fine but I do feel a lot better thanks to you."

Aragorn smiled. "I'm glad to hear that then. Here-"

He handed him the bowl. "Drink. It's just some broth. I figured it would be the best option for you to eat right now."

Legolas muttered his thanks and took it, sipping the broth. He was pleased to find he no longer felt dizzy or nauseous.

"Do you feel able to travel? The sooner we get you back to Mirkwood, the better," the human asked.

Legolas nodded. Though he was still in pain, he was sure that he would be able to travel at least a little.

"Alright then. Let's go, shall we?"

Orthoron, Captain of Mirkwood's guard, was head of the main search party for Legolas. They had been searching for about a day now, but no sign of their prince. Orthoron wondered if Thranduil was merely paranoid; it wasn't unusual for Legolas to be gone long periods of time after all, but he didn't dare question his king's command.

Orthoron was wondering if they should just turn back- there was no sign Legolas was missing after all- when he sensed the presence of someone else. In fact, it seemed that there were two people there. The captain signalled for the rest of the elves in his party to get their weapons ready. They stood there silently, some of the warriors hidden in trees, when Orthoron saw it was Legolas and a man.

"Stand down," he told his men when he saw who it was. "Legolas?" he said.

Legolas stared at the face of the captain of the guard he knew so well. "Orthoron? What are you doing here?"

"Searching for you, my prince. Your father worries for you," the elder elf replied.

Legolas looked surprised by this news, but was glad to see many familiar faces. He grinned. "Well I am here, so worry no longer. Let us return home."

Thranduil had been worrying non- stop for his only son and child. What if something evil had befallen him? What if he was injured and alone? What if-


Thranduil turned around.

"Legolas?" he said in disbelief.

The young elf smiled. "I'm home."

Thranduil went over and embraced his beloved son. "Legolas.. I was worried.. I-"

He noticed the expression of pain that went across Legolas' face.

"You're hurt," he stated.

Legolas sighed. "Aye, but I will be fine. It's nothing to worry about Adar. You have Estel to thank for that."

Thranduil shook his head and smiled. "Nevermind that. I'm just glad you're home."

He leaned in to whisper into Legolas' ear. "Though next time, please try to return in one piece."

Legolas laughed. "I'll try."

Thranduil chuckled. He doubted that would happen, but Legolas was safe now, and that's all that mattered.

The End

A/N: Well, it has been fun writing this story, and I hope you had fun reading it! Don't worry though, I'll have way more stories in the future. Tell me what you think of this fanfic, and leave some ideas for future stories!
