Part 3 anyone?


Okay, okay, I'll stop... one day. Here's chapter three!

Mykal groaned, opening her eyes painfully. Her head was throbbing.

Looking around, everything caught up to her in an instant.

The blunt force, hearing her brothers yelling for her to be left alone...

That would explain why she was locked in a crumby cell, but it wouldn't explain why her brothers were here with her.

"The female is now awake, we're just waiting on the males." Came a woman's voice. It sounded sort of scratchy and emotionless.

"Wonderful. Are they prepped for release?"

"Yes, they were already prepped. The males separate from the female per ordered sir."

'Release? What release? Why would they just capture us then let us go? Wait- Raph! Don! Leo! Please be okay...' Immediately, Mykal crawled over to her closest big brother, Raph. Shaking him, Mykal felt her heart drop when he didn't wake up.

'Raph... Raphie c'mon! Wake up! Stop playing...' She begged. She searched for a pulse, and thankfully, she found one. It was still strong.

"C'mon Raph, get up... They're trying to take us somewhere..." She tried again, surprised they left her hands and legs free, as well as Raph's.

Raph groaned as he felt familiar hands shake his shoulder. 'What tha shell... what's goin' on...'

He blinked blurrily as he saw his baby sister's face come into view. He felt a sense of strange relief.

"M-Mykal..." He murmured.

"No time to be slow Raph! We gotta get Don and Leo up, now! We're being held, captive bro!" She spoke fast, nearly tripping over her own tongue. Raph was awake and alert, despite his throbbing head.

"Raph, C'mon! Get up!" Mykal harshly whispered, hearing guards coming closer. She made her way over to Leo and begun doing what she had did with Raph, meanwhile, Raph's groggy mind caught on and went over to Don to wake him up, more roughly than Mykal.

It did not do any good to Don's head.

As the turtles begun getting their bearings, the woman Mykal had heard before and a couple of guards holding big guns (presumably hunter's rifles) and a couple of other guards holding taser sticks came to their cell door.

Leo narrowed his eyes as he stepped forward, Don got into a defensive stance as he began trying to figure out what they were up against and decipher what enemy of theirs was keeping them captive, Raph growled and took a protective stance in front of Mykal and Don while Mykal herself didn't mind being behind Raph.

"Who are you working for? Why have you captured me and my siblings?" Leo asked his voice was almost like icy venom.

"Simple. You are freaks who need to be figured out. Enough said, take them to group testing, then after, take them to the facilities." The woman smirked smugly as she ordered her men.

"Look it, lady, we ain't goin' wit you nowhere, so if yer thinkin' we're gonna listen ta ya, ya've got another thing comin'." Raph threatened, his amber eyes like fire.

"Write down that they take defensive maneuvers to defend themselves. Oh, and that they take defensive stances when threatened. Very family-oriented." The woman said to a short and stout man standing next to her, also in a white lab coat, who held a notepad and pen; most likely her assistant.

Raph growled, getting ready to beat the crap out of the woman. That's when they opened the cell door.

Leo and Raph both shared looks.

Raph looked ready to charge down everything and anything in his path, but Leo gave him a look that said, "Don't even try it." His eyes held anger and frustration too, but he knew that they were against the odds. They had guns and tasers, they had fists. They were outnumbered as well.

There was no point in trying.

Raph gritted his teeth as they helplessly exited the cell.

He hated this scenario.

He hated their limited options.

He hated everything just about now.

As they were walking, one of the guards decided that Mykal was 'walking too slow', apparently, because before she could recognize what was going on, her body hit the floor roughly from how harshly she had been pushed, her ninja skills ditching her for some reason.

"Move it, bitch." The guard growled out.

Mykal was about to say something back when she heard Raph snarl, "What did ya call 'er?"

Mykal felt the tension in the room peak higher if that was even possible. She saw her brother take a defensive stance, almost like a snake getting coiled and ready to attack or a cat getting ready to pounce.

The guard just smirked, as he snarled right back in Raph's face, "Well, what do you call a female dog?"

Raph lost it.

He went to attack the man, but before he could get in more than the one jab to the face that he had, he felt himself getting electrified, the electric current running through his body.

"RAPH!" Mykal yelled, twisting around from her spot on the floor to see her older brother hit his knees from the shock and ignoring the fact that she wasn't the only one calling out Raph's name. Watching her big, tough older brother hit the ground, grunting and trying not to scream in pain, scared Mykal.

Don came over to help Raph up as Leo grabbed Mykal's upper arm to help her up.

The guards held up their electric staffs menacingly, almost as if telling them to get moving, so they began to move forward.

"Leo..." Don whispered, flickering brown eyes met concerned and cold blue ones.

'What are we going to do?' Was the unanswered question.

As soon as they were thrown into the cell, Don was checking Raph's vitals and Mykal was by his side. Leo kept watching the halls, trying to figure out the next move.

"He's going to be okay, right? I-I mean, it was just a shock..." Mykal asked, deeply frowning.

Don smiled a gentle but shaky smile, "Of course. He'll be fine. Gonna be a bit sore when he wakes though." He shifted, also on his knees as well, before looking his sister, who looked doubtful, straight in the eye.

"I promise." He smiled, putting a hand on her shoulder. She smiled a lopsided smile back before looking up at Leo, who looked extremely close to pacing.

"So... next moves? Anybody?"

"Thinking." Was the simple answer from Leo. He looked pretty troubled, so Mykal mentally scolded herself and told herself to just wait and calm down. Leo had a lot on his mind right now.

After about 10 minutes, Raph began to wake.

"Ugh... What tha fuck hit me?"

"An electrified, 5 feet, black stick. Staff, to be precise." Don smirked slightly, happy to see Raph awake.

Raph rolled his eyes before punching his brother in the arm, sort of intending to hurt him yet just leave a bruise.

"Ow." He said, rolling his eyes back at Raph with an unamused look on his face.

Raph shrugged as he stood, stretching, "Ya asked fer it." He looked to see his little sister smiling brightly at him, obviously happy to see him awake.

"Stop smilin' ya dork. Yer literally splittin' yer face in half." He stated gruffly, putting on his tough guy persona.

"Yeesh, okay. Don't be touched that your sister wants you awake!" She said, only half-joking.

Raph smirked like a shark, going over to shove his sister, but they were interrupted once a guard came to the cell door.

"The female with group letter H, number 092. The males with group letter U, number 023."

It occurred to Don first that this meant separation.

"What?!" Don cried out as the guards came in.

"Don, what are they doing?" Leo asked, trying to shake off the guards grabbing his arms.

"They're separating us by gender!" He called back, struggling with his own guards. Raph began growling and snarling, struggling to get out of his holds. Mykal felt arms grabbing her and tried as well. It wasn't the most planned nor synchronized of breakouts, but they had to at least try.

Soon enough, all four turtles were knocked out.

I am so so so so sorry for such a short chapter! If you know me, I normally do 2k+ words on each chapter in any story I write! I'm going on a big trip soon for school, so sadly, I had to rush any updates I've done for this week and get as much as I could do. I might still be able to write whilst on the trip on my phone (thank god for Google Docs, to back up all my shit from PC to iPhone)!

I hate rushing work, but it's better than nothing!

Please review! (Even though my shitty work probably doesn't deserve it, haha)