"Where's Kay?"

Akura blinked sleepily at the young brunette standing on his doorstep at one in the afternoon. A few days after Kay had left home, Jessica had realized that her sister had changed and that it had been wrong to show everyone her dairy. She had come to Akura's house and talked to Kay. Kay had accepted her apology, and the two sisters were very close. Sam, Ethan, and Hank had also been to see Kay, but Charity, Grace and Miguel were still acting as through Kay didn't exist.

Jessica sighed at Akura's confused expression and repeated the question one more time, slowly.
"Akura. . .where. . .is. . . Kay?"
"Kay?" He repeated stupidly.
"Yeah. My sister, your girlfriend? About so tall, long hair, four months pregnant?" Jessica waited patently. She could tell by the look in his eyes and his messy hair that he had been sleeping. Akura took awhile to wake up. Kay usually just hit her boyfriend upside the head a few times and gave him lots of coffee.

The sleep induced fog finally cleared from Akura's head.
"Oh. Kay's not here."
"I can see that moron. Where is she?"
"Doctor's appointment."
"And you didn't go with her?!?" Jessica demanded. Akura raised his eyebrow.
"No. I had a huge test that I was up all night studying for, and I don't think I would have been much help to her sacked out in the doctor's office. Besides, she's a big girl. She can handle going to the doctor. I gave her my car and everything. So chill. You wanna come in and wait for her?"

Jessica nodded and Akura stepped back to let the younger girl in his house. He nodded toward the living room, then turned back to his room.
"Here Little Bit. Watch some TV. But keep it down, I need to sleep. Okay?"
"Okay Akura." Jessica sat down, then called Akura's name.
"Yeah?" He asked, poking his head into the room.
"Thanks for being here for Kay." Jessica said softly. She stood up and crossed the room to the man who had become almost a big brother to her and gave him a hug. "And for the baby."

"Hey, I'm in this for the long run." Akura said, wrapping his arms around her. "I love Kay, and the baby."
"I think their talking about us." Kay said with a grin as she came in the door, talking to her stomach. Akura and Jessica both laughed as they broke their hug and came towards her.
"You know, people who talk to their stomachs have to be insane." Akura said with a grin, kissing Kay. "Hey there sweetie."
"Akura, sometimes I think you believe everyone in the universe is insane." Kay said with a laugh as she kissed him back. "Hi Jess."

"What took you so long?" Akura whined playfully, wrapping his arms around her waist.
"Miss me?" Kay teased. Akura nodded as he buried his face in her neck and nibbled and kissed gently, making Kay laugh. "Poor baby. I had to go shopping. We need groceries, and I needed some maternity cloths. Can't very well wear sweats forever."
"Sweats are sexy." Akura argued, as he went outside to get the bags. "They are!" He insisted when he heard Kay's snort of disbelief.

He carried the bags in while Jessica and Kay sat in the living room, talking. When he finished with that, he sat next to her on the couch. Kay smiled at him and moved onto his lap, leaning back against the arm of the couch. Akura put both hands on her stomach, massaging and humming to her. Kay's eyes began to droop, even as she continued to talk to Jessica. Finally, her eyes closed completely and she went to sleep.

Jessica smiled, mouthed 'good-bye' to Akura and let herself out. Akura smiled, then picked Kay up gently and carried her to her bedroom. He set her in the center of the large bed, then crawled in behind her. He spooned her from behind, his hand resting on her stomach. Kay yawned just then and opened her eyes. She smiled when she felt Akura's hand on her stomach and turned over to face him.

"I thought you were sleeping." Akura said in surprise.
"I was." Kay said with a small yawn. "But I want to show you something." She reached into her pocket and pulled out a small brown packet.
"What's that?" Akura asked. Then it hit him and a huge smile came over his face. "Is that what I think it is?"
"Yep." Kay said proudly. "But before I show you, I want to ask you something. How do you feel about babies?"
"Huh?" Akura asked, confused. "Kay you know how I feel about you and the baby."

Kay shook her head. "Your so dumb. I didn't mean babies in general. I meant babies, plural. As in more than one." She watched his face closely. Akura looked confused, then his eyes went wide and his jaw dropped.
"You mean. . .you. . .more than one. . ." A huge grin spread across his face.
"Yep." Kay confirmed. "I'm going to have twins! Check out their pictures." She dumped the contents of the envelope onto the bed. "Their first baby pictures." She picked up the black and white ultrasound picture and displayed it proudly. "See, here's the head, and the spine of one, and here's the head of the other one." She giggled. "I think it's pretty cool."
"Wow!" Akura said, grinning widely. "That is totally awesome! I can see their tiny hearts and everything!"

He pulled Kay into a hug and kissed her. Kay kissed him back happily. Seeing her babies for the first time was so exciting for her. She couldn't believe it. She was going to be a mother! She had known she was going to be a mother of course, but there was something about seeing the pictures that really made it hit home for the first time. She lay back down on the bed, pulling Akura down to lay next to her, their mouths never breaking contact.

They finally pulled back to breath, and Akura stroked her stomach gently making Kay giggle. Grinning at her, he leaned down and kissed it.
"Hey there Bump." He teased gently. "I've just seen your pictures and your absolutely beautiful, both of you. Just like your mom. We love you so much. Yes we do."
"And you complained that I was insane." Kay teased. Then she swatted his shoulder. "And don't call them Bump!" Akura laughed and dragged her up against him.

"So Kay. Sex?"
"AKURA! I'm four months pregnant, get your mind out of the gutter."
"That's not what I meant. Get your own mind out of the gutter."
"It's attached to my body." Kay shot back.
"Ha ha. Very funny smart ass. I was asking about the babies."
"Two baby girls." Kay said proudly. The she yawned, and snuggled against Akura, falling asleep. Akura smiled and held her, his hand rubbing her stomach for a few minutes before he joined her in dreamland.

A few weeks later, Akura was sitting on the couch, considering catching a nap, when he heard a shriek from the dining room and a crash. He walked in to find Kay standing next to a broken glass, her hand on her stomach and her eyes wide.
"What's wrong?" Akura asked. "Is there something wrong with the babies?"
"Nope." Kay's face spilt into a huge grin. "They just surprised me that's all. Come over here."

Confused over his girlfriends statement, Akura made his way over to her. She took his hand and placed it where hers had been just a few moments ago. Akura jumped when he felt two hard kicks right where his hand was, one right after the other.
"Whoa!" He said, his grin rivaling Kay's. He pulled her in for a quick kiss, then pulled back to look at her. "Couple of wanna be kick boxers here, huh?" He rubbed her stomach, and felt a slight movement. Kay's eyes went wide again.
"I think one of them just did a back flip." She informed Akura. He laughed and kissed her again, pulling back when the doorbell rang.

Kay slipped out of his embrace and headed towards the door as Akura cleaned up the glass. He had just finished when Kay came back into the kitchen, her father right behind her.
"Hi Sam." Akura said, pouring himself some coffee, and a cup for Sam.
"Hello Akura." Sam said, accepting the coffee and sitting down at the kitchen table. He smiled at Kay. "So Katie. How are my grandchildren doing?"
"Their fine." Kay said with a smile. "Akura caught them practicing kick boxing just a few minutes ago."

Sam laughed, then finished his coffee and stood up. "I gotta get back to the station. I'll call you later sweetheart." He kissed Kay on the forehead, then said goodbye to Akura and left. Kay got up, and her and Akura went to sit in the living room.
"My graduations tomorrow." Akura said. He was getting his degree a year early.
"I know. I'll be there." Kay said.
"I know. Do you want to move to San Diego?" Akura asked softly.
Kay thought about it for a minute. It had always been in the back of her mind, but she never really thought about it. Could she really leave her hometown, and her family and friends? Wait, what family and friends? The only ones who even talked to her now was Sam, Hank, Jessica and Ethan. Everyone else just treated her like she was the walking plague. She turned and looked at Akura, who was waiting for her answer.
"So, how's the weather in San Diego?" Kay asked with a grin.