The weight of the world seemed to fall on Regina's shoulders at that moment. She finally have her happy ending right in the palm of her hand but then just like always, life finds a way to make it all blow up on her face. She went outside to get some air. Why Emma has to bring his dead wife back to life, she thought. Everything is perfect with her and Robin. The door opened and Emma came out. "Regina, I'm sorry. When I saved her I didn't know who she was. I didn't mean to cause you pain", she tried to apologize but that doesn't sound like an apology for Regina. "Well, your intentions don't really matter because once again I felt the brunt of heroism. Always the villain, even when I'm not", she said. The anger and frustration is evident in her voice but she's trying really hard to contain herself. "I am not going to apologize for saving a life", Emma said.

Of course she's not. She is the Savior. It is her job to save lives. "What does it matter? She's supposed to die anyway", Regina said. "It mattered because she's a person and whatever she did she doesn't deserve to die", Emma said. "Maybe she did", Regina protested. Emma stopped and looked at her. "You would know because I saved her from you", she said. That hurt Regina a little bit. "The woman who did that is the person I was not the person I am. I worked very hard to build a future. A future that's now gone", Regina said. Emma frowned. "You don't know that", she said but Regina seemed to accept that fate. "All I know is it's complicated enough that his dead wife is back", she exclaimed. "Regina, for that I'm sorry. If there's anything I can do to help", Emma apologized but she stopped her. "Miss Swan, the more you try to help, the worse my life becomes", Regina said.

The door once again opened and Robin came out with Marian and Roland. "I want us to talk about this", he said trying to straighten out the mess of having a girlfriend and a wife that he thought was dead for years. "Are you two together?" Marian asked when she saw him hold her arm. "You and the Evil Queen? Did you know what she's done? The terror that she inflicted? Did you let her near my son?" she started firing questions at Robin. Then Snow, David, Hook, and Henry came out when they heard the arguing outside. "Everything alright out here?" Snow asked. "No one has been incinerated yet so that's a good sign", David said. "Regina, are you okay?" Snow asked and it surprised Marian that they care about her. "What is wrong with you people? Why are you talking to her?" she asked them. Regina saw her son looking at her. "Mom, what is going on?" he asked. "She's a monster", Marian said and that hit the temper meter inside Regina. Normally she should be ashes by now but Regina still managed to stopped herself.

She pulled back her hand right away before she can throw fireball at her. Emma saw that and it worried her deeply that somehow she might cause her relapse to darkness. Regina turned around and walked away. "Regina!" Emma called but then the streetlight exploded and she stopped. They all watched her walk away from them. There is nowhere for her to go that she won't be followed. She decided to stay at her vault. She thought that it's much better than her big house which has a lot of space that makes her smaller. Now that no one is looking, she finally let herself cry. She let it all out until she got no more tears to shed. Anger started to fill her heart. Just like what she always does, she started pointing the blame on Emma. She looked at the mirror on her wall and saw herself once again defeated not by an enemy but by fate. In her frustrations, she destroyed the mirror without touching it.

The morning came and she decided to finally go out. She realized that life must go on. It is a cloudy day in Storybrooke. Regina went to Granny's for her usual morning takeout. She stopped outside doubting herself if she can make it inside. Then she turned around and bumped into Grumpy. "Oh, I'm sorry. I wasn't looking", she apologized which surprised the dwarf since he's not used to the Evil Queen apologizing. "It's fine. I wasn't looking as well. Aren't you coming in for your coffee?" he asked. Of course, everyone knows her routine. She lived in the town since she created it. "Maybe I'll get it somewhere else", she answered but she knows there's no other place she can get the same coffee she likes. "I know about what happened", Grumpy said. It is a small town. "Are you okay, sister?" he asked. Regina looked down. "No, I am not okay", she answered in all honesty. "Thank you", he said and she frowned. "For what?" she asked. "For being honest…now come on, let's get that coffee", he answered.

He is very persuasive. They both went in to the counter. "This is a rare combination", Granny said when she saw them together. "Don't get use to it. Usual please", he said. Granny looked at Regina. "Oh, coffee and kale salad…the usual coffee", she said and then Granny left to get their orders. Regina heard people laughing so she decided to look behind her. She was surprised to see the entire Charming family with Robin, Marian, and Roland having breakfast together. She didn't expect it to hurt that much but then it did. Grumpy looked at where she's looking and saw it too. "There you go", Granny said and it snapped Regina out of her own thoughts. "Thanks, Granny", she said and then put the money on the counter. "Want me to walk you to the office?" Grumpy offered. "No, it's fine. I can walk by myself and I think I can use some time alone but thank you. I appreciate it", she declined.

She's about to go out when Emma and Snow saw her. "Regina!" Emma called but she ignored her and went outside. They both tried to go after her but Grumpy stopped them. "You know what, next time you plan a family breakfast try to invite a member of the family", he said. Hook went to them. "Is she really a member of the family?" he asked and Grumpy looked at him. "She is Snow's stepmother and Henry's mother. Of course, she's family. If there's anyone who is not, it's you. What is wrong with you people?" Grumpy answered and then walked away. "I really screwed up", Emma muttered. Snow rubbed her daughter's back. "We'll find a way to make it up to her", she said. Then the ground suddenly shakes. Everyone in the diner went quiet. "Wait here", Emma said to Henry as she went out. They all saw a dark shadow roaming around the streets of the town. "Now, what the bloody hell is that?" Hook muttered.