A/N I don't own Vampire Knight nor do I make any profit from it.

Chapter 1 - The Princess In the Tower

Being a pureblood, nothing is made easy. You are expected to be the picture of perfection, an example for all vampires. You are unable to show how your true feelings to people and any show of feelings are reserved for the privacy of your own home. I see it as a curse.

You are utterly alone in the world and nobody seems to attempt or even want to understand the suffering of a pureblood vampire.

Some pureblood vampires sleep for years just to make the long, arduous journey of life seem a little easier and shorter but, of course, it never is. The only other option is…


My parents were full of life but they were murdered by a once loving fiance of mine.

Revenge...a terrible thing...

But then, they left me to continue on my own and I have no one to turn to.

Will I ever have someone to turn to?

Sara Awayuki felt isolated. A pureblood princess treated like royalty but she was unfulfilled. Her parents restricted her from leaving the house. Not because they didn't love her or that they were punishing her, no, far from it. It was because they feared that the world would taint and defile her.

Sara was a pretty girl with ethereal beauty. She was petite and slim. Her hair was as snowy as freshly laid snow in the winter and it fell in loose, elegant waves and curls. Her eyes were likened to large sapphires and as blue as the deepest oceans. Her skin was like marble and it was as if the finest sculpters had used their finest tools just to make her.

Her household was the only contact she had, although, they only treated her with utmost respect and civility. Her senior attendant, Lady Mayumi, was her confidante and maid. At least she could have a proper conversation with her.

Her parents kept changing their minds about who they wanted they precious daughter to marry. They were against the senate and all her would-be fiances were all pro senate. The latest fiancé murdered a family of Common vampires and a few humans because he was "hungry" and because "they were there". Unfortunately, they were on holiday and were not native to Japan.

Once in a blue moon, her mother and father would visit her. She cherished the times that they did, but it didn't seem like enough. One night, Sara's parents decided to visit.

Mayumi walked to her mistress's room with the news informing Sara of this visit. Mayumi resented her mistress's parents for always leaving her, but she knew Sara had excepted it long ago. She gently knocked on her mistress's door and she heard a soft 'Enter.' She walked inside and noticed that Sara was gazing out at the sunset sky.

"Lady Sara, your parents are returning tonight," Mayumi stated, "They say that they have something that they have to discuss with you."

Sara turned her head and gazed at her maid, "I can predict what they want to talk about," she said with a sigh, "All right, thank you, Mayumi."

Mayumi nodded, "I will prepare a dress for you."

Sara nodded and turned back to the window. She gazed out at the garden. It was certainly a sight to behold. The healthy lawn was illuminated by the light of the setting sun. The many different types of flowers made the vast garden look beautiful. Her eyes fell upon the blue roses. They were her favourite kind of rose and, in her opinion, the most beautiful.

She sighed softly before turning back to her bedroom. Her bedroom was elegently decorated. The walls were painted in cream with blue roses painted around the four walls. Hanging from the celling was a crystal chandelier with real blue roses intertwined. Her bed was a four poster, canopy bed. Her sheets were made of cream silk and the duvet was made out of cream satin with embroidered black and blue roses onto it.

Sara saunted over to the bed gracefully and sat down, heaving a heavy sigh. She turned to her box of blood tablets and a glass of fresh water set out for her. Dropping a blood tablet into the glass, she gently sipped the faux blood. As she continued to sip, Mayumi gracefully walked in with an evening gown in her arms. Sara stood up and walked over to the older girl. She took the dress and examined it carefully. It was a gothic style lolita dress with a matching headband. It was something her parents liked to dress her up in due to it making her look like a cute little doll.

"Thank you, Mayumi, my parents will like this on me," she replied.

"You're very welcome, Lady Sara."

Sara inclined her head before dismissing Mayumi from the room, "I will call you back when I want you to style my hair."

"Very good, madam," Mayumi said with a small smile. With that Mayumi excused herself from the room. Sara held the dress upto her own body and gazed at her reflection in her full length mirror. The gothic lolita dress made her long white hair stand out as her glass blue eyes stared at her reflection.

Later that evening, Sara's parents arrived. Lord Takashi and Lady Hanako Awayuki were dressed in evening attire, awaiting Sara with their striking beauty. Lady Awayuki was strikingly beautiful. She too had snowy white hair and dewy blue eyes. She wore a floor-length black dress that gracefully hugged the woman's curves. It was made out of black silk and she wore a black rose in her hip length, wavy hair. Lord Awayuki was entirely different in appearance. His hair was chocolate brown and reached his mid back with a slight curl within it. His eyes were were a piercing green. He was tall and well built.

Sara's mother and father seemed to be the image of perfection: the perfect pureblood couple.

They greeted her warmly and with many many things to talk about. When they were having dinner when they were discussing the impossible notion of Sara's marriage. Takashi sat at the top of the table with his wife at his right and his daughter sat to his left.

"We hope you understand why we cannot let you marry a man like that." Hanako said.

"I understand," Sara said, with little to no emotion in her voice. She flicked her snowy hair away from her shoulder. She kept her sapphire eyes cast downwards. She discretely played with the soup which she had been served.

"Our line must be kept pure, but your spouse must be for pro peace and monarchy, not pro senate. On the other hand we cannot just hand you over to anyone who claims they share our values like the Tanigawas. They lied. Their son was the cause of the murders," Takashi informed. Sara raised and turned her gaze to meet her father's.

"They always lie, father, all they want is our money and our blood." Sara said quietly, "It's always the same story," she paused, "How many died?"

"Well, about five humans, that included children," Sara's eyes widened in shock at the mention of children, but her father carried on, "A couple of Level C vampires, a few Level D vampires and an aristocrat...all on the same evening."

"That's terrible...such lives lost...I cannot bare to even think about it," Sara said sadly. "Will you have to leave again to see to this after you're done with me," Sarcasm laced the girl's voice like the lace on her dress.

"Darling, we know it is stressful and the fact that...you hardly ever see us must be upsetting enough. Am I right?"

Sara looked up at her parents and nodded slowly.

"Maybe we should tell her now," Takashi whispered to his wife. She nodded sadly. "I'm afraid we have been called away on business again. We just received the letter before we went in for dinner."

"We're dreadfully sorry, darling, we couldn't foresee this," Hanako explained. Sara struggled to hold back tears.

"When do you have to go," she asked calmly. Hanako and Takashi looked at each other. Hanako chewed on her lower lip nervously.

"Tomorrow evening," Lady Awayuki replied.

Sara nodded quickly. "Just go where you need to go. It's none of my concern what you do. You do it for the good of our species, our kind. No need to apologise," Sara said diplomatically. Her parents smiled at their daughter warmly.

"We're glad you understand, my dear," Takashi said said. Sara smiled back, albeit sadly.

The next evening, just before Hanako and Takashi were due to leave, Sara wandered from her room and heading in the direction of her father's study. After making her way through lots of winding corridors, she eventually made it to her father's study in the West Wing. Sara knocked on the door and waited for her father to respond, "Come in," came her father's response. Sara turned the door handle and walked inside, "Sara, what a pleasure," he smiled.

"Hello father," she replied, "When will you be leaving?"

"That eager to get rid of us?" he asked teasingly. Sara went bright red

"NO! P-P-Please do not think I want rid of you!" she cried, "I...um...was only asking..." she trailed off.

"Calm down, Sara, I was only teasing," he replied with a fatherly smile, "We're going in a few hours. I do not wish to leave you and neither does your mother but this trip cannot be avoided."

Sara walked further into the room, "Please...you don't have to apologise. I am fully aware that you need to do these things."

Takashi gazed at his daughter. He knew that she was strong but he didn't like that she had to endure his and Hanako's absences. In addition to that, having to endure being confined to the manor. It was to protect her from people in the Senate who wanted to corrupt her and make her their pawn. However, Sara was none the wiser about this reason. He walked towards her and held his daughter in his arms, "You are very mature about all of this, but I sense you are struggling."

When he said this, Sara burst out into tears, "I miss you and mother. I miss you so much! I hate it when you leave," she cried. Takashi caressed his daughter's hair.

"I know...I wish we could stay for longer. I promise...," he pulled away slightly and gazed into her eyes seriously, "I promise you we will be back quickly."

Sara nodded before hastily wiping away her tears,"All right, father."

Takashi patted her head, "You are a brave girl," he whispered, "I am a very proud father."

Sara smiled a bitter-sweet smile, "Well, I will leave you alone to prepare for your trip. I just needed to see one of you before you went away again."

Takashi nodded, "I see. Understandable," he replied, running his hand through his own brunette hair. Sara nodded before hugging him one last time. Takashi kissed the top of her head before reluctantly letting her go. When Sara walked out, Sara met her mother on the way. Hanako wrapped her arms around her.

"Miss you already, Mother...and you're not even gone yet," Sara whispered.

"I know the feeling," Hanako whispered back. They stayed in a loving embrace for a long while before they let each other go and went their separate ways. Hanako watched her daughter disappear down the corridor before walking into her husband's study.

"We shouldn't keep leaving her like this," she whispered,"I always feel guilty."

"As do I...but we need to keep going. Sara will thank us and that's why we have the best tutors to educate her so she can take over from us one day...but I do feel guilty."

Hanako sighed, "I'll let you get back to your work. I will be in the library if you need me," she said softly before leaving her husband alone.

A figure stood outside in the light of the full moon, a smirk playing upon his full lips, "Oh...my little Sara...your blood will be mine tonight. If I cannot have you...then no one can," he whispered. His eyes glowed red, "My servants...attack!" he ordered as ten or more vicious vampires appeared from the shadows and invaded the Awayuki home. They smashed the windows and anything else that stood in their way, including the servants. Tamaki Tanigawa sauntered in with a confidant arrogance, making his way to Sara's parents. He wanted to make sure that she didn't have anything left to live for when he finally came for her.

On the other side of the manor, Sara sat reading a book in front of her fireplace. She was completely unaware of the massacre which ensued within her own home. She was completely lost in her book. Reading was the only way she escaped her lonely world. Suddenly, a screaming Mayumi burst into the room. Sara jumped, "What's going on?" she jumped to her feet.

"Y-You're parents..." she panted, "They have been attacked! Lord Tanigawa and his men broke into the manor a few moments ago and causing a massacre. You have to get out of here and quickly!"

Sara frowned and went very pale, "What?!"

"I do not lie, mistress! Please! Get yourself out of here now! He is on his way here to have your life," she cried, "There is no time to explain everything. Please just get yourself out of here and I will distract him."

Sara could hear the dying screams of her servants. She stood, rooted to the spot and unable to move. Dead? No...no they couldn't be. Mayumi ran to the French windows and reached for Sara's hand, "Mistress, please!"

Sara nodded slowly but just as Mayumi was about to open them, the French windows were suddenly blown to pieces, splintering everywhere. Mayumi had been blown back and lost consciousness. All of the lights had blown out, only the moon as a viable light source.

Sara stood up and swallowed. She hugged her small body whilst walking, hoping to protect herself from anymore danger. When she walked over to inspect the mess, it completely took her off guard. She felt a hand grip neck before she could react.

"You little bitch," the owner of the hand said, "You have humiliated me! Don't you understand?! You belong to me!"

Sara struggled to escape from the Tamaki's grip. She successfully pulled herself out of his grip but only for a moment when he grabbed her wrists again.

"Tamaki, I didn't break it, may parents did! Let me go!" she kicked him in the stomach, but that didn't deter him. He pulled the girl forward and his grip moved from her neck to her shoulders. Sara continued to kick and scream, not wanting to succumb to his attack. Tamaki wrapped an arm around her waist in a mockery of a lover's embrace.

"I am going to enjoy this, my dear." With that, his fangs ripped into her neck. Sara screamed in pain. She kicked and screamed, trying to draw some attention to herself. However, she felt herself getting weaker and weaker, with nobody to save her, things were looking bleak for her.

Suddenly, a presence of another vampire was felt by the two purebloods. Sara let out a weak squeal to draw attention to herself. Tamaki growled and looked up, "Show yourself! Who disturbs us?"

A tall young man with brown hair and wearing a black coat stepped out of the dark, shadowy corridor, "I think you should put the girl down, Tanigawa. To take revenge upon her for her parents' decision is entirely idiotic. I also believe her blood does not belong to you since you are no longer her fiance."

"And what are you going to do about it, Kaname Kuran?" He threw Sara at the wall behind him, causing the wall to partially fall down. Sara let out a loud cry and whimper as some rubble fell upon her.

"We are equally matched as purebloods. We cannot defeat one another but I promise you this...I will not let you take that girl."

"How did you even know I was here and what was going on?" Tamaki asked.

"Your father has a very loud mouth, Tamaki. Ichio tipped me off," Kaname answered.

"That swine," Tamaki cursed, "He never took our union seriously!" he then looked up, noticing Kaname had already crossed the threshold and ran him through with a antivampire sword. Kaname's hand burnt with the seemingly electric buzzing and protesting of the weapon in question. Tamaki coughed up blood, "Where were you hiding that?"

"Never you mind," Kaname replied as he withdrew the bloody sword and Tamaki dropped to the ground, lying in a pool of his own blood, "I will be taking the girl now," Kaname stepped over Tamaki and strode over to Sara who was lying lifelessly in the rubble. Picking her up, he made his way out wordlessly. He looked back at Tamaki before making his way out of the manor, easily dispatching any of Tamaki's servants who dared try to stop him.

Her body ached. Her whole body ached. Her eyes refused to open, fear and apprehension making it almost impossible. She could feel the presence of another pureblood who was vaguely familiar to her and an aristocrat who seemed to have a kind aura.

Sara eventually opened her eyes after a long moment. Her vision was blurred but it became clearer, "Ah, the princess has awakened," a warm voice said. Sara's immediate reaction was to try and sit up but her body had other ideas. Sara looked up.

"Who..? What? What is going on? Who are you?" Sara asked and she looked up at Kaname, "K...Kaname?"

"Calm yourself, Sara, you're safe. You're fiance won't hurt you now," Kaname said. Sara was still weary of the two young men and she shifted away from them, "You know me, but this is Takuma Ichijo. Don't worry, he won't hurt you," Kaname then gave her a stern look, "I am concerned at your weak attempts to defend yourself...surely your parents taught you to use your powers."

Sara frowned. "I don't know...Might it ever occurred to you that...I might have been scared? He had me by the throat...I've never had to defend myself before...I have always been protected," Sara said quietly. "May I ask where we're going?"

"We're going to Cross Academy, a school for both vampires and humans. There is nothing to fear." Kaname said. Sara was very tired and began to yawn and her eyes closed, passing out with exhaustion.

"She must have been through a lot." Takuma said. Kaname nodded.

"I wonder how she'll react when we tell her the gravest news of all." Kaname said gravely while stroking her pale cheek lightly. Takuma gazed at Sara for a while, feeling sorry for her. She looked so innocent and peaceful when she had her head on Kaname's knee.

When they arrived at Cross Academy, they took Sara to the headmaster's office. It was a full two hours before she woke up. When she did, she turned her head to see a girl about her age kneeling beside her. Sara sat up.

"She's awake," The girl said. Sara gave her a cold look but turn her head to see a man with sandy coloured hair. She also noticed a young girl about her age with auburn-brown hair and red-brown eyes, "Hello, I'm Yuuki Cross and the headmaster, Kaien Cross. I hear that you are a pureblood vampire. You're so pretty," Yuuki smiled. Sara nodded and swung her legs down so that she could sit up.

Sara looked around at her surroundings. She saw books on a bookshelf, wanting to be read, mostly by her. She loved to read. She stood up slowly, without a word, receiving questioning looks from father and daughter. Sara put a finger to a book and ran it along the rest of them across the shelf. "Have you read any of these?" Sara asked. Cross cleared his throat and shook his head. "May I read some," Sara asked in a small voice.

"Yes, please do." Cross said. Sara smiled slightly in gratitude and turned back to the bookshelf. Sara found that she was spoilt for choice but she eventually chose a couple of books that sparked her interest. She found that she had turned around too quickly as she nearly passed out, but Yuuki rushed over to her and guided her back to the chaise. Yuuki was surprised that Sara went from being unconscious to looking at books on a bookshelf.

'What an odd girl,' Yuuki thought.

When Sara tried to stand up again, she felt something cold against her temple. She almost dropped her books in fright. She make it out to be a gun and she could feel a strong grip on her arm, holding her in place.

"Eh...?" Sara managed to look at the person holding the gun to her head. He had silvery tresses, a little like her but her's was like pure snow. He had angry lavender eyes, which were staring her down and intimidating her. "Please let me go...I mean you no harm...please put it down." Sara begged. She tried to tug her arm free of his iron grip.

"Zero, please...she's just been through an ordeal. This isn't helping and she's just choosing books."

Yuuki kicked him in the shin and punched him in the arm. "Zero, let go of her!" she shouted. Zero let go of Sara roughly. Sara hugged herself and tried to make herself small. Cross got up, removed the books from her grip and put them on the table. He sat her down on the couch.

"Please don't mind him. He's been through some ordeals himself."

"That's not a reason to put a gun to my head." Sara muttered.

"Zero, you big jerk!" Yuuki shouted.

"You should calm down, Zero. She means you no harm." Cross said. He turned back to the frightened pureblood girl, "Kaname Kuran, the young man you were riding with in the car, has requested that you become a student of this academy."

"But I have to go home! If my parents return and I'm not there, they'll be worried! Plus, they were attacked...I have to see if they are all right!" Sara protested. Cross shook his head.

"We cannot let you go back there. I would be failing in my duty to protect you, so no, you cannot go back."

Sara sighed in defeat. Suddenly, she felt blood lust took hold of her body. Her eyes were glowing and her breathing was ragged. Sara, rather unexpectedly, reached for Zero. Being a pureblood, she was stronger than him. She threw him to the ground and straddled his waist. She pinned his arms down and the two vampires stared at each other. Zero glared at her hard. He tried to struggle, but she was stronger than she looked. Sara leaned down and licked his neck, preparing to bite him

Zero struggled to get the girl off him. He notice that she must have lost blood because there were patches off blood all over her delicate silk dress. Sara then blinked her eyes, "I-I'm so sorry!" Sara leapt to her feel and ran from the room, her eyes still glowing crimson. Yuuki made a dash for her, hoping to catch a girl who was running with great speed.

"Miss Awayuki! Please come back!" Yuuki shouted. However, Sara was out earshot and was running blindly. She ran into the school stable and hid in the corner, causing somewhat of a disturbance. The fiercest of the horses, Lily, was the horse whose compartment Sara was in. The horse turned it's head and gave her a glare as only a horse could. Sara, realizing that this wasn't a safe place to hide, stood up, keeping her back to the wall.

"Oi. You shouldn't be in there. It's not safe," Sara's head snapped up to see Zero glaring at her. Sara was beginning to wonder which was the better option: an angry young man with his shiny gun or a horse with a killer glare. She edged towards Zero, not keeping her eyes off the horse and Zero pulled her out once she was close enough.

"For someone who wanted to kill me, that was...heroic," Sara commented. Zero just glared at her. "Are you a vampire, Zero Kiryuu? I did not bite you just then...so it could not have been me..." before she could say anything else, Yuuki appeared. Sara's eyes eventually went back to their midnight blue.

"Miss Awayuki..are you all right," Yuuki took out a handkerchief and gave it to her. "It's to wipe your face," Yuuki said, "You've got dried blood all around your face and on your neck," to clarify, she made a circular motion around her own face. Sara nodded silently and wiped the blood away. "Let's get you back to school and get you into a uniform." Yuuki gently guided and coaxed the frightened young vampire back to the school building.

Once Sara was given her uniform, she was taken to the Moon Dorm: the home of the Night Class. Sara felt apprehensive about going in. Yuuki guided her in, telling her not to worry. Zero walk in behind them, making sure Sara didn't run away. Sara had remained silent for most of the time, only saying please and thank you when necessary. Kaname sensed her presence and walked out to meet them.

"Ah, I was wondering about you," Kaname said. Sara felt intimidated by his presence, very different from before. She was taken into his room. Sara stood before his desk, "Sara, you are now a student of the Cross Academy Night Class. I want you to know that you are welcome here and that you will be protected at all times," He gestured to door and two young men walked through the door. "This is Takuma Ichijo, whom you met in the car, and that is Hanabusa Aidou. They will be your body guards for the rest of your time here. I'm sure they will pander to your every need," Kaname said. Sara turned her head to see them and then turned back to Kaname.

"I'm sure they will," Sara whispered.

"Now, there is a of rule that you must adhere to: you cannot drink humans and you must stay away from them at all times. Is that clear?"

She looked him straight in the eye. "Crystal."

"I also have news on a delicate matter." Kaname seemed hesitant to say what it was. Sara watched him closely before frowning.

"Just spit it out, Dorm President Kuran; I am in no mood to stand about," Sara said coldly. Kaname appeared to be unaffected and carried on.

"I will ask that Yuuki and Zero to leave the room and stand guard. Ichijo and Aidou you go too."

Every one who was told to leave, went and Kaname turned back to Sara, who was patiently waiting for Kaname to continue. "Now, when you were attacked, you're parents, Lord and Lady Awayuki were also attacked."

Sara nodded and looked up to meet his gaze. "Yes, but I already know that. When can I go to them?" she said, with only a hint of exasperation. Kaname sighed.

"You can't. Your parents...while in their study...were ambushed...by the people who tried to kill you. Unfortunately, they didn't survive," Kaname said gravely. Sara looked up at him, her eyes wide. She looked down at her feet, desperate to hold back tears.

"Oh..." she said with little emotion in her voice. "It will have been...my...ex-iancé. Hours before the attack...my engagement was broken off. Let's just say...it was broken off for details I would rather not discuss," Sara said again, with hardly any emotion.

"Forgive me, Sara, but it would be better if you did," Kaname said. Sara looked back up at him. She nodded gravely.

"My fiancé is a murderer. He has murdered a human family and lots of other lesser vampires..."

"Can you specify," Kaname asked.

"A couple of Level Bs, a few Level Cs, lots of Level Ds and now, two purebloods: my parents."

Sara sniffed and tears began to fall down her cheeks. Kaname sighed and walked over to the weeping girl. He wrapped his arms around Sara. She sniffed and buried her head into his silk shirt. Kaname rubbed her back and sighed, "I'm sorry, Sara, I don't know what to say," Sara pulled back a little. Kaname noticed that Sara had suddenly a deathly pale as the colour drained from her cheeks and felt faint with shock and grief. She began to fall when Kaname caught her limp body before she touched the ground. He walked over to the door and slowly opened it.

"Take her to her room, Ichijo. Guard her with your life and see to her every need." Kaname said with an emotion that Takuma couldn't read. Takuma nodded and lifted Sara's limp body up and took her from the room. Yuuki, Zero and Aidou looked up and their eyes widened.

"What happened," Yuuki asked. Takuma sighed.

"She fainted."

"Yes, we can see that, but why," Aidou asked. Takuma didn't answer for a moment.

"Stress...it must be the stress of everything that has gone on," Takuma clarified.

Yuuki gave her a sympathetic look but Zero just continued to glare.

"Come on, Aidou, let's go. Yuuki, Kiryuu, you should both leave. It's not safe. We'll see you soon," Takuma smiled and he turned around with Aidou in tow. Yuuki and Zero made their way out, eager to leave.

As Takuma and Aidou walked towards the room that had been prepared for Sara, Takuma turned his gazed the unconscious pureblood, "I thought that she looked a little pale," Takuma mused. She appeared so fragile and helpless.

Once Takuma and Aidou had made it to Sara's beautifully prepared suite, they went to the bedroom part and laid her on the bed.

"She looks so innocent, doesn't she?" Takuma said, clearing a pure white strand of hair from her face.

Aidou nodded. "Yes, she's been through so much. We can only hope everything calms down."

"Come on," Takuma said, "Let's go."

Aidou looked affronted. "No, we have to guard her! One of us stays here and one of us at her door. Is that okay?" he whispered.

Takuma nodded. "Fine, I'll stay in her living room and you can stand outside. Go on." Takuma gave him a nudge and Aidou gave him a glare, before walking out to his post. Takuma smiled and walked to his post, knowing that Sara would be safe.