Hey guys! Sorry for the really late update. I started working on it, went to bed, and the next day, my computer had to update. But, it is here now. I hope you guys all like it. Now, this chapter is a tiny bit confusing, but I wanted it to be that way. It will all be explained in the author's note at the bottom. Also in that note will be what the future of this story will be. So make sure to read it. No shout-outs this chapter. Without further to do, here is the chapter!

Stoick sighed, saying a prayer to the gods, as he finished putting his saddle on Thornado. Today was the day that he and the Dragon Riders would be flying to Outcast Island to rescue Hiccup. Stoick had been tossing and turning all night. All he could think about was all of the horrible things that Hiccup could have been going through while Stoick was safe and sound at home.

He turned around when he heard the footsteps of the teens walking into the arena. He said one final silent prayer, begging for the safe deliverance of his son, before he addressed the Riders. "Alright, we don't need to waste anymore time than we have to. The point of us leaving is clear: flying to Outcast Island and saving Hiccup. So, let's go." Stoick normally had a way with words, but his mind was so focused on saving Hiccup that he became flustered.

When he looked at the Riders, he knew they understood what he was going through. They all looked like they had barely slept a wink, but that didn't subtract from their readiness to go save their fearless leader. He nodded at them and they all knew what to do: it was time to mount their dragons. The Riders went to let their dragons out of their cages. After the dragons stretched a bit, the teens were ready to ride. All of the Riders looked at each other one last time, and then, being led by Stoick, they flew out of the arena, towards Outcast Island.


Hiccup felt the pain in his head before he opened his eyes. That was about the only pain he could feel, the rest of his body being numb. He remembered bits and pieces from his last "interview" with Alvin. As he began to remember more, the numbness of his body wore off. He slowly opened his eyes so his head pain wouldn't worsen as he saw the bright lights. However, when he opened his eyes, all he could see was black. That's weird, Hiccup thought, why would Alvin get rid of the lights? He should know that the dark doesn't scare me. Hiccup made sure to make a mental note to talk to Alvin about it the next time he was summoned.

Fortunately for him, that time happened to be now. He could hear he guards coming down the hallway before they even said anything. "Okay, runt, let's see if you'll keep your silence this time." Hiccup began to sit up a bit and felt a new type of pain as his body not so eagerly responded to his sudden movement. He didn't realize how dark it truly was until he heard the door of his cell getting unlocked. He wondered why the guards even bothered with the bag since the hallways were pitch black already. Hiccup could hear them laughing about how slow he was walking, but he tried to ignore it. After all, he was impressed with himself that he could even walk as quickly as he was.

Like they normally did, the guards stopped him when they arrived at Alvin's office. Hiccup couldn't hear Alvin's laugh today, and he could only guess that it was because of how their last session went. The door opened and one of the guards pushed him in. Before they let go of him so he could speak to Alvin, one of them removed the bag from over his head. He was shocked that Alvin was trying the dark tactic in his office as well. He walked in the direction that he knew Alvin was in, making sure to keep up his confidence so Alvin could see that he wasn't shaken. It wasn't until he got to the chair and sat down that Alvin began to talk.

"Listen, Hiccup, I could tell from the last time you were here that you won't easily give up the information that I want. So, I have decided to try a new method."

Hiccup scotched at Alvin as he said that. "I've noticed that, Alvin, and just so you know, it's not working."

Alvin took a minute to respond, and Hiccup could only guess that he had an annoyed look on his face. Hiccup couldn't imagine why Alvin wouldn't think that he would have figured it out; after all, it was fairly obvious what "method" Alvin was trying.

"What do you mean you already know? I haven't done anything yet."

"Don't try this whole innocent routine with me, Alvin, I'm not stupid. After all, you would have to be blind to not notice that you have turned out all of the lights around here. I mean it is so dark that I can't even see you, and you are sitting right in front of me."

"Hiccup," Alvin began, almost sounding cautious, "you're wrong. The lights aren't off, they aren't even dimmed. I had them all lit before you came in."

It was at this moment that Hiccup began to panic. He thought he knew what Alvin was planning to do, but now, he was scared. He began to hyperventilate against his will as realization dawned on him: his injuries were worse than he originally believed. Alvin wasn't trying to get him on edge, he didn't even know that this had happened. His head injury was what did this. When his head hit the wall, it must have severed some sort of connection his eyes had with his brain. Hiccup was now blind.

Alvin, seeing the state of shock Hiccup was in, decided to use it for his advantage. He thought that if asking him now wouldn't catch Hiccup off guard, he didn't know what would. "How do you train dragons, Hiccup? Tell me now and I will let you go."

Much to Alvin's disappointment, Hiccup couldn't even really hear what he was being asked. Alvin had truly had it at this point. If he wouldn't have been so caught up in all of his anger towards Hiccup, he might have heard the sounds of battle coming from not so far away.


Unlike the last time they had to save Hiccup from Outcast Island, Johann wasn't there to smuggle them in. But, chances are, the Outcasts wouldn't be fooled by the same trick twice. However, fortunately for them, the Outcasts weren't expecting the Dragon Riders to show up. It kind of confused the Riders as they landed with no issues from the inhabitants of the island. As they walked around, they couldn't find any trace of the Outcasts. However, as they neared the arena, they began to hear voices.

"Wonder what's going on down there." The Outcasts seemed to be as confused as they were. The Riders decided that they should take advantage of the situation. Stoick and Astrid nodded at each other as they walked behind the two guards who were facing the door. The two of them hit the guards on the head with the flat side of their axes.

When the guards crumpled to the ground, Astrid motioned the others forward.

"We have no idea what we could be met with down there. You guys have to be ready for anything. Do you understand?" Astrid looked at the Riders after saying this. They all met her eyes with a silent form of understanding.


When they got down the staircase, they were met with Outcast soldiers within a few steps. Fortunately, the Riders had the clear numerical advantage, but the soldiers still put up a good fight. All of the Riders had resolved individually that they would fight until they got to Hiccup. They were hopeful that this would work like normal and they would meet up with Hiccup as he made his escape on his own. However, none of them knew that this time was not like the other occasions.

They kept working their way to where they assumed Hiccup was. They guessed they were right because as they kept going in that direction, more Outcasts kept joining the fight. Astrid had lost count of how many Outcasts she had fought until she looked around the room when everyone had stilled. There were dozens of Outcasts lying unconscious on the floor.

In the silence, they could hear what sounded like yells and screams. The Riders recognized the voice that was yelling and ran in the direction of Alvin.

Hang in there Hiccup, we're coming, Astrid thought.


Nothing could have prepared the Riders for what they saw when they reached their destination. They never imagined that Alvin would be beating Hiccup repeatedly yelling at him, asking how to train dragons. What really shocked them was that Hiccup's face looked like he was in an entirely different world. None of them could begin to comprehend how Hiccup was zoned out in the middle of this. Unless he was really hurt, or worse.

When Alvin realized he was no longer alone, he snarled at the Riders and dropped Hiccup on the ground. The Riders learned that he wasn't unconscious when he curled into a fetal position. Alvin changed his stance to one that was prepared for a fight.

No one could stop Stoick from going up to Alvin and decking him across the face. Just like no one could stop Astrid from running over to Hiccup. She didn't know what to check, but when she could hear the soft sobs, she knew he was breathing.

Alvin and Stoick continued their fight, Stoick clearly winning. After all, he was fighting for someone besides himself. Alvin got in a few good hits, but Stoick was the one who knocked Alvin to the ground. Stoick punched Alvin in the face, hard, while saying: "You are a coward, hurting my son. You will never again lay a hand on him!" Stoick would have continued this fight, almost to the point of Alvin's death, had it not been for Astrid.

"Stoick," she began, "we need to get Hiccup to Gothi. I don't know how much longer he will last without her."

Stoick looked at his son, really looked at him for the first time since he entered the room, and he realized that Astrid was right. The back of Hiccup's shirt was in tatters. He could see the wounds just beginning to scab over. What he could see of his son's head had an ugly bump on it.

Stoick turned back to Alvin and said: "You got lucky this time." With that, Stoick hit him one more time and went over to his son.

Stoick wanted to pick up Hiccup, but he didn't know where would be okay to hold him at. So, he gave his best guess. Hiccup flinched as soon as he felt Stoick's touch. Stoick didn't set him back down, knowing that the same thing would probably happen the next time he tried to pick him up. Stoick looked down at Hiccup and could see the tears going down his cheeks. Not being able to speak, Stoick looked at the Riders and they understood what he was saying to them. The Riders instinctually formed a protective border around the two Haddocks and they began to get out of the prison and head towards their dragons. All any of them could think about was Hiccup and if he would be okay.

Okay, so it was only a night that Hiccup was captured, but with his unconscious moments and not seeing daylight, he thought it had been days.

Now, believe it or not, this is the end of the story. What I want to do with it is create a separate one-shot series that is a sequel to this story. It will be partially request based. I have a few ideas that will be in it, whether it is requested or not. Also, if anything is requested that does not fit the direction I want the story to go in, I won't include it.

So, thanks for reading, I hope you liked it, and please leave requests in the reviews!