Chapter 2 - For Old Time's Sake

Piston Peak National Park was just as beautiful as Dusty remembered, and he didn't hesitate to take in the calming sights as he flew over the vast forest. But unlike last time, he couldn't bring himself to fly over Murray the train, or even fly through the large hole in a respectfully large tree; something within his guilty conscious prevented him from doing so.

Soon enough, the Grand Fusel Lodge came into view and Dusty carefully landed, heading inside and exhaled in relief when he felt the cool air-conditioning. He then made his way to the counter and the hotel concierge gave him the key to his room, but Dusty was stopped by one important staff member before he could continue on.

"Hello there, Dusty! What brings you here?" Ol' Jammer, the lodge's manager, asked in surprise.

"I just needed a breather from work, a little vacation from little old Propwash," Dusty kindly replied.

"Well, it's good to see you again, and it's an honor to have a hero as a guest here."

Dusty had just passed by the old car when he said that, but he stopped at the last part; he closed his eyes and sighed in sorrow, recalling a grimly ironic memory. Luckily, they were both spared an awkward silence when Ol' Jammer went on to welcome another guest, to which Dusty quickly made his way to the café.

He knew if anything could calm his nerves, it's a cup of coffee.

Surprisingly, not a single fire had sprouted within the entire park, not that the staff of Piston Peak Air Attack wanted to complain; it was such a clear and nice day that even Blade admitted to wanting to relax for a bit.

But Blade's definition of relaxing was different from his employees', as all he wanted to do was sit alone in his hangar while listening to the radio for any emergencies. Having grown close to him after all these years, the rest of the employees of PPAA were smart enough to know the real reason behind Blade's desire to be alone.

It was anniversary of Nick Lopez's death, and Blade always spent the day being more reclusive and silent than any other day of the year. The others learned to respect his wishes, but after half a day of literally nothing happening, they all decided it might be best to give him a little nudge.

"So, Blade, such a nice day we're havin', huh?" Dipper began nonchalantly, as she was the one to volunteer to lure Blade out of his hangar.

"What do you want, Dipper?" Blade simply asked.

"What do you mean, what do I want? I just wanted to check on my favorite chief," the female firefighter quickly denied.

"I'm your only chief. That aside, I know you and the others want me to get out more instead of sulking over Nick's death. Right?"

As Blade gave her a deadpanned look, Dipper was bewildered, Damnit, how did he know that?

But Dipper was quick to clear her throat, "Alright, ya got us."

Blade quirked a brow, "And are you going to stop?"

"I don't think so."

"Fine. I'll visit the Fusel Lodge for a quick latte, but then I'm coming straight back."

But as Blade left his hangar and took off, he failed to notice the knowing smirk on Dipper's face, "Not if there's someone there ta keep you distracted."

Meanwhile, it didn't take Blade long to get to the Grand Fusel Lodge, a three minute flight at the most. When he arrived, he casually rolled in and wasn't surprised at all by the fairly amount of guests already staying there.

He didn't hesitate to make his way to the café, and he ordered a caramel latte with extra cream. Little did the black and red helicopter know that an old friend was visiting for very similar reasons.

"Well, if it isn't the huffy helicopter himself," a familiar voice came from Blade right, and he looked over in surprise to find the S.E.A.T. he head trained a couple years back.

"Nice to see you, too, Farm Boy," Blade greeted sarcastically, just as his drink was brought over. After paying, he took a sip and savored the creamy taste.

Dusty quirked a brow in curiosity at the choice of his drink, "I didn't take you for a creamy guy."

"And I didn't think you took it black, so I guess we both learned something new."

"Guess so."

"What're you doing out here, anyway, Crophopper?"

"My friends thought I needed a vacation," Dusty replied grimly before taking a sip of his coffee.

"That sounds familiar," Blade muttered under his breath, "Well, for whatever other reasons you have for being here, don't let me stand in your way."

Dusty couldn't help but ponder deeply about Blade's words, but decided not to further delve into it. The two sat in silence while continuing to drink, and this went on for a few moments. None of them seemed to want to get involved in the other's world for all they cared.

"Well, stick an apple in my mouth, and call my a roast! Blade Ranger, is that you?" The said helicopter turned when he heard his name, and even Dusty turned in intrigue at the heavy and gruff Southern accent.

Standing there was a navy blue Sikorsky UH-60 Black Hawk with brown eyes, and he smiled brightly at Blade.

"Gary?" Blade finally spoke when he began to recognize the helicopter.

"I take it you two know each other," Dusty stated matter-of-factly.

"Yeah, Blade and I were both chosen to cast as the main character from Chops. But Blade here was clearly more cut out for than me. We're ya?" Gary happily pointed explained, "By the way, who's your friend, Blade?"

"Gary, this is Dusty Crophopper, a S.E.A.T that I trained a couple years ago. Dusty, this is Gary Igniter, an old friend of mine," Blade pointed out.

"Nice to meet you," Gary said with a friendly nod.

"Likewise. And to get off the introduction train, but I better get to my room," Dusty informed with painfully obvious fake sympathy, as he finished his drink and threw it away before disappearing down a hall.

"He seems nice," Gary began, "Anyway, back ta you, Old Buddy. I heard you were a firefighter, but I didn't think you'd be an actual firefighter!"

"I'm just full of surprises."

"You bet. And I hate ta be the bearer of bad news, but like Dusty, I've got stuff ta get to as well. I'll see you 'round, Blade!"

With that, Gary rolled out of the lodge and took off to do Ford knows what, and Blade chuckled at the rather peaceful thought of seeing two old friends in one afternoon.

Meanwhile, Dusty soon found his room on the third floor, complete with its own spacious patio, queen-sized bed, flat-screen TV and mini fridge. He figured if he was going to stay here for a whole week, he might as well enjoy the luxuries given to him; it was even better that his friends paid half of what he'll owe the lodge.

Dusty also thought he shouldn't have to be alone while he was here.

The last thing everyone at Piston Peak Air Attack expected was not only Blade returning so soon, but that he also came back with Dusty Crophopper. Of course, Dipper was thrilled to see her favorite racer again, but she was still disappointed that Gary didn't keep Blade busy like she planned; she wouldn't have called him for any other reason, especially since Gary also knows about the tragic death of Nick and feels sorry for Blade, too.

"Dusty, what're you doing here—w-what're you both doing here?! Blade, you're supposed to be spending time at the lodge!" Dipper whined as she quickly approached her boss and former crop duster.

"I got bored," Blade simply stated.

"I didn't want to look like a hermit," Dusty added flatly.

"Well, look who's still kickin'! How's that engine been treatin' you? Good, I hope?" Maru rambled on boastfully.

"Better than good. And I guess that's another reason why I came up here. If it weren't for you, I wouldn't be here, so thank you," Dusty explained with utmost sincerity.

"No need to. Knowing that you're happy is payment enough fer me."


"Hell no! I want at least a hundred bucks for savin' yer ass!"

That got a good laugh out of everyone, but Maru continued to glare and hold out a fork at Dusty demandingly.

"I'll be sure to pay you before I leave," Dusty reassured.

The lighthearted moment was suddenly shattered when the alarm went off, and Patch was announcing the size and location of a large fire soon after.

"Now that's what I've been waitin' for!" Blade exclaimed in excitement as his blades whirled, "Whaddya say, Crophopper? You up for some firefighting for old time's sake?"

"I've got nothin' better to do! Count me in!" Dusty shouted back, revving his engine and racing down the runway to take off. Finally, something that they could both enjoy and take their minds off of the ones they've lost.

Well, Dusty has finally reunited with his friends at Piston Peak, but that's not the only past that's been dug up.

Until the next chapter, I'm TRikiD, bye-bye!