Kagome winds up facing the two brothers prepared for battle and yells out to Inuyasha

"Inuyasha don't!!"

Sesshomaru with a snicker says "Well.. look whos decided to show up." "Time to die wench."

::Sesshomaru quickly with no error attacks Kagome with his posion claws hitting her in the stomach::

*~*Kagome screams and falls to the ground*~*

"YOU BASTARD!!" Inuyasha yells at Sesshomaru with a fierce anger.

::Inuyasha swiftly uses the Kaze No Kizu attack on Sesshomaru, with this anger he hits right away and Sesshomaru dissapears. Is he dead? Or is he just hiding::

"Bas..tard" Inuyasha says as he runs over to Kagome.

"Kagome Kagome?!?" He asks as he picks her up in his arms.

"In..uyashaa" Kagome responds.

"Hold on Kagome! I'll get you to the village" Inuyasha tells her as he starts to race off to the



"Inuyasha!" Kaede yells frantically as he sees Kagome in his arms

"..I..nu..y..a..sha" Kagome says weakly

"..I'm so....sor..r..y"

"Kagome! Don't speak, save your strength" Inuyasha tells her.

"Kaede save her!" Inuyasha commands with a sound of panic in his voice.

"Alright ! Don't worry let me go get medicine" Kaede responds

"I..nuyasha.. I'm ..col..d" Kagome tells him.

--Drops of Kagome's blood drop to the ground--

*~*~* Inuyasha takes off his robe and wraps it over Kagome *~*~*

"Does this help..?" Inuyasha asks.

~*~*~*~Kagome sniffs the robe and says*~*~*~*

"Your..sce..nt I'l..l ..ne..ve..r forget" Kagome says.

"Kagome! Stop it ! Stop sounding like your going to die!" Inuyasha yells as his face slumps down and a tear falls down from his face.

"Inu..ya..s.ha.. I love you.." Kagome whispers.

~*~*Inuyasha gasps and says*~* "I love you too.. thats why you can't leave me!!"

"Inuyasha I bare the last of my strength to tell you this..Please..take me home.. so I can say goodbye to my family.." Kagome asks

"Not untill your better..!" He responds.

"Inuyasha.. that time.. may ne..ver come.." Kagome says with a sadder tone in her voice.

"Don..t be sad for me.. I wouldn't want that" Kagome says to Inuyasha with a smile.

"Kagome.. don't leave me please!" Inuyasha begs.

*~*~Kagome grabs Inuyasha with the last of her strength and kisses him*~*

"Good..bye Inuyasha.." Kagome grabs on to his arm and says one final sentence. "Do...nt..f..org..et...me.."

Kagome's grip losens and her body slumps down in Inuyasha's arms*~*~


~*~ The scream is heard through out all the village and the next *~*~

Kaede races back to see a destroyed Inuyasha standing at the top of the hill facing the village,

holding motionless Kagome in his arms.

"Oh no.. I'm too late" Kaede says.

~*Inuyasha doesn't reply and just stands there holding Kagome in his arms*~*

"Ka...g...om..e..!" Inuyasha whispers. "Come back.. Kagome... come..back!!" He yells as tears flow from his eyes.


Well, AFTER A LONG BREAK. I've finished this story.

There might be a 2nd story to this, depends on what you people want ^_^
