This story is meant for maturer readers.
If your under the age of 12 I'd advice you not to read this Inuyasha fanfic.

In this story Kagome gets raped, *oh what a story line* by... Sesshomaru! This changes Kagome's life forever; Will she tell Inuyasha
or will she just stay away from the fedual time? If Inuyasha does find out what does he do to his brother? What can he do?
........Will Kagome ever trust another male? who knows!
Kagome walks back to her home from school, she thinks about the shards and inuyasha. "Oh boy.. another day with Inuyasha" She said dreamily.
When she gets home no one is home, not even her little brother. Kagome walks up to her room and sees Sesshomaru.
"SESSHOMARU!" Kagome yelled "What are you doing here?!?" She asks.
Sesshomaru snickers. "Im coming to do the one thing that will destroy my "little" brother" Sesshomaru responds.
"If you scream I'll kill you and if you dont... well you'll be alive" He also tells her.

"....what are you going to m...e........" Kagome asks frightened by him.

Sesshomaru laughs. ...."Sit on your bed, I rather not hurt you .." he says "yet..." he whispers.
Kagome does that and looks at him frightenedly. Sesshomaru takes off his armor and kimoto.(Hiss secretly if Kagome wasnt gonna be raped this scene would be droool fluffy;D)
"..." Kagome's expression goes. "Inuyasha's going to kill you ya know" Kagome tells him. "If he finds out.. but I'll kill you and your entire family if you tell him" Sesshomaru responds with
a snicker. Kagome's expression intensifys with horror. "Alright...... I wont tell him....." Kagome responds
"Good girl" He says. Sesshomaru quickly tears Kagome's clothes with his claws some of his attacks stratches Kagome and makes her bleed a bit.
The innocent girl sits on her bed frightened. Sesshomaru grabs a cloth he sees on her desk and walks around the bed and ties Kagome's hands
together; Then he leans down and starts kissing her pushing her body to lay on the bed. Kagome stays silent.
Sesshomaru rubs her body all over kissing her too, then he forces himself into Kagome.. unf~
30 mintues later Sesshomaru is done. He puts back his clothes on looks at Kagome. "Ymm.." He punches her in the stomach "Remember, I'll kill your family if you tell Inuyasha" Sesshomaru
tells her. Then he walks back to the bone eaters well.

Inuyasha snifs the air for any smell of Kagome.
"No Kagome yet .... whats taking her so long to get here?!" Inuyasha yells.

"Chill Inuyasha" Sango tells him.

"Shut up and leave me alone wench" Inuyasha tells her.

"...... Inuyasha" Miroku says.

Kagome lays on her bed in shock of what happened. A few hours later everyone comes home, Kagome's mother walks up to her room and
knocks on the door, "Kagome, sweetie are you home?" she says. The knock of the door makes Kagome snap.
"Yes mom, Dont come in ...I'm not dressed I just took a shower" Kagome responds. "Ok" Her mom says as she walks away.

"......I cant stay here...." Kagome whispers as she gets off her bed. Kagome gets dressed and walks out of her bedroom.
"Mom, I'll be back later." Kagome yells as she runs out of the main shrine house to the bone eaters well.

She jumps into the well passing into the fedual time.

"Ah, there's Kagome" Inuyasha states..

Kagome climbs out of the well, heading to the village.

When she arrives Inuyasha is standing there waiting for her. "Kagome what took you so long were supposed to be looking for jewel shards
you know" He tells her.

"....Im sorry" Kagome responds.

Inuyasha snifs the air again then looks at Kagome.
"Kagome, you ok?" He asks

"...........Yeah" She responds.

"Then how come I smell your blood" Inuyasha states.

"....." " I forgot you could smell things like that.... its nothing" Kagome responds.

"NO, If I smell that much blood on you somethings up tell me now" Inuyasha commands.

"...I cant" Kagome responds as she takes a step back.

"...." Inuyasha's expression is as he grabs Kagome's wrist

Kagome shrieks and moves her wrist from Inuyasha's grip.

"Huh....?" Inuyasha asks "Were not gonna get back to the others if you dont let me carry you" Inuyasha tells her.

Inuyasha looks at Kagome worriedly but not letting her know that.

"...Im sorry okay" Kagome replys.

Kagome hops onto Inuyasha's back and shudders slightly at touching him.
"What am I doing here....... and specially with inuyasha...." She says in her mind.

Inuyasha leaps back to the spot where Miroku, Sango, and Shippo were at.
He puts Kagome down carefully and then walks to Sango.
"Talk to Kagome for me, she might talk to you you being a girl and everything" He whispers to her.
She nods.
"Hi Kagome" Miroku and Shippo states.

Kagome waves at them.

"Hey Kagome, can we talk girl to girl?" Sango asks her. She nods.

The 2 black haired girls walk to a spot where no one can hear them.

"Whats up with Kagome?" Miroku asks. "I dont know.... I asked Sango to talk to her" Inuyasha replys.

"Kagome, whats wrong I can tell your distraught" Sango asks.

"If I tell you ....promise me you will not tell Inuyasha?" She responds.

Sango nods.

".... A few... h..ours... ago.. I I... was..." Kagome studders

"You were..?" Sango asks.

"I was.. raped" Kagome says as she starts crying

Inuyasha pecks his ear up as he hears Kagome's crys.

".....oh my god" Sango said. "By who?" She asks.

".....S...ess...o..hmaru...." Kagome responds.

Sango hugs Kagome slightly. "It will be okay.." She tells her
"..." Kagome's expression went.

Kagome wipes her tears away and tells Sango "Lets go back now."

Sango nods.

"There you two are" Miroku says as the 2 black haired girls walk back.

Kagome nods.

"Kagome.. I think you should tell them" Sango tells her

"...Okay" She sighs slightly.

"Miroku, Shippo I rather for you not to know yet... This is more of a matter of me and Inuyasha" Kagome tells them.
She cauiously grabs Inuyasha's wrist and pulls him to a private place.

"Inuyasha..." Kagome sadly says.

Inuyasha gives her a look of confusion and worry.

"...Se..sshomaru... he... found a way to pass through the bone eaters well.... .......when I got home from school today ......he....
..he.. was there........ in my room.... and he..... he ......" Kagome starts crying as she tells him this.

"He.. raped me.." Kagome finishes saying ... as she cries harder then she ever has done in her life.

".....That horrible bastard. SESSHOMARU WILL PAY" Inuyasha screams.

"You know how I say I like taking baths?" Kagome asks him
"...I'll never be able to get this dirt off of me. ........... I hate myself .....I feel so dirty." Kagome keeps saying..

The hanyou hugs the sad girl lightly knowing the fear of any male right now.

"Inuyasha.. ... dont do anything to sesshomaru.... He'll kill me and my family if he knew I told you.." Kagome tells him.

"....Kagome, Your going to be staying here for a while I'll block the well so sesshomaru cant hurt your family" Inuyasha reassures her as he says this.
"Inuyasha...." Kagome says as she faints into the hanyou's arms.

"KAGOME?!" Inuyasha says worriedly "KAGOME WAKE UP!!" He commands.

Tears from the girl fall down as Inuyasha trys to wake her up.
-End of chapter one-