AN: Surprise! Yes, I have finally finished this story. Thank you to everyone who has read this little story so far, you are all appreciated. All mistakes are my own :)

Characters belong to JKR and I made no money from this little endeavour.

The heavy summer rain bouncing off the bedroom window was oddly comforting as Hermione lay, ensconced in her bed, staring blankly at the ceiling. She had called in sick from work again and had no inclination whatsoever to venture out in to the world, not for a few days at least.

How had it all gone so wrong? How had she allowed it to happen in the first place? These were just two of the questions that had been racing through her mind since he had stormed out of her flat in a rage. What did he have to be so angry about? There would be others, he wouldn't be alone for long, she was certain of that. Hermione sighed, but the very thought of Severus with someone else felt like a lead weight sitting on her stomach - it was much too soon.

Perhaps she wasn't as intelligent as she had once thought; hadn't Ginny warned her to be careful, and yet she had thrown caution to the wind, pretending to herself that it would be okay. Hermione rolled over and pulled the duvet up and over her bare shoulder. How had she allowed him to bowl her over with his need; to give in to him so easily? She remembered at the beginning of their recent acquaintance how she had rattled off the names of other women he had probably thrown away in the same manner, before joining the club as just other one of Severus Snape's cast offs. Did they feel the same sense of loss too?

Hermione closed her eyes; she wouldn't die from not having him, life would go on… it should go on, well, in a few days once she gathered herself together, stopped moping around and feeling sorry for herself. It had been sex – physical - it wasn't as if they had feelings for each other.


"Would you like a cup of tea?" Hermione walked over to the kettle in anticipation of a positive reply.

"Yes, please." Ginny sat down at the little round table in the corner of Hermione's kitchen. "These are nice flowers," she commented, pointing to the vase in the middle of the table brimming with purple, pink and yellow blooms.

Hermione flicked the kettle on. "My parents sent them this morning, I told them I wasn't well enough for our Saturday brunch, that I just needed a bit of space."

"That's understandable," Ginny nodded and glanced across the kitchen.

"Don't feel sorry for me, Gin, I got myself into this mess," Hermione cautioned after she received what she felt sure to be a most pitying look from her childhood friend.

Ginny traced the abstract pattern on the table cloth with her fingertip, seemingly considering her reply carefully. "I know, but I don't like seeing you hurt, either. You deserve better."

Hermione plopped a teabag in to each mug and collected the milk from the fridge. "I would offer you a biscuit, but I don't have any left."

"I'm not here for the biscuits, Hermione, I'm here so you can talk… to offer some moral support."

"You won't say 'I told you so,' will you?"

Ginny smiled. "I promise. Now, pour that kettle, come and sit down and get things off your chest."

No sooner had Ginny given her instructions, the kettle clicked off; Hermione quickly made the tea, before doing as she was told and taking her seat at the table.

"Thanks, this looks perfect," said Ginny, stirring her tea before setting the teaspoon down on her coaster. "Now, start from the beginning."

Hermione told Ginny everything, from his second visit, the note that he'd left, to their argument several days ago. "The strange thing about all this is that I'm not sure I'm even that angry with him anymore, just bitterly disappointed in myself for allowing it to happen."

"I have to say, I'm really surprised you're so down on yourself about it, Hermione. He's the one that kept seeking you out, it isn't as if you begged him to come over."

Hermione grimaced. "But I wanted him to, Gin. When I opened the door to find him on the other side, I was ecstatic. Urgh, I was so malleable."

Ginny sighed. "Well, you know what you could always do, if it matters that much…"


"Go and talk to him."

Hermione laughed. "No, I can't. Call me proud, but I won't go to him. I'm not giving him the satisfaction of throwing me over twice!"

"Are you sure? You're not even a little curious?"

Hermione shook her head. "Anyway, I don't even know if I want a relationship with him; the sex was amazing, don't get me wrong, but being together… cooking his dinner, picking up his dirty socks…"

It was Ginny's turn to laugh. "I think you've jumped about fifty steps into the future. Just because you're interested in the seeing what happens doesn't mean you have some sort of long-term future with him! He might be in the most boring man on the planet for all you know… plus, the very idea of you picking up his dirty socks is pretty hilarious, Hermione."

Hermione gifted her friend with a look of frustration. "That's not what I meant, what I mean is can you imagine him settling down? Cooking a fry up on a Saturday morning, reading the newspaper in bed, or going to the pub quiz on a Friday night?"

Ginny took a deep breath and sighed, appearing to consider the question seriously while glancing out the little kitchen window. "Actually, considering some of the things you've told me about him, I can," she replied with a sigh. You need to think about whether or not you want to take a risk and find out."

There was a pregnant pause before Hermione spoke again. "To be honest I don't know how to feel about it all. For all know he actually is the total bastard who taught double potions on a Thursday afternoon.

Hermione rested her chin in both hands and rubbed her tired eyes with her fingertips. How was it that Ginny saw these things in him when she knew about as much about him as Hermione did, probably even less. Hermione tried to imagine Severus coming home on a Friday night with a bag of fish and chips before sitting down on the sofa and watching some terrible police drama together on ITV.

"Totally changing the subject." Ginny tapped the table with her hand excitedly, breaking Hermione's line of thought. "Ron's moving to Germany; the Heidelberg Harriers have offered him a two-year contract and he is guaranteed to start!"

"Oh, my goodness," Hermione cried, her troubles with Severus momentarily forgotten. "I'm so excited for him. When did this happen? When does he go?"

"He's not going for another few weeks, the transfer was only finalised yesterday, so don't tell anyone yet."

"My lips are sealed."


Hermione had given much thought in the weeks following her chat with Ginny and had decided, after much soul searching, that she would let Severus go and put it all down to experience. She worked at putting him behind her by keeping busy: meeting Harry and Ron for lunch, Sunday roast with her parents and even a trip up to Hogwarts to see Neville and his increasingly established formatogoria plant.

On a drizzly July morning Hermione walked through the Ministry, caught a lift and arrived at her desk.

"I left you a present, I thought you might be interested." Quinten announced, a trifle too smugly in her opinion.

Sitting down in her chair she immediately noticed the morning edition of the Daily Prophet with Severus Snape's face plastered across the front, under the headline:

Snape solves it! A cure at last!

After skim reading the article it appeared that St Mungo's were about to carry out trials of the Spattergroit remedy that Severus had been rumoured to have been researching. Hermione was relieved to find that she was happy for him; such a discovery, should it prove successful, would be certain to push his past firmly into the background, once and for all.

"Well, let's hope the trials go well." Hermione folded the newspaper and placed in it her out-tray. "Have you finished with the Genoa file yet? I want to get a head start this morning."


The next day Hermione had received a note from Ron, inviting her to the Iron Duke on Friday evening for drink as a little celebration of his up and coming move. The two friends exchanged a flurry of letters over the following days as they reminisced about their time at Hogwarts and talked of Ron's hopes for his move to Germany. It was wonderful to see Ron excited again after the many disappointments so far in his career; he had known a career in quidditch was always going to be a risk, but finally an opportunity had presented itself!


Hermione shook out her umbrella, sending droplets of water onto the flagstone floor of the historic London public house. She scanned the room for her friends; Ron, Harry and Ginny were already seated at a table at the far end of the room. Wasting no time, she made for Ron and embraced him affectionately.

"I am so happy for you, you're going to do so well, I can feel it in my bones." Hermione enthused.

Ron beamed a smile back in return. "Thanks, Hermione. I know quidditch isn't really your thing, but I appreciate your support."

"Of course, I'll support you, Ron, you're one of my best friends!"

Hermione pulled out the chair next to Ron and sat down. "So, are you all packed yet? When is your first game and can I have a ticket?"

Immediately Ron's face lit up with excitement. "I won't get to play for a couple of weeks because of the summer break, but I'll be training with the team and get to know my teammates."

"And have you learnt any German yet?" Hermione asked, knowing full well that something so practical would have been furthest from his mind.

As expected, Ron laughed. "No! That's what translation spells are for!"

"My brother is so lazy," Ginny remarked with a roll of her eyes.

Keen not to get between the two siblings, Hermione arose from her chair. "Anyone need a drink? I'm going to the bar."

Ron and Harry both nodded.

"Here, I'll come with you," said Ginny, already getting up from her seat.

"Neville and Luna should be here soon," Ginny said as they reached the bar. "I'll get Neville a pint and Luna a glass of red."

"No, my treat, I'll get this round." Hermione insisted. "I haven't seen Luna in ages, how is she?"

Ginny looked over her shoulder before turning back and leaning in towards Hermione's ear. "I am beginning to think she works in the Department of Mysteries," she whispered. "I can't get any sense out of her no matter how much I try and probe."

Hermione grinned. "Well, whatever she is up to, as long as she is enjoying it, that's good enough for me."

Neville arrived to join them just as Hermione and Ginny had returned from their foray to the bar. "I'm sorry I'm late, guys," he apologised as he removed his jacket and threw it over the back of his chair. "Filch found of group of Slytherins trying to break into the Gryffindor common room and it all got a little heated."

"Bloody Slytherins." Ron muttered, rather too loudly for Hermione's liking.

Thankfully Luna's arrival put a stop to any thoughts of a conversation about house rivalry and the group soon settled down at the table, catching up with each other, and taking turns to quiz Ron on the subject of German geography, common phrases and quidditch.

Hermione had been just about to ask Luna about her father's continuing work in publishing when Ginny, who had a perfect view of the pub entrance, leaned over the table to whisper in Hermione's ear.

"Don't turn around," she cautioned. "He's just walked in."

It took a few moments before Hermione realised to whom Ginny had been referring; she shifted in her seat and straightened her posture.

"Who?" Luna asked, glancing towards the door. "Mr Snape?"

"Shhh!" Ginny placed her finger over her mouth. "He might hear you."

"What's wrong with Mr Snape? He's been doing some wonderful things over at St Mungo's, recently." Luna seemed oblivious to Hermione's rigid discomfort. "Is that Barnaby Lee he's with?"

"Who's Barnaby Lee?" Hermione asked.

"He's one of the researchers at the hospital, I believe he's in Mr Snape's team. I expect they're here to celebrate the success of their first Spattergroit trail." Luna sipped her wine. "It went very well from what I have heard, though it is still early days."

Hermione noticed Ginny's gaze move from her face to over her shoulder, presumably to cast a glimpse of Severus and his colleague.

"You should go and ask him about it, Hermione, I am sure it would be very interesting." Luna added.

Hermione let out an involuntary gasp. "I don't think that's wise, not tonight, anyway." She felt herself flush and hoped no one would notice her discomfort.

"Why ever not?"

"Well, for one thing we're supposed to be here for Ron." Hermione replied, thinking on her feet. "And not only that, but I am sure they don't want to be disturbed by work questions when they are out trying to relax."

Hermione noticed that Luna gave her an odd look before acquiescing and moving chairs to talk to Ron about his new German adventure.

Her attempt at indifference had been futile; despite sitting with her back to him, she couldn't help but watch Ginny's expression every time she glanced over Hermione's shoulder at Severus.

"Ginny, I wish you would stop doing that." Hermione whispered across the table.

Ginny frowned, "I can't help it," she admitted, honestly. "I can't believe he hasn't even come over and said hello."

"Goodness sake, Gin, what makes you think he would ever do such a thing?"

"Perhaps the fact that its polite," Ginny replied indignantly.

Hermione rolled her eyes. "Do you go over and say hello to everyone you ever slept with?" she whispered. "Exactly." Hermione nodded at Ginny's incredulous expression. "I'm sure he isn't wasting a moment's thought on why I haven't rushed over to exchanged pleasantries… if he's even noticed I am here at all."

"What are you two gossiping about?" Harry asked, pulling out the empty chair next to Ginny and sat down."

"This and that." Hermione replied, neutrally. "I heard it was your round, actually."

Harry laughed. "I've just sat down."

Hermione waved her empty glass in Harry's direction and smiled. "I got the last one and now my glass is empty."

With good grace Harry took her glass and headed for the bar, much to Hermione's relief. She was much too flustered at Severus' arrival and just needed a few moments to gather herself together.

"He definitely knows you're here, Hermione. I made eye contact with him when he walked in and he definitely looked over in your direction."

Hermione sighed. "Wonderful."

"He's gone to the bar, Harry's said something to him and he looks pretty pissed off about it." Ginny craned her head to get better view. "Harry is laughing, and Snape still looks pretty furious."

"You didn't…"

"Of course not!"

"Snape has gone back to his table, Harry is getting the drinks."

"I don't need a blow by blow of what Severus is doing, Gin."

"You won't want to know that he's just invited two women to his table then." Ginny replied."

Hermione felt her stomach leap into her throat. "What?!"

"There were a couple of women at the next table, so they've pushed the tables together and how they're having a very cosy chat."

"Two glasses of red wine and a pint." Interrupted Harry, setting down the drinks and re-taking the chair next to his wife. "That Snape is still a class one git. Don't get me wrong, I respect him, but the guy has no idea how to be a decent person."

"What did you say to him?" Ginny asked.

"I just asked him if he wanted to join us."

"What?!" For the second time Hermione hadn't been able to halt the exclamation before it passed across her lips.

Harry and Ginny turned to her in unison. Ginny wore a look which Hermione was certain was pity, while Harry appeared to be confused.

"I thought you might like to have a chat with him about his St Mungo's research, I was trying to be nice!"

Hermione reached for her glass and took a larger than necessary sip. "And what did he have to say to that?"

"He told me to piss off." Harry shook his head. "Well, not in those exact words, but you get the idea."

Hermione looked down at the table, trying to hide the hurt she felt from Harry and avoid a further sympathetic look from Ginny. His refusal probably hadn't had anything to do with her, but it was hard to rationalise her thoughts when they were such upheaval. Inwardly she reminded herself that she didn't care what the man did, who he saw or what he said. Their association was in the past and they had both moved on.

"Hey, Hermione, tell Ron how big my formatogoria was when you saw it!" Neville shouted across the table.

Instantly they all erupted in to laughter at the unintentional innuendo as Neville went puce. "Guys, you know what I meant! Tell them, Hermione."

Grateful to have moved on from Severus, Hermione gladly demonstrated the sized of Neville's prized flora, much to his continued embarrassment.

As the evening wore on Hermione relaxed and had kept her covert glances to Severus' table to what she felt has been a reasonable level. Thankfully it appeared that nothing more than conversation was taking place; not that it mattered, he could invite the whole female population over to his table and she wouldn't care one jolt. It was with that determined thought at the forefront of her mind that she headed to the ladies.

"Hermione," Luna called her name as she returned to their table. "I have someone here who would to meet you."

Luna pulled her over to meet her colleague, a friendly, blonde-haired wizard, with piercing blue eyes. "Hermione, this is Julian, Julian, this is my friend, Hermione." No sooner had the introduction exited her mouth Luna had disappeared in Harry and Ginny's direction.

"Well, that was subtle," Hermione muttered.

"That's Luna."

Hermione glanced up and gave him a wry smile.

"I am pleased to meet you," he offered. "Luna speaks fondly of you and I confess I wanted the opportunity to meet you."


Julian grinned, "Well, of course, who doesn't want to meet the famous, Hermione Granger."

"Indeed," she replied, wryly; she detested being called famous. "So, Julian, tell me about yourself."

He was from a little place just outside of Oxford, called Denton and had two younger sisters and an older brother. He had moved to London shortly after leaving school, lived a flat in Islington, had never married, though he had been in a long-term relationship which had ended four months ago. His father was a muggle while his mother was a witch, he was distantly related to Cornelius Fudge, through his mother's father, but they hadn't ever met.

As it turned out, Julian was a rather interesting person; he had been in his seventh year at Hogwarts the year that Hermione was sorted, and while she has been in Gryffindor, he had been in Ravenclaw. Hermione was sure he had told her what he did for a living but every time she tried to recall, she had forgotten. They talked a lot about school though skirted over the subject of the war, thankfully. His favourite subject had been Arithmancy, he'd disliked History of Magic and had, unsurprisingly, loathed Potions.

At the mention of potions, Hermione cast a glimpse at Severus' table once again and noted that he was still in conversation with the two women.

Julian must have followed her gaze. "I dare say he's changed a bit."

"Do you think so?" Hermione asked, curious as to his opinion of their former teacher.

"Well, I hear nothing but good things out of the hospital, though I understand he's making up for lost time, if you know what I mean." Julian placed his empty pint glass on the table. "Who would have thought that old Snape would have an eye for the ladies… or indeed, that they would have an eye for him."

Hermione kept silent.

"Still, I understand he is still rather formidable, on occasion."

She laughed, "That, I can agree with, I've seen him in action." They exchanged a knowing look, which hinted that they had both been on the received in of his wrath in recent years.

"Look, I know this might seem a little forward, as we've just met, but would you care to meet for dinner?" Julian asked.

"A date?" It had been quite a while since she had been on a date.

Julian smiled and nodded, "Yes, a date."

Hermione paused and looked up at Julian. Ever analytical she questioned whether she was attracted to him? She supposed he was attractive in a conventional sort of way and it would probably go some way to getting on with her life. Was it wise to go out with Julian when her mind was – reluctantly – preoccupied?


"I suppose, we could…" Hermione struggled to articulate herself in the wake of her private thoughts. "Yes, if you like."

Julian gave her an amused look. "Goodness, you're hard on a man's self-esteem."

Embarrassed at what she knew at been a reluctant acceptance, Hermione moved to repair the damage. "It isn't anything to do with you, I would like to go out to dinner with you, it's just that I have only recently gotten out of a… thing." Yes, she thought, a thing was about right.

"A thing?"

"It was complicated."

Julian nodded, still appearing amused at her inept explanation.

Hermione passed the remainder of the evening mingling between friends, ensuring that she made Ron promise to send her tickets to his first game, which she was surprised to find she was very much looking forward to attending. It heartened her to see him so excited and rejuvenated by his change in fortune.

Luna and Neville set tongues wagging amongst the group when they left together. "Well, I am not entirely surprised, are you?" Ginny had whispered in her ear. Hermione had nodded whilst considering exactly the opposite. How had she missed a budding romance between two close friends? Before she could consider the question more deeply her bladder called for her attention, yet again. "If we're going to go soon, I'll just pop to the loo."

It was on her way back, walking through the narrow hallway which lead to the bar, that Hermione was accosted. "Hello, Miss Granger," came a lowered voice from over her shoulder as she felt the loose grip of a hand on her elbow.

The slight inflection of his greeting led her to believe there was some doubt in his mind as to whether she would respond. Hermione looked down the fingers laid over the top of her cardigan; she closed her eyes and swallowed, unsure how to reply. What did he want with her now? Of course, the sensible thing to do would be to rip her arm from his grasp and tell him to go where the sun didn't shine, but when she opened her mouth, the words died on her lips. Instead she replied with a weary, "What do you want, Severus?"

"I see you have been meeting with friends this evening."

Hermione spun around to face him, seeing that his face was partially obscured by a shadow. How very like him, she thought, always hiding himself in one way or another. If he thought she was about fall back into his trap and be used again, he had another thing coming. "Yes, and I see you have been doing to same," she replied, firmly.

"Is that so?" he asked, without pause. "Julian Seabrook was a pitifully inept student, Miss Granger. You could do better."

That was all it took for her to unleash her wrath. "Excuse me?" she asked rhetorically. "Who I see and who I speak to has absolutely nothing to do with you, a fact of which I am sure you cannot be ignorant." Hermione advanced upon him as she continued. "How dare you flaunt your conquests in my face while criticising the company I keep. At least Julian has manners and asked me out, instead of following me home and taking want he wants, as if I am some plaything to be picked up, and put down again, at his whim." On a roll, she poked her finger at his button-clad chest, "I recognise that I am partially to blame for letting it happen, but I won't be manipulated again, so you can save your little act for someone else. Goodbye, Severus."

Unburdened and feeling decidedly pleased with herself, Hermione turned and walked purposefully down the hallway, stopping momentarily to take a deep breath and calm her emotions before she re-joined her friends.

She couldn't help it, Hermione kept one eye on the hallway leading to the loos, waiting to see him emerge. Briefly, she considering throwing herself at Julian just to spite him, but thankfully she thought better of it and came to her senses before any harm was done. Hermione Granger was many things, but she wasn't vengeful.

Knowing it was getting late and eager to put some distance between herself and Severus, Hermione grabbed her umbrella and said goodbye to her remaining friends, with an especially heartfelt embrace reserved for Ron.

"Hermione," called Ginny, just as Hermione was about to leave. "Are you okay?"


"You seem a little hurried and I see Snape isn't at his table so, you know, I am putting two and two together and now I am worried about you."

"Everything is fine, Gin, I am just tired and need to head home."

"If you are sure?"

"Hermione smiled, "I am."

Making her way to the apparition point and grateful that it had finally stopped raining, Hermione considered that she really was fine. It would be true to say that Severus's appearance had momentarily startled her; however, being able to tell him the abridged version of how she felt had been liberating. With a renewed spring in her step Hermione put her association with her former teacher firmly in the past, she had finally moved on.


The trouble with any sort of relationship, romantic or otherwise, is that other people are involved and they don't always behave in the manner you anticipate.

"I confess, I was surprised you didn't ask me about my work when last we met." Came an all too familiar voice from over her right shoulder. "You were ever the curious student." He hadn't even tried to disguise his seductive tone.

Hermione momentarily froze and fumbled with her key. What in Merlin's name was he doing standing on the pavement outside of her flat? It had been a little over three weeks since she had been accosted by Severus outside of the loos of the Iron Duke. Three weeks in which she had been repeatedly telling herself that she didn't care about this man, who he saw or what he did. Inviting him into her life those few months ago had definitely been a mistake.

"Can I help you, Severus?" Hermione asked, attempting to sound light and casual. As she turned to face him, she was immediately drawn to the fine indigo coloured lining of his travelling cloak. The vibrancy of colour was stark compared to his usual, black, ensemble.

"It has become apparent to me that we need to talk." He took a few steps towards her but stopped before he reached the bottom step of her porch. "There seems to a misunderstanding between us, which I feel we would do well to resolve."

"A misunderstanding? I think not." she replied evenly, determined not to show any emotion.

Severus took another step in her direction. The motion was nothing other than deliberate and she was certain it had been his intention to meet her at eye level. Hermione was suddenly aware of the fact that she didn't know how to occlude, which in turn made her feel momentarily guilty. To her knowledge he had never used that particular skill on her person.

"Forgive my saying so, but you are mistaken." For all the loaded arrogance in his statement, she noted that he appeared remarkably calm.

There was no arguing with this man, so she turned back to the business of opening the door. Once open she stepped inside and turned to close it; unsurprisingly, he had climbed the small flagstone steps and stood before her, one booted foot in the door, expressionless.

"Perhaps I should have brought a gift?" Severus reached into his cloak and proudly presented her with a twin pack of Jaffa Cakes, rather too smugly for her comfort.

For a moment she thought she might burst out laughing. Was this man so inept with members of the opposite sex that he felt forgiveness could be bought with tea-time treats? What sort of man behaved in this way? It was all rather bizarre, but then she reminded herself that he'd probably not apologised to a single person in his life.

Hermione neither replied nor reached for his offering; he must have recognised her continued reluctance, as he withdrew, removing his foot from the door and taking half a step back.

"Will you not listen to me?" Severus asked. He opened his cloak and slid the box of Jaffa Cakes back inside an interior pocket. "Could we please not have this discussion on your doorstep?"

Desperately hoping she wouldn't come to regret her decision, Hermione stood aside and gestured for him to enter. They didn't exchange words as she followed him up the spiral stairs up to her flat.

"I'll put the kettle on." Hermione said as she unlocked her door and deliberately avoided looking back to see if he had followed her inside. The click of the door followed by the sound of his cloak hitting the back of one of the lounge chairs soon told her that he was present.

Hermione soon made her way to her lounge and found him seated in his usual seat at one end of the sofa. "Just to make you aware, stalking a woman outside of her home and harassing her to gain admittance isn't considered polite or acceptable behaviour," she advised, placing his mug of tea on the coffee table between them. "Not to mention that incident the pub the other week."

Severus glanced up and their eyes locked for a moment before he looked away seemed to slowly recoil back as if begging for the cushions to swallow him up.

"It wasn't my intention to make you feel uncomfortable," he replied after a few moments. "I… apologise."

"Well, are you going to say what you feel I must hear, or not?"

He didn't reply immediately, instead choosing to lift the mug of tea to his lips and take a sip. It was obviously still hot, but he didn't show any signs of discomfort. Instead he took a deep breath and loudly and slowly exhaled through his overly large nostrils. All very dramatic, she thought.

"Before I say anything else which may incriminate me and cast me the villain, I would like you to know that it wasn't ever my intention to hurt you or cause you distress."

The incredulous burst of laughter had left her mouth before she even knew it was about to be released into the room.

Severus, to his credit, appeared unmoved, instead he continued. "I know I have behaved poorly, and I am cognizant that I do not deserve your forgiveness. I know you do not believe it to be true, but I don't have much experience when it comes to this sort of thing."

Hermione took his subsequent pause as an opportunity to respond. "I don't know what sort of 'thing' you seem to think we have, Severus. So far, as I see it, we've had a few nights of pretty great sex and that's about it. You've made no effort to engage with me and quite honestly, after the way you spoke to me the last time you were in my home you should consider yourself very fortunate to be sitting on my sofa at this moment."

Almost as soon as she had stopped speaking, he had set his mug down on its coaster and stood abruptly, stepping around the small table to stand in front of the fireplace.

"That's exactly what I am trying to say," he replied, frustratedly. "I don't know what I am doing! I don't know what this is, but… I haven't ever had what you would call a… relationship."

"What are you trying to tell me? I feel I am missing some vital information – perhaps you should start at the beginning." Hermione knew, she was never going to get a better chance to know the inner workings of this man - she couldn't get this close and fail.

"The beginning," he muttered to himself as he closed his eyes momentarily. "Fine," he took a deep breath. "You seem to be under the impression that I am some sort of lothario who is careless in his relationships and moves from one woman to the next. I will admit to having been interested in some of the women of my acquaintance, but I can't say that any attachment has ever formed."

Hermione shifted in her chair and was about to speak when he continued.

"That isn't because I have been hopping from one bed to the other, it is simply the way it has been. Unfortunately, my life has been of particular interest to the Daily Prophet and I cannot so much as walk out of a building with a woman without it being splashed across the front of that bloody newspaper."

"You expect me to believe that you are a victim of the press?" Hermione asked, incredulously. "You certainly have a lot of female friends." She exhaled loudly and rolled her eyes. "I think you're trying to sell that story to the wrong person, Severus. You're hardly the first war hero to be stalked by Rita Skeeter and her band of roving photographers."

A sneer formed on his face before he seemed to think better of whatever he had been about to say, instead he shook his head. "No, I know I am not, but I do have a regretfully well-known past, no thanks to your bespectacled friend." He frowned and turned to glance out the window at the park below. "I have a colleague, Barnaby, you may have noticed him in the pub with me from time to time – a hit with the ladies if ever I met one. I have appeased him by taking a few of his female friends to dinner after having given consideration an impending solitary future. I made an effort with two or three, but the problem is that my heart wasn't really in it. It is difficult to imagine a future with someone when you have nothing to talk about."

"I saw you once, in Madam Malkin's; you bought a beautiful cloak, the next time I saw that cloak was draped over the shoulders of Felicity Lockwood." Hermione lifted her chin as if to challenge his claims.

Severus cast her a sideways glance as he continued to look out the window. "Ah yes, Miss Lockwood is a very beautiful woman, but I can assure you, there was no future to be had there."

"Yes, I suppose when you can have your pick of society witches, committing to just one must be out of the question," she responded, snidely.

At once he had turned to face her directly, clearly angered. "That was beneath you! Will you please hear me out before you cast me as the darkest of blaggards?"

Hermione nodded guiltily. "Please, let's sit back down."

Severus gave the sofa a suspicious glance but nevertheless made his way back to the seat, collecting his mug from the table.

"I came here tonight to put an end to your assumptions of my private life and to clear up our misunderstanding. Will you let me speak? I will not be interrupted again."

Hermione nodded, feeling abashed at her earlier comment.

"I was surprised to find you working at the Ministry, you had always seemed destined to change lives. I won't say I have followed your career over the last few years; however, when you appeared, offering to the procure class one ingredients necessary for my work, I was intrigued to see how you would fair. You didn't disappoint, did you?" She watched him sip his tea as he took a pause. "You always were desperate to impress me."

Hermione couldn't help but blush and hoped he hadn't noticed.

"We ran in to each other a couple of times after that day, but it wasn't until the we met again at the pub that I watched you a little more closely than I was probably comfortable. I thought at first that you were interested in Barnaby, it certainly wouldn't be the first time he attracted a witch's attention, as I may have mentioned, but mysteriously it seemed you were looking at me.

"I am a curious man by nature and I simply couldn't let the matter remain unresolved, so I followed you. I know I told you at the time that I was, like you, on my way home, but that simply wasn't the case."

"So, you deliberately-"

"Quiet!" Severus interrupted, voice raised. "I am not proud of it, but I will be heard!"

Hermione nodded, chastened, once more.

"I will say now that I didn't imagine for one moment that events would unfold as they did. I had thought we would have our talk in the Floo Hall and go our separate ways; as it happened, that bloody photographer interrupted, you invited me to leave with you and I, innocently I might add, followed.

"Our conversation, as you may remember, was a little heated that evening, but you seemed interested in what I had to say. What you may not remember is removing your jumper on your way to the kitchen. As you lifted it over your head your blouse rode up and I was gifted with a rather enticing view of your midriff. You may think me an old letch, but I will tell you now that there was not an innocent thought to be found in my mind after that moment."

Hermione was visibly shocked and clutched at her chest and watched as he cast a wry smile in her direction.

"I wrestled considerably with my conscience; particularly, as you thought me to be the sort of person who moved to from one bed to another. Perhaps it had been the ale, but as I said, my mind was firmly in the gutter."

She tried to wrap her mind around his revelation. At first being thrilled to hear him confirm that he saw her as a sexual being – that being a novelty in itself – but then curious as to how things would eventually unfold.

"You were so very responsive, Hermione; I cannot articulate what you did to me that night, I was unmanned." He must have sensed she wanted to respond because he held his hand up instantly. "Let me finish, please." In the morning it was with reluctance that I left so early, but I was very busy with my research and deadlines were looming.

"As the day wore on, I found myself at a loss with how to proceed. I wasn't certain whether you would be interested in exploring our… whatever you choose to call it. In all honesty it had happened so quickly, I will admit to being discomforted by it, indeed having that article printed the next day made me more than eager to keep our night together firmly to ourselves.

"With that being said, and as you well know, I couldn't stay away. I had stood in the Tesco Metro around the corner from my office for a full ten minutes contemplating the merits of turning up on your doorstep with those blasted Jaffa Cakes."

Hermione couldn't help but laugh softly.

"You may well laugh, but I felt like a prize dunderhead. I had heard nothing from you to indicate I would be welcome, but the risk had been worth it. I enjoyed our next evening, very much, and I am not only referring to our intimacy."

Hermione found herself hanging on his every word – this wasn't what she had expected at all.

"It had taken me another week, and another ten minutes in the chilled dessert aisle at Tesco before I found myself on your doorstep, clutching a tiramisu. That you were not home was certainly disappointing, it was a stark reminder to me that you had a vibrant social life outside of whatever it was that we had shared.

"When you told me later than you had been at dinner with Mr Weasley, I will reveal to you now, that I was… saddened. After you fell asleep, I had lain awake almost all night until I couldn't stand it any longer. I knew I was woefully out of my depth with you. I was beginning to feel things I hadn't felt in quite some time and I had no idea how to go about making my thoughts known to you, particularly as I had no reason to believe you felt the same."

"Severus, you were in my bed." Hermione stated. How much more of a hint did the man need?

His eyebrow raised slowly. "You have just spent the last several weeks accusing me of sleeping around, how was I to know you weren't also entertaining Mr Weasley?"

How dare he suggest such a thing; affronted, she got up and moved around the table to stand in front of him. "I will have you know that I do not go around haphazardly inviting men into bed. You are very much an exception in that respect." Hermione crossed her arms defensively. "Ron is my friend!"

"Indeed, that is good to know." He cast a cautious smile and met her eyes openly.

"Be that as it may, I was very uncomfortable that morning and attempted to leave before you woke up; unfortunately, I did not succeed, and we find ourselves here."

"Are you finished?"


"You told me that morning that I could never be more to you than a fling."

Severus grimaced and took a deep breath. "I am sorry I said that to you, I was feeling stifled and I panicked."

Hermione moved to sit on the edge of the coffee table; it hadn't been intentional, but their knees were touching.

"I asked you what we were to each other; you didn't say any of these things, instead you walked out on me. I don't understand you at all."

"Because I came to realise that with you, it was everything or nothing. I wasn't ready for that epiphany, Hermione. You were never a casual fling, but at the same time, I have never, in my life, been in any kind of what you may call a functional relationship with a woman… and I have no idea how one goes about such things. I am embarrassed to admit that, particularly at my age.

"Then, of course, I found you with your friends chatting up that dunderhead, Seabrook. I didn't know what to think; if anything, it confirmed my worry that you wouldn't want anything serious with me and that some of the things you had said to me before I had left that morning had not been true."

"What?" Hermione shook her head, unable to believe what she had heard.

"In the end I tried to talk to you, but you were determined to think the worst of me, and so I'm afraid I decided that some distance was probably prudent."

"That doesn't explain what you are doing here, this evening." Hermione knew that asking that question was like opening Pandora's box, but she had to know, this had to end, now.

"I wanted to put to rest any idea you may have of my womanising. Its tiresome at the best of times, but from you, it… hurts. Secondly, I wanted confess my… woefully inept handling of this situation between us and ask for your forgiveness."

There was a silence between them as Hermione considered what she should do with all of this new information. Should she contemplate taking another risk with this man who had seduced her mind and body.

"How can I ever trust you?" she asked, eventually.

The question hung heavily in the air and she noticed his expression was pained. "I don't know," he replied at length. "Selfishly, can I hope that you want us to share a mutual trust?"

Hermione looked into his pleading eyes, yet she found she needed more from him, still.

"Severus, please tell me exactly what it is you want from me."

Slowly he leaned forward and took one of her hands between both if his own, holding on to it tightly. "I want to be with you."

Before he had walked out on her she would have been elated; she closed her eyes, enjoying the feeling of her hand being held by him so reverently. "I'm scared," she whispered.

"I will be there for you."

Somehow his reply was what she needed to hear. It wasn't a declaration of undying devotion, but as she had been listening to him, she has realised that coming to her home and making himself vulnerable had been difficult for such a proud man. She couldn't imagine him doing such a thing if he hadn't had strong feelings.

"Can you reassure me that there is no Ronald Weasley or Julian Seabrook, waiting in the shadows?" he asked.

"Are you going to let your insecurities run rampant every time you see me talking to another man? She countered.

Severus ran his thumb over the back of her hand. "That would not be my intention, but in the interests of starting anew, it is a question I felt I must ask you."

Hermione wrestled with her feelings. She had been truthful when she told him she was scared; this decision, whether to move forward with him, could be life changing. It would not always be easy; these past months had already proven him quick to anger, with poor judgement when it came to their relationship. That being said, she had enjoyed spending time with him, even just sitting next to each other and talking. Then, of course, there was their physical chemistry – a heady thought, indeed.

Looking down at his hands, wrapped around her own, sent an inexplicable thrill through her body. If she wanted him, he was hers, all she had to do was to accept him. Hermione did the only thing she could have possibly done in that moment and got up to make another cup of tea.

To her surprise and relief, he didn't follow or comment when she got up and walked into the kitchen - perhaps he sensed that she needed to gather her thoughts. They barely knew each other on a personal level, which was disconcerting, considering how emotionally invested she realised she had become in their continued association. Hermione knew, as she poured boiling water into each mug, that to turn him down would be to break her own heart, but to say yes was to risk that he would break it on her behalf.


The morning sun shone through the open curtains; warming the room, as the open window allowed a light summer breeze to dance through the air. Hermione rolled over and pulled the light cotton sheet up her body and across her stomach. The country may have been experiencing an Indian summer, but her sweat covered skin was feeling the cold after their passionate morning of lovemaking.

"I would rather you didn't do that," Severus grumbled playfully. "How am I to fully appreciate the naked woman lying next to me, if she is covered by such an expanse of material?"

Hermione giggled. It had been five weeks since she had agreed to be with Severus, and although it was all very new and exciting, she hadn't felt a single moment of regret. Well, that wasn't quite true, there had been that argument over whether Jaffa Cakes were, in fact, a cake or a biscuit. A quick internet search had proved her correct; but of course, there was always going to be a moment of doubt when she thought about spending – possibly the rest of her life – with a man who insisted a Jaffa Cake was a biscuit.

As Severus rolled to grasp his wand from the bedside table, Hermione admired the expanse of his back. Unable to help herself she ran her hand up the smooth skin to his shoulder, pulling him around to face her and languorously kissing his lips. Hermione couldn't get enough; he had been a wonder to her, looking back, how had she managed without him, in those uncertain days at the very beginning.

"You will be the death of me," he whispered, before casting a charm to open the other side of the window.

Severus placed his wand back on the table and turned so they were facing one another. "And what a very pleasant death it will be." He stroked her cheek. "To die in the arms of the woman I love."

Hearing him say those words for the first time was suddenly overwhelming and she couldn't stop the little gasp that escaped.

"Have I said the wrong thing?" he asked, cautiously.

Hermione held his hand to her cheek. "No! No, Severus. It's just that to hear you say those words to me aloud, its… overwhelming. I… I love you too. I just didn't want to be the first to say it."

"Well, I am pleased we have that little matter out in the open." He kissed her forehead and rolled out of bed. "Now, I'll put the kettle on and get some bacon on for some sandwiches.

Hermione watched as her naked lover retreated out to the kitchen and giggled, wondering when he would realise that cooking bacon dressed as nature intended, was probably not wise.

It wouldn't have come as a surprise had he told her that he needed a few minutes to gather this thoughts. Hermione wondered how long he had been waiting to tell her how he felt; of course, she would give him that space - well, at least the time it took for him to make two cups of tea and two bacon sandwiches.

She glanced at the clock and saw it was almost midday. Deciding it would be best to get up before the afternoon began, she rolled out of bed and walked over to the window, pulling closed the pane that Severus had recently opened. The sun radiated from its place in the pale blue sky, it was going to be another beautifully warm autumn day.