Hi everybody! Hope you're all staying safe and healthy during this troubling time. Figured I'd update again, it's been a while. I hope you like it!


"Why do you drink so much?" Azrael asked Lucifer curiously as he took a sip from the flask concealed within his Armani suit.

Amenadiel chuckled at the affronted expression on his younger brother's face. "I've been asking him the same question for years."

Lucifer replaced the cap on the flask and glared at the two people standing on the kerb beside him.

The trio were waiting out the front of Lux for the two LAPD detectives to come and collect them. An angry phone call from Pierce ten minutes earlier meant that Azrael had been forced to raid Maze's wardrobe for the least sinister-looking outfit to wear at the press conference instead of going shopping as Lucifer had promised.

At the moment, she was wearing a deep navy-blue pantsuit that was surprisingly uber-feminine for Maze- who had grumbled something about Azrael keeping it because she would just burn it- which was cinched around her waist with a shiny gold belt.

Her hair was pulled back in a slick ponytail, and her short frame was heightened by the metallic gold heels that Maze had fought her into wearing. She teetered slightly at the beginning but had eventually got used to the new height and the distribution of her weight. She now reached Amenadiel's shoulder.

Lucifer pursed his lips as he took in Azrael's appearance. "You should have got Maze to do your makeup," he commented, scanning the passing traffic for any sign of Chloe's car.

"I disagree," Amenadiel argued. "With makeup, she would look like an adult. Looking barefaced makes her look more innocent, more like a child. People would be more likely to believe her story."

"Regardless of whether I wear makeup or not, I'm innocent anyway," Azrael retorted, seeing Lucifer raise the flask to his lips again. "And Luci, you haven't answered my question."

Lucifer stilled, the metal flask at his lips. "What did you just call me?"

She frowned, her brows knitting together. "I'm sorry, is that not okay? It just… slipped out."

He shook his head, exchanging a glance with his brother, a smirk gracing his lips as he returned his attention to her. "It's fine, Azrael. But you can only call me that if I get to call you Azzy."

She glared at him. "Fine. Answer the question though."

He peered into the traffic again, his expression brightening as he saw Chloe's car. "Oh, look. The detective is here."

The unimpressed glare he received from Azrael gave him a small shred of hope that his divine sister was still in there.


Dan smiled at Azrael from where he sat beside her in the back of Chloe's car. After he and Lucifer had wrestled for the front seat- ending with a thumb war and Azrael shoving Dan into the back seat before her- she had been sandwiched between Dan and Amenadiel.

Both men took up more than their seats with their bulky frames and Azrael leant forward in order to breathe properly.

Chloe reached into the glovebox and rifled through it, pulling out a thick manila file. She passed it back to the young, red-headed woman sitting in the back seat, smiling tersely before returning her attention to the road and ignoring Lucifer's attempts at conversation.

Azrael stared down at the file with reproach- as if it were about to leap up and bite her- and Dan noticed this, smiling warmly as he covered one of her shaking hands with his own.

"It's the file for the case," he said. "Pierce believes it would be best if you understood exactly what was being released to the media before being asked questions. They don't know any more of that, and if you at any time feel as though you don't know the answer, just simply say that you don't."

"You'll be there, right? You won't leave me?" she murmured, her heart beating furiously as she flipped through the pages that contained the seventy-five murders described with a clinical detachment by the police reports.

Dan glanced up at Amenadiel, who had his gaze focused on the male detective's hand holding one of Azrael's, his brow raised. Dan gave Azrael's hand a gentle squeeze before his lips turned up and he put on a smile as if to reassure her.

"We wouldn't even think about it," he murmured, seeing her eyes search his face for something- whether it was comfort or assurance, he couldn't tell.

"Enough about you, what about me?" Lucifer whinged from the front seat. "Your bloody officers have cordoned off the VIP area for Lux, not to mention that now I have to let some of them sit there and 'protect'- nobody can have any fun with the police and yellow tape there. Pierce is just doing this to be rude."

"Pierce thinks it's important to keep the area of the club that gives access to your penthouse cordoned off for Azrael's safety," Chloe responded. "Not because he's trying to spite you and make you lose money."

"It's for Azrael's safety," Dan repeated.

"Oh yes, you'd just love to keep her safe, wouldn't you, Detective Douche?" Lucifer snapped.

"Well, look at that. I never thought I'd see the day that Lucifer Morningstar actually cared about something other than himself," Dan responded dryly, glaring at Lucifer.

"Hey, could you two maybe stop?" Azrael asked, her hands shaking at the hostility that she could feel emanating from the two men.

Amenadiel glanced down at Azrael's shaking hands and smiled. The girl had clearly retained her empathy for humans that their father had instilled in her. Azrael had become unfeeling after many millennia, shutting off the empathic gift their Father had given her. She had claimed it made her job easier, to detach from the emotions dredged up by the souls who were begging to return to their expired bodies, to re-join their family and friends.

"It's okay to be nervous, Azrael," Chloe said reassuringly, glancing back through her rear-view mirror at the girl in the back seat- who was staring intently at her shaking hands.

"I'm not nervous, I just can't seem to turn it off," Lucifer heard Azrael mutter under her breath as she continued staring- as if that would stop it.

Turning in his seat, he reached inside his jacket to retrieve his flask. "Do you want something to take the edge off, my dear?"

"Lucifer! No. She's underage!" Chloe reprimanded sharply, swerving angrily around a stopped car as she turned to look at the man in the front seat.

"It never hurts to ask, Detective," Lucifer sulked as he faced his detective. "The next thing you'll be telling me it's not okay to offer her a bit of the Devil's lettuce."

"It's not!" Dan, Chloe and Amenadiel thundered in unison.

"I don't want to hear you for the rest of this trip," Chloe said, pointing angrily at Lucifer. "We aren't going to a party, Lucifer. We are going to a press conference, where your ward is going to be questioned by LA reporters. This is serious."

"Fine," Lucifer muttered, before turning to look at Azrael in the back seat. "But in case you want to take me up on my offer, I'm happy to share-"

"Lucifer! No!"


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