Eye of the Storm

Chapter 1

"Gray, you've got to be kidding me!" Castle exclaimed. "A mission on my honeymoon? Except for almost being killed by Sofia, I haven't done anything for you guys except to keep my eyes and ears open since my daughter was born. Although I must admit, it is amazing how much some of Putin's pals can spill after too much good Champagne. Those oligarchs seem to think that if it isn't vodka, they can handle it."

"And you've gathered some great intelligence that way, Rick. That's why we're asking you to do this. It won't break up your honeymoon. There are a couple of major supporters of ISIL in the Maldives."

"How did you find out we were going to the Maldives? Never mind. For an agency that's not supposed to spy on American citizens, I know you always have your ear to the ground."

"Which is why we use sharp observers like spy novelists, Rick. The people we want you to get an in with, make a show of understanding and degrading western culture. They would love to spend some time with a best-selling author and his beautiful bride if for nothing else than to run their mouths to their buddies about how decadent Americans are."

"I enjoy being decadent, Gray, especially when good scotch and chocolate are involved."

"Just my point, Rick. They'll want to get to know you, just so they can condemn you. They're staying on a yacht anchored not far from the private island where you and Kate will be. We'll drop a few breadcrumbs that you'll be there. You'll get an invitation to visit. I can almost guarantee it. You'll have a good time. Their chef makes a baklava that is to die for."

"How do you know…? Oh, forget it. I should be used to your universal antennae by now. All right, drop your breadcrumbs. If Kate and I get invited to a yacht party, I'll try to convince her that we should go."

"You want to accept an invitation to a party, Castle?" Kate queried. "I thought this trip was supposed to be for three weeks of strictly you and me."

"Kate, we won't be going to the party to party. That is infinitely more pleasurable when the company is limited to the two of us. Duty calls."

"Babe, what are you talking about?"

"Kate you know I worked with the CIA."

"I thought that all ended when Sofia Turner broke up with you. I think she was either lying or just out of her mind, but she told me that once the two of you had slept together, there was nothing left between you, and you drifted apart."

"More like she pushed me away. One night I heard her talking to someone on the phone - in Russian. When I asked her about it, she told me that she learned Russian as part of her job and she was getting intel from a source close to the Kremlin. After that, she iced up and our affair ended. I didn't understand it at the time, but after we found out she was a sleeper agent, it all made sense. She was afraid I'd figure out what she really was if we stayed together. But I've always had contacts at the agency. You know that too. Book tours are a great excuse to traverse the world, that's why I was recruited; that and perhaps a word or two from my father. But as far as I can tell, he wasn't read in on anything I did. The company gets information from all kinds of travelers who can move around without suspicion - like the actor from 'Too Cool for School.' For the past 18 years, with that one almost fatal exception, a little listening is all I've been doing for them."

"Because you had to take care of Alexis."

"Which has been my greatest joy - at least until I found you. Look, Kate, we can spend a few hours doing service for our country. While we're at it, we might even have some fun."

The Arabian sea was calm, and the yacht was luxurious, if too ornate for Kate's or even Castle's sensibilities. There was gold everywhere, even the heads. The refreshments were served by women who were silent and veiled. In the interests of accommodating the local culture, Kate wore a scarf over her hair. In any case, she'd been spending too much time in bed for it to be remotely manageable without a heavy conditioning. That hadn't been a problem for Castle. The visual evidence of their intimacy only made her sexier to him, but it would have taken some work to produce a coif presentable to the outside world, so showing respect for her host's traditions just made her life easier.

Castle wore the tuxedo he'd shed for their first chance at lovemaking after the wedding. Kate couldn't help thinking that it fit the Bondian aspects of his mission aboard the yacht. He seemed to be slipping back into his old role. His mingling and joking with the other passengers looked effortless. He was even throwing in a few words of Arabic. Up to that point, she had no idea that he knew any. He'd told her that there were things about his time with the CIA that he hadn't been allowed to reveal, but she was beginning to get an inkling about just how many secrets he'd had to keep.

Kate noted the slight stiffening of his shoulders that she'd learned meant that he was paying attention to something, something threatening. But his smile remained broad, and she wondered if she was imagining things. Castle approached her with two plates of honey-drenched pastry and offered her one. "Kate, you've got to try this! It's incredible!"

He dropped down in a deck chair beside her and leaned in as if to share a private joke. "Kate, I think there are chemical weapons on this boat."

"Castle, are you sure?"

"No, I'm not, but I caught a snatch of Arabic for 'dog collar.' I heard it before, a long time ago. That's what they used to call a kind of nerve gas because it is produced in almost exactly the same way as the insecticide used in flea collars. And see the guy in the raw silk suit? He was pointing below deck when he said it. So, unless there's a puppy down there…"

"Castle, are you going to report this to your contact?"

"I'd rather be sure first, Kate. How would you feel about putting on a little show that would convince this crowd we have an overwhelming need to find some privacy? We might at least be able to grab a quick look around. If we don't see anything, I'll just pass on the couple of words I heard, and we can continue with enjoying our honeymoon as a party of two." Castle caressed her cheek. "And I've been wanting to kiss you since we got here."

"Yeah, me too," Kate admitted. "Let's just not do anything suspicious."

Castle swept her up in his arms and pressed his lips to hers. "For oversexed American newlyweds, nothing suspicious about this at all," Castle whispered. He carried her to a staircase leading downward and loudly declared, "My kingdom for a bed!"

After descending the stairs, Rick and Kate peeked at every doorway. Castle pointed to a compartment at the end of the hallway, sealed by a solid metal door surrounded by an airtight gasket. "If I wanted to secure something, that's where it would be. Whoa, I hear someone coming." Castle pulled Kate against him, flipping up her scarf to draw the flesh on her neck beneath it into his mouth.

Kate heard the nasal tones of their host. "I would have thought you'd have found a more comfortable place to do that. The guest cabin was open."

Rick and Kate turned to see a gun muzzle pointed at them.