I'm having much more fun than I anticipated with finding fun words to use for chapters. Prepare for your next vocabulary word kittens!

WOW Where to start, I originally posted this at 230am without proof reading because why the hell not. But some homie who is hiding as a guest gave a really nasty review. So I took it down to rework it, however I would like to say- This is a FANFIC meaning yes my characters will be different than the show. That's the whole point, if you don't like my version don't read it.

Secondly my word for this chapter is BLATHERSKITE please read the definition. This chapter is meant to not make much sense.

Lastly, I am going through some shit right now and my writing it suffering for it so please be kind and as usual I will take constructive criticism.

I Do Not Own Victorious

Lots a Lot a Love, Kandikitty

Blatherskite- (noun) a person who talks at great length without making much sense

Tori and I stood at the entry way into the kitchen, a bulky guy in just pajama pants was bustling around making breakfast. "Who the fuck are you?" I finally questioned when he didn't notice us.

He jumped slight "Christ! Don't scare me like that!" Smiling at us he turned to grab plates "Trina said you guys sleep late so I didn't think you'd be up yet. Either of you...want coffee?" He asked quietly noticing we still hadn't moved.

"It's too early for this." I grumbled nodding at him as I moved to take the cup he poured.

"You must be Jade, making you Tori. Yeah I can see the resemblance. I'm Erin nice to finally meet you!" Erin smiled brightly again, he was like a ray of sunshine.

"Erin like the guy Trina has been gushing about every time she is home, Erin?" Tori questioned sitting in her usual spot.

"I thought she was stalking him." I mumbled into my cup.

"Uh. Nope we are dating."

"That's my mug." I told him as he was tending to the eggs on the stove.

"Ah makes sense. Trina said you were a horror fanatic." He looked down at 'The Scissoring' stamped in bloody red print on the black mug.

"You sure know a lot us." Tori commented.

"Trina talks about you both all the time. Mostly how you're nothing but trouble and cause huge headaches for her." He shook his head with a ghost of a smile. Did he actually like Trina?

The for mentioned brunette came stalking out. "Now that you've officially met my sister and her girlfriend, will you please come back to bed?" She asked wrapping her arms around his waist

"Aw come on I'm making breakfast. We can chow down and cuddle on the couch okay?" He asked softly to which she nodded before slumping on the couch.

We didn't correct her mistake, or maybe we didn't want to. Either way the abrupt stating of 'girlfriend' lingered in the air, making an awkward silence between us. I wanted to say something sarcastic to get out of this funk but I could feel the blush on my face and see it on Toris.

"I'm, I just, that isn't... I'm going back to bed!" She yelped quickly heading back to her room without looking at me.

This is not how I pictured this morning going. I pinched the bridge of my nose. Today was not going as planned...

"It just ruined the morning. I mean I don't know what I was expecting to happen but it defiantly was not that." Beck and I were sitting on his tail gate. After Tori went back to her room I got dressed and left. I didn't know what else to do.

"You always make everything so complicated don't you?" He laughed watching a group of girls as they walked by.

"What the fuck does that mean?" I growled looking out passed the parking lot to the beach in front of us.

"For a blunt person you are never up front about how you feel. Andre is right just tell her and get this mess over with. She likes you too, we all know it. Hell even Cat has picked up on it and that is saying something."

"I can't just tell her how I feel. Plus if you all are so sure she likes me why hasn't she said something. It's a two way thing." I pulled my knees up to my chest, I hated talking seriously about my emotions but that seemed to be all anyone wanted to do. Just let me bitch damn it.

"You're so dense sometimes. She hasn't said anything because she knows you aren't ready. Tori isn't the type to force emotions on to anyone. Yeah she'll force you outta your comfort zone and make you do things you don't want to do, but that's usually for like an hour. Feelings are for much longer, she doesn't want to force anything lasting onto you if you aren't ready. If that happens it just makes something that will end and I don't think she wants a fling."

"You just talk out of your ass." There was no bite in my words.

"That is exactly what I'm talking about." He jumped down, knowing I'd follow, "Let's get lunch."

About the same time Beck and Jade are talking~

"-one night you had to come home! I was going to make her coffee and have breakfast! We were going to have a good morning but no this shirtless human had to be in our kitchen with her favorite mug!" Tori was pacing around the apartment yelling at Trina and Erin. Her thoughts were racing to a point of her mouth barely keeping up.

"I thought you said they were dating?" Erin asked Trina in a hushed voice. The couple hadn't noticed the weird exchange before the two girls left out of the blue.

"They are, they just don't know it yet." It wasn't Trina's usual way of dealing with her sister, just taking the blows instead of fighting back, but she honestly didn't understand what was happening right now. One second Erin is making a lovely breakfast and the next everyone is slamming doors and leaving.

"I left a great guy to go be with her at some shitty diner for Christ sakes, if that isn't love I don't know what is! I thought it was finally a good time to tell her how I feel. Today was going to be the day I changed this weird tension between us. I had it all planed out. Coffee, breakfast, confession, Jade's awkward attempt to dodge out of the conversation then her giving up and us making out! It was going to be great!" Tori continued, mostly to herself at this point.

"Ohh you're made because you didn't get to make out with her. Now I get it." Trina smirked at Tori's slip up.

"I meant make up! Make up for her trying to argue and start a fight so we wouldn't have to address anything." The younger sister stopped in her tracks, beet red.

"No, no I'm sure you meant what you said. Even if I didn't understand most of it. You're upset we messed up your sexy time." Trina winked before standing up. "We will get out of your way now. We have a nice date day planed today too ya know." Erin followed her lead. Looking for any excuse to not be on the end of Tori's wrath any longer. "Now go make 'up' with your girlfriend and we promise to be out for the rest of the weekend. Love you!"

Tori stood dumbfounded watching the couple leave. Her anger finally subsided at the truth finally being said aloud. She and Jade had been tip toeing around their feelings so long it was a hard realization that her mere crush had changed sometime in the passed few years. Somewhere, during the unsaid questions and not questioned flirting, somehow she had actually fallen for the woman who had once hated her. Yet instead of just saying it, Tori let it slide always convinced there was a better moment or even maybe Jade would act first. But now, the word floating around her like an annoying fly, the feeling was something she couldn't ignore anymore. She loved Jade West.