Chapter 2: Encounter with the devil

Fury stepped into the room. His metal boots Sliding against the floor like a a sharpening sword. The sound rings eerily pass Astrid. She saw a tall black figure in a black leather armor. The woven strips of leather flex like dragon scales. Flexible, and It is full of light scratches and pockets. A reminder that he is no stranger to battle, and from what she read. He is also no stranger to victory. His hands were a sickly pale. His charcoal black nails pointed out like daggers. He glide across the room with a feline grace then sat opposite Astrid silently. His horn littered helmet is nothing less than intimidating sight. He swiftly pulls off his helmet, and runs his hand his hair. Getting messy strands out of his eyes, but with little success.

Astrid eyes went wide as an image from her past flashed in her mind. "Hiccup?" She whispered under her breath. He looked just like him. Actually not quiet. He is much taller and his hair is black and his skin is pale.

"So you summoned me milady?" he said. He smiled charmingly, but it all changed when he finally looked at Astrid. Her eyes darted straight down to the table. Her spine shivered at the glowing crimson eyes that met her's.

"This was no man." Astrid thought in complete Shock. Those black horn with a marble shine that pokes out of his head like a dragon's. Fury is not Hiccup. He is not human. Those red eyes belong in a nightmare. They levitate the White Sea around it with only pain written on them. It burnt right into her like an inescapable inferno.

"Vikings" Hiccup said in disgust. "The gods must really hate me.". He shook his head slowly. Feeling betrayed by his crew and fate itself.

"We're Berkians. We're not your typical barbaric raid and rob vikings." Astrid said. She slapped the table below her with Viking pride in her eyes.

Hiccup's glare fixated on her. Like a wolf staring down a rabbit. Instantly putting out that Viking pride leaving it to sizzle away. Astrid felt herself shrink as he shreds her confidence with fear. She choked not realising that she held her breath.

"Thats worst! Chester what is wrong with you?! You know damn well" he directed his hate to Chester.

Chester held a snake like smirk, as he watches his trump card squeal at a mere woman from his past. The mighty serpent's Fury reduced to a nervous wreck. Much like the story mother told him about the elephant and the mice. He chuckled and kicked his legs on the table carelessly.

"Mothers orders." Chester excused himself as he enjoys the panic on Hiccup's boiling face.

"Oh come on. You're over reacting" Heather complained. She passes a bottle of wine to her captain as ordered.

"I'll burn those eyes brows off your face!" Hiccup said with boiling urgency.

Chester twisted the corkscrew into the top of the new wine bottle. He turns it slowly but steady. He blows the dust as he inspects the label. He smiled at the drama unfolding infant of him. "I am sorry oh great mighty Fury" Chester said playfully adding fuel to the fire.

"look now you're being sarcastic. You made him sarcastic." Hiccup said accusingly pointing his black tipped finger at Heather.

Hiccup waved his hands at Heather in a dorky panic fit. Heather could only slowly shake her head in embarrassment. Chester pulled out the cap. It popped as a slight scent of red wine escapes. He stood up and poured everyone a glass full of the red velvety liquid. He walked around handing glasses around, but only Astrid thanked him as Heather and Hiccup is bickering like children's. "Heather how dare you make me so sarcastic to his majesty the great Fury?" Chester said before sitting down.

"Not helping ! Sorry Astrid can you pitch the job to us." Heather switched the subject.

Astrid slowly lifts her head up. Fury's eyes still staring at hers as it fills her with paranoia. Heather tapped her glass getting Astrid to look her away. Her green eyes calmed her down. It made her think of the forrest on Berk where the kids always played. Astrid places her hands on the table firmly. "Alright so Berk is currently in a hard spot. A new enemy has emerged." Astrid said.

"Wow shocking. The vikings are fighting again. Who is it now? the Outcast or the Bezerkers?" Hiccup cuts in. Heather rolled her eyes in annoyance.

He impatiently tapped his metal boots against the ground before chugging his glass down. A drop of the red liquid rolled out of the side of his mouth. he lick animalistically as it reveals his large white fangs. Sharp and deadly looking just like the rest of the man. Heather threw water at him causing his messy hair to squid on his head covering his eyes. He looked pathetic just like Hiccup before Astrid thought as she smiled slightly at the odd thought. He reminds Astrid of Hiccup, but it's impossible. The horns, the fangs and claws were inhuman. Just like those glowing red eyes.

"You need to keep that mouth in check" Heather bitterly said.

"Let me check... Sarcastic, salty. Still working as normal" Hiccup smiled cheekily back.

"Well should i check your pointy fangs for you?" Heather bit back.

She stabbed a small throwing knife on the table. Their eyes fixed onto his. Hiccup huffed in annoyance as he hops gracefully onto the table right infront of Heather. He crouches and stares her down as both sides got closer with no intent to retreat. His glare threatening to burn into the forrest green eyes of Heather. Small puffs of smoke escapes out of the corner of his mouth, as he open it blowing a smoke ring at her stern stare.

"I promise i won't bite" Hiccup he said coldly.

Astrid was confused at the situation she is in, and confused about Fury all together. He went from charming hero, to manic Viking hater then dorky child and finally transforms into a sinister villain in less than a minute. Astrid looks down at her arms wondering what ticked him off. She can't deny that vikings had a bad reputation, but aren't pirates worst? A dark green blur shot pass Astrid as she heard shattering glass.

Chester threw his empty wine bottle between the two. It smashes and shatters against Hiccup's horn breaking their staring contest. Hiccup and Heather turned to face their unimpressed captain. Chester stared at them like an angry teacher. He took another sip from his glass and turned to face Astrid.

"Astrid my dear please continue" he said politely raising his glass.

Astrid thanked him with a nod. "Berk is is a bad spot right now. We need your help to keep us safe for the time being as our chief heals." Astrid said. "Our current replacement is Valka. The chiefs wife. She is the one who sent me to see you and pass on her plea. She will offer gold, shelter and food."

"Stoick the Vast? that man is build like a mountain." Heather said.

"What happened to Stoick?" Hiccup said.

Hiccup's stance relaxed as his face elongated with worry. His eyes dulled in color at the bad news. He lowered himself and sat himself down with his legs crossed on the table. Stoick the vast had known many great leaders and warriors, but never had he mentioned that he met the Fury. Astrid wondered again at the man infront of him. Every moment he becomes more illusive and mysterious.

"A foreigner attacked our outpost island in the south. He claimed the island for himself and naturally Stoick gave him a piece of his mind. All 60 men on the Outpost were eliminated except for Stoick who was saved by Skullcrusher." Astrid continued.

"You vikings have this terrible taste in picking names" Chester giggled

He laughed staring right at Fury who was crossing his arms unamused at his Captain's banter. "Skullcrusher is a dragon" Astrid added.

Chester spits out his wine. he grabbed the bottle and put the label right up to his eyes in shock.

"Either theres something in my wine, or some fantasy in the air." Chester rolled his eyes at Astrid.

Heather pinces her brows closing her eyes as she try to digest the information. "Vikings on Dragons... Astrid how are we suppose to take you seriously?" Heather laughed in denail.

"I can't believe you. Only 10 years ago you guys were celebrating your 300 year anniversary of dragon killing." Hiccup said calmly.

"We protect our own, and Valka Haddock proved to us that dragons can live alongside us. Turns out this alliance is a win win situation." Astrid explained. "Dragons pack a hell of firepower. We figured that it was better to work with them instead of fighting an uphill battle against them. We fly them to scout. We feed and take care of them and they help around the village and keep us safe."

"With such Arsenal. I am sure that you guys are safe." Chester said.

"Not anymore. One day they just left, as if they were being called. Valka believes that its Drago's doing. Our sources says that he is building a Dragon Army" Astrid said sternly.

Chester's smirk disappeared as he looks at his glass calculatingly. "If he truly has tamed an Army of Dragons then you are surely doomed." Chester said coldly.

Astrid's heart dropped as she was shut down so easily without a thought. Hiccup slide off the table, and grabbed his helmet.

"Not if i have anything to say about it." Hiccup said restoring her hope. His eyes determined for redemption. Astrid knows this look, as it is the one worn by a warrior and an avenger. This is the fight with honor or die with glory look. he stared right at his captain awaiting a reply.

"This is nothing like last time Boy." Chester said.

"Captain is right. It was 5 of us against him alone. he has a Dragon army" Heather added.

"Alright. Then its simple. Then its down to two Serpents. I am flying solo. Come on Astrid" Hiccup started walking to the door. Astrid bowed politely at Chester and heather before tailing right after Hiccup.

"Wait! Captain do something?" Heather begged.

"We simply can't take on Drago when we're down two Serpents. We will lose at least another two." Chester explained. Heather stood up with her fist clenched by her side. It is logical, but it didn't feel right. She trembles and shook her fist with frustration.

"He is just doing the right thing and protecting his family." Heather said. Her words echoed in his head as it pulled on his heart strings. Played it like a slow fiddle.

"Family... " Chester poured the rest of the new bottle into his glass. Heather huffing in anticipation of his reply. "Heather be a sweet girl and tell Hiccup to get the ship ready.". Heather smiled and rushed out of the room snatching her throwing knife off the table. Leaving Captain to ponder in silence at his fateful decision.

Heather made it to the bar, but it was empty. Only glasses and liquor loitered around carelessly. The people must've left in a rush. This could only mean... "shit!Captain we're under attack!" Heather Shouted as she dashed for the door. She finds Hiccup in front of Astrid guarding her from a mountain of a man. He laughed sinisterly. "Not you" Heather said paralyzed with fear.