In this chapter, Kaito finally tells Ran, Conan and Heiji about himself however that doesn't mean he's still keeping things to himself. There are mentions of the 'Ryoma Treasures' and 'Blue Birthday' Heists while I'll probably mention the 'Dark Night' and 'Midnight Crow' Heists sometime in a later chapter. I want each of Kaito's Heists to affect him in some way like how cases have started to affect Conan in the series. Kaito may enjoy being KID because of the magic tricks, but endangering his life continuously would be something he'd get tired of and would want a break of. He's a teenager after all.

And yes, this one came quicker because I already had an idea what to right. I might add more to these two chapters, but I'm still quite busy and I feel like I rushed it.

Hope you enjoy!

Chapter 11


"Well, you know that my Oyaji was the famous Kuroba Toichi? And you know how he died in a magic accident eight years ago?"

"What does this have to do with you being KID?"

"Everything. My Oyaji didn't die in an accident ... he was murdered and because he was the original Kaitou KID."

~~~ 4:55pm - Beika District - Cafe Poirot ~~~

The three stared at Kaito, flabbergasted that the magician had just come out and said that to them. The two detectives were beyond shocked. They didn't have any words to say to Kaito at that moment.

How could they respond to that?

Kaito had just told them that his Father was murdered for being KID before he had taken up the mantle!

Out of all of them ... Ran was the first to break out of her shock, standing up and grabbing Kaito's hand. "You have to tell the police, Kaito-kun!"

This caused the magician-thief to freeze up and shake his head, taking his hand away from hers. Ran noticed this along with Heiji and Conan. The two detectives knew this reaction well as Shinichi had shown symptoms of this on rare occasions whenever topics of the BO came up; Haibara had also shown symptoms of this, worse than Shinichi.

Kaito obviously didn't want to tell the police for reasons of putting people he cared about in danger; like Shinichi does.

At seeing Kaito's reaction; Ran decided to sit back down and wait for her friend to calm down and explain the rest of his story to them.

He must've had a reason for telling them.

KID was a wanted criminal and if Kaito's Father was the KID before him and was killed because of it.

It told them that there was something deeper to this than just Kaito stealing jewels...

"Okay, no police, but tell us what's going on..." Ran sounded desperate to know what was wrong with her new friend and Kaito actually looked a bit guilty about all this, breaking his unbreakable pokerface for once.

He nodded his head however slowly it was. "Alright, I was planning to anyway. I just ... don't want you guys involved in this. I'm telling you so that you know what I'm involved in."

"You're Kaitou KID, basically a well-known criminal worldwide," Conan responded to what Kaito had just said, sounding slightly annoyed. "You're bound to get involved in a lot of criminal activity, correct?"

Kaito turned to face another direction which happened to be a wall directly beside his seat as he stared at that instead of the three in front of him. "Yea, but like I said before ... my Oyaji was the KID before me."

"So yah sayin' that 'e was KID eig't yea's ago an' t'en was mur'ere' on yah birt'day?" Heiji questioned Kaito while putting his thumb and forefinger to his chin in thought.

Kaito nodded his head at this. "Yea. He was KID for ten years and I never knew. I found out by sheer luck a little while ago." He received a small mocking smile from Conan before continuing on while pointing at Conan. "I gave him a clue on the Ryoma Treasures Heist that my Kaasan was a thief too. That's how they met. Oyaji saved her from being killed and used KID as a cover-up so she could go into hiding."

The three stared at him with wide eyes as this information processed in their heads before Ran blurted out, "Chikage-san is one too!" People turned to their table at her voice before turning back to their own business causing her to blush in embarrassment.

"If I remember right you said your Kaasan was..." Conan thought for a moment before turning to stare at Kaito with wide eyes. "...Phantom Lady!"

Hattori's mouth fell open at hearing this. "We me' Phan'om La'y and live'!"

Kaito just shrugged his shoulders at that comment. "You know what she's like after today, but she still likes to play around like she's a thief..." Kaito waved his hand around, huffing.

"A bi' like 'er spawn..." Hattori smirked at Kaito, causing the magician to glare.

"Hey, I told you I found out recently," Kaito chided the Osakan, irritated. "I can't be held responsible for their actions, but my own..." He went quiet after he said this as if he knew they'd ask the one thing they didn't know yet.

His motive.

His whole reason for being KID.

Why a normal teenager had to turn to stealing.

"So why?" Ran asked with curiosity tinting her voice while tilting her head at him.

Kaito finally turned his head back to them; however his blue eyes were on the table as if he couldn't bring himself to look at any of them. He swallowed, trying to think of a way to word it. He took in a deep breath before finally deciding on what to say. "Oyaji..." Was the only thing that left his lips.

"Yah..." The words processed in Heiji's head before he blinked, staring at Kaito. "...Pops?"

Kaito nodded his head at them. "I mentioned he was murdered. Oyaji wouldn't make such a mistake on stage. He was great at what he did." The magician lowered his head as he grit his teeth together as he felt a sudden rush of anger flow through his body. "It's obvious that he was shot and then a mechanism was set up to blow after that to make it look like an accident ... that way they wouldn't be able to recognize a bullet wound on him because his body would be too badly charred to tell."

The three stared at Kaito with differing looks of sympathy for him. Ran reached over and put her hand on his own to try and calm him down. "How do you know this, Kaito-kun?"

He took in another breath before lifting his head up to look at her and then to Heiji and finally Conan. "Because after I finished a heist..." He lowered his head once more, fringe covering his eyes. "I realised I wasn't alone." This caused the three to freeze, but didn't respond as Kaito continued. "I already knew Oyaji had been murdered by then, but not the 'who'. This man told me directly that he killed Oyaji, but it didn't end there. He demanded I give him the jewel I stole and before I could respond he shot me. I guess he'd rather take it from a corpse..." Kaito growled that last bit out.

"H...He shot you?" Ran stuttered out, staring at him s she put her hands to her mouth in shock.

It was no wonder he had been wounded that night now that she knew that.

It still frightened her that her new friend was involved in this sort of thing.

"Where?" Conan and Heiji asked at the same time.

Kaito gestured to where his heart was which caused Ran to cry out in horror and the two detectives to go over to Kaito to check him over, but were promply pushed away. "Stop it. We're in public. I'm fine. It happened a while ago anyway. I had the jewel in my pocket there, so it ... saved my life," he explained to them while letting out a sigh.

This just caused Conan to let out a small sigh as well, but more out of relief instead. "The only time your luck is actually useful..."

Kaito glared at Conan before turning back to the three, but received either glares or a concerned glance from them. He let out another sigh. "As KID I'm trying to find a certain jewel before a certain group of people do. They were the ones responsible for murdering my Oyaji and are very dangerous. I don't want you guys to get caught up in this too."

Ran now had tears at the edge of her eyes after hearing all this information. "Why do you have to do it though, Kaito-kun?"

Why was he doing it?

He had already explained his reasons for it, but he knew this girl wouldn't understand.

She was too innocent ... like Aoko...

She still had two loving parents ... he only had one and she was usually halfway across the world most of the time.

All he wanted was justice for his Father's death and for the Organization that killed him to be brought down too...

The magician blinked at the question, taken aback by it before rubbing the back of his head. "I guess it's because..." Kaito thought long and hard about the answer to her question before finally deciding on something. His signature pokerface settled onto his face and he gave her a small smile. "...I'm a Kaitou."

Her eyes widened at hearing what he said, a low growl escaped her lips before getting up from the table causing Conan and Heiji to glance at her. "Fine, I guess you don't trust me enough then."

As she walked by Kaito he turned to face her with a sad smile on her face. "I trust you, but at this moment I can't even trust myself; secrets are a burden, you know, especially ones like mine..."

She stared at him until it clicked in her head that he was talking about Aoko and because of who he was ... he was afraid to tell her.

He'd put her in danger because he was KID and he didn't want that.

She understood that at least.

Ran nodded her head at him before exiting the Café and Kaito was now alone with the two detectives. He turned back around to face them, letting out a small sigh as he did so.

"So, did you get rid of Ran because there was something you wanted to tell us?" Conan asked, raising a brow at the thief.

The magician shifted uncomfortably on his seat before nodding at them. "I wanted to let you know that the people after me are after a certain jewel they call 'Pandora' which they believe will help them achieve immortality." Kaito heard a snort and nodded his head as if agreeing with Conan's little noise. "I don't believe it either, but if they believe it so much that they'd kill for it ... that's why I'm searching for it to destroy it."

"De'roy i'?"

Kaito nodded his head at the Osakan's question. "If I find it and destroy it then that'll stop whatever it is they're planning ... for a while..."

The shrunken detective looked as though in thought while listening to all of this. "What do they wear?"

A surprised look crossed Kaito's face as he turned back to face Conan. "They wear black. The exact opposite to my white." Kaito let out a groan as he slid down in his chair, staring at his milkshake as though he'd lost his appetite with the conversation, however he saw the wide-eyed expression on Conan's face after he had said that. "Kudou, what's wrong?"

As Conan stared into space, ignoring the concerned calls of his two friends the only thing going through his head at that moment was, 'They can't be ... a part of the Black Organisation too, can they?'