Two years later
It took a bit to convince everyone that Sarah was indeed back. Phoebe nearly collapsed in relief at learning that she was in fact, not going to be queen and pledged that for the rest of her life, she would serve Jareth and Sarah. Sarah's friends stood by her side when Jareth wasn't able to, aiding her in her healing. The Kingdom needed some time to really understand what was happening, but the goblins, they could all tell who was their true leaders and the subjects all accepted that this was really their queen. After a few days, everyone resumed to their normal positions and gave the king and queen get well gifts as well any wedding presents.
The hardest to convince though, were her family. Robert had finally truly accepted that she was gone in death and was forced to realize that it was all for nothing, but, as he had accepted her place as queen, he slowly came around. When he realized that she was actually there, he just held her tightly, whispering how much he loved her. He hugged Jareth too, grateful to have both of them back as he had found his note regarding his trip to the Underworld.
Sarah talked about the future again. Ah, the future. Before she came into his life and during her temporary absence, Jareth didn't believe he HAD a future worth looking forward to. But now, he was excited beyond belief. He wasn't ever going to take her for granted. Well, he'd try anyways. But he would do his best every day, every hour, every moment for the woman who made him smile.
At this very moment, he heard a knock on his study. Sarah peeked in, looking beautiful and radiant. She hardly wore make up as a human and still looked perfect then. Now, she was still the epitome of grace and perfection in his mind.
She had been sick the past few days, hence why she was still wearing her nightgown with a quilt wrapped around her, hair out of place and some bags under her eyes. It never ceased to amaze Jareth how she was still so breathtaking to him even in such a state. Though they had been a couple for 8 years and married for 2, he still had this boyish grin whenever he saw her walk in.
He rose to meet her, kissing her despite the fact that she had been sick and leading her to the couch. He held her hands in his, looking at her bright eyes. "How are you, my love?" He asked tenderly.
Sarah snuck in another kiss on his neck. Jareth blushed, something he hadn't done a lot in the past until he met his wife.
Pleased with herself, Sarah held up a crystal for him to see before this turned into a cliché sex-in-the-office kind of deal.
Jareth looked at the crystal curiously. He didn't say anything, just at the crystal and back at her, like a child waiting for permission to open his Christmas present.
Sarah tossed it at his direction and of course, he caught the sphere with ease. The moment it ended in hand, it transformed from a crystal into some kind of cloth.
Jareth realized it was two separate kinds of clothing. At first, he was really confused, his brows scrunched together what they were until he finally held them up.
They were two jumpers, both dark grey with silver and gold trimming. Baby sized.
One said Prince and the other Princess.
"I couldn't find any that said Prince sadly, so I modified it myself." Sarah said quietly. "Sexism is such a thing and it's so annoying. Also I think that's why I've been sick the past few days without actually having any kind of disease." Her voice was restrained from trying to not jump up and scream with joy.
The look on Jareth's face was just precious. His eyes were big, and full of tears threatening to spill out. His voice came in a little whisper. "I'm going to be a dad?"
Sarah nodded, breaking into the biggest smile.
Jareth clutched the little jumpers to his face, looking back and forth from the little baby clothes to his wife. "I'm going to be a dad!"
He set the clothes aside and pulled Sarah to kiss her, overwhelmed with joy. He had always wanted to raise little ones as his own, and now was his chance.
Sobbing and breathing with joy, he pulled back to also see happy tears on Sarah's face. Oh, how fate was finally blessing him and his wife win a family of their own. After all the trials they went through, this really was something they deserved.
He got off the couch, making Sarah a little confused. He knelt at her feet, starting to lift her skirt up. She put a hand on his, stopping him.
"Jareth." She warned, though she had a hint of playfulness in her voice. "Not right this instant."
Jareth snorted good naturedly. "Oh Sarah, at least give me some credit. I'm not trying to seduce you right when you tell me you're pregnant. I want to say hello to my son and my daughter."
He raised his eyebrows, asking for her permission. She took her hands off his, letting him lift the skirt up above her underwear and belly. Smiling, he gently put an ungloved hand on her womb, and rubbed it a little cooing.
"Awww, you both are going to be so good looking." He looked at Sarah to see her swatting at him, laughing all the same. Cradling her belly lovingly, Jareth placed a kiss right above her belly button and rested his head on her stomach. "For real though." He said softly. "I'm going to take care of you. I'm going to protect and fight you and do my very best. I can't wait to meet you two."
He looked at Sarah, a little scared. Confused, she ran her fingers through his hair, giving him a bit of comfort. "Jareth, what's wrong?"
He turned to look at her, his cheek still touching her belly. "What if I'm a bad parent? I mean I know I'm not my parents but I'm still scared. They deserve the best of the best." His eyes wide, voice small and quiet.
Sarah rubbed his cheek with her thumb, touched at his humble declaration. "Hey, it's going to be okay." She reassured him. "You are NOTHING like your parents. By already deciding to be a good dad, you have made that step. You will be amazing and they will love you. Think of it this way, though you have trauma and issues, you still became a good person and turned out okay, right? And I'm here by your side. You aren't alone. My parents will help, hell, we have an entire kingdom to choose from to help us." She said theatrically. "Of course we'll be hands on parents but no need to worry too much. You're going to be the greatest dad and our kids will adore you."
Jareth didn't say anything, just looked at her with thankful eyes. He was reminded once again that she would not be gone from him as she was their second wedding night. He was also reminded again how special she was to him.
Sighing contently, he closed his eyes and felt around win magic, one of his hands resting on her belly and the other slipped up to touch he underside of her left breast to feel her heart, where her body was powering the life of their babies. Sarah knew he was feeling for the two life forms, as she hadn't been pregnant for more than a month. As fae, they could detect the sex of the children as well.
His eyes opened. "Yes." He breathed. "A boy and a girl. They're so, so tiny." The way he said that with such awe filled Sarah with an emotion she couldn't quite pin point.
"I wonder what they'll look like." Sarah mused. "I just hope they don't inherit your insane hair."
Jareth chuckled. He slid her dress back over her body and once again sat against her, one arm around her shoulder, the other around her belly, holding a very protective stance. He flicked a finger, the quilt blanket coming around to cradle them both. Instinctively, Sarah laid her head on his shoulder and he laid his head on hers. "Precious, now you know my hair isn't from genetics, but my own stubbornness."
He felt Sarah scoff oh so quietly. "Well Jareth, I just hope the kids won't be as stubborn as you. You're insane and they'll be kicking goblins before they can even walk, I'm sure."
"Now don't act like you don't love kicking them too, you know." He ran his fingers down her sides, making her yell from the tickle. "You naughty, naughty girl."
"Me? Naughty?" She purred at him, tracing her finger down his chest, feeling the vibrations he made of satisfaction and lust. She dipped her head to kiss his collar bone, tracing her tongue around it.
"Yes, very naughty." He licked the back of her ear, making her yelp a little. Without warning, Sarah grabbed his wrists and pinned them above his head.
His smile was absolutely infuriating now. "You were saying about not having sex right this instant?"
She responded with a little nibble on his neck, making his eyes roll back in complete bliss and a small moan escaped his lips. Oh, once she started to nibble his neck, it was all over.
"Technicalities, technicalities." She rolled her eyes. "Just shut up and take my dress off, slave. Before I balloon to the size of a blimp from carrying YOUR children and we can't make love for a while."
Jareth felt her release his arms and pull back, flipping her hair to one side to expose her pale, long neck. Damn, she was truly sexier than any woman alive.
He grabbed the hem of her skirt, a feral smile on his lips. "As you wish, my Queen."
I just had to add in a cute, sexy scene in here! They deserve it after all they went through, anything for my favorite couple!
Thanks for reading! I wanted to take a chance of writing something darker than I usually write. I'm thinking of trying my hand at a really dark fic next, one that will be rated M this time. As I had made a few stories based on myths, I'm thinking of using a real life example. It's easier for me to take stories and sort of change or bend them to my will. Stay tuned for it! Love you all and thanks for reading again.