First story I have ever made so please let me know what you think of it.

(Edit 17 01 20) so basically I am making some changes to this story so that I will update it more. The first one is to change this from T to M.

As well of re-writing and editing all theses chapters I have already done, so hope you enjoy.

"There shall be one that unites them from the ashes.

One will give him sanity to the darkness that was bred from his past.

And the rest of the world will follow them through hell to find the peace sort by all."

An ominous and quiet voice said in barely a whisper but heard by all and forgotten by nearly all.

The Pain

Night was starting to fall along with the lovely neighbours of berk, dragons! Yep, tonight was another night of dragon raids, anyhow I'm Hiccup or more known as useless or the person that makes anything go wrong. Tonight was no different from any other night when dragons raid the village for as much food that they can get.

I start to head to the forge to help Gobber with fixing weapons "Ah was wondering where you had got to Hiccup." Gobber says cheerfully as he's sharpening an axe. "Oh you know killing dragons getting respected not being beaten up and such," I respond with sarcasm dripping from my mouth while putting on my apron. "Well, here ya go, sharpen this sword." Gobber says changing his hook for an axe "I'm needed out there, stay... don't leave this forge alright." he says running off and yelling.

"Should I stay or... should I go." I think to myself "Ah what the heck since when have I ever listened and be ordered about... oh every day." My expression darkening as I thought about the last few thoughts I had. Grabbing my bola Launcher I ran outside much to the chagrin of everyone out there and headed up to a quiet and secluded spot waiting for something to shoot at. I then hear the signature noise that heralds the arrival of the most feared dragon there ever was, a night fury, the sky suddenly lights up and shows the catapult tower crumbling down.

"Come on, come this way night fury." I say to myself preparing to shoot the bola I then notice it coming right towards me "I'll finally be respected in the village when I get its head" I think to myself as I hit the trigger and let the bolas fly. Jumping around when I see a flash of purple as I'm propelled through the air thinking as everything goes black "just once it would be nice for me not to mess up someway."

I wake up to see darkness still in the sky "At least it's not that much later." I mumble to myself as I pull myself off the ground and look around and feel a sudden stab of pain in my side, I nearly faint again as I see blood slowly dripping from the impact of the night fury's fire which covered a good amount of my torso along with some nice blackened flesh. I try walking home when I feel the stabbing pain again "Well this is going to get tiresome." still mumbling to myself too bothered and sore to go to the healer's hut at the peak of Berk in the middle of the night.

I walk in trying to be as quiet as possible to not wake up my father otherwise known as the chief of hooligan tribe. "Hiccup, where have you been." He asks in a quiet voice when I'm halfway up the stairs "Oh you know, where I should be." I say getting slightly annoyed at having to answer this question again and for not noticing blood slowly dripping from my tunic and onto the floor. "Well, I know you weren't there because several people saw you running out of the forge with another one of your stupid inventions." He says raising his voice again in anger "Well this time I did actually hit a dragon with one of my inventions." I respond with even more anger.

"Oh really, what kind of dragon did you hit then," he says with sarcasm. "A night fury," I say with the bit of pride that I still had left, only to have it smashed by his next words "Ha ha ha haa, you really think after all these years you finally hit a dragon, you've become even more delusional as a teenager than a kid!" he yells really angry now "And even though Gobber put in another good word for you I don't know why he would, you still won't be joining dragon training. Now I'm going to go on another expedition to try and find the nest again so stay out of trouble while I'm gone" He replies not giving me a chance to say anything as he leaves to go to the boats.

The next morning I go and look for the night fury I hit with my bolas, systematically covering the island with all the possible landing locations. Later that day I am still looking for the landing spot "This is getting old, some people lose a dagger or mug but no I just lose an entire dragon" I say fuming and hitting a tree branch, only for it to swing back and hit me where I got hit with the fire last night, expecting it to hurt I close my eyes but when it hits I feel nothing looking under my new tunic I only see scarred skin the only evidence that I ever had an injury.

I look up and see the ground carved out as if something crashed I realise in happiness I then hurry along and see it just lying there trapped in the bolas and soon forget about the strange healing when I hear a growl of a dragon "Curse these stupid ropes and rocks" growling in anger when it hears a rocks tumbling, turning its head it looks and sees a little Viking standing there terrified and holding a little dagger out in front of them. "Well, what are you waiting for?" The dragons roars out at the little Viking as it comes closer it closing its eyes waiting for death when it hears a surprising noise, the sound of ropes being cut it opened its eyes and sees the little Viking cutting the ropes that are holding it captive.

"This might be the worst idea I have had," I say mumbling once more while cutting the last of the ropes when something flings me against a rock and pins me there. "Why shouldn't I kill you ?" the dragon roars at me "You should, no-one will miss me I'm just a waste of space that no-one, not even my own family cares for," I say to it beginning to cry not caring that this is the last chance I get to think.

"Doesn't someone care for you?" The dragon asks in surprise recoiling its head back. "No, and no-one ever will," I say venting some of my anger. "Wait you can understand me?" The dragon says astonished sniffing the little Viking again noticing a strange scent on him.

"Why do you smell weird?" The dragon asks curiously. "What do you mean by that, wait I can understand you?" Hiccup realises that he has been talking to a dragon. "Eh didn't you notice that earlier." The dragon asks confused.

"I didn't notice it because I was having a mental breakdown from holding all these emotions up for several years without someone beating me up or yelling at me when I tried to explain," I say quietly. "What's your name?" The dragon asks curiously. "Why, what will it matter you'll kill me for shooting you down and also why would you care!" Hiccup shouts in frustration "Well get on with it!" "I'm not going to kill you." The dragon says backing away letting him sit up "and why would you let me live especially because I shot you down." Hiccup says again quietly. "Yes, but you're special and you also freed me when you had my life in your hands." The dragon says cryptically. "What do you mean?" "I mean that I figured out what the strange scent on you was." "And, what was it?" Hiccup says starting to get annoyed. "It was the scent of a dragon." "How is that possible?" Hiccup asks taking it in.

"Will you tell me your name now." The dragon asks changing the subject. "You aren't going to laugh or anything?"Hiccup asks nervously "Err why would I, is it that bad," the dragon says surprised "Um... alright my name is Hiccup, what's yours?" Hiccup then asks. "Well, my name is Toothless." "Um, I can see quite clearly as well that you are most definitely not toothless so..." "It's a name I have because of this." She says and retracting her teeth. "You're a female dragon?" Hiccup asks not sure why he would've thought otherwise. "Yes, I'm a female dragon." Toothless says a little hurt. "Wait did you say that I was part dragon!?" Hiccup yelps out when it finally sinks in and the world then goes black.

"What should I do with this little Viking?" Toothless said to herself as she considered what to do with unconscious Hiccup slumped before her after he realised the full implications of what she had said earlier. She then noticed him start to shiver in his unconscious state "Maybe I should keep him warm after all he is the only one who hasn't killed me on sight or laugh at my name." She said to herself curling up and covering him with her wings and also went to sleep.

The next morning. "Why is everything black." Hiccup mumbled still half asleep trying to reach up only to find it pinned under a black scaly arm. Hiccup then remembered what happened last night, with only one thing going through his head "how am I part dragon" Hiccup wondered when he was blinded by daylight as the wing covering him was removed. Noticing that the dragon was now awake Hiccup asked. "I don't suppose that you might be able to get off my arm?" "Oh right." Toothless replied removing her arm. "So how was your sleep Hiccup?" Toothless asked. "Slightly disturbed but alright, I really need to get back to my village." "Why, can't you stay here with me." Toothless says slightly whining.

"Because I can't." Hiccup replied getting up and walking off. He looks back over his shoulder "I appreciate the concern though... thank you." Hiccup says quietly continuing out of the cove and back to the village much to her sadness.

"There you are Hiccup." Gobber yells to me "What do you want Gobber?" I ask in a tired voice "To watch dragon training, of course, come on." He says walking off towards the arena leaving me no choice but to follow. I go and sit in the stands watching the other kids enter the arena for there first lesson. "Alright listen up time for the first lesson." He says chuckling while holding the lever to release the gronckle. "Wait aren't you going to teach us anything!" The gladdest punishers of mine, Snotlout.

They all heard laughter coming from where Hiccup is seated and hear him say "Why not learn on job." Hiccup says with a look on his face that no-one had seen before, it could be only be described as insanity as he spoke. "Err... yes I believe in learning on the job," Gobber said a little unsure by the darkness and the look that had crept into Hiccups voice and face as he said that, opening the lever for the dragon to come out.

"Now what is the first thing you need?" Gobber shouts urgently "Plus five-speed?" Fishlegs yells ducking from a blast "A doctor?" Snotlout yells "A shield." Astrid says running to find one "Correct, a shield if you have a choice between a sword and a shield always go for the shield" Gobber yells watching the twins fighting for one when they both get their shields hit, then Snotlout and Fishlegs leaving only Astrid standing when he finally interferes to put the dragon back in its pen and locking it.

Hiccup planning on heading back to the forest to see and apologise Toothless suddenly gets shoved against a wall. "Maybe she would like something to eat." he said mumbling to himself, "You think it funny that we were getting attacked by a gronckle?!" Snotlout screeched at him "Well when you put it that way it was kinda funny." Hiccup said only to receive a punch in the face "Well if you thought that was funny you'll love this." Snotlout threatened drawing his sword disoriented from the punch in the face Hiccup could only watch as he slashed it against his chest making blood well up, He then cut his back making another deep and long cut which finally made him scream only to have Snotlouts hand cover to smother it. Hiccup was now losing a dangerous amount of blood but still didn't let up, cutting his leg and arm before finally going laughing "Well that was fun same time tomorrow." Leaving a moaning pile of blood and flesh behind him.

Hiccup's thoughts were to get to toothless before it was too late, somehow managing to get to the entrance of the cove he nearly blacked out "I'm going to die." he cried in sorrow before crying out in pain. "Toothless!" He screamed the pain becoming too much for him the last he saw was a black shape running over to him.