Chapter 20

Kristen walked into the house and met Rolf. "What do you think? Should we leave the front door open for their return tonight?"

Wrapping his giant arms around his wife Rolf sighed, "I pray we will be successful. We've done what we could. Now it is up to them."


Ranger held his head in his hands as he sat on the cabin's porch. "This isn't what I expected. I figured we'd be in each other's arms by now."

She rubbed his back and cooed, "I know, Ranger. I'm surprising myself often these days. I often thought Charlotte was a bit….uppity or rude. I've come to realize she holds her life and others around her to a higher standard. She doesn't live in today's permissive abridged morality. Sometimes we need to be offended to see the filth on our shoes. Look how Lester is being transformed. I never expected to follow."

"You sound a bit like your mother."

Stephanie jumped to her feet. "NEVER, EVER compare me to my mother again. She transferred her self-doubts and narrow-mindedness to me, but they didn't fit. For years I've been trying to figure out what was wrong with me. It took the Sorensons to show me I was incorrectly programmed from the start. I've learned to stand on my own. The Burg is a hypocrite-filled cesspool. I'm finished wallowing in their filth. I want my own life, preferably with you, beside me forever."

Ranger's head jerked up. Jarred from his deep introspection, he reached his hand up to her face and murmured his apology, "I'm sorry Babe, please forget I said that. I didn't mean it. My mind was elsewhere."

Tipping her head in his hand in acceptance she said, "I know this is new to you. It is to me as well."

Ranger looked off to the view across the valley. He didn't see the gorgeous view but was once again looking inside himself. He was surprised to find himself alive after all he had been through between youth gangs, Army, and mercenary contracts. Though he tried not to, he had fallen in love with the tenacious blue-eyed brunette with a Jersey-girl attitude. Was she still there? After several minutes he said quietly, "I asked you to come here hoping you would gain more self-confidence. I didn't expect to find you so…hardened, physically and emotionally."

Stephanie sat stunned. Did she just endure several months of physical and psychological enhancement for Ranger or for herself? For years he was worried about her safety because she was careless, sloppy, never believing she was in too deep. She was sick to her stomach. Did she finally find strong Stephanie only to lose Carlos? If they were finished, she would not return to Trenton.

"I'd like to talk more with Rolf," Ranger said quietly.

"I'd like to talk to Kristen as well," she said. Stephanie called Kristen and told her they both would be coming back to the house. They needed more Sorenson counseling.

Kristen put down the phone. "Carlos and Stephanie are on their way back."

Rolf raised a single eyebrow. "Any thought what happened?"

"I suspect the concubine story. She understands now about building a permanent solid foundation. Will he be able to adjust?"

"The ball is in his court."

Less than thirty minutes later, Ranger and Stephanie were back at the big house, Rolf and Kristen were sitting on the porch. The Sorensons both looked at the couple. Stephanie was strong but apprehensive. Ranger was granite-faced.

Ranger and Stephanie knew it was up to them to begin the conversation but they couldn't find the words. Finally Kristen caught Stephanie's eye and raised her eyebrow as if to say "Well…?"

Stephanie looked at Carlos, Rolf and back to Kristen, "Concubine. I refuse to fall into that role again. I'm now better than that. I have more respect for myself and our relationship."

As Stephanie was speaking, Rolf was watching Carlos. He saw something on his face of which he'd bet even Carlos was yet unaware: pride in the new woman at his side.

"I suspect Stephanie you want to speak with Kristen while Carlos and I confer. It's too early for a drink, so we'll do some male bonding down at the skeet range."

Kristen winked at Rolf as if to say, don't shoot him in the ass. Rolf laughed, he knew what his wife was thinking.

Rolf opened the door to the big gun safe. "Twelve or twenty gauge, Carlos?" Rolf asking what shotgun he wanted to use.

"Twenty is fine. My shoulder could use a break."

After two hours calling for the clay targets, Carlos' mending shoulder said it was time to quit. But in those two hours he and Rolf talked.

"I'm still worried about her safety. She tends to run off, ignoring even common sense."

Rolf extracted the spent shells, "I've been talking to Lester to get insight. She runs when she doesn't understand everything. You hid information from her due to the nature of your work. You and Les both mentioned lack of common sense…but she was never nurtured only criticized. Amazingly she has excellent perspicacity which is why she is so good at doing backgrounds and searches. But she lacked discernment, wisdom, and especially prudence. Her trust level was set way too high as she was looking for recognition and acceptance by offering herself for sacrifice. She ran because she was confused and felt rejected like you didn't trust her."

"She is not the same woman who I asked to come here."

Rolf chuckled, "No, she most certainly is not. She is a beautiful but now strong woman. Isn't that what you wanted?"

Ranger shrugged. Was he so caught up in himself he couldn't appreciate the gift set before him?

"That woman would walk through Hell's fires to save you and all you care about is you didn't get laid, that's what's bothering you. She held you and kissed you with deep passion, but that wasn't enough for you to know her. You needed to satisfy your sexual itch instead of concentrating on your heart. Are you really that narcissistic?"

Ranger looked like he had been slapped. What was wrong with him? He was behaving like a spoiled child who badgered his parents for the newest toy and when it was in his hand, was no longer interested in it. Why can't he get across the barrier from soldier back into normal life? Then again prior to the Army, his life was one giant mess. He looked at Rolf bewildered. What is a normal life?

Finally! Rolf had seen that same look in his mirror years ago when he left the Army. "Son," Rolf began softly, "Years ago I had that same emptiness, confusion, and fear. I was blessed to have a remarkable woman at my side to lead me back to a new life. You have your guide now. Trust her."

Ranger stared off. He had always been the leader. Did he now need a leader to help him back? Eventually he nodded. Yes, Babe could guide him into a new life. She would be his new Abuelita Rosa who saved him from self-destruction years ago.

"How much longer do you have on your contract, Carlos?" Rolf asked.

"General Anders is retired. My folder is in new hands until June 1st when they will try to renegotiate."

"Will they succeed?" Rolf asked.

"No, I'm done. Now I'm sweating out these last few weeks. They may try to squeeze in one last mission."

"Are you cleared?" Rolf asked referring to injuries incurred weeks ago.

"Yes, my shoulder is healed enough."

"You want out because you want a life with her."

There was a long pause, "Yes."

Rolf grumbled, "You hesitated because she has changed. Before you planned each mission down to the minutia and even envisioning last minute problems and had solutions to them as well. But how many times have you gotten in a situation where nothing was as it seemed and your entire goddamn planning went out the window? You had to rely on your brains, training, and gut instincts."

Rolf clicked the barrel of his shotgun back into position, "You can plan until your eyes cross, but often it doesn't matter. Marriage isn't a mission. She is not a static situation, an obstacle to be overcome, nor a variable. She's not a new recruit who will listen to your every command and follow them. She's now a wise, battle-hardened Sergeant who will kick your butt when you are wrong or maybe shoot you in the ass."

Ranger dismissed Rolf's claim. "Her? Shoot? Usually her weapon his cracker crumbs in the chambers."

"She is quite the marksman now. She regularly shoots in the high 80's here at skeet and is proficient with rifle and handgun."

Ranger was surprised. She shunned weapons of any kind except the stun gun and even then it was often uncharged. "What else have you taught her?"

"Maggie and her trainer, Carl, have been working on her self-defense skills. I've added more combat defense skills. She works out regularly with the family at the gym as her body form shows. We've been helping polish up her business skills she let rust after college. There is no reason she needs to go back to bounty hunting, she is far more proficient in other areas and now she knows it. But she needs physical stimulation beyond you. Challenges, both mental and physical and mental will keep her moving forward. She's a scrapper. Getting down and dirty doesn't bother her at all," Rolf chuckled.

Ranger's eyes showed surprise.

"You sent her to us for retrofitting. Are you going to back out because she is better than new? Maybe you are the one who needs retrofitting?"

"Maybe, but after June 1st."

"We'll see what Ray can think up to put you on the unavailable list."

Walking into the health center, Rolf and Ranger found Ray in his office. "Rolf, Carlos, what can I do for you?"

When Rolf explained the situation, Ray laughed, "You want me to cook up an excuse to get him declared not suitable for service for three weeks until his contract is up?"


"Can't-do. We would need medical proof, X-rays, lab reports, something."

"He has a recent GSW."

Ray looked at Ranger, "What is the status?"

Ranger replied, "95% healed. No infection."

Rolf smiled, "I could lower the 95%."

Ranger spun towards Rolf, "No way in hell you are shooting me." But before Ranger had completely centered his balance Rolf struck with lightning force belying his 72 years. Ranger's injured shoulder was dislocated.

Ranger responded with a kick to Rolf that the big man could only partially deflect. The giant immediately put Manoso in a headlock.

"HOLD IT DAMN IT," Ray yelled. "Carlos, X-ray, NOW! The sooner we get the picture, the sooner we can reset the shoulder."

"You sonofabitch," Ranger snarled wondering how Rolf got the better of him. The White Mamba still lives.

Rolf rubbed his thigh, "Yeah I am, but this is better than a new hole."

As both men sat in the exam room with ice packs on their injuries, they continued their conversation. "Are you going to ask her to marry you?" Rolf asked.

"You think she's ready?"

"I know she is. It is you I'm worried about."

Ranger remained quiet, the time was at hand. He sighed, "I need Tank to get into my safe."

Bjorn was called to drive his grandfather and Ranger back to the main house. Ranger's kick to Rolf's thigh made getting into the pickup difficult. As the two wounded warriors entered the house, one limping, the other with his arm in a sling, the women stared.

"What happened," Kristen said.

Ranger replied, "He tried to shoot me in the ass but missed."

Rolf roared in laughter purposely slapping Ranger's injured shoulder. Ranger grimaced.

"Carlos, come to my office," Rolf beckoned. Stephanie started to follow but Kristen held her back. "Man cave unless invited. I suspect some bourbon will be consumed."

Finally the men emerged for a late lunch. Ranger seemed a little distracted but Stephanie chalked it up to the bourbon. As they finished eating Ranger rose and said, "Babe, walk with me?"

When they were out the door, Rolf nodded to his wife. "The ball is back in her court."

Ranger and Stephanie walked down the road leading to the garages. They turned off and headed for a secluded, shady area to rest. Ranger began, "Babe, I am so proud of you. Your time here couldn't have been easy but the results are incredible. You were beautiful before, but now you are stunning. Your body is sexy as hell, your energy level is out of this world, your skin, hair, everything is breathtaking. Most of all you are even more beautiful inside; self-assured, mentally strong, you exude fortitude.

"I've had my head up my ass regarding our relationship, but I was afraid you were too weak, too inflexible to live my life which will continue to have dangers. What I and Rangeman couldn't do for you, Kristen, Rolf, and the other Sorensons have. You are truly Wonder Woman now."

Stephanie began to speak, but Ranger held up his hand to quiet her.

"I've only recently returned from my last mission. I can't guarantee I'm completely out of that other place, but I'm trying. I'd like you to be my helper. We have things to repair between us. With the concubine story you said more than just not wanting to co-hab again. I saw the new you. I've been so wrong so many times and hurt you. Each time I tried to justify my actions to myself, but instead it tore me apart. I will try to be 100% open and honest, but there may be times I can't. I suspect those few times will be national security issues. If you do find I've closed back up or hurt you, don't run, don't pout, just kick me in the butt."

"Carlos, I'll gladly do so. I promise to be open with you. Relationships are built on honesty, trust, and the willingness to build a strong foundation as we actively plan the future together."

"Since we are in agreement and since I love you with all my heart and soul I want to make our first positive step forward a request. Babe, Stephanie Michelle Plum, will you marry me?"

She didn't even hesitate, "Yes, I would be honored to be your wife and will work to continue to be the strong Stephanie you need. I too, Ricardo Carlos Manoso promise to love you with all my heart and soul."

He visibly relaxed perhaps for the first time in his life. "With you, I can become the strong Carlos you need."

"We both need."

Rolf and Kristen saw the couple as they walked towards the house. Their interaction told the story. When they entered, Kristen asked as she had Les and Charlotte, "Do we have something to celebrate?"

Stephanie smiled, "We do."

Rolf smiled, "Do you want me to fuel up the Bombardier for Las Vegas?"

Before Stephanie could answer he motioned to his shoulder, "Babe, I'm on injured reserve. No Las Vegas, no SlotZilla, no DisneyWorld."

She smiled, "I'd rather stay here, at the cabin."

"Babe, that brings us back to concubines."

"I was thinking we could get married here in Laurie tomorrow and honeymoon at the cabin if Rolf and Kristen aren't tired of my presence."

"No wedding with your family?"

Stephanie laughed, "Here is my family. Other than Grandma Mazur and maybe my father, the rest of my Burg family is at Rangeman."

Ranger turned to Rolf, "Do you know someone we could contact to officiate a wedding?"

"Hell yes, son. Come on back to the office. We'll call from there."

When the men disappeared Stephanie pulled out her phone, "I need to contact Tank. I have a ring for Ranger. Maybe he can send it over-night."

"Where do you want to get married?" Kristen asked.

"If you don't mind, right out front, in the large grass area out front, the Chaos Area. I know its short notice, but I'd like to have as many Sorensons there that don't have previous plans."

"We'll need tents….."

"No. If it rains, we'll move to the porch. Also, I want no grand meal. Salads and sandwiches are fine. Maybe potluck if others are coming. Plus I have a new dress I purchased in Louisville yesterday."

"No cake?" Kristen tempted.

Laughing Stephanie said, "How about a watermelon? They are festive and colorful."

"You make you call and let me call the family. After we need to go grocery shopping!"

The next morning Stephanie and Ranger joined the Sorensons in the gym. Rolf and Ranger sat in the whirlpool. Upon returning home, they found breakfast not set in the small dining room but rather in the larger one.

Noting the number of place settings Stephanie asked, "Is the family joining us for breakfast?"

"Hell yes," came the unmistakable Tank growl. "How can the two of you sneak off to get married without your ring bearer?"

He was followed by Lester and Charlie, Bobby, Hal, Hector, plus her father and grandmother.

Stephanie squealed in delight but before she could hug and kiss each newcomer, Bobby held her back, "Wow, Bomber, err, Stephanie, you…..look great!"

For a moment Stephanie froze, "Eeek, I just came from the gym. I must be a sight."

"From where?" Lester coughed. "Did you say gym?"

"Watch it, bud. I've been working out with Maggie. Any further discussion about my body should be with Dr. Ray, he can give you all the numbers and percentages; the LSDs and HDDs and such."

"You mean LDL and HDL?" Bobby corrected.

"Yeah, Doc, I wanted to see if you were listening."

Hal noticed Ranger's arm sling, "Combat injury, Boss?"

"No, Rolf tried shooting me in the ass and missed," Ranger said repeating the quickly becoming stale joke.

The brief wedding was officiated by the local magistrate. Aside from the Rangemen, Grandma Mazur, and Frank Plum, about fifteen Sorensons were present. Everyone laughed at the wedding watermelon. "You surprise me, Babe."

"Get used to it, husband," she smiled back.

After a late lunch, Ranger and Stephanie slipped into Kristen's car and drove off to the cabin. As they drove away, Tank said to nobody in particular, "It's about damn time." Nearly everyone present responded, "Amen."

Frank Plum and Grandma Mazur walked into their Trenton home. They had been gone ten hours but were not missed. Helen had her hair done, lunch with the church social club, grocery shopping and was just putting the dinner on the table.

"Where have you two been? You are both dressed up."

The two had sworn silence. "We went for a long ride and had lunch," Frank answered. "Is dinner ready?"

Helen was only half listening, "Where did you go for lunch?"


"Never heard of it," Helen replied as she went back to the kitchen for the gravy.

Ranger and Stephanie returned to Trenton a week later. They avoided contacting Helen until Frank had paved the way by saying, "Stephanie is back in town. I've invited her and Ranger for dinner tomorrow."

Helen flustered, "The thug? But…"

Before her rants took flight Frank took command. "Helen put a cork in it. There will be no more Stephanie bashing. She has transcended the Burg and made herself a beautiful, self-assured woman no thanks to you and the other small-minded hypocrites here. I am extremely proud she is not another carbon copy of you, like Valerie."

Helen's eyes opened wide. Never had Frank expressed such thoughts before.

"She and Carlos Manoso married ten days ago. Edna and I were there to witness the ceremony. If you cannot welcome them into this house like a proper Burg wife, then Edna and I will entertain them elsewhere."

Helen sat in her chair at the table and took a giant gulp of her "ice tea."

Frank shook his head slowly. "As for you, you'll be heading off to an alcoholic treatment center outside of Philadelphia Monday morning. Your boozing days are over."


Charlotte promised herself, any future pregnancies would not have the third trimester in the summer. New Jersey had been under record-breaking heat and humidity for weeks. Bobby and Jackie hosted a BBQ for Ranger and Stephanie, Lester and Charlotte, Tank and Kristen who was in town for the upcoming birth. "I am not leaving the air-conditioned house," Charlotte announced, "You guys can go outside, sweat, and slap mosquitoes."

Lester smiled, "If I see the stork do you want me to shoo him off for a day or two?"

"No, lasso that sucker and pull him in. I'm ready to have this baby, here in Bobby and Jackie's kitchen."

"No, you don't," Jackie said. "I cleaned the floor this morning."

"Good, then it's clean enough for a baby."

"I wasn't worried about that," Jackie said, "Babies are born and thrive in horrible conditions. I just don't want to have to clean the kitchen again."

Charlotte was not hungry. Kristen quietly suggested she eat something plain to maintain her blood sugar. "The way you keep looking at your watch, I'd say contractions have started. How far apart?"

"They are a little over an hour apart."


"I suspect the real things."

"And you are just now mentioning them?" Jackie scolded.

Charlotte was carrying an empty tray into the kitchen when she froze half in the door and out. Les pulled her back gently while Bobby took the tray. "We can't leave the door open due to the bugs," Bobby said quietly, "The contraction will only last a minute." It was a long minute before Charlie stood up, "That was fun."

"The fun hasn't begun, Charlie," Jackie said.

Tank announced in his deep voice, "I'm the timekeeper."

Lester called upon his military training to remain calm, at least on the outside. All the birth classes he had attended would come into use soon. Being surrounded with Bobby, Jackie, and Kristen who knew what was happening helped keep him from being nervous…almost. "Don't you think we should go home?" Lester asked.

A general resounding 'NO' came from the group.

Charlotte had been ready to second Lester's suggestion. "In that case, I'd prefer to stand and walk. In fact, let me do the dishes. Give me something to take my mind off what is coming," Charlie said as she paced.

"Keep the knives away from her, we don't need a self-Caesarian," Jackie kidded. If Kristen hadn't been there, Charlie would have flicked a finger at her friend.

"Geez, Jackie, we aren't that far along, are we?" Lester moaned.

Taking pity on Lester Jackie smiled, "She's only begun the journey."

When the next contraction came, Charlie called out, "Tank, time?"

"Forty-one minutes."

"Charlie, when were you going to tell your doctor you were having contractions?" Jackie asked, tersely.

"I knew we were coming over, I was going to mention them when they got around an hour apart. Since you insist on keeping me here, play a movie, pull out Monopoly, fire up the poker chips, you are not going to sit around and watch me lay this egg."

At the end of two hours, Charlie said, "Seriously everyone, you don't need to stay." Tank walked over and hugged her, "Charlie, the timekeeper isn't leaving the game. I suspect I'll probably have to resuscitate Lester when the time comes, I'm staying. Did he ever tell you about the woman in Costa Rica?"

"Tell that story and die, Big Man," Lester hissed.

Bobby went to the refrigerator and brought back several beers, handing them out to everyone except Jackie and Charlie, "This is a good story, but it takes a while. Go ahead, Tank."

Stephanie curled into Ranger's arms and listened to Tank speak...and speak. In the next hour, he uttered more words than Stephanie could remember hearing from him. His quiet bass voice was especially soothing, having the desired effect on Charlie. During the story she had two more contractions but was so intent on his story, she was only momentarily disturbed. When Tank finished, Ranger and Bobby began to speak. Nothing important was revealed but Charlie and Stephanie began to understand what it was like spending weeks in remote areas never knowing if they'd be alive five minutes in the future. Charlie was up and down during this time, Les rubbed her back and shoulders, her mother coached her through the contractions. Several stories of R&R brought chuckles. Kristen checked her watch, these men had been talking for almost five hours when suddenly Charlie straightened out, "OOOOOMPH" and began panting.

"Let's take a look. Let's head to the bedroom," Jackie said.

"I could jump up here on the counter."

"NO!" rang loud and clear.

"Why not, I'm only dropping my drawers, not getting naked. You don't have to look, just Jackie."

After a quick exam, Jackie snapped off her gloves and announced the party would reconvene at the hospital.

"Why? My water hasn't broken," Charlotte responded.

"It will or I'll perform an amniotomy to open the amniotic sac."

Charlotte had always been impatient and knowing she could be looking at up to a 12-hour siege, she tried to hurry the process. She walked up and down the hospital halls using Lester, Tank, Bobby, and her mother for companions. The nurses scowled as she was never in her room for exams. If she could have done jumping jacks to hurry the process, she would have.

"You must be in a hurry," Jackie kidded as she examined Charlotte. Contractions were now 5 minutes apart and Charlotte was concentrating on breathing and relaxing. Lester had calmed down and was excellent support for Charlotte.

As the birth grew near, Les was like a child at Christmas, excited yet fearful Santa would forget him or his toy would arrive broken. Charlotte probably would have the same thoughts if she wasn't concentrating on the job at hand.

Les had detailed plans on photographing the birth but forgot to clear it with Charlotte first. Catching Charlotte in the middle of a contraction she gritted her teeth and told him if he even considered it, she'd take the phone and shove it up so high he'd have to burp to hear the ring.

Les stood frozen like a deer caught in headlights. Charlotte had never talked harshly to Lester before. Kristen admonished her daughter but Jackie laughed, "Never piss off a woman in the middle of a contraction, Les. Women can out-curse a shore man or military drill instruction during labor."

With but a few moments between the next push, Charlotte relented, "You may take a picture after the birth but no way any part of my privates will be in the picture."

With the final push, Les was so overcome with emotion, the phone stayed in his pocket. "Kristen take the picture while Les cuts the cord," Jackie ordered.

"What's her name?" Jackie asked as the baby was whisked to Charlotte's chest. To aid the placenta delivery, Charlotte encouraged the baby to suckle.

Charlotte looked to Les, "The father names the child in our family."

Jackie mumbled to herself, "That doesn't surprise me...Siegfried, Tristen, Magnus, Bjorn, Erik..."

Once the little girl was properly wiped clean, weighed and eye drops added, she was returned all bundled. Seeing he was having trouble with the name, Charlotte indicated he needed to hold the infant. "Take off your shirt, Les."

He froze in confusion.

"Skin to skin," Jackie said and unwrapped the baby for Lester to hold against his neck and chest. The blanket was wrapped over the back of the baby.

He held the little girl, kissed the red hair, played with the tiny feet and hands. The only time he had been around a newborn was in Costa Rica as Tank elaborated.

Finally he said, "Karina." It was one of several names they had selected but Charlie said the final decision would be his. He avoided Rolf's suggestion of Isolde.

"Red hair," Charlie murmured as the baby was laid back on her chest.

Jackie cautioned, "It might change," looking at Lester's darker blonde.

Les piped up, "I hope not."

"She'll probably be a strawberry blonde, green-eyed beauty," Kristen said.

Les quietly said as he gazed at his daughter and wife, "My mother's father was a redhead, maybe it will stay."

Being born at O-Dark-Thirty, the number of people waiting had not grown; Stephanie and Ranger, Bobby and Tank. The Manosos and Carmen Santos were notified at breakfast, as were the Sorensons in Kentucky and the remaining Rangeman men in Trenton. This gave the new family a chance to relax before well-wishers arrived.

Before returning to Trenton, Stephanie, Ranger, and Tank stopped by to see and hold the baby. Les and Charlotte could read their expressions; Stephanie wasn't into babies, Ranger was remembering his daughter Julie. "Have you named her?" Ranger asked as he held the baby.

"Karina Rosa."

Ranger smiled, "Good name. Your mother will be happy."

Tank was in awe. Bobby had that "we should do this, too" look. Charlie fell asleep thinking how happy her father would be, he loves babies, all babies, and happy endings.

Karina had just finished nursing when Rolf stormed into the room. He probably had Derek on standby all night. "Where is my granddaughter?" He unwrapped and undiapered her and examined her carefully from head to tiny toe, "The most beautiful baby in the world."

"Rolf dear, that's what you say about all babies," Kristen said.

"No, I say it only about my children and grandchildren. So far, I haven't been wrong. He then rediapered and bundled the infant without batting an eye. "I'm sorry you didn't name her Isolde. I think Izzy would be a good family addition."

Soon other Rangemen came to see the next generation. Woody, who was married and had a son held the little girl, "I expected the first Core Team baby would be Ranger and Stephanie. Never did anyone think Les would be the first to fall."

"Fall? I consider it ascension," Les said as he took his daughter. "I have never slept so well than with a wife at my side."

Rolf laughed, "That's going to change, son. Starting tonight until the time this baby is married and beyond, you won't get a good night's sleep."


Around noon, Carmen Santos arrived with Anton and Maria Manoso. Carmen cried as she held her granddaughter, "Red hair, like my father's. What have you named her?"

Lester smiled, "Karina Rosa."

Carmen gasped, "My mother and your other abuela's names."


As they sat and talked, a giant bouquet arrived of several dozen long-stemmed roses in pastel colors.

"Is this someone here's doing?" Charlotte asked.

Heads shook no.

Looking at the card, Charlie noted it was addressed to Lester. "It's for you."

"What?" Quickly opening the card, he read it and passed it to Rolf who laughed out loud and pulled out his cell phone to take a picture.



Besa a tu esposa para mí y el bebé.

(Kiss your wife for me and the baby.)


Lester scooted next to Charlie, wrapped his arm around her shoulder while she turned the baby towards the cellphone camera. As Les kissed Charlie, Rolf took the picture. Assuring himself it was a good photo, he sent it to wherever in the world Placido was at the moment.

Carmen saw the card. "OK, I'm still a little vague why he sang at your wedding. Maybe I had too much champagne."

Everyone looked around and the eyes fell on Charlotte.

Charlotte looked at her mother-in-law, "Carmen, remember you are still under the gag rule about Les and me…and now Karina."

Carmen nodded her head she understood.

Charlie wasn't going to spill everything. "You know my family makes bourbon."

She nodded yes as she glanced at Rolf.

"In addition to the bourbon, we breed horses for racing and polo. After all, we live in Kentucky. Mr. Domingo was a polo player. He bought horses from my family. That's how he became our friend."

The Manosos sat quietly listening but it was obvious they were impressed.

"So you got your money from your parents."

Lester was quick, "Mama! Enough with the money! You are being rude. Where it comes from doesn't matter. However, to stop your ridiculous allegations, have you heard of the Williams Foundation for the Arts?"

"Yes, they sponsor some PBS shows."

"The foundation also funds orchestras, operas, theater, among others. Charlotte's first husband's family was the Williams in the Williams Foundation. Unfortunately through accidents, the parents then Scott all are deceased. Charlotte is the heir and now the CEO. Plus she has the largest liquor distributorship in New Jersey. The money is her's, not mine!" Lester left out the Hunter's Bow and Orion North America corporations.

"Oh my."

Maria spoke up, "Carmen, you owe Charlotte, Rolf, Kristen and Lester many apologies. You have been acting like a spoiled child for months. Remember what your son said, break the silence rule and they will leave New Jersey permanently? Do you want to lose your only grandchild?"

The Santos house began to hum with "baby makes three."

"Babies are noisy little suckers," Les said with a big smile after Karina grunted and squeaked as she kicked.

"She is enjoying her own voice and trying to emulate what she hears from us. Les, are you sorry we had a child so early?"

"NO WAY! Why didn't I meet you years ago?"

"Ah, I was married."

"Oh yeah, sorry. Charlotte, when we first looked at this house and I learned there were six bedrooms, I wasn't sure I wanted to fill them. Now I'm thinking the house may be too small?"

Charlotte gasped, "Les, I'm 32. I've lost 10 years reproduction time. Are you saying you want children, bang, bang, bang?"

Laughing, Les said, "Well, I wouldn't have put it that way…or actually yes I would have. What I'm saying is, yes, I want more children. I hope they come as quickly as you can safely bear them. Your health and desire will rule the number."

Charlotte lowered her eyelids, "You've been talking to Papa again, right?"


After Karina Rose arrived, the dam broke. Jackie and Bobby announced they were expecting in seven months.

At first, Jolene was hesitant to give up her position in Chicago until Joe Juniak asked her to be on his staff as he had just been elected governor of New Jersey. Perhaps Ranger had suggested a careful look at Jolene as Tank, was spending far too much time flying back and forth to Chicago. If Jolene hadn't been offered the position, Ranger was contemplating starting a Rangeman in Chicago to relieve Tank's suffering. If a love-sick Lester had been hard to live with, it was far worse with Tank.

When Jolene accepted Governor Juniak's offer, she and Tank were married soon after, in a church wedding in Trenton. Lester's worst fears had come true. He was now related, through marriage, to Tank.

Hal and Maggie remained on the fence, so to speak. Maggie was still undefeated in her MMA career but she wasn't getting younger. She didn't know how much longer she could fight without suffering serious injury. The decision came quickly. A very close friend, Rhonda Homer, took a kick to the head and fell to the mat and never got up again. Maggie fulfilled her next contract match but afterward announced her retirement. "I want to leave a winner." The MMA world was stunned. The Sorensons and Hal were elated.

She and Hal were quickly married. Maggie contemplated opening a training gym but before plans were barely begun, she and Hal announced the stork would visit them as well. She was older than Hal and had even less reproductive time than did Charlotte. They didn't beat Lester and Charlotte's conception time, but they gave it a good shot.

Maggie Sorenson Olsen joined Rangeman as a trainer though during her pregnancy she could only coach from the sidelines. It was a part-time position. The rest of the time she worked with her sister Charlotte in running the Mid Atlantic liquor wholesale distributorship as well as being a rep for Hunter's Bow and Orion North America corporate products. Business boomed. Everyone wanted to meet Magda the Valkyrie, undefeated MMA fighter.

When Maggie and Hal's daughter was born, Rangeman bets were hot and heavy over what Valkyrie name she would be given. Odds on favorite was for Brunnhilda. When Rolf once again looked over his new very blonde granddaughter and inquired if this one would be named Isolde, Maggie shook her head no. "Sorry, Papa, Isolde wasn't a Valkyrie."

Rolf moaned, "Surely not Brunnhilda."

"No, sir, we've chosen Gunner Kristen," Papa Hal reported. Rolf rolled his head back and laughed, "Perfect."

Nobody expected Charlie would be pregnant just months after Karina's birth, but it was exactly as she and Lester had planned. Perhaps in answer to Lester's request for more children, Charlie gave birth to twins.

Rolf arrived soon after the birth as he had done previously. He unwrapped the boy and girl, examined them completely, pronounced them the most beautiful children ever and then asked their names. Lester smiled, "The boy is Rolf and the girl is Isolde."

Rolf didn't laugh, but stood silent, "Thank you." The big man was humbled.


Rangeman expanded with the help of the Hunter's Bow and especially the Orion NA contracts. Trenton's economic collapse continued so Rangeman split. Ranger, Lester, and Hal started an office in Newark/New York.

Tank and Bobby kept the Trenton office open only as long as Joe Juniak remained governor. Eventually, Bobby was the sole original Core Team in Trenton as Jackie's practice in Princeton was well established. Tank and Jolene moved to the Newark/New York office where Jolene became one of Rangeman's attorneys.

When Orion NA acquired two well-known distilleries in Tennessee and Virginia, the Santos' moved to Kentucky to establish a regional Rangeman. Their children number continued to grow. The Rangeman expansion extended to Texas, Colorado, and Oregon. Those offices were filled from Atlanta and Miami Core Teams. The Boston office expanded into Maine and Vermont.

While Tank and Jolene decided not to have children, Ranger and Stephanie were surprised the stork visited them. Living in Newark, his family was thrilled to have a new little boy in their midst.

Every year the Santos' held a Trenton Core Team reunion on their at their home on Sorenson Drive in Laurie for a long weekend. The original Core Team could get together again, this time with their families. The wives watched their husbands and could read when they'd look over the field of children and remembering when they thought themselves too damaged to consider a normal life after combat.

Rolf and Kristen were co-hosts as well as the grandparents for Les' and Hal's children and nearly grandparents to Bobby's and Jackie's children. The first get together Kristen snuggled against her husband, "If it hadn't been for George shooting you in the ass, none of this would have occurred."

Rolf laughed and leaned down to kiss his loving life mate. "In manus Dei (in God's hands)," Rolf reminded her.

"Always," Kristen smiled up at her husband.

A/N: Thank you for going along on the ride with Lester and Charlotte. A giant thank you goes to Kathy for patiently correcting all my errors and offering wonderful suggestions to improve the story.