Mandy 6.

Disclaimer. Once upon a time fan fiction writers lived in fear of being sued by the owners and creators of these characters. Mostly that fear has gone.


Mandy had forgotten how provocatively she was dressed. Even at the meeting with the gryff's no one had said anything, although Hermione and Ginny had been practicing their glares. She was rudely reminded of just how much skin she was showing when she and Pansy walked into the great hall hand in hand.

Seamus's rather crude "Well that's one for the wank bank." Both reminded her of her appearance and managed to lose Gryffindor points.

She refused to let go of Pansy's hand and guided her to the Ravenclaw table. She glanced up to the top table, it had been noted by the staff that Pansy was sitting beside her. Dumbledore's eyes twinkled, Flitwick smiled and Snape scowled but no one stopped them.

They were the centre of too much attention for Mandy's liking. Harry and Lisa didn't put in an appearance as much as she hoped for a green haired Harry it didn't happen. She wolfed down her meal and pulled Pansy out of the hall as soon as possible, ignoring the wolf whistles that followed.

Once out of the hall Mandy felt her tension ease and she let go of Pansy's hand and moved closer till they were arm in arm, finally able to show affection once they weren't on display. She guided them towards the owlery hoping to get a school owl to send the letter to her parents. As they entered a Snowy owl left its perch and settled itself in front of them.

"That's Potter's owl." Pansy said, followed by an. "Ow." As Mandy slapped her backside.

"Sorry, I've been wanting to do that all day." Mandy confessed before adding. "Amongst other things."

Hedwig barked at them and held out her leg. Mandy attached the letter. "Only deliver it to my mum or dad and wait for a reply." She instructed.

The owl nodded and barked at her.

They watched the owl ghost away into the early evening, which was already dark. "Come on." Mandy said taking Pansy's hand again.

It was obvious that they weren't heading to Ravenclaw tower. "Where are we going?" Pansy asked.

"Back to the hidden room." Mandy tried to keep the nervousness out of her voice. She had earlier asked Lisa if she and Harry would be sleeping there that night. She had slept with Pansy, at Lisa's house and in the dorms but never anywhere she thought of as private. She was going to change that tonight.

She pulled back the tapestry and unlocked the door. As she closed it she followed Lisa's suggestion. "Dobby please lock the door."

There was an audible click as the elf applied some magic to the door. "That can be only opened by an elf now, no fear of busybody prefects catching us." Mandy paused, would Pansy think she was trapped here, would she want this level of privacy?

Her train of thoughts was disrupted by Pansy brushing a hand across her face. "Another burst of self doubt?"

"Not all of us have your self-belief, did you even care that we were the centre of attention in the hall?"

"I'm Pansy Parkinson, I only care about the opinions of those I care about. So go on sweetie, what were you going to say? I promise even if you go too far not to be offended."

Mandy felt her tension and fears lift. "We have a full evening and night of privacy here, no fear of anyone over hearing us or stumbling in."

Pansy's smile told Mandy she wasn't in the slightest bit offended. The searing kiss confirmed it even further. "So no more holding back then? Tonight I get to make love to you."

"I'm not certain what that means for two females." Mandy confessed. "I know what a straight couple mean by making love but not us."

Pansy distractingly pulled her top off as she spoke. "I see you've been putting your mighty Ravenclaw intellect to good use thinking about this." She was now unbuttoning her shorts. "How about this? We do everything and if we like it, we can do it again. That way we can cover all the hoops." She paused. "Now can you help me get these tights off without putting even more holes in them?"

Mandy nearly tripped over her own feet in her eagerness to help.

It was a remarkably instructive night and it seemed that Pansy had been doing extra reading or was just relentlessly imaginative. She even managed to follow through on what she had first written in Pansy's Herbology textbook and it wasn't gross or crude but wonderful and loving.

It was past midnight when Pansy who knew the prefect patrols and schedules led her through the school to the prefect bathroom. When they finally made it back to the room, the two lovers, Mandy was now certain that's what they were, curled up together and slept.

She was woken by a banging and clattering in the main room, she cautiously put her head round the door to find Lisa eating breakfast.

"Morning. Hedwig was banging at the window, so I let her in."

"Could you pass me the letter?" It was far too early to deal with a cheerful Lisa.

"You don't know Hedwig that well do you? It's possible that Harry might be allowed to take off a letter that isn't addressed to him but I know I can't."

Hedwig barked her agreement to Lisa's comment.

Mandy sighed and pulled her head back into the room, Pansy stretched languidly on the bed, she was still nude, as was Mandy. Mandy resisted the temptation to join her back in the bed and pulled on the robe she had used last night, provided by a helpful elf, as they had made their midnight run to the baths.

"What's the noise?" Pansy asked through her yawn.

Mandy explained about Lisa and the letter and left the room to get it. She was soon sitting on the bed next to Pansy reading her mother's letter. Pansy's hands running across her lower back and bottom eased any tension she was feeling. As there were no legal issues her mother was happy for the pair to visit and stay over.

"So ready for another weekend of going muggle?" Mandy asked "I can show you the joys of Stoke, which aren't many, although there is a new waterpark opening that could be fun to try."

"You don't like your home town?" Pansy asked.

"It's no York. It's mostly a modern industrial town. The town centre is just your standard town with all the modern chain stores. Nothing that interesting if you don't like Wedgewood pottery."

"Well as it will only be my second muggle town it will all be new to me and you'll have to hold my hand to stop me being run over." Pansy straightened up. "Shall we join Lisa for breakfast?"

Pansy stood and pulled the robe over her head not bothering to put anything on beneath it, the potion she had taken yesterday had worn off and her hair was now her natural black, although after the nights activities it was no longer spiked but flattened. Mandy thought she looked wonderful but then she couldn't recall a time when she didn't think that about Pansy.

Lisa was dressed differently to yesterday, gone was the short flowing dress, she was in leggings and a tight t-shirt. Her hair hung down her back in a plat, each strand a different colour. That was Mandy assumed the height of Lisa's provocation. She was realised how wrong she was when Lisa got up from the table.

"Fuck girl. You trying to kill someone dressed like that?" Mandy couldn't hide her surprise to Lisa's outfit.

"What? I'm duelling Harry later. I need something I can move in. It'll be a bit of a shock to purebloods but it's just gym clothes."

"Two words. Camel toe. Are you sure those leggings weren't painted on?"

Lisa looked down at herself. "Well I bought them a while back, it's possible I've outgrown them. What do you think Pansy?"

"I'm not certain what Mandy means by camel toe but the last time I saw your vulva so clearly was when I caught you and Harry."

Mandy tried her best to hide her amusement at Lisa's blush. It seemed the girl did have some shame after all.

"I'll let Harry decide." Was Lisa's final word on the subject. "What are you two wearing today?"

"I want to go back to comfortable black jeans." Mandy confessed, yesterday she had felt exposed with the amount of skin she had been showing. "If I do that Pansy will be free to dress more modestly and I enjoyed her look yesterday."

"Why don't you swap outfits? You can go with tights and shorts and Pansy can rock the goth cheerleader look."

Mandy considered that idea, mostly she considering how good Pansy's legs would look in the sort skirt, she looked over to Pansy who shrugged.

"One shockingly revealing outfit is as good as another, I'm just waiting for the day Lisa suggests we go out naked or worse in leggings like she's wearing."

Mandy guided Pansy back to the bedroom to change. As she left the room she gestured to the letter. "My mum has some reservations about you and Harry staying over. Do you want to answer her or shall I?"

While Lisa looked over the letter Mandy headed into the bedroom, just in time to see Pansy remove her robe and stand naked before her. She caught her breathe at the perfection that was her girlfriend. The two girls resisted the urge to return to bed and dressed much quicker than yesterday. They had much more limited options only having only the one set of clothes each. Once dressed Mandy felt far more covered than yesterday. It was the tights that let her feel more covered than she actually was, although she was now starting to regret the rips she had put into the t-shirt.

They headed back into to see Lisa who was had now been joined by a frowning Harry. The pair were leaning over a parchment Mandy presumed they were drafting a reply to her mother.

Lisa stood to greet them and It was obvious that she had resized her clothes as the leggings no longer clung to her every curve. "Looking good, are you both happy with your hair or would you like me to ask Dobby to bring some potions over?"

Mandy put a hand protectively to her hair. "I like mine the way it is thank you."

"I liked being blond and spiky yesterday." Pansy confessed.

It was a matter of moment for Lisa to get the correct potions and returned Pansy's hair to her former look.

Mandy slipped an arm around her shoulder. "You do rock the Annie Lennox look."

Pansy's response of "Who." Was entirely predictable.

They spent the reminder of Sunday morning in the secret room. Working on pieces of homework or talking quietly. Harry had the elves bring them food and not long after they had finished dessert Harry led them all next door to wait to see who would take up his invite to join them.

It was inevitable Mandy thought sourly that everyone that Harry had invited joined them. So she had to put up with the Gryffindors glaring at Pansy.

Harry split them into three's, one evader and two attackers. The evader was not to use any magic, the two attackers using just stinging hexes. Harry explained there was no point in learning shields when the deatheaters favoured the unforgiveables that couldn't be blocked. Mandy found herself ducking and running from Luna and Ginny. Harry faced Lisa and Neville and Pansy, Ron and Hermione made up the final trio. It was an exhausting three minutes before Luna and Ginny herded her into a corner. Harry lasted the longest of all of them at almost six minutes before Neville caught him. He gave the groups pointers on working together for the teams and also anticipation for those evading

Mandy noticed Hermione stealing glances at Pansy. She was enjoying looking at Pansy's legs but it appeared that Hermione was too.

Harry's next exercise allowed return spell fire and new groups were made up.

When she was placed against Hermione and Luna she dodged and spun to avoid their hexes, her return spells ignored Luna and focused entirely on Hermione. How dare Hermione steal glances at her girlfriend? She was rewarded with a yelp as her spell caught Hermione in the chest. She hoped it caught the bitch on her tits.

She also hoped it hurt as much as Luna's spell that caught her a moment later.

Harry mixed the groups up again and again throughout the session. Whether by accident or design Mandy did not face Hermione again. When the session ended she was aching and sore from the exertion and the stinging hexes that had struck her.

She wanted nothing more than to sneak off to the baths with Pansy but settled for a solo shower in Ravenclaw dorms.

The pair settled into the corner of the commons in inconspicuous robes and while they were some glares no one dared to challenge them.

Everyone knew how close Mandy and now Pansy were to Lisa and although she has only used her position once, Lisa was the unofficial queen of Ravenclaw having firmly defanged Marietta and the rest of the bullies.

Their weeks passed this way. Quietly in the week living and studying together in Ravenclaw dorms and every night retiring to Mandy's bed. Their weekends more daring and retreating to disused rooms that Dobby had set as Private bedrooms for them. Places Mandy felt free to express her love for Pansy and although she had never had the courage to say it she was sure that she was in love with Pansy.

It was the Friday before the Hogsmeade weekend. Normally on a Friday she and Pansy would retire somewhere private but this Friday was a flurry of books and scrolls as the girls tried to get ahead on homework they would spend a weekend neglecting.

Mandy for one was glad of the distraction. In moments of quiet her thoughts turned to worry of taking Pansy home.

She had already taken Pansy home once and spent an hour with her mother. Meeting her father produced no extra stress. Her father would follow her mother's lead on an opinion of Pansy. Mandy also knew that she would never truly know her parents opinion of Pansy. They would always be as polite and welcoming as two people who spent their lives encouraging and educating teenagers.

Mandy's nerves were for herself. She had come out to her parents, she had even spent an hour with her mother but a weekend. A weekend when she had insisted that she was going to sleep with Pansy. A weekend with her girlfriend and her parents. Would it be frosty, would the elephant in the room be addressed or would everyone be terribly polite?

Saturday morning saw her getting off the Knight Bus outside her parents' house. Harry and Lisa had got off earlier and arrangements to meet later had been agreed. This morning however was for her and Pansy to spend time with just her parents.

"You're hurting." Pansy brought her back from the nameless dread of walking up the drive.


"My hand. You're hurting it."

Mandy looked down and immediately loosed her grip. Pansy hand was white from where she had gripped it too tightly.

They made it to the front door without further incident and Mandy let them both in hanging coats up before they entered the rest of the house.

"I've got the kettle on." Her mother's voice drifted from the kitchen. Mandy felt a lessoning on tension as she led the way. A first meeting in the kitchen would be an informal affair rather than the more formal sitting room.

Her parents clothing choices also told her that this was would informal rather than formal and polite. Her father had overly formal golf clothes on, so Mandy knew he would be heading off for a round at the first opportunity. Her mother was in ripped jeans and a flannel shirt. Mandy knew from experience this meant she had some time planned in the garden.

Mandy guided Pansy through to the stools next to the breakfast bar and two mugs of steaming tea where handed over to the pair. A talent of her mother's she could make a drink for someone once and remember how they had they liked it months or sometimes years later.

Mandy felt herself relax as they spoke together. The gentle interrogation of Pansy was not unexpected but Mandy supposed that Pansy herself was unaware of it. During a lull her mother turned to her.

"I hope you can forgive me dear but I've made some changes to your bedroom without your permission."

Mandy took a deep breath and felt herself straighten. "You've done what?" With out waiting for a response she hopped off the stool and was halfway up the stairs before anyone else moved.

What the hell had her mum done? She knew they had different taste and she'd promised to allow Mandy to redecorate.

She threw open her bedroom door and stormed into her room coming to an immediate stop at the obvious change in her room.

It was.

"It's a peace offering. I hope you don't mind?" She could hear her mothers smile without looking round.

She turned and hugged her mum. "Thank you."

"I know was a little reticent about Pansy sleeping here at first but I hope you know I was just keeping the right side of the law. It wasn't my personal prejudices. I hope you enjoy your knew bed."

With that her mum left with a twinkle in her eye closing the bedroom door firmly behind her.

"What has she changed?" Pansy asked stepping into the centre of the room looking round.

Mandy took her hand and sat down on the bed, pulling Pansy down beside her. "I had a single bed last time you visited." She kicked off her shoes and lay back Pansy copied her actions and moving besides her.

Mandy tried to suppress a giggle and bounced up and down. "No creaks or squeaks."

The next noise she made was a squeak as Pansy rolled towards her and straddled her. "Are you happier now? I think your parents are accepting of us."

Pansy ground up against her once, twice with increasing force. "Nice bed but it's a little rude to give it a full test run while your parents were half way through a conversation with us."

They headed back down stairs and into the kitchen. Mandy willed herself to not blush and looked from her dad to her mum.

"Thank you very much. On this occasion I'll forgive you for altered my bedroom without permission."

"You're welcome sweetheart. I know I came across as a bit of a bitch so this assuages my guilt." Her mum could have given Dumbledore a run for his money in the twinkly eye stakes.

After a pause and an awkward silence Mandy's mum spoke.

"So you are going to the new water park this afternoon?"

"Yes we're meeting Lisa and Harry there but we need to go shopping first. I've outgrown my costume and Pansy has never owned one."

"While some magical folk might swim in lakes or rivers there aren't any indoor pools like we are going to."

"A suggestion for you young ladies from what I've heard my students say your best off with a one piece if you intend to go on the slides. I know of at least one female who has lost her top due to the force of water."

Mandy reconsidered her plans. While getting Pansy into a skimpy two piece might be fun, some level of modesty might be wise.

"What options are there? Mandy keeps trying to get me into very revealing clothes"

From across the room her dad cleared his throat.

"If you ladies are going to discuss swim wear I'll head out for some golf. I'll find myself in a situation where they will be no correct thing to say."

While her dad made her goodbyes, her mum left the room.

"Spoilsport." Mandy leaned over to place a soft kiss on Pansy's cheek to know she was only teasing. I was so planning to get you into something skimpy."

Mandy could see the calculation in her Slytherin lovers eyes before she responded. "This is the deal. Pick something for yourself and I'll wear the same. You can pick Ravenclaw blue and I'll wear green."

Before Mandy could think of a witty response her mum returned and with a thump dropped a stack of catalogues on the counter next to them.

Mandy felt both hot and cold as she looked at the products on offer. The models were definitely sexy and it was even sexier to imagine Pansy in them but her blood turned to ice at the idea she was going to go out in one of these.

Her mum reached past her and flicked on a few pages.

"Swim suits are a few pages after the bikinis." She pointed out some designs." These are probably more practical for water slides."

Mandy glanced over to Pansy. "What do you think?"

"I thought you were joking. We're going out in public dressed like this?"

It was unusual for Pansy to noticeably lose control like this.

"A swimming pool is hardly a public place." Her mother dropped into reassuring mode before Pansy could begin to panic. "After the first few minutes you'll hardly notice. Besides it's not like walking outside in your underwear just about everyone will be dressed the same."

Mandy could tell Pansy wasn't entirely comfortable but with her mum being at her most reasonable the black haired girl was calming.

That was one thing Pansy had insisted on, that her hair was in her normal bobbed cut and was its natural colour. She wanted something of normalcy to hold onto. Otherwise she was dressed muggle, a black tight dress that ended mid-thigh and heavy tights.

"How about I give you girls a lift into town. I can drop you off near Sports Direct, you can make your own way from there."

They snuggled against each other in the back of her mums BMW as she pulled out of the drive. Mandy felt Pansy gentle tap along with the beat of the music. It had a slow latin feel. It wasn't something Mandy recognised.

"What's this mum?"

"Suzanne Vega."
"I thought you called her a second rate Joni Mitchell."

"I did, I was wrong and she changed. Both of those things are possible."

"I like it." Pansy volunteered. "Especially this one. She's right stockings are much better than tights."

Mandy's mum laughed in agreement. It was not long before she was dropping them off next to a shopping complex.

It took an hour to shop and make their way to the water park. They sat on the edge of the concreate tubs that contained newly planted flowers and shrubs, waiting for Lisa and Harry.

Pansy snuggled up next to her and Mandy felt a moment of panic. An icy touch in her heart. It was all very well being out in the private world of Hogwarts a place that was a secret world where gay was no more known about than being a witch but being gay in public, in the real world was a different matter.

Pansy could sense her reticence and pulled back with a slightly hurt look on her face. Mandy pushed back on her fears. The last thing she wanted was to hurt Mandy. She reached out and lightly brushed Pansy's face as her lover looked towards her she leaned quickly in and gave a quick peck on the lips.

"Get a room you two." Lisa's comment was perfectly in keeping for her but as Mandy looked up and saw The knight Bus disappear and Lisa and Harry approaching the pair looked unusually grim. This was not unusual for Harry who could slip into a funk easier than anyone she knew but Lisa could usually stay upbeat in almost every situation. Mandy didn't have the chance to question Lisa as they were soon jostling their way through the queues and changing rooms into the water park.

Mandy was a little dismayed to find they all went through into the same changing room although they changed in little cubicles. She would have liked to have shared a cubicle with Pansy but there really wasn't space for two people in the little boxes.

She suddenly felt self-conscious as her hand was on the lock. In a moment she was going to out in the open and Harry and all the other men and boys would see her in this thin piece of fabric.

It was only the thought of how Pansy must be feeling that made her open the door. Pansy soon joined her and the two crowded together both trying to hide. Lisa and Harry stood at the end of an aisle. Mandy held her bag in front of her as she approached although she couldn't decide what she wanted to keep covered.

As they approached Lisa and Harry. Lisa whispered something and he disappeared round a corner.

Lisa's suit was slightly more modest than the matching set she and Pansy wore but the currently pink haired girl didn't seem at all concerned. In fact as Mandy looked around she saw people in every form of dress. Some still fully dressed heading to cubicles, others in every form of swim wear from almost fully covered, for what she assumed were women who were Muslim, to teens her own age in daring and gravity defying two pieces. She took a deep breath and put her bag to one side rather than covering herself.

She gave Pansy's hand a quick reassuring squeeze. " Let's find some lockers and go and have fun."

She still wasn't sure if she was trying to cheer herself along or Pansy. It was a matter of moments before they had stored their clothes and lockers and they where out by the main pool. Harry had reappeared and was leading Lisa by the hand. Mandy felt over whelmed, the noise, smells and humidity were an assault on the senses. Followed Lisa and hoped Harry was leading them somewhere quiet.

They headed towards what was the main wall cut through a waterfall and suddenly found themselves outside. Harry ducked down so only his head was showing. The warm water of the pool gave off steam in the autumn air.

"There are seats and hot jets. This way but it's freezing out of the water."

The three girls followed Harry's lead so that rather than having the water at chest height they now only had their heads above.

It was a strange feeling being out in the cold air dressed in just a swimsuit. As she got to the seats she had to move into the freezing air then slouched down under the warm water. It gave her time to settle and Pansy looked more relaxed as well. However well the pool was heated the chill did start to settle in after sitting still for so long and they headed back into the main pools.

This time she was prepared and wasn't so overwhelmed by the sights and sounds. Harry separated after a quick word with Lisa. While Mandy led the group towards the rapids. They spent some time being pulled around by the current banging into each other and total strangers.

When they had their allotted time in the rapids Mandy at least was had relaxed and was having fun. She didn't feel the urge to cover herself when Harry returned to them. Although she noticed Pansy stepped behind her as he approached.

He's been scouting around while they had been in the rapids. He led Lisa off to various slides while Mandy led Pansy to the main pool to await the waves which were due.

As the bells rang to announce the waves Mandy took Pansy's hand so they wouldn't be separated. Mandy saw a smile for the first time on Pansy's face.

They shouted and squealed as they jumped the waves. Holding hands and fighting against the currents trying to pull them deeper in. From then on they headed round the water park. Working their way round the slides. Occasionally with Harry and Lisa and occasionally just the two of them. Mandy loved it all except Space Bowl which she swore was a once in a lifetime experience.

Several hours later found the four of them outside and outside washed and dressed, trying to find a quiet spot to call the Knight bus. Lisa and Harry's expression had changed from the smiles they'd had inside the pool to grim again.

"Look Mand's we're not going to be heading back to your place. We need to finish speaking to my parents." Mandy looked between Lisa and Harry who just grunted.

"In the middle of a big serious discussion and no one's happy with the situation." Lisa put her head to one side. "Still this was a fun break and hopefully it's given the olds time to think about what we said."

Mandy and Pansy had barely sat down, sharing one of the overstuffed armchairs that the knight bus had in the daytime, before they had to get up and off the bus.

Mandy's nervousness had faded after this morning. Her parents purchase of a new bed showed how accepting they were of her and Pansy's relationship.

Later that night as she contentedly pulled Pansy close to her in her bed she felt relaxed and happy. That may have been the familiarity of her bedroom, the full stomach because of the meal her parents had taken them out to but she was putting it down to Pansy. The raven haired girl was bringing new meaning of happiness to her life.


Cover all the hoops is the equivalent of covering all the bases.

Man this has been a long time coming. Still I'm writing faster than GRR Martin.

Next chapter canon is going to crash into the fluff. Dumbledore will meet Snape atop a tower and things are going to feel bleaker.