I'm not the owner of HTTYD films, books or any other related media I'm just using their characters and word to tell a story. I own nothing

"No, no it totally makes sense, it's like a giant beehive, they're the workers and that's is their queen, it controls them!" Astrid said while dismounting Toothless and starting to run towards the village "Let's find the chief!"

"No!" Hiccup dismounted his friend and chased the blond Viking girl stopping her with his arms "Not yet Astrid, they'll kill Toothless… We have to think this thru carefully" he told her trying to make her understand why they couldn't tell anyone what they just found.

"Hiccup, we just discovered the dragon's nest, the thing we been after since Vikings sailed here… and you wanna keep it a secret?" Astrid said with disbelief "To protect your pet dragon, are you serious?!"

He was about to say Yes, but then a mental image of his father, the chief, guiding Berk's warriors to the nest, all of Berk's warriors fighting that giant dragon made him think again "It's not just Toothless!" Hiccup said with desperation, he knows his male parental unit, Stoick "The Vast" Haddock is a great Viking and warrior, but he is obsessed with the nest.

Astrid took notice of the anxiousness on Hiccup's voice, he wasn't lying either, he is a horrible liar, there was something else… another reason to why he wanted to keep the nest a secret, she said nothing, waiting for an explanation.

"Astrid…" he said and sighted "the chief… my dad, if he discovers where the nest is…" Hiccup put his hands on his head and pulled his hair slightly, he could see the burning ships and catapults and his tribe mates stuck on that island with that dragon, swords and axes will not do a thing against that monster "He would lead the tribe to that thing, and there is no way they could kill it, they would all die!."

"You don't know that" she said, of course the chief would want to attack the island, but he wouldn't actually charge without a plan.

"No" Said Hiccup grimacing "I actually do know that" charge straight in, the Viking way, his father loves it.

"There is no way Stoick would just sail there if you tell him what the size of that dragon is!" Astrid tried to make Hiccup see reason, his dad is a great chief, he would not lead the tribe to its death.

"He would Astrid… he would" he said, sadness dripping on his voice but the he switched his tone to imitate that of his father "A Viking can tame the seas and move mountains if he wants too, a big dragon won't be a problem!" Hiccup looked at Astrid desperate to make her understand and was rewarded with a look of uncertainty entering the warrior, that was after all his dad's favorite phrase and never grew tired of it "I told him I wanted to enter the dragon training but he never listened to me… then I shot down Toothless and couldn't kill him and asked my dad to not enter me into the training, that I wasn't a dragon killer" he looked away from her and watched his best friend looking at them, probably trying to decipher what in Hel they are talking about judging by his expression "and now I'm going to fight a Monstrous Nightmare tomorrow because he doesn't listen!" he said with resentment, he knew his father doesn't really listen to him when they talk, but explaining it to the blonde was actually painful, but it was worth it, because Astrid was beginning to understand.

"So, our options are a quick death on the nest or watching or friends and family die over the years?" she asked sitting on the ground "This is so messed up"

"Thanks for summing that up"

She glared at him, how he dares to make comments like that in a situation like this! "You should be thinking of some way to tell the chief without him sailing for the nest instead of being a smartass!" that shut him up and made her feel better, but it didn't solve their problem, she continued to watch him, hoping for him to find a way to tell his dad about the nest without condemning the tribe to death. She continued observing him until he sat himself and looked at the ground between his legs.

"There is a way…"

She breathed relieved to know that, yes, there is a way to solve this problem, but Hiccup stopped talking, but by the look on her face she knew he was thinking about it so she decided to wait until he finished making his plan, but she was not really the most patient Viking around "And that way is? Come on Hiccup tell me what we must do already!" but his silence continued and this time she didn't waited even half of the time before snapping again "Come on Hiccup you won't solve this problem just sitting and waiting!" did she heard him laugh?

"Maybe not by sitting and waiting Astrid" he said bitterly, it was ironic in Hiccups opinion "But if we just wait… I'll be the chief in a few years" he told her, in a subconscious level he always knew that been his father's son made him the Heir to the tribe, he will be the chief once his father retires, but he had been so distracted in the past to notice, always trying to get his father's approval because it was the most important thing in the world to him… but recently that wasn't all that was keeping him distracted, flying with Toothless and exploring was just so wonderful… but that was something that a chief can't do, he knows that well, a chief must protect his own, care for them and help them with their problems the way his father does… he doesn't want to be the chief, he wants to fly and explore the world on Toothless back.

But if he flies away then whoever ends up as the chief instead of him, Snotlout most likely, will keep fighting the dragons and searching for the nest and the war will continue for yet another generation and it would last until there were no Vikings left to defend Berk.

The dragons will definitely outlast the Vikings, he just returned from their island and their sheer numbers would guarantee their survival, and if a quest to find their home succeeds… well that would accelerate his tribe's demise.

As the chief Hiccup would have the chance to stop the war… Killing the one dragon that matters, The Queen.

Astrid could only look at Hiccup with her mouth slightly open, what he said was technically true, but, when anyone in Berk thinks about Hiccup as the Heir to the tribe it is usually accompanied with the thoughts that sooner or later Snotlout would take the position away from him because he was more Viking-ly than the small skinny boy, stubborn and violent and maybe he will grow in intelligence with time… Hiccup never looked like chief material, he couldn't swing a sword the war hammers are too heavy for him and he sucks at fighting dragons, except of course, that he somehow ended with the privilege to kill his first dragon in front of the tribe… wait, wait, wait. Wasn't he going to flee to not have to kill that dragon when she found him this afternoon? "It means you are going to stay on Berk?" her answer came in the form of his nodding head "You think you can kill that dragon?" it had to be asked.

"I'll think of something, and if I fail, at least I won't destroy the village in the process" Said Hiccup, it was true, he has a few years before his dad has to retire, five or six years, that is enough time to think of some way to kill that thing and with him giving the orders it wouldn't be an all or nothing kind of thing.

'This is good' Astrid thought while taking a deep breath, Hiccup doesn't have to Kill the dragon, just show it to the village in a way that won't end it in the process and there is one more thing in his favor, she thinks he can do it… he shot down a Night Fury by the Gods! Except there is a little detail that he may not be taking in consideration "Are you going to Kill that Monstrous Nightmare tomorrow? Because if you want to be Berk's chief you have to kill dragons" yes dragons, in plural, the village likes him right now because they think he is good fighting dragons, and his plan involves a lot of waiting, he cannot spend all that waiting time without killing dragons or the village will want Snotlout or someone else instead, someone that can kill dragons, like Stoick, like Spitelout… Like Her? Could she kill a dragon after flying on Toothless' back? She could choose not to, but if Hiccup is serious about becoming the chief he won't have that luxury "Berk's chief has to kill a lot of dragons"

Hiccup heard her question, but didn't know what to respond, his eyes moved to Toothless, the dragon was so intelligent and expressive, he was like a person to him, are other dragons like him? Are they only doing this because of that Giant on their island? Would killing the Queen really stop the Raids? It is their best shot to end the war "Hey Bud? Are you friend with the other dragons? If they attack us can I kill them?"

The Night Fury walked towards his little human, his green eyes locking with his own, he has been following his talk with the female, he may not understand everything that was said but there were a few things he understands:

They want to kill Her and he wants Her dead too, now that he no longer fears her control over him, he wants her dead.

His little human wants to be the human Alfa, the one they call chief, he likes that, but to be the Alfa he must kill dragons.

Toothless doesn't like that idea, but as a downed dragon who can only visit the skies with his little human on his back… yes, Toothless has thrown his lot with the humans, the other dragons only come to this island when She wants food anyway, his little human will be fighting for his people, that is something any Alfa must do.

Astrid couldn't contain herself and laughed at the dragon licking Hiccups face without a care in the world "I think he is OK with it" she said while Hiccup tried to remove the dragon's saliva from his face. He had a small smile on his lips and a determined look on his eyes, he will do it.

He will do it, he won't like it but he will do it, he has to because is the only way his people will survive, and maybe with the Queen gone, they could at least have peace with the dragons and if there are more of them like Toothless maybe even adopt them, that won't be easy. He could not help himself and stared at Astrid, she had a serene smile now and she was more relaxed now that they have a plan "I'll need your help though" there is no way he can do it alone and she is the only one he trust, besides he kind of has a crush on her but that is totally unrelated.

"Of course I'll help… you…" she started talking really animated, how could she not? The future chief was asking for her help. But then she remembered why she was so pissed this afternoon, she did not won the right to kill her first dragon in front of the tribe… without that honor, her father will start taking offers for her hand and sooner or later she will be married to someone in the tribe, most likely someone a lot older than her, lads around her age don't have the resources to provide for a wife and children and she will end locked up in some household doing chores for her husband. Great, now she was angry at Hiccup for ruining her plans to enjoy freedom for a few more years.

"Are you alright?" Hiccup asked noticing the switch in his human companion mood. She went from happy to pensive to angry in the spam of two seconds.

'It is fine' she thought, 'It isn't his fault' he was competing just like everyone else, and he won, it is his right, not hers 'He did nothing wrong' even if it was not by traditional methods he still won "Yes, I'm fine and ill help you for as long as I can" she said smiling to reassure him.

"For as long as you can? What do you mean?"

'Stupid boy' She thought, she didn't want to talk about it but he was looking at her just waiting for an answer, and he was not looking away apparently… "Look Hiccup, It is a matter of time before someone comes to my father with a betrothal contract and…" she could not finish her phrase looking at his eyes, she was hurting and apparently so was him "and I doubt my husband will want me spending time with another man and if I'm with a child…" she doubted she would ever be a man's little wife spending all of her time inside his household, but she at least owed that to the man she will end up with some respect and there was no way out of motherhood in this Island.

Hiccup knew that of course, every woman in Berk must have children or they would not survive, no exceptions, not even for a warrior as skilled as Astrid, but he forgot about that until now. Other girls married at thirteen or as young as twelve years old but Astrid and Ruffnut are both fifteen years old, it won't be long before they are taken by someone and when someone marries Astrid he will lose his only confidant… "What if My Dad makes an offer for You?" he can't lose her like that! Hopefully it is dark enough to cover his blush and she heard him loud and clear because he is not saying that again!

He did not say that just now, there was just no way had he said it! "Look Hiccup, you are Berk's Heir, I doubt the chief will want the niece of Finn "Frozen" Hofferson as his in-law, and you are my age, there is just no way!" oh it would be so easy, but she comes from a clan with a lot of shame on its back and Hiccup would be too young to marry anyway.

"You are the best young Shield Maiden in the Island and a great Viking all around and why is my age any problem, I have my trade and apparently I'm great at fighting dragons and if Ask my dad now he would probably say yes" it could be done, he was sure of it, his dad was so happy thinking about how he would kill his first dragon tomorrow that he might grant him this wish, and besides, next year he will no longer be the Blacksmith apprentice but his assistant, he does a lot of forge work already, Gobber is just taking his sweet time promoting him.

"Alright Dragon-boy" Astrid said with an empty smile "If you get your dad to make an offer there is no way my father won't accept it" it was true, Hiccup already has a trade and could provide for her, but the fact of the matter was, the chief might not want to be associated with a clan with so many stains as hers, it all depended on Stoick "So how are you going to kill that dragon tomorrow?" she wanted to talk about something else, she didn't have high hopes about the contract.

"I have an idea I'm sure will work, but I need a few things I need to get before the fight… tomorrow you should wear a dress, I'll give you the Nightmare's horns" He said with a smile, he just got the girl he likes to basically say that she would marry him, he would definitely get his dad to make that contract, tomorrow before the fight if everything goes well, and if his dad says no he would make him say yes later, and soon.

"Are you crazy?!" Astrid asked alarmed, the horns of a Monstrous Nightmare are just a symbol of the real gift: the whole carcass, it would be hers to do as she liked, to take it's skin and other parts and sell it to Johann next time he sails to Berk and the carcass of a Nightmare was worth a lot, it was also a way to show interest, they would practically be courting after that, and that was… well, dangerous for him if something happens her dad can kill him! And it is not necessary for something to happen, someone just have to say something happened! It was madness.

He gave her a deadpan look, and then petted Toothless, he rides a Night Fury that should count as crazy. She laughed again "I need your help Astrid, I really do"

"Ok then, I'll wear that stupid dress" she said with much more confidence this time, she really hoped Stoick to agree, it would save them so much trouble.


Stoick "The Vast" Haddock, Chief of Berk had a long but pleasant day, he had talked with his Son whom was finally showing the signs of a great dragon fighter and then helped to set the Kill Ring ready for tomorrow's fight were his son would kill his first dragon in presence of the entire tribe, his chest was swelling with pride!

After that he took care of some of the problems that appeared while he was away, a couple of sheep escaped from their flocks and had to be found, determined the ownership of a yak that was disputed between two of his tribe's men by taking it to be slaughtered and donated to the Mead hall kitchen, sometimes it was easier to do that than determining he owner of the animal, especially when one of the belligerents is not Mildew.

Finally he had eaten and went to sleep, tomorrow will be such a great day he couldn't wait for it to start!

Of course, some things are not meant to be, because someone was poking him with a stick! He used his massive hand to bat it away, but the offending object returned immediately to it's labor insisting on awakening him, so he caught it and sat down on his bed glaring at the one manipulating it.

It was Hiccup!

"You better have a good excuse for waking me up in the middle of the night!" and it was still night, there was a candle lit in the room that would be unnecessary if it was daytime.

His son smiled uncomfortably, but spoke anyway "You haven't set a marriage contract for me yet have you?" he was hopeful, and no he hasn't, he was too busy making sure he didn't hurt himself to do that.

"Not really, but since you'll be killing your first dragon tomorrow maybe I should" he has always waken up with a lucid mind, a life of nocturnal dragon raids would do that to a man.

"Good because I want Astrid Hofferson" well the lass wasn't a bad Viking but there were just so many stains on that clan…

"I was thinking of getting you someone from another island" it would be better, his son needs a wife from a good clan.

His son snorted "Someone like Brunhilda Thorston?" he asked sarcastically, that woman was not the best example to give, what with her offsprings being spawns of Loki and all "I don't need a wife that will run around like a headless chicken when the dragons raid Dad!."

"Come on son not every woman will be the same" and that was true, Ticknut Thorston was just… unlucky.

"Why take the risk? Astrid is perfect and if it wasn't for me she would have won Dragon Training" sure the lass did good in training but was that enough?

Ah! Why the Hel not? His son wants her and he just made him so proud of him in the arena today, he deserves it, and it was time he did something to help the Hoffersons anyway, sighing and with a smile he finally nodded his head and looked at his son noticing he looked like he just gotten home with his fur vest sporting a few wet spots from outside's drizzle "You been with her until now?" he asked, this was serious, if the Einar hears of this Hiccup would be in trouble. He just nodded "Did something happened?" he would have to admit the lass was a lot more cunning than what he gave her credit for but she was endangering his son!

"We just talked" Hiccup defended himself and her, he was calm at least, but he was no fool.

But he had to make sure nothing happened "Can she still wear her kransen?" Hiccup just blushed and nodded, that was a relief "I'll go talk with her father tomorrow then" his son smiled and it made his hearth feel good to see him smiling.

"Do you have a plan for tomorrow's fight" he really hoped so!

Everyone that stayed on the Berk keeps telling him how good Hiccup is in the ring but he cannot help but fear for him.

A/N: This is my first fic on this fandom and English is not my first language so if you spot any error or something please let me know I'll correct it just let me know.

Now about the story, I've read other fics such as Hitchps by The Antic Repartee and Becoming Lífþrasir by Midoriko-sama and Prodigal Son by commandocucumber where Hiccup runs away and returns to save the day, and I've also read a few fics where Hiccup stays and helps with some variant to the AU, good examples of this are The Blacksmith Apprentice by HarryPanther, Earn it by MidwestMexican and a few others I don't remember right now(sorry). But I've never read a fic where Hiccup actually stays and fights the dragons.

I know that the core of Hiccup's character goes against this but if put on a situation like this were he suffers an epiphany like the one I described it may be enough to make him stay and fight.

The trigger for this are two words, in the film Astrid wants to tell Stoick about the nest but she uses the words "Your Dad" in here she says "The chief" it is a small change but it helps Hiccup to see Stoick in two different lights: as a chief and as a father.

He doesn't seek approval from the chief so he can anticipate his dad's actions with frightening accuracy for plot convenience and he decides not to risk his tribe.

At this point Hiccup has interacted with Toothless, the dragons in the arena and a few terrible terrors, sure they treated him better but they are not his people, and there are a lot more of them than there is of Vikings, hence the Vikings need him more.

About Hicstrid, I always felt feelings came second in this kind of marriage, especially among Vikings, and about Astrid and every female born in Berk having to marry and mother a child… well they are fighting a war and they need soldiers, it is sexist as Hel but it makes sense…

The rating of the fic will change to M in a few chapters but I'll warn you in advance, don't think there will be any lemons but there will be some blood and mutilations, this is a HTTYD fic after all, they are canon :P

Btw reviews are appreciated ;)