XVI: The Tower

Hey, there. You good and sitting?

Ah, hell, like either of us care.

So, betcha wondering what this whole thing's about. "What's with the weird title," right?

Well, if you must know, the Boss's wanting me to include it in there. Something about, "Eventually, they'll get it."

Loco piece-al;;;;;''''

Listen, you must excuse my old pal Johnny. No respect for his superiors; should've realized that from the first time I met him.

In any case, this is Brucie coming at ya, fresh out of the rubble.

"Maybe it's not him," you say. "He was supposed to be dead."

Come on, people. If that pathetic sop of a Joker can survive everything besides moi, you can sure as guano believe this baby'll live through a cave-in or two.

Or six.

More to the point: I'd managed to get to some of that sweet, sweet D before all that I could do was lay down and die.

No, no, stop that. I know that's what you're thinking, but it's just pure Dionesium.

Gee, something's feeling a bit-

Base creature. How my vessel could ever see coupling with him as good.

Ah, I see we're coming to the end of this little letter. And with so short a time left.

Cruel, cruel thing Krónos did, binding me in such a prison.

Krónos. Now that's funny.




Author's Note: So, yeah. Initially, this was going to be an exploration of the character of the Batman who Laughs, but I kept coming back to the concept of Joker/Gelos that was introduced in Darkseid War, so instead, TBMWL gets to be the vessel for Gelos going forward.

Title comes from the Tarot card XVI: The Tower; the wiki explanation as to what the card's supposed to mean reminded me a lot of TBMWL's backstory. It doesn't hurt that he's prone to using Tarot cards, either.

Also: take note of the first letters of each sentence.
