A/N:Time turner story, don't get caught up in this following pottermore, will be non cannon but have some similarities to the movies/ books, but don't expect to follow too closely. Femalash so lots of gayness in this story, hope you enjoy! This is a Cissy/Hermione story

The final battle raged on, Harry had just come back from the dead and was furiously fighting Tom Riddle. Overjoyed and renewed at the return of Harry, new life was born into the Order. Neville killed the nasty serpent Tom always kept near, and a pitiful cry of anguish left Tom's mouth. Large billowing black smoke slowly dissipated around the horcrux that was the huge snake.

After one more moment of silence, the fighting began with Tom's battle cry. The Order members sprung into action and the fighting resumed, some of it staying in the outside courtyard, and others like Hermione rushing inside to continue the fight, chasing after some retreating death eaters.

Hermione walked in to see her best mate Ginny fighting a crazed Bellatrix. She did not hesitate to add to the fight. At the first glance of Hermione the crazed witch smiled brightly, like she had just been gifted her entire Christmas stash early.

'Ah poppet! Come back for more eh?'

'No I came to finish the job Dobby started, when he missed you with that chandelier.' Hermione said between stupefy and incendio spells sent.

The trio exchanged spells, curses and counter curses for another 30 minutes, until one stray fire spell singed the dark witch's hair. Bellatrix let out a mighty roar , 'FILTHY MUDBLOOD!'

She reared back faster than anyone was expecting and yelled at the top of her lungs, 'CRUCIO!'

The same time this happened Hermione had been jostled slightly with the barrage of spells and unbeknownst to her, the necklace she wore around her neck constantly got loose from the place she always secured it under her shirts. The time turner Professor McGonagall loaned her favorite student became a constant every day carry for the witch since she had borrowed it.

Bellatrix's aim was true, it went right for Hermione's heart, only it didn't hit the soft skin she was intending to hit. Hermione had braced for impact, closing her eyes. She had seen the crazed look in the older witch's eyes and knew she didn't have time to do anything but meet her maker with honor.

The sound of breaking glass could be heard, and Hermione immediately opened her eyes stunned. The world seemed to begin shaking around her, and moved in slow motion, she took a chance and looked to her left, where she saw the beyond beautiful Mrs. Malfoy clutching tightly to her son Draco staring helplessly at the young brunette crying silent tears. Her ice blue eyes seemed to dig into Hermione's very soul. She seemed to be pleading, almost willing the young witch to survive this curse, but was immobile due to her crazed sister, knowing any action taken on her part would be seen as a deep betrayal ending in death.

To her right Professor McGonagall had let loose an AVADA blasting the elder witch to pieces, as she heard the younger Black sister cry out as she clutched to her son, in total anguish.


That was the last thing she heard before everything faded to black. The world continued to shift around her, she instinctually knew that the time turner had been hit, and destroyed. To what level she could not be sure. This could end in disastrous ways. Time travel was fickle at best and downright deadly at worst.

Minerva had put a healthy fear in the girl as she had been gifted the use of the artifact while in Hogwarts, primarily used to take more classes and gain more knowledge. Hermione always did have a voracious appetite for knowledge. However, she did not know what would become of her, would she just disappear from existence, be lost to the sands of time, or simply be lost in the past forever.

The movement around her seemed to last a very long time and Hermione couldn't help but wonder why the blonde Black seemed to be so distraught over her. She was a lowly muggleborn witch, a mudblood her son had called her. She had a difficult past with her son who, was only in recent years was becoming more like his mother than his cowardly sniveling excuse for a father.

Hermione had been taken by the older witch's beauty and grace from the first time she saw her in Diagon Alley.


She was a fifth year, and with the constant use of her time turner her actual age had been 18, not the 15 of her peers. She had been at Flourish and Blotts and was reading 'Ancient Runes,A Practical Use ( not your mother's spell book)'. So engrossed in her reading that she didn't notice the feminine body she ended up colliding with. The book flew in the air as she fell forward on top of a soft body. She heard a rumbling overhead and instinctively used her body as a shield for the decidedly feminine body beneath her. Book upon book fell and assaulted her backside, letting out low hisses and grunts, she held strong protecting the woman below. When the barrage stopped she pushed up dislodging a few books from her back groaning, and making space for the person below her to be able to breathe. She slowly opened her eyes and saw the most beautiful woman she had ever laid eyes on. The woman below her had platinum blonde hair with a shock of jet black on top, soft jaw that she saw slightly trembling, eyes screwed shut, she could feel generous breasts pressed against hers as well.

'Oh my God I think I just fell in love with an angel.' Hermione murmured, feeling dizzy she wasn't sure if she had said that out loud, and her brain was feeling funny and thought a few of those books might have hit her head a little too hard.

This comment must have been said out loud, because the woman immediately opened her eyes wide. Hermione could have sworn that the blonde's eyes flickered in an unknown emotion, that almost looked like longing for understanding or maybe love, but that quickly changed to one of shock.

Hermione had yet to say anything else, but her head did feel uncharacteristically warm. She stared intently into ice blue eyes until she saw them flicker to the side of her head.

'Merlin, you're bleeding, beautiful let me heal that for you.'

'Did you just call me beautiful, my goddess?' Hermione asked

'Oh Morganna you have a concussion,' The blonde beauty half whispered to herself, smirking clearly amused she stated 'Oh but hold still, my hero deserves to be taken care of.'

She had healed the girl on top of her, clearing her head and healing her wounds. Hermione was more than a little embarrassed at her admissions, but that didn't make them any less true. She didn't know who the woman was, but wanted to get to know her better. Hermione had never been one to put stock in such silly things as Love at first sight, but this woman was making her question everything she once knew.

She was not sure how long they laid there lost in each other's eyes, the world could burn for all they cared. That was until a young males voice shook them from their moment.

'Mum where are you, I heard a rumble are you o….wha…you filthy mudblood get off my mother!'

Draco Malfoy, the bane of Hermione's existence, she took one glance between obvious mother and son, and quickly scrambled to her feet, helping the gorgeous woman to standing at the same time.

The woman's serious exterior went back in place instantly, 'Draco J. Malfoy you will refrain from use of that horrid slander, I taught you better son, I taught you to be a good man. Be better than the males we are surrounded with. We will discuss this later, do as I say on this Draco.' She was serious but almost imploring her son.

Hermione was surprised at the words coming from Mrs. Malfoy. Her reputation preceded her, and this was not the woman that she had heard so much about.

'I appreciate your concern son, but as you can see I am unharmed. Please meet me outside in a few minutes.'

Draco gave a confused look towards his schoolmate and nodded his head to his mother.

He left and Hermione heard an exasperated huff from the elegant woman in front of her.

'I apologize for that Miss Granger. I assure you, Draco will not be using such derogatory terms, least of all towards you again.'

'Errr..I..umm, thanks.' Hermione stumbled out


'Why, what?' The blond asked while raising a perfectly sculpted eyebrow

'Why would you care what your son calls me, I'm just a muggleborn girl you don't know.' Hermione asked self-consciously

The blond took a deep breath and closed her eyes. With a pained voice she responded, 'oh but Hermione you will find that I know you better than you think..but never mind that right now, I will leave you to get back to your day. It was a pleasure Miss Granger.' The pureblood almost purred, she sauntered past Hermione and the brunette could have sworn that the woman added a little extra sway to her walk as she exited her area.

Hermione felt her heart flutter and could not tear her eyes away from the retreating form. She was transfixed, turned on, and more than a little confused at what had just transpired.

Back to what was happening to Hermione now, the world stopped moving and she was surrounded to the in tact familiar night sky projected on the Great Hall.

Not a soul surrounded the young witch, who was still covered in battle grime and a trickle of blood out of the corner of her mouth and split temple. Bruises and cuts adorned the rest of her body as well, but the young witch paid them no mind.

She obviously was in the past, but just how far had she traveled? With no one around she made to exit the familiar room. She hurriedly opened the door and immediately stumbled on one of the suits of armor that apparently in the past was moved directly in her way. She fell down but realized a soft body was underneath her as the suit of armor crashed over her, and she covered the smaller body under her, protecting the barrage of metal falling around them.

A sense of déjà vu assaulted the young Gryffindor, as a familiar voice asked beneath her, 'are you an angel?' the voice was spoken in wonder, but Hermione thought that must be the head trauma talking, because the woman below her was sporting a sizable goose egg of swollen flesh on the back of her pretty little head, if what her hands that were wrapped on the back of said woman's head communicated to her was correct.

Hermione opened her eyes and her suspicions were confirmed, because there laid beneath her was a much younger version of Narcissa Malfoy. Hermione did some fast calculations and realized that she must have gone back almost two decades and at this time the elder witch must be very close to Hermione's own age. The younger version of the youngest Black sister was still striking, but now had an almost innocent quality about her.

She had been sent back 16 years!

16 years and an obvious 7th year Narcissa was the first witch she literally ran into, what were the odds?